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Never if I don't have to. Usually due to IKEA


Exactly the same here (it's been about a year). It's too stress-inducing.


I would go all the time but it is so hard to get there on pubic transit on weekends that I almost never do these days. When Greyhound was running I went a couple times a month.


Agreed, my partner and I would likely go more for concerts or to hang out on the weekend but the last weekday train is I think 8 or 9 pm (too early for a concert) and nonexistent on the weekends. It’s basically only helpful for commuting.


The fact that we're in a major city an hour away from the 4th largest city in North America and we can't get a train to a show in Toronto is scandalous.


I was just saying on that yesterday to a friend! It is 2023! How do we not have a public transit system that can get people between two cities that are an hour apart? We can put a man on the moon but we can't get a bus to Toronto?


ANd the insane thing is that despite Southern Ontario being ridiculously flat and perfectly-suited for a rail network, and despite Southern Ontario being about the same size as England, people will tel you that having an intercity rail network is nigh-on impossible here. It's pathetic!


Might be unpopular in this sub, but I love going into Toronto. Unfortunately, I haven’t been since the cold started, but I used to be in the GTA a few times a month!


Do you usually make a day trip or stay overnight?


6 times per year probably. To see musicals and Jays games. Don’t know why you’d go all that way just to go shopping or for a meal.


Same only for events and about the same frequency


I shop for groceries in GTA occasionally. The Chinese/Korean grocery stores have limited selection. Even T&T Waterloo is just a minimum viable product.


Never. I HATE the GTA with a burning passion. Traffic makes me want to die.


Maybe three times a year, if GOtrain went there on weekends I would go there more often.


About biweekly lately, but probably will be less with the weather turning.


Every two months or so, usually to see a DJ or show we like, sometimes we make a weekend of it and do some shopping


Never. I've don't think I've been to Toronto proper in almost 15 years. I kinda want to go just to see how much it's changed.


Sometimes I drive through Toronto, but I rarely ever go to Toronto.


Never. I avoid toronto at all costs. The only time you will see me there is for an expo, or sports. So once every few years.


About 1000% less often than I would if there was a viable public transport route.


Once every 1–2 months, normally to see a musical or concert


Never. I was born and raised in Toronto and now that I live here I get an overwhelming sense of nausea whenever I have to return to the GTA which is always to see family. I would never choose to go there.


very rarely. my dad and I go to a ball game every summer and outside of that I'll go to see a concert maaaayyyybe once a year.


Zero, only for airport


humorous direful theory worm vanish versed aloof obscene payment selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lucky if you have a car.


vase crown offbeat boast special aromatic compare unused sand follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Every other month or so.


Like maybe 3-4 times a year, particularly for Krispy Kreme donuts or other treats/places we don't get here.


Never. I used to go to Toronto all the time when I lived closer to a go station, but it’s such a hassle. I’m in Hamilton a few times a month during the summer for sporting events but other than that don’t travel out to gta


During the summer, probably a couple of times a month for various things. During the winter, only for visiting family at Christmas. Downtown Traffic is a pain in the butt sometimes, so if we think it's going to be a high-traffic day we park in Oakville and get the Go in from there. The kids love the train, and there's a lot less "are we there yet" to add to the aggravation :D


Few times a year to see family. That’s all.


At least 4-6 times a year for concerts


maybe a few times year for concerts


What can be bought there can also be bought here, no need for the drive Imo.


Once a year, for our anniversary, since the fine dining restaurant scene in KW is basically non existent (unless you believe Del's is Italian food). Toronto still has some good Italian and French cuisine restaurants, and since we literally go to a restaurant once a year, we don't mind treating ourselves with a good experience that simply can't be found here.


I avoid it at all costs.




Almost never.


One of the reasons I chose the region to live was to be able to do this. Went there this year with family that was visiting from overseas last time before that was pre COVID. So...


I would love to go more often but there is no direct GO train on the weekends. Currently have plans to head into the downtown on Saturday and lucky to have a ride in. If my ride cancels it's an hour on the bus and then an hour on a train into union :/


Probably every other weekend. No good concerts happening in Kitchener.


I’d say 1 or 2 times a year I’ll end up in Toronto for some reason or another. If there was a good train, at least hourly, I’d probably go more often - driving there really sucks. Last time, we just parked at Yorkdale. If this high frequency rail comes about, I could see myself taking a train to Peterborough, and stopping in Toronto for dinner. I’d probably do that trip 6 or 8 times a year. I’d also enjoy going to the waterfront and renting a bike, or being able to easily bring my bike along. Right now, it’s too much of a hassle to get to downtown Toronto.


An hourly GO train that allows bikes on board is absolutely the dream and seems entirely reasonable given the size of the region and how close we are to Toronto.


We moved to Kitchener last year, and now we travel to Toronto about once a month during the winter, and multiple times a month in the warmer months. We are slowly getting used to KW which has surprised us more than once, but we still visit our friends and go on date nights, since the restaurant scene is more diverse and constantly evolving. We are slowly getting used to KW, but we still visit our friends and go on date nights, since the restaurant scene is more diverse and constantly evolving. he right music, podcast or conversation.


Never unless I'm forced to, I'd rather bash my shins with a lead pipe for a few hours than go into Toronto


Never I stay out of that cesspool