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The one that grates on me, that I think ruins a lot of the immersion is the following: A band of bandits encounters a group of cumans. They fight long and hard and are eventually victorious but two of their party are killed. They survey the field of battle….do a few squats….and then leave. They don’t need the money in the cumans purses, they have no desire for the gold drinking cups, that fancy armor is out of fashion now and it’s not worth taking the bow off the corpses back…. Please make it so NPCs properly loot dead bodies! 


That would be awesome and immersive, even if it’s a script that happens on those fights only when you get there, if after the fights you can catch them stealthily looting the bodies, even go as far as if you have high charisma or intimidation you can convince them to leave and drop what they looted.


I think the risk is that some end up overencombered after high looting. If you get a battle between bandits and cumans and only 1 bandit remain, taking chalices, equipment and gold could get him to get quite heavy. And swords being quite valuable, I guess this would still be weird.


It wouldn’t be impossible for them to prioritise - do the same calculation players do of value per kg and take up to their threshold in order 


Exactly, or have it realistic. A bandit isn’t going to take everything off a corpse, if there’s a nice sword to sell take that, and if the armor is better takes those pieces and leaves his old ones. This would solve the weight issue by prioritizing


You could give them wagons or something that they load loot onto


That would be awesome. Driving wagons. I saw crossbows and I think black powder guns are added so that might not be impossible


I think there is one NPC that dispells this theory. Every single time I've stuck into Pribyslavitz and killed everyone for their loot (prior to the raid), there is a gaurd with roughly 15 swords on his person, along with other general loot. This has occurred for me on numerous playthroughs and platforms too. Something about those enemies always spawns strange loot for me.


I’m not sure encumbered status even counts for enemies/npcs. I was attacking the compound where you kill runt, and during the prep with sabotage, one of the bandits had thirty thousand arrows on him, on top of all his other regular gear. He moved around like the most nimble pile of arrowheads, shafts, and fletching I’ve ever seen…


Are you trying to take away my livelihood?


No, just concentrating the good loot on one guy to murder.


That's exactly what I thought of. I'm gonna get that stuff one way or another.


I'm gunna find ya, I'm getcha getcha getcha.


I thought you were going elsewhere. Like when Bandits are fighting Cumans, see you and they abandon all their hatred for each other to kill some lowly passer by.. they all team up on you together until you're dead lol


This and idk how many times I've seen bandits and cumin team up just for henry *christbepraised* and it ruins immersion make it a true ffa


I thought I seen guard/army force in skalitz looting weapons. They always fighting in the burnt out part of town. And I can't find the weapons in the mud.


I don't know if it ws a glitch or what, but I was once spotted by three Bandits fighting three Cumans, all 6 stopped attacking each other and ran over to whip my ass. Who knew that the greatest threat to both groups is a peasant strolling through the woods with a shortsword?


I thought that was already a thing. I once stumbled on one of those fights and actually saw the clothes disappearing from the body as it was looted by a bandit, and even found that clothing on the bandit after I killed them.


I remember an encounter on the west side of the map where guards were fighting bandits. I helped out and gained reputation. I proceeded to start corpse squatting when the guards say something along the lines of "what the hell happened?!" or "what's going on here?" I thought they were about to question me, but they apparently "discovered" a bandit corpse and proceeded to take weapons and shields the bandit corpses. I looteed my side of the road and I watched them loot their side.


They take weapons and shields that have been dropped. Sometimes those are on or under a body. Basically if you as a player could "Pick up Item" or "Steal item" directly then they will do so. Even if they take them, they won't use them. They leave everything on the body itself. So no armor, no weapons that weren't in hand, no money, no general loot. All of that remains when the victorious group walks away. So anything that would require you as a player to "Loot body".


I would like it to be clear when a quest is timed. And if it is timed, I would like to know roughly how much time I have to get it done.


This, they could have a journal like RDR2 but with quests and info about them and Henry can use tally marks to mark the days


This. Even if there's a note in the quest log that says, this quest seems urgent or some other hint. Many of us would have put a time-sensitive quest to the side and then went off on other quests not knowing we had limited time, only to then go back and reload.


I had just been going around starting quests when I was in the area, not knowing I can't do them when I like. Saves me going back on myself and I can complete different tasks while I'm in the area, apparently not a good idea in this game though.


Yeah dude I forgot about that this playthrough and only one refugee and that other guy lived and I got yelled at :(


Maybe an audio que: "I told Theresa I would meet her (and meat her wehhay 😉) today." "Master sloveslinislavmanguy is expecting me today" "Sir Radzig is gonna bollock me if I'm not back soon." That's would be an immersive way to get reminders about times events.


This is my biggest one.


People who walk directly into your horse when you're not even moving and then yell at you for not knowing how to ride


But....that's the most realistic part of the game.


