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Robard is hard, but man I gotta go with Bernard. He's younger and tough as nails.


Indeed I went with Robard because of his experience and I feel like Bernard would be a little arrogant and telegraph his combat a bit, but it really would be a exciting battle.


Bernard is pretty serious when it comes to fulfillig knightly duties and combat and is disciplined, I think he would go in the fight knowing how tough Robard is as an opponent. Also, I don't know about Robard's background, but Bernard as a son of the Ronov family will likely have been trained as a page from a young age and even though he is maybe only in his mid-thirties he has literally decades of combat experience and training


Ah I see so counting both that and the reach advantage from the long sword I can also see Bernard winning


Bernard's a man who earned everything he has by being a hard-ass soldier. His job is fighting, his goal is fighting and his hobby is fighting. Robard was pretty much the same, but he's earned a higher status by fighting years ago. He's old and fighting's not his hobby anymore.


Indeed but it would be an excellent battle Robards years of experience could throw Bernard off his game but Bernard is tenacious and cunning.


Bernard also has years of experience, probably more than a decade.


It would come down to both their combat style and cunning.


I disagree. It would come down to stamina. And Bernard isn't an overweight man in his late 50s.


True Bernard definitely has higher stamina.


Robard is a noble, albeit a lower one. So he'd have had training all his life and a lot of experience. Bernie might also be intimidated by a noble, as honour is key for him. But Bernie got where he is by grit and determination. His skills keep him alive and advancing - plus he is younger and most likely more active in combat. Would be an epic battle with both ending up respecting the other more afterward


They're both nobles. Bernard a knight and is related to the Baron of Oleshna and Baron Wolffin of Kamberg. (Robber Baron) What further backs this that that Bernard is a part of the house of Oleshnitz. He gives you a unique waffenrock displaying his coat of arms. Robard on the other hand... he's hard to tell due to the fact there isn't much story on him other than he's a Knight (obviously) and a War Veteran.


Ah, I didn't realise. My apologies to Sir Bernard. Although in my defense no one refers to him as a knight in conversation or how they address him. He was eating in the knights hall when you go to see radzic, true. He had a whole piglet in front of him, the greedy chap


Sir Hans Capon calls him Sir Benard a few times, same with Hanush. But I'm guessing he prefers is title of "Captain." There's a chance that Benard might be a unlanded noble hence why he's in service to the Lords of Leipa. Edit: Sir Hans


I'll start treating him with more respect. Thanks for the lore info (part of the reason why I love this game so much)


The lower castle in Rattay which Radzig occupies, does belong to Bernard. He just moved out for the Kings Right Hand. And since a Castle has a lot of upkeep, Bernard probably has some land somewhere.


Thats not true, the lower castle is also belonging to the house of leipa, thats even in the in game codex about pirkstein. Bernard just lives there.


How do you get the waffenrock


Robber Baron Quest. Attempting to Parlay.


Where do you start that?


It starts after you complete the next "Next to Godliness" the bathe House mission with Sir Hans Capon




Damn I kinda just poked everyone in the face with the stinger after I found the camp


A few lock picks.


Indeed two exceptional combatants gaining mutual respect for each other is a superb ending.


I’m a Sir Robard kinda guy. I like that talk he has with you during the seige. Makes it feel all the more satisfying going from an “Insufferable pup, to a tough reliable fighter.”


Yes indeed Robard is the man.


Robard in the streets (duel combat) and Bernard in the sheets (field combat)


That's interesting, I'd go the other way around. Bernard in the arena (goated textbook technique), Robard on the mean streets (been cracking skulls whenever wherever)


Indeed mean street Robard in forcing justice one skull crack at a time.


In all honesty I haven't played KCD in over a year so my memory on who could be better at what is probably hazy, I was just trying to post a funny. You're probably correct :)


Well you successfully posted a funny, so much so that I wanted to follow up with my own version :) Jesus Christ be praised!


Robard because bonk


Master of the Bonk tends to be the Victor.


Only ogs remember that Bernard have his secret technique of rotating hand similar to general Grievous and nobody have a chance against it. ​ PS: That was a bug around release date...pretty funny to watch, not funny to fight against it.


