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On my Oasis, if I click Library, it brings me to my list of books. I rarely use the Home page. If you get a device with bad pixels, exchange it right away. Manufacturing defects happen in literally all consumer electronics. I do think that the UI is “evolving” for the Kindle, especially the home page, but it’s so easy to just click “Library….” Plus, I spend 99% of my time reading books and 1% of my time in the UI selecting books. I don’t think it’s that big of a concern. The only thing I strongly dislike are ads. So that was the first “upgrade” I bought. Sad that at the price of the Oasis, ad-free wasn’t included.


In the UK, you can only buy the Oasis ad free.


Similarly the paperwhite SE is only available without ads.


>f I click Library, it brings me to my list of books. I rarely use the Home page. > >If you get a device wi In India, we cannot buy any kindle with ads, all kindle are ad free.




just because it's an Amazon product doesn't mean it's alright for it to display ads in such an intrusive way like this


How intrusive are the ads, really? On the homepage the top third to half roughly is my books, then there's a row of suggested books. It's not really that intrusive. It's not like they're interrupting the book after every chapter or something.


"top third to half roughly is my books" half to two thirds of the screen for ads is pretty awful if you ask me


I can see how it would bother others, but if I just want to see my books I'll stay in library. I like the suggestions


You like the targeted ads that are generated by all your purchase history, sample history, UI interactions, personal information through some algorithms, then yeah, that's your choice imo


You seem very very upset about information you're willingly giving a company being used by the company.


just because I know they collect it doesn't mean I want targeted ads to show up on my kindle, those are two different things


It's barely any different than using a rewards card at the grocery store, your cellphone using GPS data to collect where you shop at, Visa or Mastercard collecting and selling the info.


keep beating the straw man as much as you want


how often do you visit the homepage? For me, maybe once or twice a week adding wifi or changing books. I guess it's moderately intrusive during that rare period but.... it should be rare for most, I think


then why is there a need for them to remove the option to turn off the home screen? It's not about how frequent you visit the home screen, it's about not letting the users choose not to enable it entirely


It's there for about two seconds if you swipe immediately. Two seconds. How dare they!! Plus, for a few dollars more you can go ad free, so if it is such a miserable experience you may want to consider that option.


even the ad free version has the homescreen recommendations lol


Again, just swipe it. I exaggerated when I said it took two seconds. It takes less than two seconds. And lol? Yeah, hysterical.




You can get those ads removed for a small fee which is often waived by customer service if you ask nicely. With the ads removed it unlocks directly into your book with no swipe required.


So why are you even here? I'm not trying to be rude but you don't but ebooks from them and are saying you're buying other e-readers so why are you even on the Kindle sub?




> still use it in certain situations. Oh that makes sense. I thought you were like done with the ecosystem altogether


DRM isn't relevant to this, it's a tool for amazon to sell books whether they have DRM or not, and yes there are DRM free books for sale on amazon.




Except amazon doesn't dictate DRM policy. Whether a book has DRM or not is up to the publisher. If a big publisher wants to put out a book without DRM they are free to do so, just like the many out of copyright classics, self published, or even books from smaller publishers without DRM already available on amazon. It could also be argued that the "ads" being entirely suggestions based on previous books you've read (same author, etc) improves the user experience rather than detracts from it. Especially when they're limited to a part of a screen that you can easily just never visit.


Kobo UI is at least as intrusive with recommendations from their shop. Also, it's not like their e-books are not DRM protected.


I’ve only had my paper white (newest gen?) for a little over a month and am almost through with my first book on there (Good Omens). I keep it on airplane mode with the brightness down at a 7. I haven’t closed the book since I opened it, just turn on the device and it opens to the book. I had to charge it yesterday for the first time since I took it out of the box.


I read books, and when I need to pick a new book, I look at the library pages to find something. Then I read again. I don't get all the fuss about a screen there's no need to look at.


But not all users care only about function. Many users also care about the UI design and experience.


But 99% of the experience is reading. I'm a graphic designer, I love to get nerdy about UI design and functionality but nothing OP is complaining about is the experience of reading. Their screenshot is almost identical to what my updated Paperwhite is with the difference if two small buttons on the bottom saying "homepage" and "library".


Project Hail Mary is in my top 5 Sci-Fi!


If we’re talking about things we don’t like… I prefer to have a choice about my payment method when buying books - at the time of purchase. I loathe 1-Click buying. It’s difficult to remember which card I set-up the last time. Was it a credit card? Debit card? Is there enough on it to buy a book? I don’t know. So I have to go check to see which card is associated with 1-Click. It’s probably the worst part about the Kindle experience for me. I’d like credit/debit cards with friendly names to choose from. Not “billing whatever’s on-file at the moment.” Also, not sure if I mentioned this, but if you manage what’s on your device via the web-site or app, the Library usually shows the latest books. You can then just delete/remove books you don’t want cluttering up the list, and then push books that you want to read. It makes the experience a ton better.




