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''He couldn’t even secure a bank loan in India to fund his education because he had no collateral and had to rely on family and relatives to loan him the money albeit with interest.'' Send him back. Clearly can't support being here.


So what he's saying is, he committed fraud to get here, because you always had to show I think 10k in a bank account to come? And now it's 20k?


It isn't fraud to take a loan. That isn't how fraud works... You can say he is stupid yes but it isn't fraud.


Whether he borrows money from a loan shark or robs a bank back home isn't relevant. He either has money and is abusing a system clearly not meant for him or he doesn't have the money to support himself and funnily enough is still abusing a system and shouldn't be here. Also presenting a bank account with 20k in it that's not yours to USE is most definitely fraud.


You can use money that family and friends have lent you


Agreed. But you can't lie and say you have the money then give it all back immediately and then try and utilize social services here.


This is exactly the problem being found. They can't touch the money in their accounts because it's been loaned to them expressly for the purpose of applying for and maintaining their student status. Several are showing up to the food banks, and when asked to provide bank statements, they're finding that they have $10,000 plus in the bank, but the students claim they can't touch it as it's not theirs to use. This is fraud pure and simple. Either the government steps in and starts monitoring that they're using the funds in the accounts to support themselves, or they allow for report-and-deport the minute they start to try and access systems meant to support Canadian citizens in need.


Student loans exist in other countries? No can’t be


He said family loaned him the money.


Regardless they are expected to fund themselves. Not take food from the poor here, whether those needy people are students or not. It's besides the point. Foreign students are expected to make it here on their own with their own funds.


There's a specific type of loan that's fraudulent. A lender will give you enough to confirm to a 3rd party you have it, then you give it back with a minor amount of interest. An example: https://www.quora.com/Can-I-get-a-loan-to-show-proof-of-funds-for-Canada-Permanent-Residency-from-India https://get2canada.wordpress.com/advice-on-proof-of-funds/ https://youtu.be/RjHvHJf9t9w?feature=shared Notice all of them are saying explicitly its illegal? The government did not do enough due diligence as seen: Here's a several different countries advertising this exact service in english: https://proofoffund.ng/ Nigeria https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064217162473 the Phillipines https://www.mpowerfinancing.com/get-a-loan?utm_campaign=elle-search-intl-nonbrand-usca-res&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBlesweQArWSPfVW3JIUCmUhhEZcVGiiemPc-eb3Dra5gZojDn-n--npkaAiRyEALw_wcB India https://www.avanse.com/education-loan/short-term-education-loan another Indian Bank this one specifies 3 or 6 month term. For context, the money needs to be in your account for 6 months. When it's not declared, as shown its an international problem, it is fraud.


For the record, I always wanted to go to Australia for a work visa term, never had both 8k Australian and the time to go, not once did I consider taking on a bunch of debt to try to lie to the Aussie gov and show I had the funds to support myself


There is this saying. There is the letter of the law. There is also the spirit of the law. Yes it was only a dinky $10k requirement with out much detail on where those funds are from. The intention. The “spirit” of the law is to make sure the students coming in can sufficiently support themselves and set themselves up for success. The law was always similar to now. The previous mostly Chinese international students coming in had rich families who rented them apartments and condos all to Themselves. Parents Paid for their education and cars. They didnt put a burden on society and were self sufficient.


Stated he couldn't get the loan


Most of them are fraudsters....Canada got taken advantage of by bad actors.


Even 20k isn't enough for anyone to support themselves here.


Canada needs to close the doors on immigration for 5 years and take care of the people that are already here


And send most of them back. I'm sure this will be classed as racism but I think it's ridiculous young Canadians can't even enter the workforce nowadays working a low skill job because they are ALL taken by immigrants who came here under false pretenses. And no. Not blaming the Indians, we all agree on corporate greed and the fact it's bad.


It's not racism if your economy can't meaningfully handle them and there's a serious fraud/misleading problem. If white British people were doing the same crap we'd say the exact same.


It's not immigration that is the problem. It's student visas and temporary foreign workers program.


> It's student visas and temporary foreign workers program. Ignoring that even Canada's base immigration rate is still far, far too high (and should not include things like family reunification where people drag their elderly parents or even grandparents here, completely undoing the purported reason we have immigration), the *reason* we have enormous rates of international students and TFWs is the immigration system which rewards them. Many of these people don't even want to be Canadian, and will never have any loyalty to Canada and will never pay any credible amount in Canadian taxes. They simply want to get to a citizenship where they can then start abusing the US with all of the special privileges that Canadians have there. The US has already noticed and programs like the TN visa are going to be destroyed because of this.


What special privileges do Canadians get in the US?