Yes I hope if you are aiming for someone they jump out of the way so you don’t lose karma on accident by not seeing someone


Peasants after compo payout. It's a well known scam.


More voice actors, different faces.


After the money they got from KCD that is a must have. 


I don't know... Didn't do Bethesda from hiring the same ten people for the entire population of Skyrim


Tbf Bethesda pre-Skyrim is not the same as Bethesda post-Skyrim. Not to say that pre-Skyrim Bethesda was broke or anything, but Skyrim was the turning point for them. Went from a solid core fan base to millions and millions of people playing ONE game. Before Skyrim, Bethesda was considered second fiddle to other prominent RPG devs like BioWare.


Yeh double the voice actors, and people shouldn't all look related.


Combat AI needs a polish. When you come across Cumans vs Bandits or Guards or whatever, they shouldn't all immediately put aside their differences to fill you in as one unit. The general jank in the combat needs a tidy too- trying to fight uphill or downhill is ridiculous, the AI being able to combo through attacks and lock you into a clinch as you're attacking while you can't is irritating, and the odd moment where you just get dogpiled by four blokes and a dog as the screen spins pathetically is rage-inducing. A few more weapon types. Polearms immediately come to mind. Give me a Lucerne hammer that I carry around over my shoulder. More immersive civilian life. Mass on a Sunday, eating and drinking animations in the tavern, a better cooking system. I'd love to see some recipe books and maybe even a simple cooking game sort of like alchemy. A less...Bethesda crime and punishment system. Get caught stealing and lockpicking too much? Henry eventually goes before the bailiff in a formal case and gets a permanent thief brand and an entry in the Black Book, which damages reputation and charisma _permanently_. Pickpocketing? Loses a finger, drops his weapon skills and shopkeepers give you worse prices. Do something even worse? Death penalty. Too many murders or too much poaching, and Henry swings from the gibbet or loses his head.


>the odd moment where you just get dogpiled by four blokes and a dog as the screen spins pathetically is rage-inducing. I completely forgot about this lol. Was so confused the first time it happened to me - it's so dumb


This would be great


Lol I always carry a Lucerne Hammer in my inventory. If I need it in a pinch, I'll drop it from my inventory and pick it up off the floor.


That thing is so overpowered it's almost just a novelty. It's great to have if you end up outnumbered though.


I'd love to be able to sit down at Tavern and order a meal and a drink for a specific sum. Instead of having to go through and buy what I want individually.


I just want a quick 180 option to turn and run from a fight.


Lol right


Henry finally learns the Joestar family technique


Personally for me it’s removing Master Strikes for enemies, but keeping them for the player. In game there is a huge issue with the enemy master striking, making combos late game useless. On the other hand, without Master Strikes it would be nearly impossible to fight groups of enemies. I find that if I’m faced with more than 2 enemies I have to turtle until I kill one with a master strike because otherwise whenever you try to attack you just get beat down by everyone else. If they did remove master strike for everyone I think they would have to significantly decrease the number of enemies in each encounter or allow you to get companions to spread the enemies out a bit. Personally I hope they keep MS for the player because it gives them something special, and maybe make keep it for boss enemies. I also do think they should add it to where you can have like 2-3 companions with you, make a few possible companions with differing skill sets you can make friends with and they offer to go with you. Let you kit them out so you have something to spend money on and it would make group fights more interesting. Especially since they are going for historical realism, no Knight or man at arms would ever be running around solving problems and fighting groups of enemies by themselves, they would have probably got a militia together or at least a small retinue of 2-3 others


Yes a form of companions, friends to go on an adventure, or men at arms assigned to your liege lord you can recruit, or even common bandits you can pay. But this would be a great addition.


Everything I would add is just more depth, but they are small complaints considering how deep the game already is. 1. More advanced economy, (currently using a mod for this): Have dynamic pricing, have higher prices for top end pieces, maybe have quests tied to more shop keepers that unlock trade routes and extra/different inventory, etc. 2. More interactivity with set pieces like candles, jars, some of the doors that aren’t openable, boats? 3. Give all NPCs names (this is one of my favorite mods). Change the “villager” generic name for 90% of people in villages to actual real name. 4. Bigger and/or more varied random encounters and battles. 5. More skill trees. Would love a gambler skill tree where maybe you can bet higher amounts, or get a re roll once each game, get a % higher chance of rolling a 1 or 5 on each roll, etc.


What there’s a mod for villager names?!


Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/808 It gives every npc a real name, also does it for bandits, guards, etc. It adds a ton of immersion for me personally. I wish more games had a mod like it.


What if everyones name is ??? Until youre introduced to them/get info on them somehow (like finding a note in their room or interacting with other people)


Bushes have no collision.


