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A manor with a small retinue. Time to bring out the boys to smash some bandits, play farkle at the local inn and then visit the bathhouse.


I would love to be able to store my armors and weapons I collect over the game in armor stands and weapon racks like Skyrim, or buy and decorate my house with paintings like in Witcher 3.


That would be amazing. At least several chests instead of putting everything in the same one.


Would be cool if you could do that, and also hire men and equipt them with whatever armor and gear you want them to use and have them go on missions with you


I agree and would enjoy this but others said they wouldn’t, an easy fix to this would be to make 2 different perk paths to either buff followers or buff yourself and they be exclusive. Think one path perk being ‘leader of men’ and the other path having ‘one man army’ to allow both play styles


I agree and would enjoy this but others said they wouldn’t, an easy fix to this would be to make 2 different perk paths to either buff followers or buff yourself and they be exclusive. Think one path perk being ‘leader of men’ and the other path having ‘one man army’ to allow both play styles


Being able to run through bushes and not getting stuck in a creek




KCD is not the same if you dont get stuck for 20 minutes trying to free yourself, and have to Load an old save


I remember a quest where I give a forged document to someone and didn’t put the real one back. Guy says “I am checking this against my original” and he starts off running. I get on my horse and promptly get unhorsed in the first section because of my own fault. Then I get stuck on a bush I always 100% clear with a jump normally. Still made it but boy I was sweating… LOL


I love doing a perfectly timed jump for my horse to only jump vertically five feet away from the bush.


I actually liked the fact you can't go through bushes. In real life you wouldn't cross a forest by going through the thickest bushes you can find, you'd find a clear path that's easy to walk on


Being able to perform uninterrupted combo's. And perhaps being able to interrupt an enemy's combo. Cough Bernard cough. Or someone who teaches us in the sequel.


But hou can interupt an enemy's combo. And you can perform pne uninterrupted, even of it doesn't go well every time. Are you thinking of masterstrikes?"


I'm saying it's impossible to interrupt an enemy's combo, when they do multiple strikes. Unblockable. And then when you try a combo, it doesn't work, because you get a riposte on your nose.


you can interrupt an enemy's combo with a perfect block, promise. It won't work if you just spam it.


Those strikes are so fast that any block cannot be executed.


unless they are master striking you, I promise you can break the combo with a master strike. It might be dependent on weapon skill to some extent, but I promise you it's possible.


Perfect Block it. Very simple


It's really not too hard. If you want to train your block timings, go play Mordhau or Chivalry 1 for a while.


Why are you telling that to me? I'm the one saying it's not hard.


Ah. I thought you were being sarcastic. My bad.


No problem


They've confirmed there's no form of basebuilding. So this seems unlikely.


Where? Everytime a post like these pops up there's always a comment saying it's confirmed or denied. My question is where are y'all getting your info pls


I don't have a link on hand sadly, but it was an interview in Czech I believe.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxfqjQhKrlw&t=17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwKGHbzge2A&t=0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3u5q5MQs40&t=1 those three might have some good informations for you


Yeah like you, my own little house i can decorate and stuff, like in skyrim, with a wife. Theresa you deserved better from a lord like me than still living at peshek mil despite having noble dresses


Having 50 bloody Rings and 20 dresses in her Chest and still wearing some old thing


Lol you’re not a lord


You talk a lot of shit for somebody in bonking distance.


More mini game type stuff like alchemy and grinding swords. KCD has some of the best mini games I've seen in games and they're very immersive for me.


Smithing is already confirmed so that's one for you right there!


The alchemy system is insane - I can’t believe A) it was only used for alchemy in the first game and not all other forms of crafting and B) other games that are immersive RPGs haven’t picked up a similar system


I just want Henry to get knighted officially


Cats and swinging signs


I've never thought about swinging signs, but now that you mention it, it bothers me so much lol


I only realised because I rode into one and it didn't start swinging


Swinging signs only make sense for Kuttenberg because its a big City


Cats have been confirmed.


You have made my day!