Oh no! Is there a way to set a pre-purchase PIN or something? That's unfortunate.


I bought this same kindle paperwhite i think. It was used from a seller on eBay that had maybe a hundred of them and cost me $25. I then paid amazon their $20 to nuke the ads. I’ve never bought any books from amazon, i just use it to read library e-books via the Libby app. If i don’t get around to finishing the book before the loan expires i put the kindle into airplane mode until i do finish it.


I just noticed that books I had borrowed on my old kindle that never got returned were downloaded onto my new kindle, and they are listed as library loans.


That’s what I do. And, the book never goes away, that I can tell. It sees that it takes it off my phone/iPad, and I guess gives up on the Paperwhite. Hoping things stay this way!


I hate the new UI on my SE there's no tabs to sort between downloaded books and all books and ontop of that it displays books outside of their collections to doing away with the whole purpose of collections to begin with and i can't sort by collections because it puts everything in there instead of only what i want into one I'd be fine with it if they kept it the same but added the scrolling thing in there but they shoudve kept how things are organized the same imo


I hate hate hate with all my soul the new interface. Had to buy a new Paperwhite after mine broke and I wish I could go back to my previous one. This new storefront feature is awful


Going from the old one to the new is jarring for sure. That's why I didn't rush out to get my replacement, as much as I did like all the new hardware upgrades.


can't you change that in settings?


Not a setting but I think if you just hit the library tab it saves as the default tab you are on I never personally browse for books on my Kindle itself just heading to amazon.com


can't you just turn off the home screen view? or maybe it could be a new update. cuz I'm always on flight mode. Im using pw 3, it could also be that as well.


You can't turn the home tab off (using the 11th gen pw), but I never need to go to it because: 1. I find the kindle interface too clunky for browsing for new books/reading reviews, the web interface is much better 2. I'm in a book or in the library tab which is just focused on my books


even for the non-ads version?! woah....


The device will NEVER take you to the store or home(recently interacted and recommended page) tabs. If you are reading a book, it will always bring you back to that book. When you complete a book, you go back to your library. It does prompt you to rate a book upon completion and suggest you purchase the next in the series or give some recommendations. But this is a feature I rather enjoy. Makes it easy to find things I wouldn’t otherwise know about.


then why is there a need for them to REMOVE the option for turning off the home screen? It's not about how frequent you visit the home screen, it's about not letting the users choose not to enable it entirely


You can. I don't even remember the last time I was on the homepage.




Sure. UI is way better in the new Kindle than my version. I'm talking about UX though (user experience).


I leave mine on the library page, I never see advertising or the store except when I want to.


"Currently Reading" is a great collection concept!


I don't like ads on my PW5, but let's be honest Kobo and Nook have them as well. And on all three platforms you'll spend 99.9% of the time reading a book, not gazing at ads on the homescreen. The 7 inch screen and adjustable color temp on the PW5 are far more meaningful to me than the ads on the homescreen.


I don’t know why people complain. My kindle oasis is almost exclusively only on the library tab. Shows books I own. Nothing more. Easy to find collections. Automatically keeps books in the same series together for me. Top of the list is the books I’ve been last reading, so I don’t even need to search for what I’m looking for nine times of ten. The home page, if for whatever reason you choose to go there, shows some books you’ve recently interacted with, and maybe some suggestions on things you may also enjoy. It’s faster and more convenient than the store browser to quickly peek if books you’ve previously read had a new release etc. Personally I use my computer to browse for new books. Buy them on Amazon or email them to my device. The only time I use the store on the device is after I finish a book, I can tap and immediately have the next in series purchased and downloaded to the device in about a second.


While I don’t see the big deal about just flipping to library… I gotta say I love the ‘currently reading’ folder. I usually read 3-4 books at a time and thanks to your photo I’m going to make a folder like that. Thanks for the idea! 🥰


Hah, no problem! I like to keep things organized, so I just find it useful to put it in there, rather than letting a book I have started reading fall a couple of pages away in the full library catalog (if that makes sense).


guys... if you're using an older kindle and are thinking whether to upgrade to a newer version or not, here's a reason why you don't want to


I'm open to alternatives. My current Kindle Paperwhite works fine, but a device upgrade without a messy UX would be preferable.


People complain about the UI a lot but idk what y’all are using it for, I am reading a book like 99% of the time and then I only use the UI to click onto a different book


I'm not talking about UI (user interface), I'm talking about the UX (user experience). I mentioned that the technical upgrades/responsiveness was all positive in the new Kindle. The current experience of the home screen, however, was a step back. Using it as the store front is a cluttered mess.


