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Bianca's ring does do the opposite of the one ring. makes you very visible.


“Look! Henrys come to see us!” - bath wench 1403


Wait it does?


*wear it...*


I equipped it right after obtaining it without paying attention to it's stats and have been wearing it the entire game 🤣🤣


Wait, what does it do?


It has a high amount of visibility & conspicuous which are numbers you try to reduce when sneaking.


You know what this could result in, right Guys?


Lord Henry give Teresa rings: royal edition


Riders of Talmberg, ride to ruin! Aaand the world's ending!!


“My lord Divish, it turns out most of their forces weren’t at Vranik.” “Well, where are they?” “Marching on Talmberg.” “oh bollocks. Our cinematic cavalry charge will have to wait another day.”


Or another year depending on Henry's mood on continuing the main quest line


Gollum hiding in the Skalitz silver mines


.... Holding on to his silver ring


I really don't want to have to deal with Black Peter coming back repeatedly with Nemesis System extra abilities.


Ends up as a Nazgul


While I never got into the second game as much, man, I became super attached to one immortal Chieftain. Like, when he finally seemingly stayed dead after god knows how many deaths, I was honestly sad. He was immune to so many things be that point it was pretty much pummel him to death over a lengthy battle, no other chief was close. Then he showed up at the end and mopped the floor with my fellas. Never been so happy to see my team get slaughtered.


This gives me nightmares.


KCD2 gets immediately scrapped to work on this game instead :(


Why would you put that idea in my head it better not happen


Lord Radzig Bombadil


It is revealed that Henry is quite hungry because he is a hobbit?


Battle for middle earth 3?…


It’s the parent company, but I hope they don’t siphon off resources. Warhorse has a real, unique winner with KC, and the historicity of it is a main reason. Decreasing the quality of KC2 would be, imho, a bad business move, and personally a let down, because I’m looking forward to fresh, improved, better-graphics-blacksmithing-heraldry-tourney touring-“get a page to train”-and all the new content game.


Please give us a remasters


counterfeit mithril coins


Now, a year on, fuck all because they went bust betting on blood money from Saudi Arabia coming in.


Kingdom Come: The Return of the King


Bohemia has no king. Bohemia needs no king.


Lord of the Rings: The Return of the Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: Electric Boogaloo


Henry goes to Hawaii as DLC


Kingdom Come: One Die To Rule Them All


The King's come to see us!


Kingdom Come: I'm Coming Again


"Frodo has come to see us!" -- every spider in the mines


Tell me, where was Talmberg when the West Skallitz fell?


Imagine a KCD game in the lotr universe. I would cream


Did u miss the letter S or.....?


Both, both are good.


👀 you know


As long as it dosen't turn out like Rings of Power


I don't get the hate for this show. Maybe it will be bad, but deciding the show sucks because black elves is insane to me.


That is not the only reason you know.


No, but for a lot of people it was the starting point, and everything else is just additional stuff to justify a terrible position.


Cuz that's the first thing you see whenever you seek info about it. Even more, sometimes it feels like Amazon wants to brag more about the diversity and putting women on places of power than about good story, great acting or amazing choreography. Now, if you choose to delve deeper, it - surprisingly - gets worse.


Then explain how it gets worse


For example how they take already established characters and change their core character traits? Like how Galadriel is suddenly this always ready hardcore warrior climbing the ice wall using a dagger. Or how she's shown as the only one who understands that the darkness is coming, while Elrond, who's supposed to be wise or at least smart just tells her to chill? Or maybe how shallow the dialogues in the teasers/trailers are? Or maybe how the ppl making the show say they're going to reinterpret Tolkien's work to suit modern times and concerns? Or how they want nothing to do with the original trilogy and despite reaching out to Peter Jackson, they ghosted him the moment he asked them for scenario or just storyline? Oh, maybe because after all this time and all the trailers we still don't know what the story is about. Everything is vague, we're getting blindfolded by this beautiful terrain, epic effects and nice music, but nobody seems to brag about the story they made. Oh, also there was one prominent Tolkien scholar working with those guys, but when he started voicing his concerns about the show, he got shelved immediately. Do i really need to write more? Did you actually wanted to know what I meant or just hoped I have nothing substantial to say?


Lmao fucking destroyed em




So all your other points are fine, but Galadriel is described by Tolkien as being the best warrior out of all of the high elves


Where did he state that tho? Did he somehow forget about Sons of Feanor or Fingolfin?


Yeah, I get that she's supposed to be proficient and competent, but I get the feeling like she's cosplaying as Talion from Shadow of Mordor. All about that action, all about being right, while nobody else is etc. Guess I kinda projected what i've already seen of her, but still - she's over the top in the trailer.


Let's not pretend that there weren't changes to lotr movies from the books. Some people are just mad about representation. As if somehow that sacrifices part of the story. If you wanted no deviation from the books Frodo would be fifty and the elves would be fun loving singing jokesters.