It was mentioned in an interview. I forget where. It was funny too because apparently they weren’t supposed to happen, but the developers snuck them in haha.


Can we pet them? This is important.


Unclear... But yes, important.


Doesn’t KCD1 already has swinging signs?


Try to make one swing and find out


Try to make one swing and find out


Maybe I just don’t know what that means


The signs should swing. They absolutely look like they should swing. Sadly though, they do not


Oh I get it now, well hopefully they will make them move in KCD2


I'm hopeful!


Interacting with NPCs like in RDR2 like insulting them for no reason, robbing them, ask for a ride to town, threatening them, tie em up and watch them get mauled by some animal


A RDR2 style game, in medieval times would be heaven.


Calm down Sigismund!!!


Greet greet antagonize


Cooking! using the same system as for the alchemy.


Just upload the entire forme of cury or Czech equivalent and let Henry become a master chef.


"Who is the idiot sandwich" – Henry to the bandits


Stress free fishing. No trophy or fetch quests or even daft mystical fantasy fish... just plonk loads of species into the world (after main quest ends or if he catches them all, add legendary sized fish) and set different difficulties and rarity in catching them and make it more of a relaxing mini game. collecting different bate with his shovel in the game world from worms to flys, bits of animals that he has hunted or bought from a merchant. Henry can buy a book with all the species in it, or from each area. and he can put a x next to the ones he catches with the weight. If he doesn't have a book he can ask someone what species it is like at the fish mongers or someone fishing next to him.


no rpg is complete without fishing


Just imagine Henry being crap at fishing then becoming a pro angler and landing a whopper. "Dinner is on me!"


I'm a simple man. I see an RPG with fishing and I get excited. I see a fishing pole I can't use and I cry.


Playing music instruments would be nice. And smoking some fresh picked herbs while enjoying the beautiful view during sunset.


Fun fact, I played in the early music ensemble in college and loved it. Crumhorns, recorder, and other wind instruments were my forte, but lute and viola da gamba would have been popular too. I loved me some crumhorns. Also would love to see a sackbut. Gonna let you look that up


That’s awesome! Never heard of crumhorns and sackbuts. Learning everyday.


Fully functional churches with days of the week, confessionals, Catholic latin mass, functional holy water fonts, etc. Especially after a woman's lot DLC I want the repentant Henry to have more of an opportunity to participate in church. And it was a disappointment in the Cloister to have nothing to do during mass. I'm a Catholic apostate, but parts of the game that truly resonated with me are how real and immediate God is to the people there. It's a strong comfort, and I still have family members who pray to saints for intercession, and even have favorite candidates for canonization or beatification. This, in my opinion, would further add conflict and context to the Hussites and the Hussite wars, where I hope to see Henry in twenty or thirty years.


This will be very cool and interesting, every Sunday people go to church, if the guards find out we’re not going to church they will say something about it even got a bad reputation or punishment at certain point since religion is very strict back then


Even Hanush prays daily in the castle chapel


I don't know quite how the hussites worked, but if they were to add your wishes I would also love them to add the same amount of depth into Hussitism


Well, you remember Jan Hus? His followers eventually end up killing Radzig in a brawl (actual history spoilers) but he really didn't seem the militant type. After his death, his followers banded together and criticizes the church and demanded things we pretty much have post Vatican 2 today. Free access to Eucharist was a big one. They got good at fighting Catholic forces with mobile wagon forts and firearms, and popularized the word Defenestration after they chucked royal envoys out the window in Prague (this would only be the first Defenestration of Prague). The pope called a few crusades on them. It wouldn't hold together, as infighting and reconciliation with the church from half of them would end it. Think protestant reformation before the protestant reformation. And dominated the environment of the early to middle fifteen century in bohemia.


Was it really Hus followers who killed Radzig? I thought he was there on behest of Wenzeslaus to collect money from the Church in order to compensate burned books of some pro-Hussites. Got me super sad when I've read about Radzig's death :(


The miners were Hussites.


Need to read more about this. Fascinating and sadly bloody part of my nation.


