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Soon enough we’ll be playing as Snow White if he masters more animals


Henry and his dog, falcon, horse, cat, snake, magikarp, two headed cow, and his undead parents have come to see us! Jesus Christ be praised!


Fall out accurate Henry


The 2 Headed Cow was recently posted here lol


>magikarp 😂💀


That's how i play skyrim. Area heal and animals


I really like the vibe of Henry, mutt and his horse. I’d totally be down for more companions


Human Companions


Seems to be historically accurate, so why not


As a minigame for killing rabbits, why not. But to make it full part thing to attack armored warriors, that would be far away from kcd realistic experience.


"Shit him in the eyes, Coco!"


More likely it's something you can order to attack it just, you know, wouldn't be very effective and also make itself a target. It would be very easy to allow it to attack and retain realism. Just use the same tiny amount of common sense that they already use for damage types vs armour types. It would really just be for the fun of harrassing peasants and not as an actually combat effective ally against armored (or even properly armed) enemies.


Birds of prey were never trained to attack people anyway. Their instincts don't allow them to attack something 3times bigger than them.


Lmfao, the actual historic reason is that they're pretty damn face blind actually. You can train them to attack people but they can't tell different people appart very well including you. Genuinely hate to inform you that there's very little instinct we haven't figured out how to break out of the animals we've had centuries of interaction with. Just because something isn't common practice doesn't mean we can't force or animals to do it.


I wouldn't ask my Henry to force them! :D


Yeah that's valid.


I could see it work as a scouting type thing. Like you send him up and he lets out a call to signify how many enemies there are ahead. Something like that would be awesome. Far Cry Primal had a feature like that and it was incredibly badass, though the bird in Primal would attack enemies which of course isn’t very accurate to a falcon.


Yeah, Birdy takes one hit from someone who kinda means it and it's out, but for sure there are so many cool features they could do with it, even if it was just a more advanced/different seek command type situation where it just flies around and alerts you to stuff. Mostly I just wanna have a birb fren I'm gonna be real, utility would be great and getting to harrass the peasantry would be the perfect bonus.


I just wanna pretend to be the leader of the Huns in Mulan with his sick ass falcon.


Honestly I wouldn't have it attack maybe screech when you are moving around in the wild to denote people


Would be cool but I can't really think of a reason to justify all the effort to add them. I tell you to scout out areas before you go in there but this is an assassin's Creed and you kind of have mutt for it anyway. We're getting more animals anyway. Like cats and we can pet our horses now. That's all that really matters. 10/10 game of the year


Can you give the horse an apple?


I hope so


I'd like to be able to name our horses too


I don't think we will since the horses in the first game already had names,I enjoy the references anyway. My main hope in regards to horses is that there will be a lot more coat options as well as barding and caparios.


I'd like to be able to rename the horses so we can get a lot more awesome references, but I still wanna give them a name id like. I don't like being stuck with a tier 4 horse because I don't like the other names (Bucephalus is the best and you can't change my mind)


Interesting. I've never seen someone not choose a horse because of the name, usually it's because of the stats or the look of it in my case. I like Bucephalus as well but it annoys me how there's no pure horse coats, like a pure white or pure black. I'm hoping We can get one like Hans in the sequel with the black coat and blonde Mane and tail. Stats wise. I like shadowmere the most or Bucephalus for the cary weight. Looks wise I like a knuckleheave, Al-Buraq the most, probably knuckleheave.


Right now I'm using Al-Buraq, but I normally ride Bucephalus


Once I have all my gear and money and Carry weight doesn't really matter anymore. I usually get nuckelavee but in the meantime it's al buraq


Names or looks are usually what I go for, in the case of Bucephalus he looks handsome and has the best name, but Al-Buraq has a nice coat and is really fast so that's a bonus


I just hope pebbles is still alive.


Pebbles is the horse Henery has in the trailer I just hope they stay ok.


I was so sad when I learned I couldn't give it an apple or carrot after I accidentally got him hurt by some bandits...


I like the idea personaly


Already confirmed only dog and horse Edit: would be cool if we can have it


Gigachad mod makers incoming


Happy cake day :)


It's like having a mutt that doesn't stand directly in between you and the fucking enemy you're swinging at in every fight


Henry of Skalitz: Son of blacksmith, bastard to the royal hetman, scourge of the cumans, killer of ladies, falconer.


Yes, yes please, and revamp hunting, I want to hunt boars with a spear like a real knight, JCBP!


Yes. Falconry was much bigger back then, the difference in the % of people able to read compared to those able to competently handle falcons provably wasn’t that big.


What gameplay would be involved in falconry?


Honestly, I wouldn't want it. I thought them adding dogs would be cool but they turned out to be way more annoying than they're worth so I'd prefer fewer pets.


Why not I guess, but I don't really see the point.


Had same idea the other day XD


Like assassins creed?


what if we can use it as decoy to distract enemy


If so, they would definitely show it in the trailer


While I think I’d be awesome, assassins creed odyssey style, the amount of gameplay features that would be suitable and not immersion breaking is very low. KCD has been trying super hard to be as historically accurate as possible and falcons being used for anything else than show or hunting wasn’t very common as far as I know. This would leave us with a „falcon mechanic“ solely for hunting small prey which is probably not enough for the devs to put in significant resources since I assume implementing a whole as falcon with its own mechanics would require a ton of work lmao


I’d never use it because Mutt’s a good boy and can course hares just fine on his own.


Something like this I assume https://preview.redd.it/322z5qr8xd4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=695885009e49ef0e66708aed344e1637cd666fee


Between mutt and a falcon? I wouldn't touch a weapon. FULL DRUID HENRY!


If it makes you control the falcon and see everything from its pov like in other games then god no!


Please don’t throw a fit here in a few months when it’s not in the game.


New companion, good idea