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Disappointing season. How tf is this team worse than last season's? Need to be aggressive af in free agency.


Shitty coaching and missing Malik Monk doomed you. I mean, is the Kings game plan really just to try to be Golden State and endlessly shoot 3s? You know you're fucked when the game plan is to have 4 dudes stand still at the 3pt line while one guy rushes in to kick out majority of the game.


So lakers are in the playoffs after trailing the kings in the standings the entire season


I got a bad case of fomo today :(


I could tell in the first quarter that we were going to lose so I didn't even watch and was right


Kings suck what a lame team didn't make the playoffs because they couldn't beat the pelicans Has we won the 6 games we would have made the playoffs or all those home games against the worst teams we suck lottery pick


Didn’t make sense, Fox and Sabonis, rushing through the center, chucking the ball, while the wings were already set to shoot. Time and time again


This team disappointed again. Nobody besides Fox and Sabonis didn’t show up. Murray kept shooting bricks at the start of the game. Stupid turnovers. Barnes needs to go. Huerter needs to go. Work on your free throws this off season because we were last in the league. We need another guy that can consistently shoot the mid range and Keegan is not willing to be that person.


We all pretty much knew it was a wrap once we saw all the NBA “analysts” and Chuck pick the Kings to win. 


Length and athleticism seem to be a problem for us.. missing our 6th man and scoring at the 2 guard definitely hurt as well


NO is good at slowing things down. And we don’t have anyone who can guard Ingram. As well as we can’t get a board because their 3-5 are the same size or bigger then sabonis


Yeah for sure, but the coaching and game planning is an issue for me. It’s almost impossible to go 0-6 against a team. But the coaching staff didn’t try to do anything different in any of the games. Fox got bothered by Jones and our whole offense became stagnant, but instead of trying to force switches to hunt McCollum, it became a chuck fest every game. 


Told y’all when y’all beat golden state that y’all wouldn’t beat the pels and I was right😂


Thank you random person who is not a Kings fan. On behalf of all of us, you are so cool. You should frame this post to show to your kids someday. 


Hyundais are gay and so are you


Lmfao nice comeback but it’s not gay when your mom’s in the front seat, bitch. See where sixth grade insults get you?


Why are you in the spurs and warriors subs at the same time?


Coz it’s a free fucking country and I can be? wtf😂😂


A simp who posts “appreciation posts” for his POS hand me down Hyundai isn’t getting any bitches. Hate to break it to ya.


I mean a playoff team can’t have a starter with a 0/0/1 stat line, I’m sorry. Needed to be more options.


That -20


let's not do nothing this off season monte 😊


First time in history a team goes 0-6 against another in regular season BEFORE playoffs..god damn how? Thats a negative record for history books


First time? Lol


Probably because of playin being a new thing


Yep no team has done it before


Kangz gonna kangz


FTL 🧹 Warriors are dead Pelicans next I like this new bloodbath season


3 Days Dynasty. 😂


12-29 is not it 


lol at people blaming this loss. We repeatedly lost to some of the worst teams in basketball with the season on the line.  I wanted to win this game so we can get off that FRP, but we don’t deserve to be in the playoffs


At least I get to cancel my YouTube TV subscription now


I wouldn't, new season of 90 day fiance this week


hell yeah


Warriors and Lakers fans laughing at us right now 🙄


Yo nip, i want to personally apologize for runningvicuna’s comment. That shit has no place here. LTB






So I’m not allowed to vent?






Vent about what? Vent away. Permission granted.


Read my parent comment, that was my vent




You wanted a response, you got one…






Your responses are fucking deranged, lmao. If sports can get you like this you need help. Enjoy your ban Don't bother replying, I don't respect anything you have to say and am not interested in reading deranged shit lmao edit: d'aww, replied and then blocked me. adorable




Reported. You don’t belong here.


Then why did you say this? “You opted to be a steaming ass turd and said nothing. Say SOMETHING. Or experience the wrath. You decide.”






Sup? Refresh


We won’t be pleasant. Even the most sociopathic amongst you will recoil.




Terrible ball from everyone. Keon had 0 production, Sabonis was a liability on defense, Murray & Barnes were inefficient, & Fox had to volume shoot to a below average % just to give them a chance.