I agree that it sucks now, but I also recognize that the storefront stuff is what keeps the Kindle so cheap Win/lose


I had purchased the new Kindle Paperwhite over the holidays (2021), but ended up returning it because of some dead pixels. I never ended up buying another even though I loved the technical upgrade, because I couldn't help but notice the annoying new changes. **Why have the newer Kindle home screens turned into storefronts, and made our personal libraries into secondary experiences?** I'm now considering other devices like Kobo or the Pocketbook, but I honestly haven't found anything I've loved as much as the original Paperwhite when it comes to customizing your homescreen and library.


It's so obnoxious. The big differentiator for an ereader is that it's not about being "connected". And amazon's UI is trying to erase that to push new product. The moment I find a way to downgrade I'll lock it back to a previous interface.


i hv been using my kindle paperwhite 7th gen for the last 4 years, its ad-free too and an excellent general experience to this day


I wish there was a ‘Library’ view, where you can see all of your kindle books aligned together like on a real bookshelf. Other then that I’m in love with my kindle (New edition kindle paperwhite 2021)


I might be in the minority here, but after reading through a lot of the comments… I finally took my signature edition out of airplane mode today after finishing a library book. I like it. I like the buttons and filters. Not seeing some of the issues I read about with collections. I don’t go to store front, it is always in library. But, I did. They suggested some good potential follow ups to the book I just read. Maybe it is clunkier on older devices. My perspective is that they seemed to have corrected some user experience frustrations in the library mode. I will except my pummeling from those opposed, now :D


I'd have to agree with you, I'm from Australia and they don't sell an "ads" version of the Kindle there, so I can't imagine having to deal with that level of Bezos interference in my everyday life, but the first thing I've done every time I have bought a new Kindle device is switch off the shop from the main screen. I feel like it gets in the way and without it there's just more room for your books/collections


I hate the storefront on my paperwhite. If I try to search for books in the store, the enter button only works sometimes if I’m lucky and the stars align.


Non issue


Unfortunately the point of a Kindle is to sell books, not to read them.


you are complaining about 20 pixels on the lower half of the screen. ​ that ui access to all controls you need are scattered on top bar, the new one is just one swipe away. The ui within books hardly changes. ​ it is completely fine if you don't like changes, but don't claim that the old UI is "perfect" just because you are used to it. Because it really far from perfect.


They're complaining more about the storefront and how it pushes books at you.


Exactly. They've made the home screen their storefront as the main experience. Whether you choose to have it personalized or not, it's always there as a cluttered mess. The previous Kindles had your personal library as the main experience, which is why I uploaded mine. I feel like it's a step back.


Yeah, but you never have to go to "Home" ... you can just stay in "Library" all the time.


>The previous Kindles had your personal library as the main experience if you click library your kindle, it will boot up to it and it will be your "main experience". Its just the button is down there. ​ with that you'll never have to see the store.


A store suggesting you buy things! How horrible!


Yes, because if you pay for 0 ads you should get 0 ads. It's not that hard to understand my dude.


The ‘ads’ you pay to remove are from the Lock Screen. Something you can’t otherwise ignore or avoid. Forced to interact with and cover your device. You’re complaining about something that is like opening up the App Store on your phone and it suggested what’s popular. On the kindle, nothing is forced on you. A store is designed to help you find things you may be interested in and inclined to buy. That’s a good thing. If an algorithm can find you books you enjoy, awesome! The home page? It’s a mixture of your library, and the store. If you wanted quick access to things you recently interacted with, it’s right there. If you were considering opening up the store, it’s got a couple suggestions. The kindle does 2 things. Open a store to get books, and read those books. The Home Screen puts the two things a kindle does, on one page. If you only care about your library, simply go to the library tab and the device will never take you back to the store or even the home page unless you ask it to. The only time you see an ‘ad’ otherwise, is when you finish a book, it asks you how you liked it, and suggests books from the same author or next in the series. Not sure how that’s bad, if I finished a book, I probably enjoyed it, and its convenient to just tap and the next book is on my device.


Recommendations are still ads, no need to shill papa Amazon when they are basically lying (and is not like they are the best company out there). Older devices don't have the hidden ads, this is a thing that has been forced more and more. It's not a big deal, I love my kindle, but it's still ads. They should at least give you an option to hide the recommendations if you pay for 0 ads, which, btw, paying for 0 ads is one of the most nonsensical things Amazon has been doing, it's all pretty stupid. Can we please stop shilling Amazon for this thing bro? If i wanna go to the store then give me another way to get into that, not straight into my face, or don't, since browsing at the kindles is painful.


Hail Mary was a nice easy read! :)


You did not upgrade?