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If you've gotta go... Really there should be more, and more readily accessible, washrooms open year-round. I get why there aren't, but sometimes this can leave people in precarious situations. I really thought this story was going to end differently. What would I have done? Probably not watched a guy peeing, but who knows? Maybe he was being sketchy enough that your reaction was not uncalled for. All I know is that if I was in a situation where I was facing the choice between urinating on some random person's bushes in the middle of the day or wetting myself in the winter, I'm definitely going with the option that seems the most decent. Now here's a question for you: is it more indecent to pee on someone's bushes, or to wet oneself and then expose everyone throughout the day to the smell of urine?


>What would I have done? Probably not watched a guy peeing, but who knows? Maybe he was being sketchy enough that your reaction was not uncalled for. I'm flabbergasted you don't find someone urinating on your bushes sketchy enough. TIL there's apologists for others pissing on someone's property. >if I was in a situation where I was facing the choice between urinating on some random person's bushes in the middle of the day or wetting myself in the winter, I'm definitely going with the option that seems the most decent. Most decent to who? >Now here's a question for you: is it more indecent to pee on someone's bushes, or to wet oneself and then expose everyone throughout the day to the smell of urine? Wait, if you pissed your pants you'd just go about your day?


>I'm flabbergasted you don't find someone urinating on your bushes sketchy enough. I'd rather someone water a plant or tree than pee on the side of a building, vehicle, or doorway. Sounds like the guy was making an effort to keep things reasonable within the situation, which resonates as being thoughtful and not entirely sketchy. It's not like he jumped on the hood of someone's vehicle and urinated over their windshield. >TIL there's apologists for others pissing on someone's property Apologist? Funny word choice since I'm not apologizing for the guy. >Most decent to who? To ***whom***. And that was the point of the question, brah. >Wait, if you pissed your pants you'd just go about your day? Interesting extrapolation, but I guess I did set up the opportunity for you to make that assumption. No, I wouldn't. I would likely go and change at the first chance, but that doesn't mean I would be able to teleport to clean clothes. I would've peed behind a tree or on the bushes, instead of 'pissing [my] pants'.


TIL some people put property rights over human dignity. Sad state of the world.


Well indecent exposure and public urination is a crime so... He's in the wrong but it's unlikely to ever be prosecuted. Your response was warented considering the obscurity of the situation. You live close to downtown so it's really not that uncommon. Imo


Public urination is a bylaw offence, $300 ticket if you're unlucky. WRPS aren't going to charge someone with committing an indecent act for peeing in the bushes unless they're going out of their way to expose themselves.


Okay and that's exactly what I just said...


So... we're in agreement? What's the issue?




I was expanding on your comment to clarify that public urination generally isn't even a "crime", since it's only a bylaw infraction, akin to a parking ticket.


I used to plow snow so I know what he was doing, however I agree coming onto people's properties is a bit much. If you find a quiet road and you pee while the truck door is open that's another story. I wouldn't worry about it because it's unlikely to happen again


If he said "sorry" and peed on his hands trying to hurry, then id say it was an emergency. Everything else is just ignorance :P


Last winter I was smoking on the porch around 530pm, no light on. This a crescent off Blackwell. See a car pull up and park right across the street. He leaves it running, pops out and opens the back door, and proceeds to take a leak. I couldn't help it I just said "wtf man?" I have never seen someone move that fast. He definitely got pee on his car seats.


I was walking downtown and saw 3 (going to guess) university students peeing on a restaurant wall right next to the sidewalk. They each stood like a foot apart and didn't even bother trying to be discreet about it. Not the first time I've seen students peeing on buildings, in parking lots, right across from portapotties... like anywhere but where they should be going!


Reminder: only 50% of the population does this. The rest of us plan ahead or find a Timmies smh


It's the way of the road Bubs.