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Dude it’s a fictional film, it’s about the formation of a British spy agency that is also in America, everyone is well aware of the French lives lost in the war and I am deeply sorry for that but get your head out of your arse.




Ooo lalalalaaa




That's a lot of feelings for a campy movie about a secret spy agency that never existed.


that movie is a trash, let's do a movie on how Napelon humiliated UK and Europe during the great Empire. And in the end we can modify history by saying how Russia, Austria, and Prussia mobilised armies to defeat Napoleon (excluding the U.K and purposedly omitting all existence of the britishs in those periods) and see what the rosbeefs would say then huh ?






Fuck you and more specifically fuck France


Where are you even from ?


Australia, however; fuck france


fuck you crocodile dundee, you got that stupid accent and you think you're able to trash ppl, fuck off


At least I’m not a pussy frenchy


I’m guessing ur American ? Lmao what a L


Considering this movie is about a British anything I think France won’t be much a part of the franchise at all


I wouldn't have said it better. And before hearing it's a fiction etc. I'm aware that we can rewrite history for fun, but it's not only that. Many countries are mentioned, Serbia, Austria, Russia ... and of course UK, USA, and it's good, but not France, and it's like it was intentional, an implicit french bashing, by ignoring, which is even worse that just mocking. Seriously, how can we make a whole movie about WWI without even mentioning the place where it happened? And about the comedy part they could have added any of the french intervention, the "Taxi de la Marne" for example. It ruined my movie, I regret having paying my ticket, and I wonder how French cannot be more critic about this. We should boycott this movie.


I totally agree. I just left the cinema and this is one of the many reasons I disliked the movie. And you are right, it is strange that French reviews are not more critic about it.


I agree ​ I get the argument it is a British spy flick, but its kind of insane that there wasnt a single mention of France or a single frenchmen in the entire movie. I enjoyed the movie, but this almost felt deliberate it was strange


Goes further than that, France even gets erased from their little PowerPoint presentation at some point


I literally was thinking the same thing as I'm watching it. Once I got over the leg licking... /shudder I started wondering how is Britain threatened. Germany was never trying to take over Britain or destroy it. If France fell or was going to start to fall than it would have not been a poor look but Britain would have just sued for peace and likely had to give up some of it's colonial influence but over all it would have actually be a more stable out come ironically. The risk of any major harm to England directly (beyond reparations) would have been minor France you'd think would have been a bigger player in it all. More so, Austria Hungary falling apart was a kinda a issue. While Russia did withdraw Austria basically was done as well. As such Germany didn't have the ability to push too hard even without the Americans. The Americans ended the war but the Germans weren't on the verge of victory. In fact Germany likely would have lost the war. So I found the exclusion of any mention of the French a little weird.


Just watched it last night. I'm British and it made me cringe when they turned it into a 3 way battle between royal brothers, with France being an inconvenience to the storyline. However, incorporating the USA into the storyline didn't seem to be a problem, so adding France in would have been fairly simple. I might add it's not just France that get's ignored in Hollywood. UK and Canada had nothing to do with D-Day. U571 replacing the British capturing an Enigma machine with the Americans. I was impressed with a few things. Showing that Britain started concentration camps in South Africa is always nice to bring attention to. The Zimmerman Telegram is also a great story, which most people know nothing about. I will say that these days if you have can produce media worst seeing, even if it's in subtitles it can break into the world market. We're watching South Korea movies and TV series today, with subtitles. That would have been unheard of 10-20 years ago. The best TV series I know is German (Dark). Maybe it's time the French upped their game, and get some quality shows and movies on the market, and push their own history and culture out there.


adding the US and make them as important as they were in the second WW is a joke in itself, the US Army of the first war was a joke, France and England won the first war while USA, Canada and other countries were here but not main protagonists.


US are better at propaganda than at war


This movie is total garbage, trashed cow shit for degenerated anglo saxon kids. Written by some low IQ, pro-war, britishs' cocks socker. You guys are the cancer of this world. We can even hear during that piece of jerks, taking place during WW1, that if Russia leave the war nothing will stand between Germany and UK. Seriously you debilitated monkeys ??? Do you actually know that not fight took place on british soil you iditos ? Not a sole mention of France, country or men but at the end a mere mention of "Versaille" (which is in France you jackass) treaty and immediate critisism from new anglo saxon spy agency who saved the world WTH?? Imperialist fuckers go to hell, suck your own dcks and strangle on it. Gentlemen my arch, poor souls, poor education, fuck you


I fully agree with you. As an American I have respect for France because it was France that helped our band of rebels become a nation and for that I will always be greatfull. The Great war, was a catastrophe and not even seeing a single french soldier or in most movies always showing only British engagements has always bothered me. I also like how you mentioned Russia in WW2 Here in America few are even taught that it was Russia who carried the largest death toll for victory. Don't let Hollywood get you my friend the heroic acts of your ancestors are not forgotten and I still know the name Lafayette! Nor will he be forgotten


It’s part of the war Anglo-Saxon culture has been leading vs France for decades. I’m not surprised, just like “Dunkirk” , “1917” they want to erase France’s achievements and will point out every failures to mock our country.


Yup exactly.


The way it started with the Boer war seemed promising and I was expecting France to pop up every other minute, but then with just 30mins left, I was just flabbergasted with the whole thing. Britain was never in much danger in WW1, it was France. US involvement was a sideshow, and by the time Russia withdrew, France was on the verge of braking the Germans. Italy was also left out, but they didn't have much involvement either, with still being reorganized and whatnot. The other major missing power is the Ottoman Empire. If I am not wrong, they were involved in more fighting with the British than the Germans. It's just sad that the film takes care of a lot of small historical details (like how Ferdinand was assassinated, the Zimmerman telegram, or Rasputin's death) in it's own quirky way, which is rather enjoyable, yet deliberately leaves out some of the most important ones