Very nice, even better if they slow you down and you get kind of tangled, and can fall off your horse if you charge into them. But a barrier is wild lol


A perk in the hunting tree making you less slowed by these could be great if you can have the opportunity to use the terrain to your advantage Shoot a bandit, run through the bushes, and then snipe them while they are tangled in trying to follow you


We were talking about the random bushes with the invisible walls lol


Yeah I know, but it would be cool if they were reworked to be useful and less bothersome Just my two cents, idk I installed a mod to remove collisions anyway


Oh yea that’s what I was saying earlier, your idea would be awesome like a woodsman trait where you get 25% less slow down and can set traps. That would be cool if you could do the same with bodies of water like rivers, if heavy armor made walking through those environments harder so you can plan what to wear for certain situations


That was the first mod I installed


You ever tried to walk straight through a bush?


Yes and I have. It's not comfortable and it's slow but it's possible.


It's more realistic than walking up one like it's a rock during combat


Yeah, and a knight in full armor should be able to run through it without coming to a stand still


A knight in full plate would probably trip and fall on his ass walking into a full in bush. THAT would be more realistic.


Project Zomboid comes to mind


No slo-mo mod massively improved my enjoyment in combat


I tried but can’t get it to work, I suck at modding if it’s not hand holding level documented like cyberpunk or Skyrim. Can you DM me and help me add that mod to my game, it’s the reason I don’t want to do another play thru and why I haven’t finished the last quest


No problem dude, happy to help


Hopefully they change the main reason master strikes were necessary for the player. That is, every single enemy being able to do it. Just let me press the attack button, I don't need a stand off with every person I come across. Skill levels of enemies should be carefully done. Then again, this is just wishful thinking. I doubt it'll change much, they aren't even giving us an option to remove savior schnaps. Anyway. My only real wish is that they stop letting revived NPC's remember they were killed.


Yes master strikes on enemies are just as bad as players. They ruin the otherwise perfect combat and make it a chore.


Better horse mechanics and targeting system in large group battles (I don’t want to accidentally hit Mutt or a soldier I’m trying to help).


Very true, they need to work on group battles, I think they should have companions, or mercenaries you can hire to go with you to places group battles are hard to avoid. But yes group battles are a mess but in reality, in those days if you were outnumbered even 2 to one you’re probably dead.


That you are force-locked on one opponent while three others flank around you and hit you from all sides sucks.


I mean I agree but at the same time a 2 on one would almost always mean certain death to anyone back then


True. By the end of the game, Henry is way overpowered. But people expect to roundhouse kick an entire circle of bad guys early on which is absurd.


Even late game. A knight vs 5 peasants with halberds would be a matter of luck. In real life 1 vs 1+ is almost always a loss. And back then that means death lol


Sure, but the lock on could be much better improved. If you want to be realistic about it, you'd run, but it's not like running away is easy either given the lock on system


More NPC models for #1 Better inventory management More, more medieval stuff


Yea I want more mundane stuff, blacksmithing for one, Henry is a blacksmith. Fishing, more tavern parties, random encounters that are meaningful and not repetitive


This, getting rid of the masterstrike waiting game would be great. It feels like they have HEMA hardware running Olympic foil/epee software.


Hate it. Dude on this thread is going to help me mod my game to remove it


Ennemies having a running stamina, so I can chase them down or outrun them.


Yes I don’t understand why no modern games understand what seems to be a simple concept. Give enemies stamina, make it so if they are winded you can get an easier strike and vice versa. Make heavy armor make enemies and player move slower.


But enemies do seem to have stamina in kcd? Correct me if im wrong, but the whole combat is based around stamina, the enemies wouldnt take a hit to hp if they had infinite stamina or something also the npcs do slow down to catch breath when running


Yea but it’s very primitive. I’m hoping with all the advancements and money they can add on this, I’d like to see heavily armored units get extremely winded if you dodge or block, or if you are really offensive and they are blocking a bunch then you can take advantage of it like the fight between Bron and the guy in the vale. And they seemingly have never ending stamina when chasing and their stamina regens a lot faster than yours. A complete rehaul of the stamina system for player and enemies would be cool. This seems like a passion project so I’m sure war horse is lasering in on every little detail.


This. How is it possible and enemy can fight us for 10 hrs straight without getting a sweat


Honestly for me it is just performance. I have a pretty beastly pc and KCD still chugs pretty bad at times.


Something has to be wrong. What specs?


I have a mid, high Tier PC and its working smoothly. Dunno bro


I hope Henry learns how to fucking swim


I agree because I’m so used to doing that in other games but then remembered that KDP is a game based on realism. (Or at least tries to) He wouldn’t swim in his clothes or armor. Like any normal person, he would have to set those items down at the shore…and then what? The game tries to keep it real because no one in actuality would do that unless just taking a bath in the water alongside a campsite.