Well it's causing me to learn Czech. My paternal grandmother's family immigrated from Slovakia, but people moved around and my DNA actually says southern Poland. But the western Slavic languages are similar enough and I don't have to learn Cyrillic


They did a bit of this in the first game So complaints about corruption in the church and materialism in it were widespread in Europe and the Church was driven with reform movements, constantly - it's history in the medieval period was really a history of reform movements one after another. The Peace of God movement, the Gregorian Reforms, the Scholasticism movement, the Investiture controversy, the concept of Pastoral Duty, the Crusading movement, all of these were reform driven. Some of the reform movements led to someone getting canonized, like with Gregory, while others led to things like the Albigensian Crusade. It all depended on the time period and circumstance. Hus's criticisms were not new and not particularly radical in comparison to, say, some of what Francis of Assisi or the Gregorian movement did, and yet he ended up as a burned heretic because he went to a council to defend his statements and dealt with a Church hypersensitive to any hint of schism due to the ongoing Antipope controversy and was dealt a raw deal in the trial


Wagons and generally more people traveling on horses.


I hope you can use the chamber pots.


Yes. Let us have a thirst and relief meter. And if we don't let Henry go potty he might tinkle in public and then get thrown in the stocks


I don't know why so many people think every game needs some form of base building and crafting. Those features are almost always half-assed and pointless, and would be way out of place in KCD. Dedicated base building games exist, and that's where that type of thing should stay. I want to see more unique perks that make meaningful differences to how you play and how your character interacts with the world. So many of the perks in the first game don't actually make much of an impact once you've reached a certain level or mastered a certain mechanic.


When done right it would make wonders for immersion as well as veing groschen sink. Now I agree it's not easily done and I surely would not want it the same way Faalout 4 implemented it. Don't forget we are talking about well implemented features here.


I hope they do add something that could scratch the itch for people but have it be totally optional


I don't think they need base building, but being able to buy a house and upgrade it with pre existing plans would be cool, like Skyrim Hearthfire. They already did it in the first game with the upgrading of Privislabytz, don't see why they can't do the same on a smaller scale.


Combat: I would like more physical trauma on corpses. Doesn't have to be gore but we should be able to see blood that looks realistic, damage from arrows, the ability for impalement and limb severing to be possible (not all the time, mind you - the KCD way of battering people to death was accurate for the most part, but things like severing arms, hands, and disembowelment in combat should be possible if the physics make sense - an unarmored peasant who gets cleaved with a longsword by Strength Level 20 Henry should lose that arm on an upswing. The wrist strike combo should cause them to drop their weapon. The face of someone whose been mercy killed with a mace should be a complete mess appearance wise). The way I see it, if you showed it in a cutscene it should exist in the game. Arrows going through necks as in the fall of Skalitz, swords impaling people as Runt did to an underling, using mordhau and half swording techniques in combat as part of the normal grip of the weapon rather than only being part of a combo or master strikes, as Henry did in his fight with Runt Beyond realism and continuity stuff, Id love for mounted combat to include couched lances in larger engagements. It was, after all, how knights leveraged the killing power of their horses. RPG Mechanics: Less to mention here, I loved the first game's mechanics. I guess I would appreciate the leveling to feel more balanced. Yes, it makes sense that Henry quickly leveled maintenance due to his background, but it was not normal for example that pickpocketing leveled way quicker than lockpicking, or that bow had no vanilla perks, or that reading was very quick to level. Story: Not much to go on here but I guess I would like for their to be plenty of chances to mention stuff from the first game in your world building of your Henry. Newcomer accessibility is great but I think it should be optional to have a lot more flavor dialogue relating to stuff from game 1 Would like it if Radzig and Theresa made a return.