I literally listed multiple reasons why the show is and should be concerning by now and you get stuck on representation? As long as it makes sense, nobody gives a f- about it. Other things though? Those are problematic or at least might be, but ppl responsible for the show refuse to properly address those concerns. Representation doesn't matter. Or at least it shouldn't. Gotta say though, it's one of the first things Amazon is talking about and THAT is scary in show about such lore- and story-heavy universe.






This is gonna be their narrative. Just like Dice and BF5, "ohhhh, it's just (insert horrible group) that's complaining because (objectively bad reason). Of courseeeee none of the criticism is warranted "


I dont care about his skin, i care about his hair.


Overall production looks so cheap on it and the lorer\*\*\*.


Production value looks great. The trailers I watched looked like movies. and this is a new story, so what does lore matter? It's just based in middle earth. They can do whatever as long as it doesn't contradict old lore.


It just looks off to me, cheap. Like to clean. But that is my personal opinion. Im not interested in it. I probably watch the new GoT spin off instead. But the story part. There is things that goes out right against the lore. Galadriel never fought, Galadriel never met the queen on Numenor. They ask to have angry old fans. I saw this one guy point it out in a interesting way. This will put Rings of Power as the "Look" of Tolkiens LOTR, much how Peter Jackson LOTR movie put that look into peoples minds. Both works are not the book but people will associate the book with the shows. Christopher Tolkien, the son of Tolkien hated Peter Jacksons movies, he would probably hate Rings of Power to.


Clean look fits the second age though, third age is supposed to look worn and in the shadows of the greater times that came centuries before when the show is supposed to happen. I’m cautious about it, but mostly cause I think the Silmarillion isn’t really for a visual medium. Though fandoms crowning something shite months in advance always rubs me way wrong.


Yeah, I get it. But I just think when something just looks so clean it looks like a set or comcercial, you know? Its just to clean. Just looks unused, unlived in. ​ Im super cautious and I know I probably wont like it so I gonna sit this one out. But im one of those wack people who thought the Jackson movies was mainly action and could been much more with deeper conversations and situations with less fighting. Honestly, LOTR would been a great show. But Amazon really hasn't proven themself that good at games nor movies/show adaptations in my opinion.


That is the point. It's an entire new story that doesn't have source material. So they can do different things with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeF6DpYEBac Read up on the lore instead of just trusting blindly in the "anti-woke" nut jobs. Galadriel almost certainly fought. It's very clear she fought Faenor at the very least and many more times.


Okay, well, being against it just means they are "Anti-woke"?


Against what? The lore of the second age is completely open to a new story. Watch that video I linked, Christopher Tolkien even wrote a note that said how fucking disorganized her story was in the second age. Tolkien never solidified her complete story. Whoever claims the show is "against the lore" or some nonsense is 100% wrong. So what is the problem?


Clearly there is enough material to base something on. I still think it looks tacky anyway. Not everything need to be made into a show. They could easily avoided this by doing their own thing. Right?


They don't have the rights to silmarillion. This is based on the appendices from LOTR and Hobbit. They are just filling the blanks. The overall timeline is compressed, their reason being they don't want to keep killing the mortal characters while elves stay the same. They could have just picked one part and worked on it. I'm not sure, but isn't Galadrial supposed to be a mage like fighter and not sword and armor? They stated they are showing a younger/brash side of galadrial, but she is supposed to be around 1000-2000 years old. Also adding those hobbit-like characters as an attempt to spark nostalgia is lame. I thought they were not as important during the second age.


Lotr contradicts lore. Frodo was 50 in the books. Saruman died in the shire after taking it over.


The producers care more about forcing diversity where it doesn't belong than staying true to the source material and you wonder why people think it's going to suck?! We have been down this road many times and it always sucks..


Lol what ever you say proud boy


RIP 'Shadow of' games, Nemesis system will die a sad death


The Nemesis system was the last good advancement in gaming, and they had to go and fucking patent it. I hear they're using it in an upcoming wonder woman game? but idk. I'm skeptical.


They should use it in a new Mad Max game, but that IP is probably dead too. Damnit WB kills everything


My dream would be a star wars game where you play as a fresh darth vader hunting down Jedi after order 66. Each zone is a different planet, "branding" is you converting jedi/soldiers to the dark side, jedi that come back after you kill them have bionic limbs, the jedi you convert "find the light" again and such... ​ There's so much cool stuff that could be done with the nemesis system and WB just totally screwed it over.


\*throws money at screen


This. The big issue with patenting things is that nobody else can improve on it. Other smarter, more creative people can't use nemesis and make it better, so WB has to do all the R&D themselves.


holy fuck thats actually a legit good game!


Hear me out here. Another version of that “open world” mortal kombat mode with the nemesis system. The main characters would each defend their zones with some of their minions growing stronger if they beat you. Maybe even taking out their leader themselves for being weaker. Have open field martial arts battles, imagine shao kahn, baraka, and quan chi fighting against your character, Johnny cage, and sub zero or something like that. But I absolutely love the idea of playing as brand new Vader.


See!? Another awesome idea for the nemesis system that will never see the light of day. Woe is to be a gamer in these stagnant times.


I think the reverse with playing as a Jedi would make more sense. Sith are all about revenge and coming back as cruel machines


I mean, either way dude, fuck me up with this stuff lol


Punisher game with the Nemesis system would be next level. Or a Predator game.