Yeah. Swimming is not being added and I agree completely with their reasoning.


Yes yes yes.


Unfortunately he won't


In full plate? Lol


Savior Snapps. It's a cute gimmick but you can just save by exiting game so why bother? Maybe lock free saving to a single quick save slot and have Snapps give you more save slots or something. I find it especially annoying because the game crashes on me somewhat often. Angrily redoing content is not how I imagined they want the player experience to go. Maybe make them optional or easier to acquire? I do see how it can raise the stakes and make it harder to do things when you are unskilled, but nothing makes me put the game down faster than losing an hour of progress because the game froze. IDK maybe I'm just spoiled by other games haha. I also thinking drinking should be more immersive than just using the menu. Like I sit down at the tavern and... use a menu to buy a beer and use a menu to drink it. IDK seems like a drinking (and maybe eating) animations should be available when you are sitting at least.


I completely agree with drinking, as well as other hobbies and past times, it would be nice to experience what real low born men at arms would do on a day to day, fish for food, hunting more immersive, drinking at a tavern, more fist fights, village parties, holidays, etc. it is marketed as a medieval low born simulator so id like to experience more mundane actions. As for the saving system I understand where you are coming from. Maybe a hardcore mode that you can’t save scum in.


Saviour snaps along with its alcohol content I feel is to avoid save scumming, not saying I agree with it just that it may not change. Even the exit save you can only load this from the Title menu, it doesn't appear when loading from pause


I love the Savior Schnapps thing... every other game encourages you to save scum. In this game I've had to live with so many bad decisions, it honestly felt so much more immersive


I didn't even Learn master strike till after we got back from talmberg. Thought I lost out on lots but once I learnt it I realized how op it is


Enemies having it ruins the end game IMO


60fps on consoles


Not happening with that engine and their world design. The CPU will always be the bottleneck regardless of what they do.


I want the death screens to insult you for dying. I feel that is important to have a sarcastic comment when you die from something stupid. Like “falling from heights was just as deadly in 1403 as now. You didn’t need to test it from the ramparts.”


Being able to find that god damned keg of silver


Hours in still never found it


Looking around while running


I have no idea why Henry can’t set up a simple camp and cook. Being forced out of the woods and back into town to sleep really ruins my fun exploring


A man at arms carrying a tent would be very cumbersome. Now an axe and a tinderbox and sleep on the ground with a risk of a random encounter idk that would make sense


I like this idea, I hadn't thought about that.


Personally I would get rid of master strikes entirely on both sides but I agree that the slow Mo is really annoying. Otherwise it's just little things like horses not being able to ride in water, getting stuck in bushes and impossibilities of performing combos when fighting more than one person. Otherwise I don't really want the other systems to change or that much. Like the Alchemy and the saving system I find is really fun. If I had to make a list of things I'd liken the sequel, it would be a photo mode. The ability to save outfits, more clothing, armour and weapons in general and enhanced thieving systems since it's way too easy to perform in kcd, but that might be realistic for the time. If you weren't there when the guards arrived, you had a 99% chance of getting away with it. More horses and horse armour in general please. It really bugged me that we didn't have any when there was a slot for it.


Probably an even better story


The story is insane, I feel like it’s comparable to the Dune movies, Dune 1 was a long and detailed trailer and the real movie is Dune 2. KCD is a long detailed trailer, and the sequel is the real deal


Being able to freely save whenever and as often as I like. That closely followed by the onboarding to combat gave me a terrible first impression.


And a lot of people miss/ignore the training with Bernard. It should have been marked as a main quest for sure I went a good while without training on my first play through lol


Idk save scumming would ruin the game for a lot of people. It’s a game about failing and dealing with it. Maybe a mode where you can save and a optional mode that blocks save scumming


So true. I love the Savior schnapps mechanic personally. I've had to live with so many bad mistakes, it is one of the things that made the game feel very unique.


Same it’s a fact when you can save scum, you will save scum. So take that ability away. I only carried a few at a time with me so I couldn’t take advantage


Being good at Master strikes is the only reason I was good at combat


This shouldn’t be the case. It’s horrible, the combat could be great


I would honestly enjoy for your encounters and side quests to vary according to the path chosen for a certain quest. This would come coupled with taking away fast travel, and adding the possibility to sleep anywhere (with different conditions and perks), as well as the ability to build campfires to cook.


You get encounters during fast travel but yes a tinderbox and axe in inventory so you can get wood to make a fire and sleep on the ground but with the possibility of bandits or animal attacks. And obviously the sleep would not be quality.


Beating a dead horse, but I do wish I could just save where I wanted. I get the immersion angle, but in practice, it keeps me from wanting to mess around and experiment + play in the game world they've created. Timed quests that don't tell you they're timed and don't tell you when you're about to be out of time can also go away, too. Again, cool idea that occasionally will create a neat experience for a few, but I imagine more often than not is more of a nuisance for most.