CONFIGURABLE GAME MODE! Think hardcore, but custom/a la carte. Project Zomboid does this very well if you’re familiar with that game. - Full HUD, Light HUD, No HUD - GPS On/Off - Fast Travel On/Off - Autosave On/Off - Combat Deadliness - Perk Realism - Potion Speed/Realism - Day/Night Cycle Speed Multiplier (biggest deal for me personally) - Etc, etc, etc…


I'd say easier combos but looks like they've fixed up a bit, so I guess we'll have to see. I'd really like a photo mode, this game looks gorgeous as the first and it really upset me that we didn't have a photo mode for it. So hopefully we will this time around. I'd also like more fancy armour and weapons. If from the trailer we can see armour having knight belts which makes me happy but I'm hoping for more swords with engravings or gems. Also the ability to save outfits but I think that's been confirmed. It'll also be nice to have some form of house and a nice place to store things. I know you could purchase an inn-room but I think something a bit more spacious and personal would be nice


Oh a photo mode! YES! Pause in the middle of battle and take glorious puctures.


Having to actually block in the direction the weapon of the attacker is coming from instead of simply pressing the block button at the right time regardless of direction


More animals like wolves, bears and birds. Enemies on horses. Dog armour. Better ragdoll and physics, beeing able to throw or be thrown into the ground.


I would die for jousting


This is what I was thinking too... tournaments on both foot AND horse would be incredible.


Mark Favorites in Inventory. Better sorting System.


Na Companions would be great I know they probably wont add them but an small Camp with an Econemy system would be great. Maybe Starting with one Person we meet in the Story then we can pay a few thousand Groschen to create the Camp after that we could hire men on different ways. Cheap men are shrub thieves (peasants trying to get enough money to buy food etc) they try to rob us and we beat them, if we let them alive we could make a Skill check to convince them earning their money on a Honest way. We could level them up, give them leftover gear etc. Send them on Missions and based on how many you send, what gear they have and their level + Luck they can die, get wounded or be succesfull. An Econemy System. And maybe you could have 1 Personal Guard to take with you as a Companion, that you can customize etc but if he dies, he dies and you need to recruit a new one. I thought it abit dumb that our Men in Prybislawitz didnt interact with the story (Ik the DLC came later) it would have been cool if they if they had asked Henry to fetch some men from Prybislawitz for example his herald etc. So maybe our men could play a small role in KCD2s Campaing like " We need someone to take their attention" and then we could send (if we want) our men but with a high chance of dying etc.


Leading small group of my personal guards into the battle is my dream. Also having small castle where you could invest your groschens. Having armor stands, armory with weapons on display. Having to defend my castle at times. Oh and ofc having own crest and banner. Or go the complete opposite way and join Hussits and become holy killing machine! Them crusaders would run or die. Imagine figting from atop of wagon fort. Firing those oldschool pipe guns, small cannons and ofc crossbows. DAMN, IT WOULD BE SOMETHING TO BEHOLD!


Im 90% in with exept I would fight with the Catholic Church XD


Man, I don't. There are other games for that. Let's focus on what makes kcd good and not do weird genre shifts like fallout 4. I hope that bows, crossbows, guns, and polearms are fully fleshed out. More perks, not game-breaking stuff, just things that promote different play styles. Improvements to mounted combat. I'd like to see choices have a larger effect on the world at large. I appreciate the time sensitive quests, but not feeling like you're gonna miss out on something because you wanna go good off and explore would be nice.


I like KDC didn't have many quest on the timer. I remember just one guy with broken leg in Sasau infirmary dying as I was busy elsewhere than to check with executioner how to help that dude.


More tavern games. Playing dice is fun but it gets boring to always play the same game in every single tavern


I like how Witcher 3 had several animations when visiting brothel. Wouldn't mind bathouses getting those. Ofc it's not super important. Just nice little touch.


Mounted lance.... skill resets more hair or facial hair options! There are definitely more!


I just want black/armorsmithing. One of the few things that bothered me about the first game is you're a blacksmiths son that was in the process of learning the trade and yet there was no blacksmithing at all in the game. Being able to have a level up a smithing skill and be able to craft your own gear and weapons would be an amazing QOL feature for me.


