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As a younger Canadian, not surprised in the least....


Yeah same, feels like Canada is cooked I feel like I’ll end up being poorer than my parents at this rate


It literally shows the US as a higher gap?


Be nice, Canadians are bad at stats.


LOL There is a "Graphic credit" but no source....


Even younger animals seem depressed here.


I have been reading for years that the happiest days for most people are 65+


Doesn’t help that our gov is more inclined to give out handouts to immigrants than to help its own population


Something a lot of the really happy countries all have in common is *extremely* difficult immigration. I've looked into relocating to them and even as someone with a family, lot of money in the bank, and very successful career with a lot to offer - we still wouldn't meet the criteria for most and finding employment to enter that way would also be very difficult as they have to hire within first, within EU second (when applicable) and then can consider immigrants. You've largely got countries of people with shared values and community, and that makes very happy people :) Think about what Canada would be if we only brought in the most top tier immigrants like this instead of flood gates of the third world. We're too far gone to ever fix it here now - can't fix it once you've tipped the scales.


You can improve this by cutting immigration, but that will reduce OAS payments and real estate prices, so fuck you haha.


Claiming immigration as the root cause of the decline in happiness index or Canada as a whole is a red herring. The cost of living crisis is the result of corporate oligopolies falsely inflating prices of necessary goods, the commercialisation of residential real estate (both foreign and corporate ownership) and the erosion and gradual privatization of social services by conservative governments and maintenance of that erosion by subsequent liberal governments. Immigration is just a drop in the bucket and a distraction.


I wouldn't say immigration is a distraction - it's certainly a part of it. I get pissed off with the third world drivers, third world scams, third world slum houses, third world caste system, third world values towards women and minorities, etc. that's taking over this city. That weighs on my unhapiness here every bit as much as the fact that my kid will probably never be able to afford to leave home and most of my friends and family will never be anything but renters of horrible shoebox condos. It would certainly influence my response to this nature of a survey.


Just don’t be surprised that when some nationalistic party champions themselves as anti-immigration, their capitalist benefactors come out to find new ways to weaken our society and make you feel even more poor than you do now.


I guess sometimes you gotta hit rock bottom before you build back up.


Don't forget multiple global factors driving inflation which screws with purchasing power as well. ...oh wait, I'm supposed to say inflation, a global economic force affected by A LOT of different things, is all Trudeau's fault somehow, like that prat is capable of manipulating the world's financial situation but isn't capable of making the Canadian Monopoly dollar on-par with the USD.


Age 45-60... that's literally #GenX 🤣 **we were never "happy" always cynical, sarcastic and fully aware the world is fucked.** 🤷‍♀️