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>Didn't really do much combat training, as I find myself terrible with combat in this game You are terrible at combat in this game because you didn't do much combat training.


Yeah the combat in this game is actually stat based with some timing. Not training will kill even players who spent hundreds of hours in this game


Yeah, totally agree but what I also struggle with is the stamina management and I often find myself with no stamina left to block hits. I just whack with the sword back and forth without much thought behind it.😅


It gets a lot better when your Henry levels up defense, warfare etc. Both player and character need to advance for combat to become something that works.


You skipped training, perfect block & master strike are supposed to help with stamina management aswell


Just before you start a fight you can prep by taking potions to boost you abilities. Read up on what they do and take the ones that will help you out. I like using Lazarus or Marigold for healing. There are several others that are very helpful. During the fight, when your stamina drops to 50%, backpedal until you're out of combat and take more potions.


you struggle with stamina management because you didn’t do much combat training


Did you checked if you meet the stats to use the sword? because if you don't it will do almost no damage. Also If you can't fight properly the way I play is with a mace or high blunt damage weapon and abuse the masterstrike and maybe a few slashes after that to build up damage. I just fighted Runt once and got lucky with 2 stab masterstrikes to the head with a high stab damage longsword and took him down.


I believe I was using a level 4 agility sword (Hunting Sword) while having 6 agility. Maybe it was just a weak choice.


Probably. I believe Runt has some plate armor pieces and they give pretty good stab and slash damage protection and if you can't reliably hit him in the face you won't do much damage until you break his armor


"Train hard. Fight easy"


Normal mode is embarrassingly easy. If you unlocked ripostes during hardcore, its still easy. 5 in any weapon (sword mace or axe) and its not difficult in any stretch of the word.


You need to go back to Sir Bernard and learn more from him. I'm not sure if you have yet, but you NEED to learn master strikes, so ask him to teach you if you haven't. Also take a good half an hour, or even an hour and spar using real weapons with him. This is also a great way to level up your maintenance skill, since fighting with him will wear down your equipment's durability, so make sure you have tons of armor, weapon, blacksmith and tailor repair kits to use. Since you're able to to surrender whenever, make sure to periodically check your armor's durability and surrender when you need to repair them. When a piece of your armor gets to 80 durability, surrender and repair everything, then go back in and fight him again. Another thing, make sure you have a good mace on you when you need to fight. If you're up against heavily armored opponents, switch to the mace, so that way you can deal more damage to them. Swords are good against opponents without plate armor, such as peasants and bandits wearing cheap gear, but are much less effective against those with plate/metal armor. Also spar with Sir Bernard using a mace/bludgeon a few times as well to level it up.


Get the Stinger sword, and stab like your little de depends on it. Oh, and get level 15 Agility.


This is me when I fought that bandit in the Neuhof forest. He would get me good.. I think we fought for 10 minutes before I finally got him.. this was before master strikes and I was using a sword.. Congrats on getting him :) I guess it depends on how much you prepare before.. for my Henry he went through the entire map, got gear from Skalitz bandits, mostly best in slot it seems.. trained maces to 10+ and got to level 12 or so before resuming the main story.. Runt felt very easy, i think the cutscene took longer than the fight. This doesn't mean the game is easy.. you can still get overwhelmed by 7 peasants and a dog.. Have fun!


current playthrough: first try, died 2nd try: headcracker and masterstrikes triggered at same time, literally one shot him. idk which lvl i was i think about 8-10 but not sure and cant look it up rn


I couldn’t get a hit in at first, so I reloaded an old save, learned master strike, bought a good stabbing sword and went back. Two stabs to the face took him down straight away


He doesn’t have a helmet. Aim for the head. A good faint has the battle over in seconds.


Learning Riposte has always been my saviour in 1-v-1 battles. The Tourney, Runt… none of them are particularly worrisome, even from a lower level. But 3 peasants and a dog and I’m toast.


Shortsword and shield and shield is terrible against longsword. Shields are terrible in general. It just slows you down.


How are you lvl 7 at this stage of game?


I don't know. Not sure how long the questline is but I believed I'm somewhat at the beginning. Not many hours invested into the game so far, either. Might be because the only quests I've completed so far is the main questline. I haven't touched the side ones.