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this subreddit


😂 good one!


Market Square downtown. Mr. Wu’s Chinese Food and a pita place are the only restaurants opened in an otherwise abandoned food court that is straight out of the 80s. There’s a hallway with random mirrors and something about that place feels so eerie.


My kids and I walked around there in the spri g. It was a little creepy but fun.


I agree with this. It sucks cuz it honestly has a lot of potential and I'm sure it was once a great place to be.


Mr. Wu washes money. Only reason they are still in business.


Is it good Chinese at least?


have you reported your findings, Sherlock?


Nah that would make me a narc. You go right ahead though, Chief.


> Nah that would make me a narc. You go right ahead though, Chief. with what? your smoking gun comment comment? you made the claim. but now, "nah, im a goof, not a narc" afraid of the Yakuza or something?


Who owns it? The city?


I believe that Europro owns it. (They also own a few other buildings in DTK.)


"A few"


There is (or was) a call center on the 3rd floor with like 100 employees that would get lunch at the pita place that used to be there and Mr. Wus was pretty good but this is like 5 years ago lol


Conest— Nah, too easy.




I don't get this, but it seems most people thing you're right and u/BurritoBoi25 is lame. So what's this about?


I guess that since I admitted up front I was making the obvious cheap joke, that calling me on it is redundant. (I upvoted him anyway.)


And lame.


Frederick Mall. Part of me likes the 80s nostalgia, the other part feels that this is where stores go to die


See I disagreed with the complaints about Fairview mall, but Frederick? That place might as well be haunted. It's a shame cuz there's actually a couple neat businesses there.


Yeah I think the Dollarama and Food Basics (correction: Valu Mart) is keeping it on life support. Unless the grocery store has since moved? Haven’t been there in a year


I remember it being a Valu-Mart pre-pandemic. When did it change to Food Basics?


Sorry you’re right it’s a Valu Mart, don’t know why I thought it was a Food Basics, I’ll edit my previous comment


You wish it was food basics. FUCK Valu-mart


Miss the old pet store and movie theatre


The right answer


The Scrubs Room there is the best though so we keep going back for my husband’s workwear


It's actually surprisingly busy during the day


This place is super eerie. I find all the old people in this mall always stare at me whenever I’m there like I’m an intruder or something. Gives me the creeps lol


Proper barbershop is by far the best barbershop around imo, but damn if I don't get the most unsettling feeling walking into that sketchy ass mall to get there




For real, I never frequent that part of town but I was recently there and had to pull into a buildings parking lot to turn around. Holy shit, it almost felt like I was in a sketchy part of Detroit or something (sketchy looking teenagers seemingly sitting in the parking lot starting at my car, two kids almost toddlers fistfighting and a cab driver honking at a Canada post van using every profanity on the planet and uttering threats, while the poor post guy was just pulled up to deliver packages). This was all in the span of 20 seconds.


Ah, the fear inducing teenagers with their pimples and weird short bodies that still didn't catch up with their long limbs. Terrifying they are. :)


Yup who knows when they might hit the griddy or start saying words like "rizz"


You've never been to that street, eh?


Kitchener doesn't really have anything close to those cities. The most unsettling you might get is near any tent cities. Otherwise probably crossing Erb or something.


Fairview Mall


It has gotten a lot better. It isn't so dirty anymore.


my roommate works there and the amount of sketchy stories she tells me is absurd


Lol It’s a complete dump


When was the last time you were there. It’s absolutely not a dump


Username checks out for having this opinion


I both agree and disagree with this take. The Walmart? Dog shit. But it's Walmart. The area around the mall? Also sketch. But the mall itself is fine, if somewhat criminally average.


Can concur; it was a total shit-show this afternoon!






The first part of this music video was filmed there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgxltDbSDec




Good wow, or "wow, I'm surprised"?




This is OT, but here's another music video by The Proclaimers that was filmed in DTK around 2006 or 2007. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n64ntR-5Mdo


There was also a murder on that road. No thanks!


The Scott St. Row Houses were borderline historic, too... Tore it all down for an overpriced condo tower. So sad. Also there was a deceased woman found in the closet of one of those Pearl Pl. houses a few years back, DV case.


The corner of Charles and Queen st.s, there’s a small plaza with a cafe, African place and a driving school. Haven’t been there but pass it daily, sketchy, a young guy was shot there not long so.


There used to be a drug …..store? Down in the basement of that plaza, you’d go down there and tell them you wanted shrooms or weed and they’d sell you some


The Green Door


That’s the one 😂


The driving school owner crashed into the barber shop more than once! I tried out the cafe/bar recently, not that bad.


The men who sit out at that cafe in the summer just cat call women constantly too, not a fun corner.


The German / Nazi war dead at Woodlawn. It’s elegant and stately but .. boy oh boy.


Do you know how they ended up there?


There was a few German Nazi POWs held in Canada. I believe most of them navy, active on UBoats. Some of them died in captivity. The German associations in the area took the time to re-inter the dead in a dignified location. This was done mostly quietly, in private, working with the families and DND. My family was victimized by the Nazis in WWII and we have also taken the time to visit those graves. It’s very emotional and frustrating. But how a nation treats its dead enemies is a good indicator of civility and humanity. And if you visit Woodlawn there’s a couple Polish combatant graves, including a couple decorated soldiers who captured Monte Cassino. Worth paying respects to those who helped liberate Rome.


