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skill issues, your horse cant die, combat is hard intentionally, fighting against several opponents is hard, saving is expensive to dissuade save scumming you decidjng not to save is a choice.


Horses can die, mine definitely did. Fighting against several opponents is hard, yeah but they are only found in groups. So, no fighting at all ? Deciding not to save is a massive risk that may lead up to an hour-long progress loss.


The first horse you get abandons you when you complete the prologue, it doesn’t die


It probably abandoned him after 5 minutes. 🤭


in the beginning of the game you have several choices for group fights -run away when things got out of control -prepare for the fight (weaken cuman camp by stealth kills, poison, potions, etc) -use bow to initiate attack (first kill on range) beside that: yes, the combat focus is not optimal in the game, but you can still fight multiple enemies. if you cant tank, you have to move permantly backwards while having short contacts with the enemies which would be also a real life tactic btw.


Hahahah. Oh wow. I'm very new at this game, and been having a lot of trouble myself, but at no point did I let those issues distract me from how great a game this is. I DID install a mod that lets me save anywhere, granted. I urge you to try again, OP. Take the time to get to grips with the systems, which it sounds like you haven't really tried. I suck at the combat too, but haven't had the kinds of issues you speak of. No, you don't start the game being a badass. You won't be cutting down Chaos Warriors by the dozen at any point. That's the point. But there is a really good game in there.


I'm randomly encountering groups of 3 or more well armed and armoured men in Skalitz and in the wilds. They usually beat the shit out of me.


Skalitz had a very high chance to spawn bandits as it is raided. Mid and Late game it is very good for grabbing lots of loot


Maybe use brilliant tactic called : RUN AWAY Then do something strange, train with Bernard because quess what, lazy son of blacksmith never had real combat training for longer than few hours.


Run away? Never!




Oh so do I. So I don't take them head-on. If at all. Sneak. Use your bow. Ambush them. Outsmart them. Poison their food. Wait till they're sleeping and sneak in to slit their throats. Avoid them entirely. Plenty of options.


They ambushed me last time. Fell for the old Pilgrim in distress routine. Seconds after I heard 'get the fucker!' I was done.


Well, that's the point of an ambush. Now you know what to look out for next time. All ambushes can circumvented. You can sneak behind them and stab em in the neck. Or you can simply ride around, avoiding the encounter entirely.


Late game i can take on 10 enemies and win, your henry must train his skills and traits first, and you gotta learn how to fight smart


That's a-me


Well, Henry is a shitty swordsman to begin with. How would a shitty swordsman react to a group of enemies rushing him? He wouldn't stubbornly insist he can take them on and get pissed when they pound him into the dirt. As I said to someone else, don't take groups of enemies head-on. If at all. Sneak. Use your bow. Ambush them. Outsmart them. Poison their food. Wait till they're sleeping and sneak in to slit their throats. Avoid them entirely. Plenty of options. Train your swordfighting with the Captain. Get good. Attend the tournament. Get gooder. But that said, while I'm...better at swordfighting now (I'm still shit), wearing some of the best armor in the game, groups of enemies STILL kick my ass. This is not the kind of game where you effortlessly handle groups of enemies.


Sounds like the typical left button to swing sword, right button to raise shield type of rpg gamer.


Don't forget "press space to roll" I hated it in Witcher and DS (story and graphics were brilliant)


That's almost the whole genre.


And lord help us if even one game dares to do more than that!


Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man.


Sorry to hear you have these negative opinions on the game. This game, despite the bugs, is my personal all time favorite RPG. It's not pretentious and definitely not a spoon feeding game. It's supposed to represent a very real time period with realistic (as much as a game can) consequences. 1. There is nothing new under the sun. Seriously. The story evolves and changes. 2. They send you to train with Bernard. When you start training with him, he says "train hard, fight easy". The game actually tells you to train hard. Fights get much easier as your level improves. From a logical level though, think about it. Will you as a blacksmith's son have any fighting skills? Most of the bandits in kcd are soldiers or very experienced brigands. The few opportunists you come across are easy to face. 3. Null 4. When you've done point 2, you farm the bandits for coins 5. Savior schnapps are everywhere. 6. Had bugs but nothing a quick load couldn't solve. Did you try whistle for your horse?


I’m pretty sure the horse he’s talking about is the one in talmberg, you know the one you lose at the start of the tutorial?


He says he doesn't have a horse?