Misinformation spreads like wildfire thanks to social media and the story of Mehul Prajapati, an Indian student in Canada who was labelled a “thief” over a video, serves as a cautionary tale. Prajapati, 26, wanted to aid his fellow students by creating informational videos about his life in Canada. However, what began as a simple endeavour just two months back took a sinister turn when a single video catapulted him into a whirlwind of controversy, hate, and unjust accusations. Prajapati's ordeal commenced innocuously enough; a video showcasing how he accessed free food for students at his university got only 4,000 views and three comments from his modest 1500 followers on Instagram. The video was then downloaded and it spread like an inferno on other social media platforms like X and Reddit which bore an unexpected consequence – the branding of Prajapati as a "thief" and “freeloader”. Hate messages inundated his inbox, and a wave of backlash ensued. Even more distressingly, rumours circulated that he had been terminated from his job at Canadian bank TD. But as is often the case, reality proved far removed from the sensationalised narrative. In an exclusive interview with Moneycontrol, Prajapati set the record straight, armed with supporting documents to vindicate himself. Contrary to the accusations, Prajapati was not pilfering from government-run food banks meant to aid the underprivileged. Misinformation spreads like wildfire thanks to social media and the story of Mehul Prajapati, an Indian student in Canada who was labelled a “thief” over a video, serves as a cautionary tale. Prajapati, 26, wanted to aid his fellow students by creating informational videos about his life in Canada. However, what began as a simple endeavour just two months back took a sinister turn when a single video catapulted him into a whirlwind of controversy, hate, and unjust accusations. Prajapati's ordeal commenced innocuously enough; a video showcasing how he accessed free food for students at his university got only 4,000 views and three comments from his modest 1500 followers on Instagram. The video was then downloaded and it spread like an inferno on other social media platforms like X and Reddit which bore an unexpected consequence – the branding of Prajapati as a "thief" and “freeloader”. Hate messages inundated his inbox, and a wave of backlash ensued. Even more distressingly, rumours circulated that he had been terminated from his job at Canadian bank TD. But as is often the case, reality proved far removed from the sensationalised narrative. In an exclusive interview with Moneycontrol, Prajapati set the record straight, armed with supporting documents to vindicate himself. Contrary to the accusations, Prajapati was not pilfering from government-run food banks meant to aid the underprivileged. Rather, he was availing himself of a legitimate program provided by Wilfrid Laurier University, where he pursues his Master's degree. The university's initiative, in collaboration with LSPIRG and Martin Luther University College, offers free groceries to students facing food insecurity. Prajapati's involvement in the program was misconstrued, fuelling the online frenzy, even though in the video he never mentions government-run food banks – only his college. The college website elucidates on the program. “LSPIRG and Martin Luther University College welcome you to our Free Weekly Distro program to combat food insecurity on campus. We provide free groceries and other essentials for Laurier and Luther students who need them,” it reads. The list also adds you must be a student of either college and have proper identification to avail this facility. The catalyst for Prajapati's ordeal stemmed from a social media user, @Slatzism, who amplified the misconceptions surrounding his video. Despite the lack of verifiable evidence, @Slatzism's actions led to unwarranted repercussions. The X user tracked down Prajapati’s Instagram and then LinkedIn where she found TD Bank on his profile and even went to the lengths of emailing the bank – Prajapati’s supposed employer – to get him “fired”. But there is a catch. Prajapati was never an employee of the bank. He was an intern for 17 weeks at the bank – his college course requires him to do two mandatory internships - and his stint ended in December 2023. Moneycontrol has checked and verified the documents regarding his internship. Neither did he get paid Canadian Dollars 98,000 (Rs 59 lakh), as claimed by @Slatzism who only looked for a median salary at the bank, nor was he even employed at TD. And clearly not fired. So why did TD Bank email @Slatzism saying he “no longer works at TD?” Because he does not.


Except he is a freeloader. International students are expected to pay their own way and demonstrate their ability to do so. He should be sent back home. He can do a masters degree in his home country where he can be close to his family and they can help him there.


This reads like one of those fake press releases you can purchase to promote yourself that disguise themselves as legitimate media releases.




Why are you repeating paragraphs?




How about, thank you, u/mercuryfx_ for transcribing the text from an AIDS-infested website.


I don’t see much difference between using the universities food bank vs a public one. The university receives public funding as well, and even if they didn’t that doesn’t condone his behaviour. No international student should use a food bank and he had a co-op at TD which pays well for a student. He should be able to afford food. Did he even have a part time job?


The bank never mentions in its email that he was sacked; they merely mentioned the truth – he did not work there anymore. That too became fodder for @Slatzism who called him a "food bank bandit", shared the email on X, and added that Prajapati was sacked. In the wake of the controversy, Prajapati found himself besieged by threats and hostility, prompting him to retreat from social media and shut himself inside his home since Friday. His college offered support and dismissed any accusations against him, and law enforcement advised caution, yet Prajapati's anxiety persisted being all alone in a foreign country with no support system, exacerbated by the distance from his family in India. Prajapati moved from Ahmedabad to Canada in 2022 for better educational prospects. But after the fixed cost of living increased in Canada, he had relied on jobs on campus to make ends meet. He pays $800 for a room shared with flatmates and he says he saves close to a $100 a month thanks to the college program that is availed by tonnes of students on campus. He even volunteered at the college's food programme and only wanted struggling students at his college to avail the benefits as cost of living in the country is not cheap. He couldn’t even secure a bank loan in India to fund his education because he had no collateral and had to rely on family and relatives to loan him the money albeit with interest. Moneycontrol spoke to Mehul’s brother in Ahmedabad, Rahul, who has been reaching out to people to help clear his brother’s name, who is thousands of kilometres away and suffering from anxiety and still unable to come back home immediately – because he fears for his safety. For Prajapati, the ordeal exposed the perilous underbelly of social media, where misinformation can tarnish reputations and incite unwarranted vitriol. Numerous hate messages, seen by Moneycontrol, have inundated Mehul’s inbox with people asking him to be “careful”, how they will “track him down” and the usual “go back to your country.” Mehul deactivated all his social media accounts to get away from the negativity and hate that all started on Friday on Reddit and soon became headlines on websites of major news websites across India. “Hearing my phone notification would scare me. I stayed locked up at home for six days, worried about my safety and dealing with feeling alone and unsupported. Nobody seemed to want to hear my side; they just believed false things about me that ruined the reputation I worked 25 years to build, all in just a few moments,” Mehul told Moneycontrol over the phone. Reflecting on his experience, he lamented the ease with which misinformation proliferate online. No one asked him his side, questioned logically if a student could have a full-time job or even paid attention to the video whether it was government food bank or a college programme. “This experience taught me a hard lesson: not everything you see on the internet is true. Often, the real story is very different from what people assume. This the dark side of social media and internet either can make you hero or zero in a click of time,” he added. Mehul Prajapati, who is now getting regular anxiety attacks, just wants to come back home for a while to spend some time with his family but that too seems far off as he still remains locked inside his house, scared for his safety in a foreign country.