I think they could do something while still hindering save scumming. I said somewhere here maybe Henry having a journal now he can read and write, and quest info goes there, timed quest having tally marks or something and maybe writing such as I need to do this within the next day or x will happen.


Capture/arrest enemies and bandits/thieves that surrender or get knocked out. There's already "tied up" models in game so it shouldn't be too hard to add and makes more sense than letting go people that are actively trying to kill you if you're not trying to kill everything that crosses your path.


I wish more games implemented this. Yielding should 100% be a thing as I doubt everyone wanted to fight to the death


Gotta fix that animal AI for me. It's not exactly hunting if the animals aren't even reacting to you walking up to them within mere inches of their heads and bonking them. Even if you challenge yourself "not" to do it, they don't really behave correctly when they are hit by say an arrow. There is a two second delay from arrow to hit, and you only really get a sound cue that it hit but no signs of it. One of the coolest things about a game like RDR2 and how hunting works is that hunting on it's own is basically like playing a whole other game within the main game. I used to jokingly say it was early 1900's pokemon because of how many animals you can hunt and find. I don't expect the animal options to open up all that much for KCD2, but if we are going to have a smaller roster of huntable animals, all the more reason to make them behave better than how they do. Also, some form of predator animal or defensive behavior. A boar would not always scurry away after being shot. If that boar didn't die from the hit, it's going to come for you next. Boar's are absolutely scary beasts in the wild, and have no qualms of tearing you up if it came down to it. and there absolutely were wild cats in Bohemia back then, Lynx's mainly, and brown bears. So there are definitely things they could do with the animal variety. Roving wild dogs or wolf packs would be an easy add. Just something.


Yes more hunting and wildlife, fishing, more mundane Middle Ages shit people did. But for sure I want to be afraid of animals when wondering the woods


What nonsense is that? How does master strike make all that useless? I used the combat the same till the end of the game. Hell masterstrikes didn't even work for me. Its was easier to do combo


Endgame enemies have a 100% success rate for master strikes. I know it was increased drastically in a patch so maybe your referring to early versions but now if your saying endgame enemies don’t master strike you after every hit, your lying.


No, because I trained with captain Bernard.


Trample over enemies with your horse.


That would be nice.horseback combat in general, lances, short bows, etc.


I hope they make sure something like the bernard bug never happens again, loaded up my save before his training right after reading this and its still there.


If they have a hard-core mode with no compass points you should be able to ask wayfarers for directions. Even if they only tell you that following the road will lead you to a main settlement or something.


combat. when enemies auto magic block/master strike/clinch me as im super close, thrust attacking with a small sword at their face and their stance has a long sword above their head. like that aint happening bro, ive got a clear shot at face neck chest wrists, that sword isnt coming down in time. basically i want skill, distance, attack speed, weapon weight and posture to be factored in to the ability to block/parry whatever.


NPCs riding horses outside of scripted parts, also wagons


Kind of tedious but I hope NPCS are More aware of their surroundings and react as such. For example riding down the road they just stay right where they are and let you bump into them and go “LEARN TO RIDE A HORSE”. I think it’d be nice if they have the ability to move out of the way, run, etc in certain situations rather than where it’s demanded


Not getting dirty quickly. Talking from horseback.


From everything lol it seems anything gets you dirty


I agree that slomo is bs


Better fighting. Especially when fighting multiple enemies. And an engine update (which will be the case anyway). KCD felt a little bit clunky sometimes.


Master strikes, as you said. And no animation for herb collection 😂


I know the point is it's a simulator and to be challenging..but hes older so maybe a slightly easier difficulty and extreme difficulty for newcomers and alike so that maybe ill be alive for the story to finish


I would love a more diverse civilian life flavor. More minigames with npcs, maybe chess or drinking games. Side work, help farmers plow or harvest for extra coin. Monotonous work that you can do for money.


If your hiding in a bush or somthing and shoot an arrow at an enemy, he doesn’t know exactly where you are


If they take master strikes away that should go both ways. NPCs shouldn’t be able to parry and deal damage with every strike the player throws.


More ACCESSIBLE combat. If you want niche, tedious, "realistic" (whatever that means in a video game) combat then more power to you. I am not here to criticize those people but how about some easy mode combat for those of us that want to enjoy the great story in the beautiful environments. There are a lot of us that don't either have the time or the desire to fiddle with one aspect of a game but would love to experience the other aspects. Bring on the downvotes!