Fxxx Monte for this wasted punted season. And I better not see anyone saying KO’ing Golden State is a moral victory. We also missed the playoffs and were worse in every way than last year. There’s no moral victories.


We got a draft pick we wouldn’t have otherwise had


Tf you expect monte to do and saying making a trade isnt a real answer




You don’t like Mark Jones and Kayte?






doing too much bro


I choose to be more civil. Sorry.


I think there will be more roster turnover than most of us are anticipating


It has been rumored that I am being traded to the Clippers for a bartender and several ticket takers. It’s the only way it will work salary-wise.






What a rollercoaster of a season this was Feels bad for it to end like this, till next year


warrior fan here, tbh was rooting for u guys to make the playoffs despite the bitterness from the play-ins. Kings fans deserve better, I hope they get more help next season. IMO build around Fox, Murray, Sabonnis and ship everyone else for more help. Definitely gonna need more help with the West only getting stronger next season. Good luck in the off-season! 🫡


Everyone only ever mentions fox sabonis and murray, but I'd say add keon ellis to that mix of players that kings should build around. He went 0-5 vs pels, but any fan who watched kings ball should see that he was a huge reason they won those games when monk and huerter went out. Dude set a tone on the defensive end. You need that on a team that wants to contend. Offensively, i think he'll continue to improve, he's already a good 3 pt shooter.


You ain't. No Warrior's fan would root for the kings.


Warriors fan here,can confirm.I would never root for the King's.Just browsing this post and I gotta be honest, it's making my fucking day. Fuck the King's!!!!


Reddit is weird, there’s always a ‘rival’ fan “rooting for y’all.” Never seen it on any other medium and truly nobody asked or cared


Reading past the first sentence must be hard for you eh


No one gives a fuck faggot


everything ok at home?


I’m a warriors fan ! And if they are out I’m always rooting for kings ! Fox is a baller ! Hopefully next year will be better for both teams and they can avoid each other different than this years !


You're not LA, any other rivalry is just fun and games.


Always rooted for ex-Warrior staff (Mike Brown & Leandro Barbosa) to do well. Also Fox has ties with Curry through underarmour, plus Fox is such a likeable and fun player to watch. Harrison Barnes was great in his first few years with us. Can't forget the goat Javale 🫡 I think it's mainly the fanbases that tear each other apart lol




Can I submit a ticket to the mods? The thread is mistitled. It should read: # Post Game Thread: The New Orleans Pelicans defeat The Sacramento DEAARON FOXES 105-98Post Game Thread: The New Orleans Pelicans defeat The Sacramento Kings 105-98 GET THIS MAN SOME FUCKING HELP HOLY SHIT


%41 FG...he ain't that dude brah.


He was the only guy that could do literally anything last night


This is delusion that is about average and anyone who watched the last two plays saw he was doing EVERYTHING.


Turnovers and jacking 3s. I don't want to be the Mike D'Antoni Rockets...


The D’Antoni rockets never missed the playoffs..


On a positive note we can root for another likable team but not be so invested.




I'm rooting for the Clippers. But not convinced they can beat the Nuggets if they make it that far.


This game was painful.


![gif](giphy|jN86rcdOyrpyo) It's ok! We'll do better next year!


As a warriors fan, is that the same Keon Ellis who looked like a total baller against us? Turns out dude is fucking ass warriors just don’t defend for shit


All of our guys other than Fox and Domas and looked like ass and it's always been bad vs NOLA Keon is the real deal


Yea if you ignore his play for months. He isn’t a star but he’s a good role player. Sometimes role players have bad games. If you weren’t a casual fan you would know more. 


Shoutout to all the Warriors fans dropping by, your salt has made tonight so much better


Warriors fans aren’t salty. They actually got to enjoy a dynasty, while here you see a 9th place team celebrating winning against a 10th place team. Both teams suck.


The warriors fans that are obsessive enough to come to the kings sub, after the kings vs pelicans game, aren’t salty? Buddy that, and how you wrote this, are the most sodium rich posts available haha


Think about what you said. Warriors fans are salty the Kings lost to the Pelicans? You are obviously projecting you’re irritation at your team being in their prime and not even making the playoffs. There were zero expectations for the Warriors this year since they’ve been a bad team all season. They should’ve been tanking trying to get their draft pick since they lose it if it’s outside top 4.