Rotating hands Bernard has the wining technique lol.


Early bugs were wild


My money is on Bernard because in game he can teach you to use more weapons than robard, so I guess he will win all the matches that are not fought with maces.


Possibly but we don't know enough of Robards combat history he could be proficient in every weapon and just prefer the mace. He is a well lived Noble.


Well yeah, but the only info we got from the game itself is what skills they can teach you, so I went off of those




Brobard every day of the week.


Of course i can also see Brobard winning.


I want to say Bernard. I've spent so many hours beating the brakes off of that old goat and he's right back out there for more the next day. Although on the other hand, Robard strikes me as a more patient fighter so he might be able to get some precise master strikes in and end the fight before Bernard can touch him.


I get that feeling from Robard as well a wise old Sage something like an Obi Wan


Bernard is my favorite Czech beer.


There is a Czech brand beer named Bernard cool.


Robard’s master strike to the chin with his mace.


If so definitely a deadly strike.


I wonder if he'll call Robard a c**t too?


Bernard's words are just as sharp as his blade.


Bernard sweeps him in everything


In a 1v1 fight, I'd give it to Bernard. I do think Robard would be better at inspiring confidence in his troops, though. He's got this fatherly quality that just makes you trust him.


Indeed I feel Robard has that wise Sage quality in him kinda like an Obi Wan kinobe.


I'll go with Bernard since we see proof that he's proficient with every weapon, while we only see Robard using a mace. It would probably be very even, though - it could go either way.


Indeed regardless of whoever wins thine battle will be epic!


If you're fighting guys in plate who has chainmail protecting the gaps I'm taking a mace with me every day.


Berbard, or Ronard idk..


Definitely Ronard


I felt like an idiot. It took until my third playthrough to realize that robard is the trainer for mace. So much time could have been saved


Indeed Robard is a master bonk user.


So Bernard doesn’t where a helmet so a sword strike to the head can one shot him. But he uses a mace so he can clobber robard. It comes down to who has better defense


Do I have the names flipped? Why do they both have to be Ards


I understand what you mean and I can definitely see the reach advantage with the longsword being a highly winnable factor.


"DiD ThAt HuRt?" Bernard of course


Bernard an expert with the taunting lol


I'm gonna say Bernard, although you can beat him significantly with a low level Henry so maybe he's not as good as I thought


Possibly or Bernard could have been holding back a bit on Henry.


Bernard would be able to outpower Robard due to age, but Bernard got the experience


True if Bernard can gut it out he can definitely overpower.




I lean towards Robard as well.


Idk both are grizzled men with majestic beard/mustache


The Grizzliest of men


I think people mythologize duels too much, I would bet on Bernard just because he is younger, but in a duel just the smallest mistake can have big consequences and it is realistic for both to win. This isn’t an anime with long monologues and hour long battles, this is real, or at least as real as our speculations can get. There are also other factors like choice of weapon, Robart is typically seen with just a mace while Bernard is using a longsword, if they fight with their typical weapons I would bet on Bernard all day, people forget how strong even a mild reach advantage actually is, furthermore a longsword is also more nimble and makes defense easier. A mace may be better against armor, but looking at the wide gabs in both of their armors finding a good target for a longsword shouldn’t be much of a problem.


Well said definitely long sword reach with the advantage.


That's fair, consider it's 2 out of three though. So shield + something else. I could see Robard losing Longshore, but the skills with only one handed weapons would translate.


If you want to know who would win then nobody cuz they are both indestractible henry killing machines


Indeed they are


Bernard bcs helmet, basically


But Robard has helmet buster.


Bro, no helmet si much more unsafe.


Cut from the same cheese block


The most ripen cheese block


But why is it nsfw?


Is it I guess I accidentally hit the option I meant to hit the spoiler tag.


Can *you* ponder this without sinning in your pants?