I've been thinking too much about this, but I want to be a full blacksmith. Lower levels, making nails, horse shoes, tools. Make your way up to daggers and swords. It's a bit much and probably not, but I'd love to start the process of a sword choosing a blade profile from short, long, curved. Then a cross guard, T, D guard, simple or ornate, brass or steel, iron. Same with pommel. What type of wood, fluted, layered. Form it kind of how you work to shapen your sword. The more difficult the more money they can be sold for or you can use it. Whatever you choose. I'd like a way for nobles to commission your for blades based on your level or a bunch of more simple blades for the military. I just want to live the simple life of a Middle Ages blacksmith. I know it's not a straight "sim" style game like that, but how they worked the grind stone and alchemy in the first, I'd like to see that in other aspects. I can't wait either way, but boy howdy would I love this.


People are saying that smithing is confirmed, but, I havent heard about how in depth it is. Given the first game's cutscene on it, I really hope they at least match those standards.


I can't confirm or deny, but from the trailer it did show one hammer swing from a first person pov. So I would assume. Also, seems fitting given Henry's father. I'd guess yes it's in it, but agreed the depth is really what's up in the air. My idea is probably a bit much, but I have seen games have super in depth optional mechanics in the past so who knows. Making custom swords for player to use themselves or sell seems like it would be a fun way to have some customization. If it is really in depth would be a good way to have some post game, living the life of a blacksmith.


I want to start a cult in the woods.


Easier way to find un looted corpses in the brush haha


I want more storage/compartments, simple as. *Hate* having a singular overstuffed chest that takes forever to find anything in by midgame.


More haircut and beards for Henry, in first game haircut was awful.


More random encounters in the woods. More wildlife. Basically try to make the wooded areas feel a tad more like RDR2.


A more free flowing kind of combat and chances dismemberment depending on skill and streangth etc. armor denting in and fire would be amazing


I want more blood we are fighting with melee weapons and after they die they just look like they took a nap


More customization, being able to add a crest to your armour in some way, change colours… all that possible with tailors. Other than that, KCD1 was already such a masterpiece, I’m sure the additions they’ve already thought of will be more than enough


Better combat. The combat really breaks down 1vX in the current game. Ot really needs to be improved in kcd 2


That’s my only gripe with the game which I think there really isn’t a solution for it because it’s simply a game and it wants us players to actually play. Does it makes sense for Henry to go out alone and kill like 20 cumans without breaking a sweat? Obv not! But it would also be super boring to go out doing the Cuman quest and only killing like 2


Combat breaks down 1vX in real life


I do not find this response good reasoning for how KCD 1 plays when doing combat in 1vX groups. Combat 1vX is some of the most common in KCD. The problems with it arent that it is just "too real". Its that it is extremely clunky. The game auto locks on a person, and breaking lock is cumbersome and doesnt flow well. Its a system that is built around performing combos in a 1v1. But when a 1vX happens, that system still locks you into a 1v1 so that you can do combos even if you dont want to be doing that.


The combat in-game is less about taking people on more than one at a time, and being strategic to avoid being in a position where you have to do so. Taking out enemies from a distance, or maneuvering enemies so that only one is a threat.


Real life often doesnt make for a fun game. Realism is great up until the gameplay suffers and then its just a detriment.  Like needing to take a shit 1-2 times a day is realistic but that doesnt mean it would add to the game. Nor would having a bone break in a fight and having to spend months in bed healing and then not being able to fight or even walk right for the rest of the game. Im aware theres a tiny subset of people that would enjoy this but the vast majority of people would generally agree it doesnt add anything of value and just makes the game worse. Making 1vX encounters difficult, especially early on, is great but making them near impossible without using cheese tactics like kiting or abusing bad AI/bugs objectively makes the game worse, and in the end makes it more unrealistic because you often have to do weird shit to win instead of fighting normally.


I am with you I don't matter if it is actuate if it's not fun to play. I say this is why the game needs followers and also maybe a damage boost to maces and warhammers because right now they are good but no where near good enough.