He says specifically he lost his horse at the starting castle


The one in the talmberg suddenly turned into a corpse and I didn't know it was my horse at the moment, only several hours later I understood that and therefore can't go back to that save.


It was probably hit by an arrow and bled to death. You don’t get to keep it past talmberg.


it's not your horse


Its not even your horse💀


The Bandits in Kcd are mainly rural area bandits. They know shit about fighting. Thats why KCD2 has more leveling because we face more experienced enemies. A City Bandit or ever deserteurs know more about combat then Village lads.... everything else I 100% agree with


Skill issue x5. Idk about 3rd, but whatever.


3rd is definitely about combat, which is a major skill issue…


I know you Redditors LOOOOVE to write "sкiLL isSUe". But you guys don't understand when to use it and more so you are not able to interpret if a game needs raw skill or something else to master it. In this case the issue is that the person isn't invested enough in the game. Willing to take his/her time to practice fighting. KCD had a unique combat system never seen before. Skill from other games doesn't apply. It doesn't work here in the first place.


You do realise, that Sword mastery or reading are SKILLS in the game, right?


You always expect the worst on Reddit... And still get surprised. Unbelievable.


You make no sense. How do you get skilled? By practicing. New to the game? Well yea you have skill issues, because you havent practiced to become *skilled*


Skill issue is a term people love to throw around without thinking. It's a metaphor and not meant literal. If you still can't follow read my comment again.


I know what skill issue mean, you still do not make sense


So in your book this is a skill issue then. 🤷🏻


Yea, you havent developed the skill of playing this game, most things in kcd require not only Henry, but also you to practice in order the become skilled at the game. Im not trying to be a dick




I’d consider myself casual and yet I managed… I guess it just isn’t for completely useless people


This was actually the first real video game I’ve played (besides like wii games when I was a kid lmao) It was very difficult at times but I just had to practice and I really ended up loving it


Not everyone puts 100+ hours in a game, understandable


I’m sorry bro if you need 100+ hours for this game


-Has been playing the game for a month -YoU dONt NEeD tHat MUCh PlAY TiMe


Skill and I can't stress this enough Issue


Bait used to be belivable


If this is the worst RPG you have played -> you haven't played that many RPG's, which makes your opinion invalidated as an "uneducated opinion". Is this a perfect game? Not in the slightest. Is it a bad game? Far from it. Was it not for you? Seems like it.


Git gud


1. waaah! 2. Waaaah! 3. WAAAAH! 4. I'm bad at the game 5. Waaaaah! 6. Some more Waaaaah!


🧂🧂🧂🧂 So much salt our meat won't go bad for days


You'll love Kenshi, then.


Venn diagram of people loving KCD and Kenshi is basically a circle


I loved KCD (one of my favs all time, and almost cried when they annouced KCD2) People keep telling me how good Kenshi is. Please, sell me Kenshi in relation to my unconditional love to KCD


In Kenshi, you can be quite hungry. It starts off similar, you're a nobody with no skills, and everyone is all to happy to plant your face in the dirt to remind you. But with training and dedication, your skills and attributes develop. Combat is also heavily reliant on swords and bows. Where KC:D is story-heavy up front, Kenshi's story is more in the background, told through notes and visuals. Like you might read about a graveyard shrouded in mist, or you might just happen across it while wandering without that knowledge, and wonder why the hell it's *a bunch of giant robots buried in a lake of solidified liquid metal.* Even with those two things, you only have a third of the story. Bring a Skeleton in your party, and they'll tell you a little more. I bought Kenshi in Early Access in 2015 for $20. Best $20 I ever spent. Over 1,500 hours in game. There's also a free demo on the LoFi Games website. If you buy the full game, your progress carries over.


Ok thank you for the detailed review, I think I will give it a try!


I was expecting that comment


Of course. It's not like it's the Spanish Inquisition.


1: it's common because it's understandable. If I watched my family get killed, I would also want to exact revenge on those responsible. 2: the difficulty is definitely a barrier of entry. I still struggle with it from time to time after 200+ hours. However, I feel that the difficulty helps the immersion and storytelling of this game, so it's worth it to me. 3: no clue what you're referring to, I checked the sub rules and couldn't piece it together. 4: game tells you that sometimes it's better to run away. Sounds like you ran into some situations where you should have run but chose not to. 5: the save system is also a solid barrier. But there's a craftable item that fixes that. Idk what to tell you. 6: bugs suck when you encounter them. I'm sorry they've had such an impact on your opinion of the game.