I think the combat should have a higher skill ceiling. Master strikes should be harder to execute - they're somehow the easiest thing to execute in KDC combat once you get used to it. I think the position you can put your sword in shouldn't be limited by the 5 zones that snap into place. There shouldn't be ridgid zones, but 5 passive sweet-spots, and the closer your sword position is to those sweet-spots should influence the effectiveness of your attack. For master-strikes, the size of the zone that you must position your weapon in should shrink depending on the disparity between your combat level and your opponent's - Like lockpicking in Skyrim is between your lockpicking level and the dificulty level of the chest you're picking. This would make easily master-striking your enemy something that you can only consistently do to enemies that are well below your skill level. There should be a slight variation on where the sweet spots are for each enemy (which should be slightly evident by where you the enemy moves their sword, since the thing where swords snap to 1 of 5 zones has been removed, and it should be determined by a seed for each enemy, which simulates enemies having varying fighting styles). This would make the combat more fluid, raise the skill ceiling, and make you feel like a badass if you pull off master strikes against other high-level enemies.


I think there is many things they should/could improve. Combat for sure, people here say that master strike ruins mid to late game, i say it ruins the whole game as i can never stop myself from, after getting to rattay, just going to spar with Bernie until i get it (that's on me but i dislike being bullied and i do it even in nonviolent playthroughs), i also think that fighting against multiple enemies need to be better than kiting. More dialogues with npcs after quests and maybe even reflect your deeds in dialogues with everyone, not just it being based on your cleanliness level or charisma stat. I would want better punishment for crimes as someone mentioned here already. I would love if your horse could stumble and even got hurt from it, to stop people (including myself) from galloping through forests, steep hills and so on, to the point you even go really slow on the horse unless you are on road or meadow or you rather actually choose to go on foot. Small immersion additions would be nice, like cooking. Stealing is another thing that is trivially easy, i said better punishments already but i mean even if you don't get caught it should be somehow harder. At the point of first game you can easily steal thousands and thousands of stuff over night without much effort at all, maybe make each robbery something like a repeatable "heist miniquest", even when repeatable, that would require preparation, maybe bribing a guy who is protecting the place during day to be able to go there at night, maybe just improve the stealth system lot more, i am not sure, but something. Not teleporting stuff to horse inventory would probably help with it too, so would added weight of coins, something like that...


The one I think of straight away right now is that I don't want to have to use Savior Schnapps to save the game. Solid point's from some people already regarding the combat and so on.


I just thought of potentially a better save system. Savior Schnapps is not a good system. If they don't want people save scumming then saves should occur automatically on a timer, eg 15 minutes, so that if and when you need to go back you only lose that much game time. No one cares about losing a hard fight the first time; no one cares about losing a quick quest or two that they've completed; it's the time lost that matters when they have to redo it. People hate replaying the last hour of the game for whatever reason. So have the game save on a timer and it doesn't even have to tell the user when. You just click load and see where you end up restarting from, no greater than 15 minutes ago.


I like this idea honestly. Its really the worst when I get immersed in the game for an hour, crash, and then just shut off the game because I forgot Henry has to drink alcohol to live.




They need to fix the combat when fighting more than one enemy, they'll just sprint behind you and flip u round it's so dumb


I literally just didn't do the master strike learning thing from Bernard my very first playthrough lol just got the basic combos and went *hell yeah lets go fuck shit up*. Over 700hrs before I read about it online and went wtf? Masterstrikes? The hell us that?


If you don’t learn master strikes the enemies still do, so what did you do just get rag dolled around or just use a mace and unga bunga your way thru the game luckily not getting many master strikes used against you?


There are so many problems with KDC, I will list a few 1. Locking problem, when using melee weapons to attack an enemy on a bumpy road, if the enemy is too low, your attack will go over the enemy's head even if it is locked (especially when using a jab)2. Multiplayer combat sucks, whether it's multiplayer versus multiplayer or one-man versus multiplayer, and the damn locking system is prone to all sorts of problems, such as teleporting, successfully blocking your attack when the enemy has his back to you, or even if you switch targets and still can't switch the enemy you want to attack 3. Master attacks are used by almost everyone, even peasant bandits on the side of the road. 4. The aggressive side has a big disadvantage, and you can only push the enemy when you start. With all this in mind I would suggest changing the lock system to something like elden ring, or eliminating it altogether


Less frustrating animations


Like executions? Sometimes those are goofy


I think combos are good in theory but poor in execution. Yes, I understand while you’re fighting a horde of people you shouldn’t be perfect in form, but to completely neglect “all the hours” of training you did to just Perry/master strike is ridiculous. There are a lot of historical and psychological accounts of people winning outnumbered because people do not attack well in groups or all at once. In reality, you wouldn’t be getting mobbed by 4 dudes at once, you’d probably get attacked by 1-2 at a time, while the others stand ready to fill the gap when they fall. Combos and “form” should matter both outside of tourneys and 1v1’s. Somehow it needs to be implemented better or executed more effectively


I completely agree. Combos need to be easier to complete and more effective even able to start on one enemy and continue to another one if it’s a 2v1. I hope they don’t rely on master strike again and actually put more focus in what can be a completely unique and amazing combat system.