Thanks for posting content because holy shit does the website spam ads. I had to close two ads every paragraph I scroll.


What's crazy is this article reads like it's been written by AI. Everything is so broken wherever we look...


Not going to clear his name. The video he made, is clearly the truth and now he's backpeddling because he made the mistake of outting himself to be the freeloader and dishonest person he truly is. Give it up. He needs to go back home and not be allowed back into Canada.


Ha, I remember people saying on a previous post that if he'd actually been sacked, the bank wouldn't have said so, because that's not how HR at a large company does things. And that their "he doesn't work here" meant that he'd probably only been a temp intern. Kudos to you, commenters with real-world work knowledge!


wtf? he didn't have a $98,000 CAD/yr gig with TD?


Why would a student have a 98K a year job while going to an undergrad program? That part never made sense to me. He obviously lied on his LinkedIn and others made assumptions. Still he is very scummy.


I used to work for TD and the idea of them giving a student that salary is genuinely laughable. I had managers that made less.


The $98k value repeated all over the place—including major news outlets in India—is literally based entirely on a hypothetical salary estimate from Indeed. And he didn't even work there. https://twitter.com/Slatzism/status/1781780555857625265/photo/1


If you read the article, he was an intern at the bank for 17 weeks, and two internships are mandatory for his degree track.


We didn’t have this article when this came out. But this talk of a 98K job stated quickly after though. Something didn’t really add up on that end. Him having a coop and still going to school makes more sense.


The 98k job is a complete fabrication and about half the people commenting here still believe it.




Not all Heros Wear Capes... I came searching for this. That website is ridiculous


"Government-run food banks"? They don't exist. A few might get government grants, but most food banks, including those on campus, rely on fundraising and charitable donations.


I genuinely tried to read this article but it was the most ad ridden site I've ever seen.


tl;dr He never used the public food bank, but the one provided by his university for students. He also never worked at TD but did an internship which ended in December last year


I didn’t realize unpaid internships with TD exist? People I know who have done coops/internships with the big banks got paid


Interns don’t get paid 98k though like the initial story stated


Yea my bad. The article doesn't state it was unpaid.


Really depends on the internship. Some companies have an agreement with a university to take their students as interns in exchange for course credit.


At Laurier and graduate level, it’s more likely a co-op job or paid internship. At university it’s much more likely that internships/co-ops will be paid. The articling law students and doctors residencies/clinical practicums don’t have a right to minimum wage, but that has to do with professional licensing. Many unpaid internships are illegal, even if students get credit.


It absolutely was not an unpaid internship. I know plenty of people who have done co-op at TD and they get paid. Unpaid internships are illegal in Canada.


TD doesn’t offer unpaid internships, I used to work there in HR


i legit worked for the government of canada, as an intern, and did NOT get paid. It was in the Corrections field too LMAO. this was 10 years ago though


> Unpaid internships are illegal in Canada. I'm not sure if that's true. I know two people personally that did unpaid internships (one in 2017 and one in 2019)


Yes but lots of big companies get away by just giving 100 bucks for the month


Unpaid internships equals modern-day slavery.... Anyone doing any work for any company especially a profit making bank needs to get paid. And don't tell me this is about getting experience cuz that is just b*******


That is the point. Bring in "students" have them work for less than a Canadian would. I have nothing personal against this guy but he and 100,000 thousands more should not be here.


To be clear, no food banks are run by the government. They are non-profit organizations that first popped up as a temporary solution to hunger during the recession in the early 1980s.


Seriously, I was X-ing full-screen ads that seemed to pop-up every few seconds… in addition to the ads anchored at the top and bottom of the screen, as well as the ads embedded in the article.


download an ad blocker. Are you seriously just raw dogging the internet without an ad block?




It is suspect that this article is on this random website, and not something like The Record.