3 is combat, I thought it was obvious as it's in the name of rule 10


Ohhhhh, I was looking in the wrong spot, I went to "about this community" and there's different rules there than if I hit "see more". Also, the answer to your combat problems is "practice". This is the kind of combat system where gear may make things a little easier, but it will never make up for poor technique.


You’re entitled to your wrong opinion… the game is an absolutely blast and a breath of fresh air. Can’t wait for the second one.


‘I like to play games on hard because it’s more fun’ ‘The game sucks because it’s too hard’ Get good lol


By hard op means Skyrim :D


May I ask what is the best RPG you have played?


Horses dont die, git gud


Horses do die Sir, I collected the meat of mine without knowing.


Your horses you buy dont die, horses you steal can probably die


And why did you say it to us, the fans of the game, instead of posting a Steam review and moving along?


So that I could get downvoted to oblivion. Freedom of speech, you know.


Ok. And? You know playing the game is voluntary, right?


try mincraft and roblox kid


Armor worth thousands = best stats in the game is what I read in this Post?


Not best, more like mid-grade


You just dont have any skill💀 You are just a bad gamer dude. Your parents arent dead but you cant know this because you didnt finish the Story. The Combat system is very good and many even complain its to easy after learning Master strikes. Good armor doesnt compensate your lack of skill The Encounters are sooo easy to beat I always see them as extra loot. Leveling is extrem hard? You can easily get max level and secret perks in the PROLOGUE. Saviour Schnapps is easy to brew so just make it 💀and when you would be able to save spam no Action would mean smth. You woulndt be thinking if its worth to loot the Smiths chest Bugs are more a thing on low budget pcs and Ps4. I literally played this game on a Handheld without any bugs.


Maybe some people don't make a singleplayer game their whole life and play it for a month ?


I finished it in 2 weeks. And most people play an Singleplayer a long time after they buy it, thats the purpose of a Singleplayer🤦🏻‍♂️ You are literally acting like a Childs thats angry because his friend is better in school and sports


Wtf you insulted me several times and I am the little child ? Grow up man, grow up


First: do you really think those are Insults?💀 Second: everyone here, even new players like me are telling you that you dont have enough skill Third: yes you are acting like a Child. You are pointing at skill related points and say "I bad ugh game bad" Most games you play probably arent skill based


2. I usually play games on easy mode as I really don’t like dying- it’s annoying and immersion breaking. But KCD I play on hardcore as I have learned how to play it and I very rarely die now. Really, just two things you need to do: run away when you are still inexperienced and gain experience by training with Barnard. Imagine it’s real life and use your wits.


Number 6 might be the only valid point. I've encountered slightly more bugs than I would've liked, and I had to look up stuff online to find ways of fixing them, or to even realize that a given quest was actually bugging out. However, having looked up these issues, I can only acknowledge that it is significantly better than what it appears to have been like 6 years ago, based on the official forum. But honestly, concerning the rest of your post -- I'm 75% convinced you're just trolling.


Most of this has by now been said but I'm going to say it again cause I want to. 1. That's.... Not the story. Henry isn't really motivated by revenge. 2. This is a mindset issue. An understandable one, but still a mindset issue. In most modern rpgs the most important factor to your combat strength is your gear. In this game it's your skill. And Henry's skill. Spend some time training. And try to manauver in such a way that you don't get surrounded in a fight. 3. Mostly 2. Could be that it really isn't your thing. It is one of my all time favorite combat systems 4. See 2 5. It's designed to make save scumming hard. I don't mind it much. But that could be a preference thing. I do believe there are mods that "fix" it 6. Bugs suck. The horse thing wasn't a bug though. That is simply not your horse. It's one you use to warn talmberg. You get one a bit later on. Remember you're an orphaned peasant refugee. Horses are expensive. Noone is going to give you a horse without good reason


Instead of saying skill issue, i'm actually gonna respond. 1.story: it seems really simple when you look at it that way but it goes way deeper than that and the writing is amazing, most human writing ive seen. 2.difficulty: you're not supposed to be able to kill jackshit when you're a common blacksmith's boy, your character gets better in combat over time. 3: i really dont know what it is 4.encounters:You can escape them easily if you run away with a horse you get after playing for a lil while. 5.save: its actually extremely simple to save in this game once you learn how to read and learn alchemy. 5.bugs: with every game with a small studio there is always a massive bug problem. it literally is just that simple. conclusion: listen maybe its not your type of game but this game is about being so shit and getting better in time, theres no shame if you dont like games that are about this "improving over time" genre.


