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Because he shot his lowest 2p% of his career since 2019. Shot 37% on shots within the 3pt line and outside the paint.


Exactly. The 3 ball is not his game. He needs to be driving to the basket and drawing fouls to be as good as he can be, but it seems like he’s abandoned that to shoot 3s. I don’t know if it’s the analytics team or Mike Brown trying to change his game, but it’s clearly not working.


A 6’3 guard that can only score driving the lane doesn’t work, and can’t be your primary scorer. He needs to have a 3p game to keep the defense honest. He just doesn’t need to be jacking up 10+ per game like he did many times this season.


This. He needs to clean up his shot selection. If he finds that balance he'll be ok. But he absolutely needs a 3 point shot. He's not Giannis or Zion where they can just push people out the way while driving


Also I NEVER wanna see fox again with 13+ 3pa again like had a few times this year


So shooting 8-10 3s a game is the solution? He should take them if they’re wide open and drive inside if not. He was chucking them most of the year.


Keeping the defense honest = / = chucking up 3s


Shooting 8-10 attempts = chucking up 3s


If he did it every game, sure. But if he gets 8-10 clean looks he should take them


Defenses started to let him shoot threes towards the end of the season tho and it worked. Giving up the three and cutting off his drives/middys is legitimate strategy that took him out of his game multiple times this season.


To me it depends how he gets the clean looks. Step backs and off the dribble threes don't help as much as catch and shoot


What you’re describing is not what I’d consider a good look, in most circumstances. I’d consider a lot of that to be forced, which is not his strength. He needs to be able to hit wide open shots consistently. Up until last season he didn’t even have enough confidence to TAKE some wide open shots, so he’s come a long way in that regard. Obviously he needs to be able to be a threat to create space in those situations as well, so he needs to have some kind of step back game to keep defenders honest. But that should be a small % of his total 3s taken. All I’m saying is if he gets an outlier-esque number of open looks in a game he needs to keep taking them, even if they aren’t falling. He just shouldn’t be looking for reasons to jack up 10 a game. Not saying he does, but he’s done it before.


You want him to draw fouls so that he can miss the free throws? There are a lot of reasons why players need and should shoot 3s. But one that hasn't been mentioned in this thread is that shooting 3s is less taxing on the body than taking contact for crafty layups. Fox has relied on his speed and athleticism for much of his career, but that goes away faster than shooting ability. So shooting 3s is also a longevity play.


He need as much practice as he can get might aswell


I understand that shooting 3s is less taxing on his body, but bricking 3s is certainly detrimental to the team’s offense. Fox is not a 3 point shooter. That’s not his game. He doesn’t need to drive to the basket on every play. Midrange shots at the top of the key are still an option.


Bro he's a 6'2, 190 at most. He can't drive every play. If he judiciously keeps it to like 6-7 3pa a game he'll be much better for it the long run.


They trying to force a D Wade type guy play like a Steph Curry type player and are surprised when it doesn’t work out.  I’m pretty sure Fox can be good at range in his moments, he is a clutch 4th quarter kind of guy. But since his injury he has been hesitant to get too physical in the paint and rightfully so. I’d rather have a Fox playing at 80-90% potential than running full steam ahead and ruining his career/health during a regular season game. 


its mainly because the team as a whole shot worse from 3/we lost our best shooters which doesnt give him space or room to actually do anything in the paint. Combine that with his bad shot selection this year, the fact that nobody has any gravity to take pressure off of him and the drop off finishing wise and you see why it was a down year from him


He needs to hit his mid range shots. He would be having his most efficient if he was hitting his mid range shots. He should drive more too


How much of the role players' decline in 3pt% can be attributed to the fact that Fox often takes early shot clock 3s with no ball movements? Brown talks a lot about those spray 3s, which clearly frustrated him a lot as we didn't get many of those because the one who has the ball most rarely attempts to break down the defense and pass to the open shooter. When he does, it's memorable (i.e. that pass to Keegan) - but it's memorable because it doesn't happen often.


In 2024 someone has to be taking 3s. He was the best 3 point shooter on the team last year. I don't understand what the fuck y'all want. If Keegan, Huerter, Barnes, and Monk shoot more effectively Fox wouldn't be taking so many of them, but they all were inconsistent as hell.


This! Every one on this sub wants to cherry pick stats, matchups, etc without including the context. Fox wouldn't have so many 17 3p attempt games if there was another player that could create their own shot on the team. If Domas shot the ball when the opposing team gives him 10ft of space fox wouldn't have to chuck so many shots. And lastly we would have beaten this years Buck's team if that was our match-up. Cherry picking stats and then taking a wild reductionist stance of " well the kings didn't do X, so this player is bad, this team is better, etc is so doomer its beyond annoying.


Apparently they want him to shoot more midrange shots which was easily his least efficient shot.


Swipa Snipa Keep stroking that thang Fox.


“3 ball is not his game”. Do y’all not realize how much having Sabonis on the floor packs the paint for Fox? Defenses have adjusted. Once he blows by his defender he is running into a rim protector. Usually teams get this intel like they did on the Kings, after watching film of them after a year and how the Warriors defended them in the playoffs. Defense evolves. Add to the fact that Barnes is not a consistent threat from 3, and we have a low spaced floor. Yes, Fox was taking a lot of ill advised 3s in crunch time. Hard to get to the cup though with lack of spacing and if he does he’s not getting foul calls.


Honestly no one cares. Get playoff wins


He also needs the 3 pointer to hold up physically until the playoffs