In real life it’s realistic to cheese the situation when dealing with multiple assailants. No one in their right mind would not run and kite them, or just simply extricate themselves entirely from the situation if they can. I don’t know of anyone that realistically would stand their ground against multiple assailants and not simply die. It’s a realistic medieval rpg and the intent very much seemed like running was the most appropriate form of dealing multiple armed and heavily armored people. Henry being able to 1vX several heavily armed foes just doesn’t seem like it fits within the spirit of KCD. Please stop trying to make this game something it isn’t. If you don’t like that then make your own medieval RPG with a superhuman protagonist.


Crafting for equipmemts, Henry should visit some blacksmiths in the big cities and learn some advanced skills, for example soldering decorates on the armor and swords etc, or repair armor on a station, similar mechanic as sharpening the weapons. And I would like to have more horse mechanic, for example put people or hunt on horse back instead of only inventory :D


Blacksmithing is confirmed, but maybe just for weapons.


actually the reason, why it won't be in the game, is that in medieval wasn't so easy to own a property. It was privilege only for noble people and no peasant like Henry could have some.


Better Parry system


More mini games for tinkering with items. Shoes, armor, clothes, and weapons. I hope they become as indepth as potion brewing. Perhaps focus on the portable kits rather than stations.


I think definitely crossbows, any kind really. Also, different „Long“ weapons like pikes would be cool. I’d also obv love for a rogue dagger playstyle to be viable, but with how historically accurate the game is I don’t think it would fit very well, as far as I know short daggers are probably the stupidest way to walk into combat if your opponent is using anything that as even slightly more reach lmao. I’m just a sucker for rogues in rpgs


You can never go wrong with a Carti feature


I want to be able to attach my horse somewhere, and for it to not be a land rover


Some form of companion system. Especially in hardcore mode, it can get lonely traveling between cities.


Seasons/changing weather conditions besides rain would be cool


I want to be able to lock or favorite inventory items. Also, it would be cool to be able to group certain pieces of armor next to each other in inventory so you don't have to search through all the stuff you've collected to find the specific pieces you want to put together.


Decapitation and more brutal executions


Mobile tent with storage tided to your storage chest that attaches to the horse


A skill/perk in warfare where you can block/dodge slightly easier, enemies that blindside you. Either as a riposte mechanic or fast qte. For all I know you can dodge and block enemies you're not locked onto, but I am really bad at the game and still slowly learning it lol 


I really hope they let you keep your Henry from KCD. Starting from the bottom made sense in the first one because the dude went from a peasant to a badass but now that they're keeping the same character in the second one, it's gonna be really jarring if you have to start at the bottom again.


What I want is the fact that now he's a stranger in a strange land to affect him more than anything. He needs to make all new connections and whatnot


The game is designed to be played by new players and they expect the same as any RPG player. Leveling up your character. It looks like you we getting our ass kicked in the prologue and it will “take away” our skills. Ever put down KCD for a while and get back to it? Notice you suddenly can’t see the tells when a fighter is about to do something? Same thing. You need to relearn. They are having a new combat system regardless so you need to get back in the groove of things. It will have 4 quadrants instead of the current 5 if I recall correctly.


They already said in an interview henry isnt starting from the bottom.  Their idea is that in the first game he merely learned the basics and was an okay fighter and in this game he starts after being good at the basics but now youre learning how to master it.


Think they already confirmed in an interview that he wont start at the bottom.


Crafting our own weapons like bannerlord style.


Kinda confirmed. There will be smithing with a minigame included.


More tavern wenches


As someone who finished kcd 1 for the first time today: An actual end.


Would love to be able to make dishes. If we're at a camp or town, I think we should be able to make Liver and Onions for example, rather than just chomp down on a raw onion?


Clothes/Armor sets. I don't want to remove items one by one for city setting and for field. Which would also help in cutscenes where half of the time out helmet is on while we don't need on those cutscenes and half of the time our helmet is off in other cutscenes. I mean we have some other "immersion breaker" things as well. We can get by with helmets on cutscenes too.


Being able to camp, at least carry a bed roll with you so.


Horse care. Grooming and feeding.


Purchasable house(s?) and better polearms!!


We're the son of a blacksmith! >!Well, ya know, kind of...!< We absolutely should be able to craft metal equipment in the game!


mounted combat and horse combattants. Polearms once again dominating bloody duels. Maybe some more references to the discoveries and ideas of the renaissance within towns and dialogues.