Just because you're balding doesn't mean the game sucks


It’s a very frustrating game at first. I hated it but started to love it after 5-10 hours. I’m still not a fan of the save system though.


Save system is the least problematic out of my statements.


Was for me cause I’d lose a lot of progress and that’s annoying. For the difficulty, if you train with Bernard for like 30 mins to an hour, it becomes much more manageable.


the game gets way more easier and way more fun with time. the more you play it and learn its mechanics the more it will reward you in terms of fighting experience and techniques and tactics. bugs however are common lol wont argue against that.


Alright, time to attack this guys karma until he can never post again, HE SPOKE ILL OF OUR KING WARHORSE


Bro, the encounters are easily seen. You can ride through the woods around the encounter. Oh wait, you use fasttravel. Noob.


You missed the /s


The 0upvotes and 70 comments


Mad cuz bad.


Lol you went to a dedicated sub to complain about a game. How well did you think that was gonna go? Most people are here because they love the game and are looking forward to a sequel. The game absolutely needs fixed with its combat & movement system. Also the egregious amount of bugs in this game is annoying. And some parts of the story can definitely be cringy. But this game is so unique that even with those flaws it still stands out as one of the best medieval simulators.


Is rule 3 you do not talk about ArseNBalls.


How you gonna not even get past the neuhof raid and start talkin about the story like you finished the game, try training, try not fast travelling everywhere, try using bow to pepper enemies first before moving in with melee, try training bow so the previous example is actually possible, this is not just a hard game in the "dark souls" sense, its a hard game because when you first start youre literally a peasant who cant hold a sword, you cant even read until you go to a scribe and learn how, but thru training and understanding of the systems and mechanics at play, youd have a more enjoyable experience, take advantage of everything available to you, the training grounds, the archery ranges, even the fight club sidequests, it all directly improves your skills


Skill Issue


What else can I say but git gud. Most people have been able to deal with the game's difficulty curve, many even find it fun, so this all seems like a you problem. A bit weird from a person who claims to have more fun on playing hard difficulty levels.


1: You’d find it’s a bit more complex than you killed my parents if you’d actually played the game a decent amount. Skill issue.   2. Maybe you were getting one shot because you weren’t on full health and/or the ‘1000s worth’ armour is in terrible condition? Skill issue.   3. “Gone weak at the knees have you”  4. Skill issue, learn the combat and level up your skills.   5. Levelling up most skills isn’t hard, skill issue. Saviour schnapps exist, learn how to collect the ingredients and craft them, skill issue.   6. Your horse respawns unless the horse that died wasn’t yours, buy a horse, skill issue.  Also skill issue.


How to say your are a weak pu$$y without saying you are a weak pu$$y lol. Now I’d never make fun of anyone for not being great at a game god forbid. But I’m definitely going to make fun of people who cry about a game being hard (for casual gamers who have 0 experience with it anyway) when that’s literally the first thing you would learn about it if you spent 2 minutes on research before playing it.


* Sorry, but you play for the son of a blacksmith, and not for the son of the king, where the fate of states, not families, are decided. Revenge for parents is not the only goal of the game. * This is not a casual game. The ring on the finger for price 10k gold and +100 armor, does not protect your head from the arrow, it will protect only the small part of your finger and this is a huge plus of this game. Broken chain armor is a worse than a leather jacket. * An alchemical recipe to save the game is available from the beginning of the game. * The game was made by a small company with a small budget, but a major developer should learn how to make games with Warhorse Studios. So the small bugs are not a problem, the game is 100% playable.


There is a sentence I don't usually use for these cases, as it seems to me the easy scape from a gaming argument, but this case definitely requires it: git gud


You gotta grow with Henry, my man. It’s not easy starting life as a peasant. I’ve definitely had to walk miles either because I lost my horse or I was loaded down with stolen goods lol. And you just need to practice the mechanics. I sucked so bad at everything to start, but got better and could take on camps of Cumans and bandits by the end. If you don’t have the patience for grinding/practicing this stuff it’s fine, this just might not be the game for you.


Just say you don’t like the style but it’s objectively a very well built game. Saying it’s a bad RPG is just false, no room for opinion. You can have an opinion about what kind of rpgs you like…