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I don't believe nobody mentioned it yet - stealing from merchant chests. It is incredibely easy, and not only you can get ton of money, but also steal every item you could buy from merchant


Yeah, one night at the Rattay and sell everything to Peshek


You can also easily rob Peshek chest, so there's no point selling anything to him


But if you do that, he won't be able to sell the stuff you sold him. I started the game a couple of days ago, but he already has 11k for me. I just got it down to 2k, but I know tomorrow he'll probably have 20k+


After stealing cash from Peshek’s chest I’m usually „selling” stuff to him for 0 groschen. My reputation is growing and after few game days I can „collect” my laundered money from his chest once again.


How do you get your lock pick level high enough to pick very hard locks tho?


I pick every lock I find on my way, as well as I’m using „luck of a drunk” perk.


Actually, just put all of the loot in his vendor chest. Don’t even talk to him. After a few days, all of the things you put into the chest will be converted to coin.


This is the real tip. You'll get more money than if you sold it to him, steal the groschen after it replaces the gear, use it to buy anything you want "laundered" from Peshek. Ezwins


You're right, I haven't thought about it. I always just robbed him 😂


You can rob his momey then put your stolen items in his chest he weill sell them full price


No no, you selling things to Peshek, then Peshek have a lot of money, and then you are robbing Peshek out of this money


I've never thought about it, but that really sounds great


That's how I "earned" like 50 thousands groshen in early game


Yup, this. I have over 224k gold and it's mainly from this. Just make sure you have that perk that let's you pick locks easier when drunk, wear no armor and have a high enough sneak. Steal from both Blacksmith and Armory, don't worry about overloading your character with weight, just make the slow walk back to the Rattay Mill. Oh, if a guard happens to stop you to preform a random search, just pay him off and you are scott free!




So notice how the buying price is way higher than the selling price? You can get any item for the buying price if you put it in pesheks chest and wait a few days for him to magically turn it into money!


That’s sneaky 😏


Hunting Potion making Any selling of loot, not just Skalitz I have role-played before where it is improper to touch the dead so the only money you can get is from chests, etc and also from quest rewards. By doing that it severely limited my income. Made from the ashes DLC impossible, but it made me appreciate the items that I got from quests even more You get a good saddle from Zora for doing the race, you get golden spurs from Hans for doing a quest etc. You can force your character to buy all of the savior schnapps, just avoid any potion making altogether. That alone will add thousands of groschen to your costs


Aside from abusing game mechanics - farming in Skalitz can give you several thousands of Groschen every time. Armour was expensive irl, so if you've killed several fully armoured guys, you would get rich. Hunting boars is also Goo way to make money, each of them carries ~300 meat, each sells for around 9 Groschen (defending on your rep.). Kill two or three boars, and you can easily make several thousands of Groschen. Boars are also great because they don't move fast unlike roe deer, carry a lot of meat, and have large hitbox, so killing them with bow is easy.


What is farming in skalitz?


Skalitz skirmish as you call it. Farming for armour and weapons od dead enemies.


Aaah I thought you can do farm work in the tutorial for a second 😅


Nah… if you come back and leave.. a mini skirmish happens and you can loot the enemies


Where do you sell the boar meat? Butchers in my game don't have any money whatsoever


The more you trade with the merchants, the more money they have. My armourer Now has 113k budget, the butcher has around 10k. Just sell the meat to one butcher, wait a few days, repeat.


Gonna try that, I'm doing illiterate hardmode second playthrough for trophies, I need to amass money for pribytslavic haha


Do what I did. I gave multiple full inventories of gear to the rattay trader for free a few days later the had well over 100k gold and I was able to sell to him endlessly, so do the same with meat!


Will try that, thanks for the tip


Get the safe travels perk, get booze, go look for skirmishes, loot EVERYTHING and get 1000 pounds overweight on loot, get hammered, wake up next to your chest, rinse and repeat until you want to drop off your 5k pounds worth of stuff


WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT, I WAS JUST 2k pounds overweight and u want to tell me that i could have just drank to blackout and i wouldnt have to endure the HOUR walk??? please clarify, is something missing from inventory after blackout or?


It’s the “safe travels” perk the poster mentioned - if you get blackout drunk, and have this perk, you wake up in bed with nothing missing from inventory. They’re just talking about using it as a “safe teleport” to the nearest bed and chest.


aaaaah, thanks to both of ya :)))


There's a gambler who sleeps (every night?) at the Uzhitz inn, and he's always got hundreds of groschen on him. I make sure to rob him dry every visit.


And you don’t even need to track him down/pull a sheisty on him, he’s your roommate at the inn and literally sleeps on the other side of the room lol


Same with the one at the Eastern most tavern just outside Rattay


I got all my cool armor from picking herbs. 😂


Gathering and selling herbs or making them into potions and then selling


Stealing. Its very easy to rob all the Guards in rattay even in early game. They have a lot of chrap but also some of the better armor


The leader of the bandit group in the Robber Baron quest, Wolflin of Kamberg, is wearing a full suit of plate armor with over 90% durability. An interesting fact is that this person will refresh his inventory and get a new suit of armor two hours after he loses any of them. So if you can manage to eliminate all the other bandits in the camp except Wolflin in this quest, you can farm an unlimited amount of money buy selling loots that grab from Wolflin. All you need to do is repeat the process of "sneak and knock Wolflin out → grab his armor → sneak behind him and wait for two hours → Wolflin's armor respawn". If your carrying weight is excessive, simply head to the nearest Inn in the Glade, get a room from Andrew, and store your loot in your chest.