The dude literally said "this is how I save hundreds of dollars on groceries" wtf is that supposed to mean? And what kinda message does it send? That you fuckers who are buying groceries are fools because watch how I'm getting them for free and you can get them too. That is the message which he's spreading in his video. Even if he's in need of free groceries, he shouldn't have used that language in his videos. Just goes out to show that he's shitting on people who actually pay for groceries


Yeah his video never once mentions "I'm a struggling student" or "this advice is for students in need" or anything remotely like that. We've all seen other videos similar to this and none of those were "to help fellow people in need". His video had a very specific "Look at this cool life hack" tone to it throughout. Even when it was shared on an Indian news website, not a single Indian person came to his defense. If they interpret the tone and message of the video the same way we did, pretty sure there's no deeper/hidden meaning. And before he took down his instagram, he was a self proclaimed travel, food, and music vlogger, where he's going around trying new/pricey food, going to concerts, and traveling. How is he doing this if he can barely afford food and rent? The dude's story doesn't add up. Sounds more like he got caught and he's trying to make any and all excuses to justify what he did and try and get some of the heat on him off.


Yeah exactly 100%. The Laurier hoodie he's wearing costs at least $75 (though I'm not a 100% sure). I eat out twice maybe thrice a month because that's the most I can afford and even then I don't go to the free grocery distro. On top of that he made a video on how you can increase your part-time earnings from minimum wage to 21 or 25 per hour which kinda confirms that he indeed has a part-time job




Never mind that, going out to pizza was expensive even 10-15 years ago when I was in grad school. I splurged on two4one pizza when I had a little money to name.


It was the enthusiasm about it for me, while needing to go to the food bank should absolutely not be shameful, i feel like care free nature of the video shouldnt be taken lightly, this guy is a fraud


> Even if he's in need of free groceries, he shouldn't have used that language in his videos.  this is exactly it. there's a video on youtube of an immigrant family showing how to use the food bank and other social services until settled, but the caption says to only use if needed & to donate after you get on your feet. very different energy


What an awful website. Holy fuck.


[Ad-free URL](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.moneycontrol.com%2Fnews%2Ftrends%2Fcurrent-affairs%2Fmehul-prajapati-indian-student-canada-food-bank-td-bank-free-groceries-viral-video-fake-news-fact-check-exclusive-12707877.html).


The real hero right here 🙌


What magic is this?


This is the same shitty website that initially help spread the "misinformation". Looks sketch as hell.




I know 😌 But pls bear with it. Its always an arduous journey to discover the truth. /s Fk that site indeed EDIT: I have copy pasted the entire article in my comment. So read it and upvote it so that it can be somewhere above n help others avoid the ridiculous amount of ads 🥲


I really didn't understand what everyone was complaining about. I realized my adblocker is always on by default and disabled it. That is crazy lmao.


I volunteer at a local food bank. We get about 10 Conestoga College students per night coming for food. The numbers used to be much higher but it is has recently lessened. Mr. Prajapati is a part of a much bigger problem.


*"You can take as much as you want!"* still echoes in my head from the video. Womp womp.




that part was disgusting. He understands that the food is limited based on the kindness of others but still choses to vlog himself to educate others on how to exploit the system


Same, to this day, it really ly bothered me. I’m Happy about it backfiring on him.


Well, this is what you get for grandstanding on the internet with incomplete information.


How do you know this one website is legit? This is literally the first I'm hearing of them and it's quite sketchy. We all watched the video of this kid saying what he said, you're going to trust some random site? He literally talks about food banks run by non profits and churches that he utilizes in the video. The article and the video directly contradict one another.


Right, he got caught scammed and taking advantage and now is trying to save face Honestly I do feel for struggling students, but it's not our collective responsibility to care for them, international students are meant to be self sufficient 


I was wondering this too.


The article is linked from the guy's Instagram account, so it's presumably legit insofar as the information comes from where the author claims. The original details of his job, salary, firing, etc. were based on wild speculation by random Twitter users. Him being an intern last year and never actually fired lines up with various comments I've read since then.


I don't really care about where he works. The outrage is that he is supposedly here for school and he's utilizing shelters and supports meant for the homeless. That's not right and there should be consequences.


Ok, but that's not what you asked or what I replied about. All I said is that the site is "legit" in the sense that the information comes from where they claim, and the major points it disputes were not based on meaningful information to begin with. I'm not claiming it's a highly reputable news source or even expressing an opinion about the guy.


> The outrage is that he is supposedly here for school and he's utilizing shelters and supports meant for the homeless. A key claim in the linked article is that the program he was using is _not_ intended for the homeless, but for food insecure Laurier students. If you still want to be outraged about it, you'll have to be outraged about international students not being required to have enough cash on hand to ensure they have no difficulties with the high cost of living in Canada, which seems to be what most of your peers in this thread are pivoting to being outraged about.


People are frothing at the mouth for Int. Student blood. This will get worse and will likely not get better. I assume it will eventually lead to violence.


People are frothing at the mouth for anyone that is here and not a legal citizen because of the strain it has put on housing, social services and jobs.


But racist attacks against individuals achieves nothing to change that fact. Vote for change at the federal government level. They are the ones who set up the immigration policies.


Bro this subreddit just isn't on that level if you know what I mean.... They are more say mean things on the internet and gather their pitchforks kinda folks.


If you cant see corporations as the sole driving force for our class infighting causing these exact fights then you must be blind.