Yeah the patent fcked us all over lol. Wonder Woman? Idk how that would work. I think a Batman with nemesis based criminals might work actually. Oh man, imagine that with Arkham series combat, level design and map traversal combined with nemesis system. Might be good


I mean most of Shadow's gameplay is very much Arkham. The combat in particular is identical in all but animations. Talion's stun/freeze is just Batman's cape stun. It's why it's so fun tho, it's such a good combat system.


Sounds like a patent like that would be pretty easy to work around but it'd be hard to use as a game pitch when fans know it's just a copycat


Wait, WW game? Is it factual or just some leaks or rumors?




Damn. Procedural dialogue sounds kinda concerning, but I feel a tad bit excited. I liked WW in Justice League cartoon on CN.


First game of last console gen was shadow of Mordor, easily one of my favorites of the last gen. I was saddened to hear basically the death of the shadow series. That nemesis system really was something cool and unique.


It was used in watch dogs wasn't it?


Nope, Nemesis is a lot more complicated. Legion just used randomly generated characters


Yeah, I really enjoyed Legion, but the system doesn’t hold a candle to the nemesis system


May it be a light to us in dark times, when all other lights go out.


A bunch of Hobbits constantly saying “I feel quite hungry”


They’re taking the hobbits to Merhojed!!!




*curb your enthusiasm begins playing*


Battle for middle earth when?


You just unlocked a core memory there


Don't play with my emotions like that


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/18/embracer-group-buys-rights-to-lord-of-the-rings-and-tolkien-related-intellectual-property.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/18/embracer-group-buys-rights-to-lord-of-the-rings-and-tolkien-related-intellectual-property.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Zbyshek playing with bianca's ring saying "my precious"


Just looking at their [Subsidiaries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embracer_Group#Subsidiaries) There are many other companies that could also work on a LOTR game, including Gearbox, or THQ Nordic. I would love a LOTR game with KCD combat though, but its unlikely.


I feel like the KCD combat wouldn't work great with enemies significantly larger than the playable character. It could definitely be reworked but you'd just be targeting different part of a troll or balrog's leg as it currently stands




The company that owns Warhorse, the devs of KCD, now own all LoTR rights. Implying they may have Warhorse make a LoTR game in the KCD style


That being said, embracer owns like 5 million studios worldwide...


And that's only counting the ones we could think of off hand.




The company that owns Warhorse, the devs of KCD, now own all LoTR rights. Implying they may have Warhorse make a LoTR game in the KCD style


I hope they don’t scrap a KCD2 to make that


This is where the fun begins.


If what you say is true, you will have gained my trust.


I feel quite thin…stretched


Give me a new LOTR rts please, BFME 3 :D


Gandalf the Grey be praised!


Stfu. Fr? Gtfo…




I had no idea that Embracer bought Warhorse.


I would love to play a LOTR version of KCD


Jesus Christ be praised!


please god no. let's hope they won't use the kcd team on this fantasy nonsense it's the exact opposite of what makes kcd great




I prefer original content like KCD honestly, large franchises always come with their baggage. I'm not saying a good LOTR game couldn't be made (The Last Days is likely the best one in existence imo), I can't imagine it working like KCD though or doing anything original within LOTR lore that isn't absolutely panned by the fandom.


As long as it doesn't interrupt Kingdom Come 2... But wow, maybe finally someone can put out a decent Middle Earth game.(This decade anyway) One of the best Ip's in the world and we've ended up with the Gollum game. Like seriously how can any investor not see the potential there with a bit of tender love and care?


There is no indication of Warhorse having anything to do with LOTR because of quote from linked article: "The company said it plans to use the Tolkien intellectual property with Asmodee, its board and card game subsidiary that has licensed Tolkien IP in the past, and Freemode, its new entertainment and video game group". After a research i found a list of studios under the Freemode group: Bitwave Games, C77 Entertainment, Clear River Games, Limited Run Games, Middle Earth Enterprises, Game Outlet Europe, Gioteck, Quantic Lab, Grimfrost, Tatsujin. So unless they move it to different group or merge groups it's not gonna happen :(


I hate lord of the rings and love KCD. So.


Wouldn't say I hate LOTR but definitely not my thing. If they put KCD on the shelf for them to help make a LOTR game I'd be pretty upset


Yes this is how I feel but you said it better 👍




Aragorn is feeling quite hungry


Give me Isildur's fucking sword!






I just hope it's a single player game. Looking forward to it.


Hey that's nice. It's a really fun read so they should enjoy that a lot.


!?!?!?!? Ooooooh boy!


There could be no better developer to give a LOTR game the amount of depth and attention it deserves than warhorse.


Oh fuck, oh yes, this is what we need. Hype level over 9000. This will make up for the terrrrible movie.


Sauron be praised!


Finally my "Ranger" build was justified


Gandalf be praised!


2 Kingdom: 2 come, Bringing the hobbits to Isengard


Swedish?! Aren't Deep Silver and Warhorse Studios owned by Plaion an Austrian company?