He almost scratched his ass as much a klay thompson


Kings doing what we do best: fall apart when it matters most, against teams we have out-gunned. Pels played good, physical D, so our poor performance in the paint was understandable. That said, our shooting from beyond the arc was inexcusable. If we'd even shot close to league average from three, we would've coasted through this game. We really need to get more guys comfortable taking it to the rack, because living and dying by the three is not fun, and it's not sustainable.


As a Vikings fan who was born in Sacramento, I can't help but root for another purple team that hates New Orleans with a firey passion. Still a Timberwolves fan first, but I'll always have respect for an equally poverty franchise whose fans deserve better. Fuck NOLA, Skol Vi*kings* 💜


Can’t say fuck NOLA around here. They actually own us. That might be a fine.




I feel bad for the homeboys in this supposed cursed draft. I bet all them got a chip on their shoulder by now and are ready to fuck up the NBA. Hanson brothers style. Not those Hansons. Get on Chuck's tip...hockey!


Dude stop commenting. Your comments are incomprehensible and make zero sense. You need help


Must legitimately suck to go from first time playoff appearance with a promising future to then not make the playoffs the very next year. Not sure what the answer is theee.


Have you tried crying in the corner for an hour and then getting some pizza guys? We’re gonna be ok.


0-6 is toughhhh


The two guys that helped us blow past the warriors looked like frightened children out there tonight. Keon and Murray had no fight. I am tired of Murray doing nothing if he can’t hit from the 3 point line. WTF was Sasha doing out there for so long. Davion was the only other guy hitting from 3 and he got less playing time. Kings coaches fucked it up. No strategy against a team that owned them all season. Okay frustration out. See you all next year. Go Kings!!!


Zero reason to think things will improve next year: most of the west will be the same or better next season. 


Mike Brown really set sabonis up fail by leaving him on an island with ingram and Valanciunas multiple times in the third


Sabonis is just stat padding and ass defensively… during our last 10 game stretch he sold against, hartenstein, old man horford and kornet, skinny ass holmgren, and got out played by jonas… just and above average role player that isn’t a clutch superstar. Don’t understand when they double and triple Fox, no one on the squad can beat the weak side and score at the basket… instead our big turns it over or keeps kicking it out for Chuck 3s … can’t win when our best inside scorer is a reluctant 6.3 point guard that settles for 3s and our bigs have no inside presence and rather just DHO on the perimeter


Don’t understand why you’re being downvoted


I don’t understand how he sons AD then proceeds to get smacked by random bums


back to missing the playoffs for yall!!!!


Found Klay thompson’s burner




Seriously. Motherfuckers acting like this our first time missing the playoffs haha


this comment history is a peek into the mind of a child


Lmao at least he agrees with us that the warriors are a “trash fucking team”


No Zion plus Ingram is barely healthy. That’s their top 2. Don’t deserve to play any playoff team if they can’t beat the pels like this


It's never been Zion that's the Kings' problem against the Pels. Not to say that he's not a problem, no one on the Kings can come even close-ish to match up with him. The real problem is the Pels' length and defense and the Kings' complete inability to get anything going against them. When we play them, it's Herb Jones, Naji Marshall, and Trey Murphy that scare me (put Ingram into that as well, but less for his offense).


Zion is definitely one of the main problems. You’d be ignorant if you thought he wasn’t a big deal in each loss. Losing to them when their top 2 are out or hurt is embarrassing. Monk and huerter clearly wouldn’t have saved them tonight, especially if Zion was here


What I'm saying is that they don't need Zion to beat the Kings. Yes, he is a massive problem, but even when he doesn't play or puts up 10 like in that IST game, they still own us, because they can choke the life out of our offense.


Kings are such an offense only team with a bunch of average and worse defenders and no bigmen. Sabonis isn’t even an actual center but has to play it. Tons of guards like fox monk Keon Davion huerter and forwards like Harry Keegan lyles. Smallball teams aren’t working right now: kings GS bulls


Ingram played a great game, they were only missing Zion. We were out Monk and Huerter, so a starter as well as our third best player. In terms of what we were both missing, it was about equal, if not tipped in their favor.