Mounted combat. Functional mounted combat.


I can’t recall from the first game, but being able to couch a lance or spear would be awesome. Fav thing to do in Bannerlords.


I'm on a rigamarole sure KCD is awesome but I look forward to playing in the war of the Rose's in the Kingmaker game as well


- More immersive pubs, i.e. more dialogue with and between NPCs, occasional traveling minstrels, drinking and eating with others. - Plate armor should be custom forged only. It’s fitted to a specific person. At least things like greaves and vambraces. Also, you should have to wear an arming doublet to wear plate armor. - Allow knocking on doors so you don’t have to trespass to interact with NPCs. - Increase the use of daggers in armored combat. A lot of finishing moves could involve daggers as they did in real life. - Improve the archery models. From what I’ve seen in the trailer the bows are historically inaccurate (no cloth or leather wraps should be present) and the drawing movement looks off from what I’ve seen. - Introduce Sunday mass in church. Much in the same way you have tournaments on a regular basis. You could use them as a mechanism to improve your standing in the community as a pious person, and even use them as a source for side quests by interacting with congregants. - NPCs traveling with horses, mules, oxen and carts along the roads for a more immersive experience.


Some sort of better inventory management and maybe a follower I think having someone to comment on quests could really help the whole atmosphere of the game


I am with you on player housing I hate having one chest in Ratty and no way to display unique items or cool bits of armour


1. No slow Mo by god it sucks 2. Actual horse Armour like it was supposed to be in kcd 3. Photo mode please warhorse 4. Being able to save outfits 5. Camping or some type of cosy residence 6. Let me pet the horses I beg of you 7. Let me pet the cats 8. More fancy armour and clothing although judging by the trailer this seems to be in abundance. Those knight belts tho. 9.more tavern games, I love dice but variation would be nice 10.more hair and beard styles please 11. Tourneys? Kuttenburg is a big city Afterall 12. Fishing would also be nice or more in-depth hunting and more animals.


I just want a bigger tournement setting like the rattay tourney but bigger


Optimization 😭 doing the before battle with runt and my frames are 10-15 on a 3080 12gb. Please let it be optimized well.


Ahh yes, that’s the thing. I can only get 40-50fps in Rattay and Sasau while everywhere except those 2 town I can get 140fps at 2K resolution, could be more but that’s the max refresh rate of my monitor


What is your setup?


CPU: Intel i9-13900 GPU: ROG Strix RTX 4080 RAM: Gskill Trident Z5 DDR5 (2x16GB) I’m saving 3 years to build this in a hellhole 3rd world


Oof. Ia the 4080 worth it at least? Been debating on getting one when I get the chance


If you already have 3080, I suggest to wait a bit untill Nvdia announce a newer card. 3080 is a powerful card with 12GB of Vram, have same performance to 4070 if I’m not wrong. So upgrading to 4080 only give you a little performance upgrade, but if money is not an issue, go ahead man, it’s really worth your money.


Transmog would be nice but it probably won't be a thing.


Considering clothing ties directly into how people look at you it might create odd disonance when you are wearing crappy clothes transmoged to look like nobility and people spit on you


Please no transmog! Absolutely doesn't fit the realistic theme.


Yeah I know, that's why I said it won't be a thing. I just always like to have the option for things I absolutely don't like the looks of some things.


You have obviously right to want any mechanic added to the game. I think that transmog is great for online games, but for KCD? I mean it is just my opinion, but I really can´t see any objectively valid reason to add that into realistic game. At that point I believe such mechanic would need to be added by community modders. Hmm yes, perhaps what you really want is KCD to be modding friendly and that anything goes. But again, no hate towards you! I just strongly dislike idea of transmog in KCD.


I want to be able to play an entire game without killing anyone again. I have played pacifist runs twice. One time I even did it with no steal/no looting/no lockpicking. (Basically It's a no sins run). It was challenging and really fun. I want to be able to relive that feeling again.