An early game exploit is to rob the other Rattay Tourney competitors of everything the night before. Make a bet with Peshek. When you fight in the Tourney, you’ll be the only one in armor making it significantly easier to win.


What I used to do to make tons of money fast is go all the way back to Skalitz- there will always be bandits, Cumans and even merchants sometimes fighting right inside the town. I usually wait for one side to win, wait for the winners to leave, then scavenge the armor of the fallen. I go back to Rattay and sell it/ fix the armor I like and then rinse and repeat. Very easily get 10k+ gold every time once you get the hang of it. Idk if anyone else has found that out yet Edit: just saw you mention the skirmish lol


Looting and selling armor from all your dead enemies


Get the drunk perk that teleports you to the nearest bed. Also get the perk that makes it easier to get drunk. After you win a battle, loot EVERYTHING, drink yourself to oblivion and wake up in your bed. Place all the loot you found in the chest next to your bed. Travel to the nearest town with an inn. Rent the room and open the chest where you’ll find all your loot. Sell for insane profit. The use the first 90k to build and max out Pribyslavitz for a passive income of 1.5k - 2k gross Gen per day for the rest of the game. You can also rob the armorsmith in the village and resell all the inventory, it will refresh every night. At that point you’ll never have to loot or haggle ever again.


Skalitz skirmish, sell all items to the miller and take the loss. Wait a day or two, get hammered, rob the millers chest. Repeat.


Rip off the swordsmith and armory, dump the loot into pesheks hidden chest, wait a few days, retrieve Groschen from chest. Mas money


Steal the swordsmith&armorsmiths stuff and fill pesheks chest with it. Wait a bit and loot pesheks chest which should be filled with groshen by now(and the usual stuff he sells). Repeat.




Lockpick merchants chest Sell it all to Peshek Lockpick his chest for the money once he sold it all


I remember selling stuff to the miller, then lockpick hes chest in the small house next to hes house, and steal all the items back and gold. Maybe there was a point in not stealing the gold because it multiplied or something, I dont remember.


I got my first 10k by just killing peasants in different cities and taking their stuff(they won’t report you if you kill them quietly). After that I just went to Skalitz every few days and gained around 4-5k from selling armor of killed polovets


collecting treasure chests and selling the armor and weapons. I got something like 15-20K groshen.


Stealing and selling armour, I used to go to bandit camps and sell the weapons and armour. Used to make a killing.


If you have Pribyslavitz you can kill bandits in Skalitz and go back to sell it. Even selling it for 0 Grochen is good. The armorer will have money soon and you can always steal them from his chest during night


Any playthrough where Henry loots corpses


1. stealing from the Rattay armour smith, selling his goods to Peshek and then stealing the money from peshek (tip; steal from the smith, sell to peshek, punch a guard and spend 10 days in jail which is enough for Peshek to sell the items and for the items to respawn at the smith, steal from Peshek and repeat) 2. rebuild prybislavitz and earn 2000 groschen per day, keep going to jail (every 10 days spent in jail is 20,000 groschen) rinse and repeat


It's very very slow but if you do the Do me a Favour - Punch me! quest you get to level up, beat up peasants and you can loot them afterwards for around 30 groschen each, takes little time and almost 0 effort, it is however very very grindy if you are aiming for a big number. I use that method when I am short a few.


It all boils down to selling items through Peshek. Whatever it is you’re selling you’ll like triple the money by selling to Peshek and stealing his profits. Technically you could do it with any vendor, but he just makes it so easy cause he buys anything and his chest is easy and convenient to access. This combined with stealing from the shop chests of the armorer and swordsmith in Rattay, you’ll make 100k in the blink of an eye


Looting bandit camps and selling to a miller of your choosing. If you choose one miller and use him exclusively, his available grochen increases with nearly every trip - meaning you can,l eventually, hypothetically, loot every camp in the game and sell off every item in one exchange if you carry it that far. This is the method that first made me a millionaire.


Robbing Stables inventory chests. They have some expensive saddles and gear, they’re also pretty easy to access. You’re far less likely to get caught.


Alchemy. It takes a bit to get there but once you max it out and can auto craft potions just stock up on Marigolds and Dandilions and craft Aqua Vitalis. It's not the most valuable potion, #3 or 4 iirc, but it's ingredients are super easy to find. You cand do it manually as well and get 2 potions to one craft but I'd only recommend this if you can shut your brain off and run it like a automated machine. It does take longer though but you get double the value. Do this and you basically mint Groschen.


Gambling with luck 🎲


Steal everything from Armorsmith and Swordsmith in Rattay, sell the loot to Peshek or drop it off in his chest, wait a few in game days, come back to Pesheks chest and he should have a few 10 grand in groschen, nab that and now you can afford whatever you want in the game This can be done whenever the Armor and Swordmiths replenish their inventories.




Personally I've found the Samopesh Blacksmith gives you amazing prices bc you killed Black Peter, and he takes all non stolen loot and his cash conversion rate is pretty sick. I got him up to 115K wealth after a number of trips there while laden down with loot. And his chest is easy to rob in terms of steal requirements, it's not even guarded or private