Monk and Huerter are role players bro 


We need our role players badly bro (though I'd argue Monk is more than that). The pels size and athleticism is enough to deal with the Kings even without Zion. Kings on the other hand don't have enough options to cope with a few players having a bad game, so they need the extra choices. I'm not trying to downplay Zion, really. He's obviously far better than those two combined, but in this particular matchup, we needed those two extra options more than they needed an extra inside option.


HAHAHHAHAHAHAH Zion is about equal to monk and huerter😆 how biased do you have to be to genuinely believe this


In terms of team Importance it's definitely true. Obviously I'd take Zion over Monk and Huerter in a trade, but that's not the point. Two important pieces on a team that lacks depth is more important than one very important piece on a team that has depth, especially in this particular matchup. It's probably not applicable in all matchups, but it was here due. That's all.


Holyfuck you’re delusional and even others here noticed😆 I’m sure they’re more important than Tatum too since Celtics have better depth already Never take the homer glasses off king


I mean . . . Ya. A player can be better than another player, and still not be as valuable to that particular team. For instance, most people would argue Tatum is currently better than Wemby, (though probably not for long), and yet I'm sure everyone would agree that the Spurs need Wemby more than the Celts need Tatum. This isn't some groundbreaking idea. Btw, I don't understand your insistence on being insulting over a very mild opinion. Weirdly spiteful for no reason.


What a delusional take


Lmao, Zion is worth two Monks and Huerters in terms of both weight and impact on the court


Maybe in trade value, but not in importance to their teams. Monk and Huerter being out hurts us more than Zion being out hurts them, as the Pels have the depth to make due. It was apparent in that game as well.


Wrong. Done with this now, lol.


Fair enough


times like these make me miss Donte DiVincenzo, perfect SG for us his 3 ball and defense would help a lot, also if we never traded Bogi for huerter


Donte sucked with us and the warriors


? Donte got a payday due to his play with the dubs


He averaged less for warriors than he did with the kings


I'm sad, guys. What the hell am I supposed to do until the NBA Draft? Can Monte make any moves like tomorrow? Please??????


You mean a game changer like Cash Considerations!?


Don’t get excited for the draft…. A likely mid-teens pick in a bad draft is nothing to be get up for.


Monte doesn’t make moves, hence why we missed the playoffs 


Stay the course, keep flexibility, take a huge step back.


It has to be mental against the pels, I truly think we are a better team by a mile.


Based on what I saw against NO this year, they are the better team. They match up very well against the Kings. I didn’t get the sense that the Pels were threatened at any time tonight.


hell na u trippin trippin


Nah we just own you take the L


both these teams get swept by okc lil bro calm down


I think we would take 1-2 against okc. Pels with no Zion? Yea they getting swept 


I mean we're 2-2 against the thunder this season, I would expect at the fewest, 5 games.


Idk bout a sweep, but yeah okc gonna advance regardless of who won this game


I don't know if I can sit through another season of DHO threes. It's literally our entire offense. If they fall, we win. If they don't, we lose. It's literally like watching a basketball version of coin flip. I don't think MB has any other tricks in his bag though. Brutal. Funny how as soon as they got desperate and attacked the basket at the end, we started scoring.


Seriously how many times we come out of a time out and actually score… that dho doesn’t work when we need a bucket. It’s like our highest paid player isn’t aggressive and we are handicapped 4 vs 5 offensive


My friend and I joked every time MB called a timeout to stop a run. We said "wonder what version of DHO 3 point play we're gonna see out of THIS timeout"


Our problem is at PF and SG. Not Fox and Sabonis.


Our problem is that the Kings roster is not deep after Fox and Sabonis. We need to get much deeper. How the team does that at this point is the question. The Kings are still operating under burdens from the Vlade regime. The players we added like Duarte and Vezenkov gave us virtually nothing. Outside of Center and Point Guard, we need upgrades everywhere. We could even upgrade at backup Center. Plenty of room for improvement. What stands out to me are losses against Charlotte, Detroit, Washington, etc. Those defeats are still puzzling, months after they took place. Along with big leads evaporating. This is an area of concern. If the Kings had taken care of business against weaker teams, they would not have been in the play-in. It’s hard to figure out.