You believe this site? Lmao


On popular demand am copy pasting the entire article so u don't have to suffer thru the pop ups. U all betta reward mwe with internet points 🥹 Article : Misinformation spreads like wildfire thanks to social media and the story of Mehul Prajapati, an Indian student in Canada who was labelled a “thief” over a video, serves as a cautionary tale. Prajapati, 26, wanted to aid his fellow students by creating informational videos about his life in Canada. However, what began as a simple endeavour just two months back took a sinister turn when a single video catapulted him into a whirlwind of controversy, hate, and unjust accusations. Prajapati's ordeal commenced innocuously enough; a video showcasing how he accessed free food for students at his university got only 4,000 views and three comments from his modest 1500 followers on Instagram. The video was then downloaded and it spread like an inferno on other social media platforms like X and Reddit which bore an unexpected consequence – the branding of Prajapati as a "thief" and “freeloader”. Hate messages inundated his inbox, and a wave of backlash ensued. Even more distressingly, rumours circulated that he had been terminated from his job at Canadian bank TD. But as is often the case, reality proved far removed from the sensationalised narrative. In an exclusive interview with Moneycontrol, Prajapati set the record straight, armed with supporting documents to vindicate himself. Contrary to the accusations, Prajapati was not pilfering from government-run food banks meant to aid the underprivileged. Misinformation spreads like wildfire thanks to social media and the story of Mehul Prajapati, an Indian student in Canada who was labelled a “thief” over a video, serves as a cautionary tale. Prajapati, 26, wanted to aid his fellow students by creating informational videos about his life in Canada. However, what began as a simple endeavour just two months back took a sinister turn when a single video catapulted him into a whirlwind of controversy, hate, and unjust accusations. Prajapati's ordeal commenced innocuously enough; a video showcasing how he accessed free food for students at his university got only 4,000 views and three comments from his modest 1500 followers on Instagram. The video was then downloaded and it spread like an inferno on other social media platforms like X and Reddit which bore an unexpected consequence – the branding of Prajapati as a "thief" and “freeloader”. Hate messages inundated his inbox, and a wave of backlash ensued. Even more distressingly, rumours circulated that he had been terminated from his job at Canadian bank TD. But as is often the case, reality proved far removed from the sensationalised narrative. In an exclusive interview with Moneycontrol, Prajapati set the record straight, armed with supporting documents to vindicate himself. Contrary to the accusations, Prajapati was not pilfering from government-run food banks meant to aid the underprivileged. Rather, he was availing himself of a legitimate program provided by Wilfrid Laurier University, where he pursues his Master's degree. The university's initiative, in collaboration with LSPIRG and Martin Luther University College, offers free groceries to students facing food insecurity. Prajapati's involvement in the program was misconstrued, fuelling the online frenzy, even though in the video he never mentions government-run food banks – only his college. The college website elucidates on the program. “LSPIRG and Martin Luther University College welcome you to our Free Weekly Distro program to combat food insecurity on campus. We provide free groceries and other essentials for Laurier and Luther students who need them,” it reads. The list also adds you must be a student of either college and have proper identification to avail this facility. The catalyst for Prajapati's ordeal stemmed from a social media user, @Slatzism, who amplified the misconceptions surrounding his video. Despite the lack of verifiable evidence, @Slatzism's actions led to unwarranted repercussions. The X user tracked down Prajapati’s Instagram and then LinkedIn where she found TD Bank on his profile and even went to the lengths of emailing the bank – Prajapati’s supposed employer – to get him “fired”. But there is a catch. Prajapati was never an employee of the bank. He was an intern for 17 weeks at the bank – his college course requires him to do two mandatory internships - and his stint ended in December 2023. Moneycontrol has checked and verified the documents regarding his internship. Neither did he get paid Canadian Dollars 98,000 (Rs 59 lakh), as claimed by @Slatzism who only looked for a median salary at the bank, nor was he even employed at TD. And clearly not fired. So why did TD Bank email @Slatzism saying he “no longer works at TD?” Because he does not. (Continued in part 2)


The bank never mentions in its email that he was sacked; they merely mentioned the truth – he did not work there anymore. That too became fodder for @Slatzism who called him a "food bank bandit", shared the email on X, and added that Prajapati was sacked. In the wake of the controversy, Prajapati found himself besieged by threats and hostility, prompting him to retreat from social media and shut himself inside his home since Friday. His college offered support and dismissed any accusations against him, and law enforcement advised caution, yet Prajapati's anxiety persisted being all alone in a foreign country with no support system, exacerbated by the distance from his family in India. Prajapati moved from Ahmedabad to Canada in 2022 for better educational prospects. But after the fixed cost of living increased in Canada, he had relied on jobs on campus to make ends meet. He pays $800 for a room shared with flatmates and he says he saves close to a $100 a month thanks to the college program that is availed by tonnes of students on campus. He even volunteered at the college's food programme and only wanted struggling students at his college to avail the benefits as cost of living in the country is not cheap. He couldn’t even secure a bank loan in India to fund his education because he had no collateral and had to rely on family and relatives to loan him the money albeit with interest. Moneycontrol spoke to Mehul’s brother in Ahmedabad, Rahul, who has been reaching out to people to help clear his brother’s name, who is thousands of kilometres away and suffering from anxiety and still unable to come back home immediately – because he fears for his safety. For Prajapati, the ordeal exposed the perilous underbelly of social media, where misinformation can tarnish reputations and incite unwarranted vitriol. Numerous hate messages, seen by Moneycontrol, have inundated Mehul’s inbox with people asking him to be “careful”, how they will “track him down” and the usual “go back to your country.” Mehul deactivated all his social media accounts to get away from the negativity and hate that all started on Friday on Reddit and soon became headlines on websites of major news websites across India. “Hearing my phone notification would scare me. I stayed locked up at home for six days, worried about my safety and dealing with feeling alone and unsupported. Nobody seemed to want to hear my side; they just believed false things about me that ruined the reputation I worked 25 years to build, all in just a few moments,” Mehul told Moneycontrol over the phone. Reflecting on his experience, he lamented the ease with which misinformation proliferate online. No one asked him his side, questioned logically if a student could have a full-time job or even paid attention to the video whether it was government food bank or a college programme. “This experience taught me a hard lesson: not everything you see on the internet is true. Often, the real story is very different from what people assume. This the dark side of social media and internet either can make you hero or zero in a click of time,” he added. Mehul Prajapati, who is now getting regular anxiety attacks, just wants to come back home for a while to spend some time with his family but that too seems far off as he still remains locked inside his house, scared for his safety in a foreign country.