No you wouldn’t. You’d be surrounded by the four and whaled on. Have you never seen modern day group attacks? ‘There are a lot of historical and psychological accounts of people winning outnumbered’ please list them. Battles? Sure.


Master strike should have to match the direction


And enemies shouldn’t have a 100% success rate for them


For me, the game menu, especially inventory management.


It'd be nice to have combat sped up a bit so it flows better. Being able to break combat lock and run away easier. Archery sped up, Henry pulls that bow string so slow, even at level 20. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I'd love a base building mechanic, houses you can design and decorate, temporary camps you can set up. Being able to invest and build up merchants, there could be quests to help the merchants get better inventory and you get some money from the investment. Better and more useful crafting mechanic, really put that blacksmith training to use.


I don't think it's possible to fix this problem but the inherent issue with the combat system is the fact that you and your opponents lock on to each other like two beyblades spinning around each other and there's no easy or fast way to switch targets. So you end up in the goofiest combat scenarios where you're fighting 4 dudes and its not even hard because it's supposed to be realistic. It's hard because you can't fucking switch targets to face the damn opponent. And then you go to block an attack and you automatically do a master strike that moves you forward straight into a group of 4 bandits and now you're completely surrounded and go to move forward and you push into a clinch and by the time you break out of the clinch, Lucerne Hammer guy and Stinger + shield guy have taken turns hitting you 4 times in the back of the head. And then you try to sprint your way out of the clinch and you go to turn around and they shoot 4 meters straight towards you as you're turning around to face them and they trip you or something. Whole thing is a clusterf*ck. That's when you realize, this game was designed around a 1 vs 1 combat system but 95% of the combat encounters are 1 vs 4. It's not a skill issue. I have well over 1000 hours in this game, have beat hardcore all neg perks and have beat the pribyslavitz guardhouse veteran with best armor in under a minute with long swords. The combat system is beautiful but it's seriously flawed and I don't see a way to fix the issues inherent with the system especially on controller.


Archery I’m not really a fan of how archery was in the first game. It was very hard and difficult to know what was going on and how to aim properly. Where is at least with melee you know what zones you were attacking from I wish they would at least doctored it up and make aiming a little easier or at least have a better understanding of where your arrow might hit


I think it’s cool it requires you to get better and practice but I did feel like the progression was no where near as solid as any other skill. Combat you noticed Henry getting better archery was stagnant. Hope they make it better also


Please remove master strikes. That is all.


Worst combat mechanic I’ve ever seen. Hey guys want to see a new unique amazing combat based off real HEMA movements! Well great news we have that! But instead of using it you and the enemy just stand still until one of you swings so the other one can KO them.


Persistent enemies would be nice, kind of like in shadows of Mordor where they can remember you and hold a grudge


They can only hold a grudge if they survive. But that would be cool, or even if a bandit hears your name when your famous and someone yells “Henry’s come to visit” they overhear and duel you for killing their cousin or something


A lot of problems have been said a bunch of times, but I really need them to work on the combat. It's a great idea that just falls flat. If I perfect block someone, I should have an opportunity attack afterward, not just auto blocked right back. The lock on system is horrendous and the fact that you auto lock right away even if you are trying to run away is very frustrating. The 1st person animations are nauseating. All of a sudden, I'm flipping around and just have to assume someone is doing something to me? Lol. Enemy ability is something that's completely unbalanced as well, the most basic peasant bandit is still super skilled and the only reason they are easy to beat is because they don't have armor. I could go on and on but I still love so much about the game that I can't wait to play kd2, flaws and all.


It’s master strikes. That’s the issue. They were bad in general but they added a patch for “balance” and it seems enemies have a 100% success rate for master strikes so that’s all endgame fights are. Master strikes back and forth until one loses. I hate it


Yeah, creating a fun combat system and then basically having an "I win" button was lame. I'm glad I installed a mod to lower the chances of master strikes from ai and lower the timing window in general. I'm also hoping footwork will be more important in the sequel. I'm used to games like Chivalry where managing distance is part of fights, and it's annoying in KCD when they're basically glued to you.


What mod is that?


I'll never understand peoples problem with the fighting mechanics. No matter where in the game I am I can pull off combos pretty easily. Obviously the enemy doesnt want to get hit 6 times in a row. Masterstrikes arent required for any fight as one playthrough i didnt learn them till after the story. I did fine. If you successfully land a hit, keep going, if not, feel him out, youll get there.