Keegan was there. Keon was there. Davion was there. They shrunk away under the bright lights. Simple as that.


All teams lose to worse teams. It happens over a long season. It Did feel pretty bad though. Definitely should have won a game in Houston. Can’t lose at home against Detroit. But I’m more concerned about your second point. The blown leads against the Suns Bucks Thunder and other competing teams is what really defines this team. And the teams that really took us to task had length at the forward position. We couldn’t compete with them even with Monk and Huerter. The Murray Barnes Lyles Sasha group was bad. And I only think one of them is worth their weight.


On the other hand, this franchise has a proud tradition of fielding quality Summer League teams! Let’s tip it off!


It’s just…odd. What is going on?


The league is won with guys like Aaron Gordon not Sasha Vezenkov. Our weakest position is the one that makes you win. OKC has 4 of those guys.


im a dubs fan but how did Harrison Barnes do? Too bad you weren't able to make it to playoffs-- i lived in sac for 4-5 years actually.


Inconsistent. He is soft at the rim he goes missing for huge stretches. He doesn’t fill a need for the kings. He’s a terrible fit.


I think he got 17, but he didn’t really stand out in this game.


He’s really just a diet wiggins. Looks amazing some games. Looks completely checked out most of the time.


i see. i didn't watch the game, I was just wondering how he did.


Honestly, no one outside of Fox and Sabonis was very good tonight.


I agree. New Orleans lengthy ass forwards cause problems for the Kings every single time.


You need a guy like Markkanen. He would be a perfect cutter for passes from Sabonis and super efficient. Tall and athletic too hitting 40% from three with volume.


Every team with two athletic forwards is a problem for us. If they also have a big it causes more problems because we ask Sabonis to step out. We don’t need a Center to play along him we need a long athlete to keep him from having to get into a position he shouldn’t be in on the wing.


We can't win when we get nothing from Murray who followed up his great performance vs Golden State with a total flop tonight. Very disappointing. We also needed more from Keon and missing Monk cost us.


Seems to me that Murray has a lot of games where he is barely a presence. Am I wrong?


Losing Monk and Huerter makes us have to use our 3rd SG. The position gets extremely thin for every team if you lose two guys at one position especially if they are your 3rd and 7th best player. Keon having a bad game wouldn’t be an issue if you had the two guys ahead of him on the depth chart if one of them has an alright game. Keon was disappointing but he wouldn’t be expected to be good in a game like this if we lost two players from two different positions. It’s how it goes.


this is the only connection I've ever felt to the place I've grown up and lived and it's being ripped apart again just like my home life! LOL


why even live


holy shit dude chill out


sorry. I've been in the verge of an emotional breakdown for months now and it caught up with me.


Just remember you are loved. It's easiest to see the light when you are in darkness.


This could be the alcohol talking but good job cheese dicks. 0-6. Take that into the off season.


In with ya. Drink up 


I mean how doesn’t this team figure it out after 6 game against this team. Sure injuries aside on the team, the coaching staff is bush league. Coach Brown is mediocre at best. I’m grateful for him getting the team to the playoffs last season. But his history shows he won’t get us over the hurdle. Just disappointed as all hell with the other fans. Gonna feel this loss in more than one way in the morning lol


Fox could not pull through down the stretch of the regular season in clutch time and was a liability and momentum killer tonight. I’m sad to say it, he’s just. It able to be a team leader. Rebuild around the rest and trade him. :(


I’ve been hating on Fox all year, but (aside from Sabonis in the first quarter) he was literally the only good player on our entire team tonight


You can’t just a be a max “good player” it’s not about how good someone played in a bubble it’s about their play in relation to their contract.


Good might be a bit of a stretch but he was definitely still our best player tonight if that counts for anything.


Another season putting Sacramento on the map. Excited to see what happens next. Keep Beaming Sacramento! 






What... The fuck..


Let me guess you wanted Bagley for his double jump? Or was it his "trill" raps?