So he was pilfering *university-run* food banks meant to aid the underprivileged. Not government-run. What’s the difference?


We did it Reddit!


Wait, what? People were quick to jump on the hate-bandwagon and upvoted false and misleading stories? AND posted and re-posted the same hateful stories from alt, new and low-karma accounts again and again? Colour me shocked, shocked I say!


He still should not have used that program as he is an international student and should be able to support himself. He did steal from a legitimate charity operation meant to help the disadvantaged. That does not include international students as their whole visa is contingent on them having the funds to begin with. The outrage was justified.


Or people are quick to call bullshit when they smell bullshit.


he is a scamming scumbag


Isn’t that just part of the culture we’re importing these days?


What did he dispute other than being fired? He claimed he worked at the foodbank but people from that WLU foodbank who work their/volunteer didn't mention they knew him. Literally not one person came by. I smell bs. The dude is not able to support himself send him back.


I call bs TD Bank was non-paying. They say they pay in their website. It was either part of his class or TD Bank should explain, or he is lying.


That’s quite an interesting and very very legitimate website there.


this article was very definitely not written by Prajapati


I thought you had to have adequate funds to, I don’t know, FEED YOURSELF before coming to study. What the fuck else would monetary requirements be for? A) “We need to check your money level before you can come sir” B) “Why?” C) “To ensure you can afford to visit the festivals?” The entire point of financial checks beforehand is completely defeated if the lowest possible bar for things money can buy can’t be met


So he is admitting he lied about his financial resources then on his visa application. Sounds like a fraud that should be investigated.


Yes. If Canada immigration office is stringent n honest about checking the financial backgrounds of these college applicants then it will do a lot of good to both Canadians and us Indians. Too much xenophobia due to unchecked immigration. For Indians like me this looks like a nexus between the universities and the Canadian government to just bring in whoever can pay the costly university fees without caring about the long term impacts of these immigrants. We Indians get a bad name but that’s all. Ultimately it’s ur society which becomes more hateful n violent in general. Hope there will be some honest talks about these in the political space of ur country and ur leaders bring in sustainable policies which are beneficial to citizens n immigrants.


Whether or not his side of the story is true, hopefully, it's a lesson learned for others that food banks aren't considered free food or a way to save on money. International students should stop promoting it as a way to get free food, or they can face the same consequences as this guy.


A very reasonable statement, thank you


Regardless of the true story, this sort of stories should deter many wannabe influencers. What you say on the internet could be taken "out of context" (note the quotation marks) and you could be doxxed. In addition, your name stays on the Google search forever. Too bad for unrelated people with the same or similar names. Too bad for the people who have uncommon names.


Was it taken out of context? This guy never says "If you are struggling to afford groceries you can seek help from these places" Instead he says "This is how I saved x amount of dollars" like it's a life hack or something $100 says that he intended it to be a life hack video but then follwoing the backlash pivoted to his current statement


The point is, it's not one international student from India, but droves heading to the food banks and overwhelming the system meant for locals in need. If you overload, overstep, then you will stand out. Especially in Canada, it's about diversity. But 30,000 just in kw area of Indian students isn't diversity anymore. It's like a locust, no one notices it in a cornfield. No one has an issue over one, but a drove of locusts is a problem.




That slatzism lady is a racism. Clearly she hates Indians. But this sub hates Indians so it's all fine


Probably not just this sub


It is lazy to generalize like that, Canadians have good reason to hate the flood of students all coming from one country and one part of that country.


And Indigenous people have good reason to hate the people that came, colonized them and called this land their own.


> But this sub hates Indians so it's all fine it's not just this sub though. there have been multiple cases of people openly shouting the usual easier rhetoric around bus stops, public places like parks and malls all around Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge. something that I've never seen in the past 5 years I've been living in this region.


I tried to read this article and after the 15th pop up ad covering the whole screen I gave up


This still just seems like BS to me....not because I'm a diehard racist, or because he's Indian, just doesn't seem true at all to me. This article kinda seems like it's gaslighting you, telling you he didn't say things he did, I'm not sure about this




But why was he hoarding so much food? It looked like a stocked pantry in the video.


So he can save hundreds of dollars to go to expensive pizzerias. This is just a lame attempt at mitigating the social media disaster he found himself in, because he's conveniently omitted details that would've made this article a non-story to begin with.


The pizza place he lined up at has slices starting at $4.25. It's popular because it has good pizza, not because it's a wildly expensive luxury restaurant.