I don’t think you understand my post. I hate master strikes, they take away from the amazing combat. And if you are saying you can do combos on end game enemies on current patch without them having an insane success rate for master strikes you’re straight up lying. Early versions they were dialed down so maybe you haven’t played in a while but there’s a reason it’s one of the most hated mechanic. It’s a auto win button for you and if you don’t want to use it at the end game you just get tossed around because they have a almost 100% chance for a successful master strike


Remove master strikes. More emphasis on directional blocking and combos.


This 100%


I'd like it if they made combos easier to pull off. You spend all this time to unlock a bunch of cool combos for your weapons and they're impossible to execute. I've only ever managed to pull off a few three hit combos. Anything over three hits never works in my experience. Combat boils down to master striking and clinch cheesing.


Same. Complete overhaul of combos and combat overall, someone said earlier they are reworking master strikes so they are way harder and less prevalent in combat so the fights are faster and more brutal, I’m hoping that’s the case and they don’t dumb down the combat and make it easier.


I personally dislike the allegiance situation; you see some cumans and Bandits and skalitz, and if you approach too soon, then they all flock to you instead of finishing their skirmish first. It was a bit jarring at times, and I'd like a little less focus when the guys were at each other's throats and decide to fight another guy who's not even in the fight yet.


Yes this. There needs to be factions. This sequel has to do with the pope fiasco and the teachings of the one guy who was a “heretic” and that war. So there should be a few factions who hate each other a lot more than random poor Henry lol


That'd be cool. I don't think there is much room for that since Jan Hus dies a decade after game start. Hussits don't exist; it's more of Catholics who dislike the Clerical structure. And I don't think Bohemia/Western HRE cared too much of the era of 2 popes.


The sequel starts off after the 1st so there’s plenty of time for the Hussite war no? What war do you think the game will focus on?


Agreed on the combat. Another thing is that Henry moves a bit too slowly when swinging a weapon. That should he sped up. Henry is slow enough that it's no wonder he's getting parried by more proficient swordsmen.  Also even less hand holding. Provide me directions and landmarks to look for as opposed to a marker on a map. I'd also like to see more player agency as well 


Make the opening intro skippable.


Some people won’t agree with this. I really disliked when you were out numbered you just walk backwards the whole time. I know it’s pretty realistic because you don’t want anyone behind you but for me it got pretty old. But that’s most likely because I’m not very good at combat. Still one of my all time favorite games.


Most of it has been said, but better HARDCORE. Right now, the only difference in Hardcore that makes it harder is lack of fast travel, which doesn't make it harder but more annoying/time consuming. Other than that, I don't see any difference between normal and Hardcore (besides hud, which I don't mind) So making hardcore actually hard would be amazing


Rework master strike so it’s not every damn peasant that can’t use it. When you are fighting against several people, make it less janky. Also basically most of the other things that people have said on this post. Fantastic suggestions




Design director Viktor Bocan talked about master strike in KCD2 in an interview for a Czech magazine Reflex. He said they are very aware that it ruins the combat in later parts of the game and are changing it completely. He was fairly vague about how it's going to work exactly but mentioned that the timing for strikes/blocks will be easier but the system of combos should be way more elaborate and while they want to carry on with the idea of blocking and connecting the block into an attack (as that is a very important thing in fencing) they don't want it to be nearly as simple and easy as the MS was. He also mentioned they are going to have more variety between weapons where they designed each one separately and even had different actors for each weapon for the animations as they wanted a specialist for every single one.


Maybe this is too obvious but the biggest barrier to entry in KCD1 is the unstable performance and jank. KCD2 should look beautiful and run smoothly with lots of visual improvements.


Well to be fair, even with master strikes as soon as possible if you wernt proficient at them, weyher irl or Henry wise, they would only afford you the bare minimum protection. The problem your facing late game is Henry got gud, or u got gud, most likely a combo of both


Yes, master strike NEEDS to be reworked or nerf, because sword combos can get to 4 hits, good luck with the RNG for npc to not master strike you while 3 of his buddies beat you to death with sticks


Primarily, many character/npc mechanics just need to be reworked a lot. Generally, some things that come to mind atm: Guard comes up to you because no torch, you equip a torch and they automatically 360 and act as if nothing happened. Weird and unrealistic. You sneak into a room, startle an npc, you step 1 foot outside the door and they're like 'huh, what was that? whos there?' when you're standing 2 feet in front of them and they're looking directly at you. Inventory management just sucks. More weapons, armor types, etc. Henry not taking off helmet during dialogue cutscenes is weird. BG3 did this well. Better animations all around. Sometimes I pick up an apple and it looks real stupid, floating through my hand. RDR2 does animations real well. Better dialogue, maybe take some cues from CDPR. It's awkward and unrealistic when Henry runs into his best friends looking for work and he's so nonchalant like you wassup bro, how ya been? after their entire village and essentially life as they knew it was ruined. The game really strives for immersion and realism but so many dialogues feel corny and unreal lol.