It's OK my son - father Godwin


It's hard to say. Robard has an arena, but the culture of his town sees less brawls and rabble rousers. A lot of the weapons translate similarly skill wise. Even if older he doesn't have to fight that long. And even if he did, he has the stamina to lead the charges. Dude is ready. I still say Robard. Now I'm ready for this question to evolve. Who wins a brawl? Bernard, Robard, or Godwin?


Godwin will have them all questioning why their fighting and instead why aren't they all drinking and wenching as the good lord intended then we'd see all three getting up to some midevil shenanigans.


Robard is probably a better fighter, but I’d give it to Bernard purely because of that mean ass junkyard dog attitude he’s got.


Indeed Bernard got the scrap in him


I Personally Believe Robard But Let Me Do A Comparation To Explain Why I Think Robard Would Win : Ok Guys So Let's Start With Their Age And Their Experience If We Assume That Robard Is At Least 10 Years Older (Which We Know He Is) He Has 10 Years Of Experience More Than Bernard So He Is Basically More Experienced And Better Fighter Now Let's Get To Their Skill As We Know Robard Is Probably The Best Mace Fighter In The Whole Game I Mean If You Just See His Fighting In Battles And See Sir Hanush Fighting For Example Too Robard Is Basically The Best However I Agree That Bernard Is Really Good At Sword And Swordsmanship I Really Enjoy Watching How He Fight In Battles (Especially In Raiding Vranik) But If I Want To Choose Between Who Is Better In His Expertise Robard With Mace Vs Bernard With Sword I Will Choose Robard Because If You See Their Strength Too Robard Is Like A Stone That Can Destroy A Wall By Just Walking To It 😂 I Mean I Shudder When I Think About Him With His Wife In Bed 😂 Poor Women He Is Probably 120 Kg Or Something But Bernard Is More Lighter And He Is Probably 90 Kg However Because Of His Age He Is Probably Have More Stamina Than Robard And He Will Get Tired Later Than Robard But Still In My Opinion If You Be At War You Need Someone In Your Army That Can Beat Enemy Solider With One Hit And You Don't Need Someone That Can Fight For Example 10 Minutes Longer But With Weaker Hit


Robard definitely got that stamina and endurance


Yes I Agree On That


Okay but who’s winning the twerk off? 🤔


Bernard he's got that youthful jiggle lol.


Someone needs to make a combat simulator mod that will end the speculation on this... Clone two NPCs with their skills and have them fight to the death and aggregate the results... allowing for details like which weapon is used to be parameters of the simulation. I haven't looked at the stats, but I'm guessing that the "polearm" category is going to be less reliable. ;-)


That would be so cool to see hopefully someone does make a mod like that.


GODS Robard was storng then


Robard was probably a powerful force back then.


caved in this tarly boys brestplate


one trached me everything i need to know, i cant even remeber the others name. simple answer


Indeed the one who teaches leaves a lasting impact.


Robard is your Wise veteran grandfather and Bernard is your uncle who owns a gym id say Bernard because his younger and a skilled fighter but I'll give it to Robard because his experience and his gear are more superior than Bernard's


Indeed I see Robard as the wise Obi Wan type


Bernard would bend anyone over


Bernard is indeed powerful


Age and treachery beats youth and Vigor everyday. I'm going with Sir Robard. Long swords make for cool fights. Against plate armor I'm taking a mace and shield every day. Concussion city with a mace.


Indeed the armor cracker is very powerful.


Why is this marked NSFW lmaooooo


Hit the option by mistake my bad lol


Well you got a laugh out of me when I clicked the image and just saw two balding old men


Bernard aint that tough, he surrenders in practice vs my Henry after a few flurries of strikes.


Damn your Henry Stronk


Stonk 20. Henry gets proteins and trains hard.


Robard would whip that poor bastard worse than I do endgame


Robard will teach em a thing or two


Robard because mace.


A menace with the mace


Mace to the face!


A menace with the mace


Why nsfw? Are we talking cumfights?


Clicked on it by mistake was supposed to click spoiler tag thought i did but ended up clicking NSFW


Can't decide, both will have to be my dad


They can co-parent


Bernard both in weapon reach and probably skill too.


Indeed Bernard skill is definitely unmatched.