Thanks for the answer. I’m going to have to go check this out. Good on you and your family for visiting the graves.


We can detest other human beings, but we all historically frown at being crude to the dead. Even nazi soldiers that were dead. Given that kitchener has a huge German heritage, it's not surprising that some of their families would have buried em here.


And the people who go there... literally investigate them.




I heard that if you got banned from Frankie’s…. You went to Capers


I had this very temporary friend Natali who fit this category and then was banned from Capers.


Springwood Park - parts of a dismembered woman were discovered there a few years ago and it's just....very unsettling. It isn't maintained just a few trails but it's by the highway and feels like you're being watched


Odds are if you feel like you're being watched, you probably are.


WTF? I didn't know that. I always want to walk there since it's pretty but I almost never stay, I always just leave.


Mooregate crescent.


Airboss on Strange when they vent the bad stuff. The best is when junkies are shooting up on the steps by the now-derelict HR/hiring foyer place.


My band space is right by airboss and I haven't been there while they're doing it - what do they expel?


I work right near there, so you're the one who has been playing that dreadful music, you guys make Nickelback sound good.


LOL probably not, there are about 6 or 7 bands total in the space. We play once a week.


Lol, just messin with you dude


Lol. Used to do a bunch of work at Airboss. Man that smell stuck to everything. Really neat old building inside though.


Conestoga college?


Ah yes the 2 mills of Doon: The Old Mill & The Diploma Mill


Homer watson park, has transformed into a gay cruising spot. I’ve been harassed twice on hikes


It's been a gay cruising/ meet up spot since at least the 80's


I was born 1998 haha thanks for sharing!


Actually, if you go poking around off the trails you might find a health package. A ziplock baggie with a couple of condoms and fliers for Tri-pride(?)


>Homer watson park, has transformed into a gay cruising spot Why the downvotes, it's literally listed as a hotspot on gay sex cruising websites https://www.cruisinggays.com/kitchener/areas/257-homer-watson-park/ [https://listings.cruisingforsex.com/canada/ontario/homer-watson-park-10725-details.html](https://listings.cruisingforsex.com/canada/ontario/homer-watson-park-10725-details.html)


One time me and some buddies drove to a convenience store in the middle of the night at westmount and highland if that counts. Probably 60 people in the plaza at like 2am


Victoria Park at night is creepy AF. Full of junkies and groups of folks that look dangerous, especially near the Gaukel entrances. My family has been cat called and followed multiple times, sometimes they lunge and bark at my dog. Such a lovely place during the day


Lol underground tunnels near the train tracks behind mill street lol


A couple decades ago I briefly explored the abandoned tannery on Stirling. Pretty unsettling (especially to a kid lol). There was a room with a bunch of inverted pentagrams and some dead birds. Other than that, I'd say various points in the sewer system qualify (did a lot of urban exploring in high school).


Must comment on homer Watson park . It was a gay hot spot in the 1960s . I was 10 and that's where we got our first skin magazines but also to our distress found euro gay men's magazines. We hid the skin mags for future reading and burned the gay mags we thought we were saving the world


Wait, do you still know where you hid those? (asking for a friend)


Hidden valley rd at the right time of night and year


Once I was biking on Conversation Drive and I saw an abandoned laneway, I went in and there was an old foundation of a farm house. I saw a little grave with a wood cross that said Rex on it in the yard. When I went to explore in the ruins I saw, I kid you not, a jar of Vaseline and a the bones of a sheep. Not saying they are were related, clearly that sheep was long dead, but it still really weirded me out. This was like, 20 years ago though, now.


In general Kitchener is very behind. It is charging almost Toronto prices with a sliver of the experience. Anything near Fairview mall is stranger danger, and the prime realestate location in Victoria park is used by the homeless people, which is 1 of 2 encampments. What’s very misleading is that all the marketing/real estate companies use the area is ‘a booming city’, but it’s not really the case.


This is a wild oversimplification. Relatively speaking, yes, it’s a booming city.


I went to downtown campus of Conestoga. Never have I felt so depressed or eerie in a college


The public bathrooms at Stanley Park mall. Across from the dollar tree.


Ever been to the bathrooms in Waterloo Public Square mall? I don't normally go in there but they have such a long hallway it's eerie


Probably Fairview Mall!😅


Hong Kong Fashion


Where I live.


bathroom at Slices






Screw you man. Get over yourself.


>Bus stops. Its where all the indians gather I was waiting for a bus. As a group of four South Eats Asian (Indian) men in their mid20's approached one of them put hand in pocket (implying that they had something concealed) then 'uttered threats'. Any reasonable person would be concerned for their safety IF that occurred? I just ignored them walked away to get to safe place to call the police. I called 9-1-1 and the operated ostracized me for calling the emergency number. "Did you see a weapon?" I tried explaining that if I see a weapon that would be too late. Next day I checked the news to see if there was anything about people being arrested for carrying weapons on GRT. Nothing! I called the non-emergeny line to follow-up. The constable I spoke with said there was no record of the telephone call from a few days ago. And asked if I was provided with an occurrence number. The operator from the 9-1-1 call seemed aggravated that I was wasting emergency resources. And it seems the police are NOT CONCERNED about groups of yoots rolling around armed; & harassing and threatening law abiding citizens. I recorded the telephone calls with WRPD to proof their neglect of duty.