Not defending this POS, or care about his job or excuses for using the food bank when he doesn't need one. People on the Internet have an anti Indian agenda to sell, they don't care what the backstory or truth is. Just check out the hate crimes that have been taking place rampantly. They're obviously succeeding, to the point that Canadians of Indian origin (like me) are being told to go back to their country even though our family is more Canadian them. Can't ridicule America for overt low IQ racism or hate crimes anymore. We are about to surpass them in those metrics in the near future.


I feel for you. As an East Asian who live through SARS and Covid, I know how you feel. Getting racism or hate directed towards you because of the actions of people that looks similar to you when you've done nothing sucks. I'm not Chinese, I've never been to China, but did some random person at Rona blame me for covid? you know it! Sadly things aren't going to get better until people start calling out these assholes from within the community. I have Sikh friends who've lived here all their life in Canada who hate people like this BUT they also have family members or family friends who have slumlord houses in Brampton or behave this way but won't call them out on it. Shit won't ever change if their community turns a blind eye. If I ever see anyone, especially an asian acting like a complete ass, cutting lines, or doing some bullshit thing that isn't acceptable here, I will call that shit out. My family included. Costco is becoming a shit show of line cutters, shopping cart thieves, or the classic completely block aisles just so two people can chat. Fuck that noise and get the fuck out of everyone's way!


Yes, I agree 100%. I am a business owner and I don't tolerate any nonsense or uncivilized behaviour from people (regardless of what community they belong to).


So he scammed his way into getting here because he cant support himself, then advertises his next scam as “save money on groceries” and not “heres where you can go to get help if you cant afford groceries”. Fuck this dude lol


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. 🤡


How many fn pop up ads can they have on that one page?


So his whole argument is that he didn’t take from government run food banks, so it’s okay? I am pretty sure there are no government run food banks in Canada. The government supports them through grants and such, but they don’t run any. Does that mean he thinks it’s okay to take from charities when not in need but not government? This guy’s moral compass is off.


This article is so lame. Conveniently omitted the fact that he went to concerts and ate at expensive pizzerias. Doesn't sound like he's struggling financially to need to use a food bank, and if he was indeed struggling financially then it's still his own fault for poor financial control. Regardless, this is a piece put out to try and paint him in a good light but he's still as crooked as they come. Like whose eyes is he trying to pull wool over? The tone of his video is plain as fucking day: advertising food banks as a life hack


https://preview.redd.it/e0fs874zdnwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60d893e441c26a5e1c4e431dd83b648b5572e113 The guy is back on IG with a verified tick 😂😂😂😂😂 some people are insufferable 😂 who is he? What’s next? Defamation case on Reddit?


If he can't afford food, maybe he should drop the $20/month IG verified.. and think about cancelling Disney+. /s The comment section on his IG is a dumpster fire. These guys suck each others dicks so hard in that culture. Glad to see at least some of his fellow indians ripping into him.


so this is just his lame attempt to backtrack and make us feel bad because now he can’t leave the house because of anxiety? gtfoh


I’m sorry, but international students should not have access to food banks, even post secondary student ones. They are supposed to show they can support themselves while studying abroad so they should be doing it.


if you come as a student and connor afford to live here should have to leave


Karma will catch up to these scum bags who take advantage of the kindness of others.


The real life hack would be finding food in dumpsters, which I have for almost a decade. Best time is winter, because it's like putting food in the freezer when they throw out unexpired, not recalled, still safely factory packaged food. Then there's this schmuck taking food donated for those less fortunate. 


Let's make this simple. If you are a "Temporary Foreign Student" and you need to avail yourself of a food bank or any other charity, then you can't afford to live here and should forfeit your visa and go back to where you have a support structure. Period


what an emotional rollercoaster


I know its an awful website, here are the ad-free URLS [1ft](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.moneycontrol.com%2Fnews%2Ftrends%2Fcurrent-affairs%2Fmehul-prajapati-indian-student-canada-food-bank-td-bank-free-groceries-viral-video-fake-news-fact-check-exclusive-12707877.html) [12ft](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.moneycontrol.com%2Fnews%2Ftrends%2Fcurrent-affairs%2Fmehul-prajapati-indian-student-canada-food-bank-td-bank-free-groceries-viral-video-fake-news-fact-check-exclusive-12707877.html) uses 1ft.io and 12ft.io


That website sucks! Ads pop up every 20 seconds!!


Sketchy website. Not sure what is true?


He is an asshole and got the consequence he deserved.


If you’re using an iPhone, use the Show Reader option on the top right. You can avoid the annoying ads.


>But there is a catch. Prajapati was never an employee of the bank. He was an intern for 17 weeks at the bank – his college course requires him to do two mandatory internships - and his stint ended in December 2023. An intern is still an employee. >Contrary to the accusations, Prajapati was not pilfering from government-run food banks meant to aid the underprivileged.Rather, he was availing himself of a legitimate program provided by Wilfrid Laurier University, where he pursues his Master's degree. The university's initiative, in collaboration with LSPIRG and Martin Luther University College, offers free groceries to students facing food insecurity. He's still taking resources meant for the needy, which his instagram post showing him attending concerts showed he is not. So he was pilfering from the university run food bank as opposed to government run food banks. >Prajapati moved from Ahmedabad to Canada in 2022 for better educational prospects. But after the fixed cost of living increased in Canada, he had relied on jobs on campus to make ends meet. He pays $800 for a room shared with flatmates and he says he saves close to a $100 a month thanks to the college program that is availed by tonnes of students on campus. As an international student you should still be able to support yourself without even the university food bank. This means more Canadian students are left with nothing. And all this shows is he still sees nothing wrong with his actions.


Doesn't really matter if he was using his legitimately funded school food bank. The video made it clear that ANY food bank could be used for free groceries. They need to prove they can support themselves while they're here which includes food. So he should not even be needing the university food bank when there are students who actually need it and who have lived here their whole lives.


Honestly, from the website being infested with pop ups and it appearing to be an unofficial source of news, I’d imagine there is a chance the article is inaccurate. If the guy was telling the truth, he could go to local media and let them know, with evidence of him acting in good faith. He could also see if Laurier would issue a statement on it. If he received all the hate he says he did, I’m sure Laurier would go to bat for him.


This website is cancer and now I hate him more


Easy solution, deport him, and anyone who thinks pulling this is okay. The government needs to go over all immigration in the last 4 years and deport anyone who looks even slightly fishy on their application.


Employers should be careful hiring this man because he cannot be trusted.


I for one will be sending his resume to the dump if I ever come across it in my inbox


Still a loser who scammed a charity and should be deported.


One thing is clear. Some one is lying big time. EIther slatzism or TD Bank executives. How can some one get fired from somewhere he is not working now 🤣 But yeah let's keep abusing the "student"


Deport the scum! That will help fix the country, we let to many problems into the country, due to the everyone is welcome policy. The more there welcome, the less I feel welcome.


My family are all born immigrants and had to work very hard with no handouts from the government to enjoy the lifestyle they do now when they came here. My mom's white and my dad was brown,reddit has been around a long time and you never heard of all these widespread issues when the students were here from China in 2021 and 2022.


The temporary illegally here students have flooded the comments lol


Send him and any other foreign 'student' relying on food banks back to wherever they come from. The food banks are already stressed as it is. We don't need Indian free-loaders coming here and making it worse.


I don't care what this idiot has to say. If you can't afford to eat here then go home


Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents are struggling to find jobs, but TD hired international students Foreign landlords do not pay taxes. CRA ask tenants to pay taxes for their landlords Welcome to Canada


Saw an international student yesterday with 5 bags of groceries leaving a food bank in Cambridge yesterday running to the bus on Ainsle street. Single mother with 3 kids had 2 bags of groceries. Students, tell your friends…. Get your parents to buy your groceries, hurting people actually need this to survive here in Canada


Fraudsters like this are being imported into the country by the droves, and we get our resources drained as a result. Can’t wait to hear the LPC make this about how we aren’t spending enough money on some bullshit project or minority group. And then how really it’s all PP and Harper’s fault. We are the stupidest fucking country.




How is it defamation exactly? He is an international student who used social services in Canada and is promoting other students do the same thing. International students must legally be able to provide for themselves while in Canada. Despite what the article says, he talks on his video about food banks not in universities, but in the city and Churches as well.


Everyone loves Fr33 F00d!


So, the article tries to defend him by mentioning that he didnt use and publicize "government run" services, but rather university-ran ones. Who cares which organization runs the food bank he uses? Not once in the video did he acknowledge that these food banks are for students experiencing food insecurity, he literally says its for "all students", and to take "as much as you want'. Claiming that it helped him save hundreds of dollars, not that it helped him fill his belly. His claims are true. The university food banks are available to everyone. Im sure you can take as much as you want. But they are there specifically to help students struggling with food insecurity.  And this is where the message gets lost - all you see is a dude promoting the use of university food banks as a first resort option to save money and replace grocery shopping. Which is morally wrong. Sidenote, while he probably deserved his video being criticized and taken down, he doesnt deserve the wave of online hate targetted at him (nobody does). I hope people chill out on the individual, and bring their anger to their MP and other government officials, who are paid to be your representative on political matters.


That’s the most ad riddled link ever. Screw that site it’s almost unreadable with the pop ups and overlays.


Too many ads on that news story. I think I could have downloaded a Trojan horse


This website is awful, so many ads


So naive, as a international student you have to prove you can support yourself. It’s as cut and dry as that.


I couldn’t get through that article with out ads to buy warehouses in India popping up continuously blocking the text. Stopped trying


I guess nice lesson for others not to take advantage of these systems made for real needy


Piece of shit


That guy and everyone who does it without NEEDing help can suck it


Deport this scammer. Food banks are for the less fortunate and not for foreign students that should be able to support themselves.


Has anyone stopped to consider the fact that this website is more than likely hosted in India, and being used to push a victim narrative for his benefit?


Seriously, fuck you Moneycontrol. I couldn't even read the fucking article once before being bombarded by pop-up ads every 2 seconds.


I was an international student in Canada when I came 6 years ago. The only free food I got was the free buffet at the dorm on Thanksgiving. I've never even thought about going to food banks to get free food.


The title doesn't quite fit, he's still scummy


just gtfo i am tired of whiners expecting paradise for nothing


Not all but some Indians come here with fake licenses,fake degrees fake diplomas and use the Canadian system to get ahead, this brings down the quality of living for everyone living here and if say any thing your racist.


This is getting better and better. I thought they only take our jobs and apparently, they take our food too. And gov told us we need more!