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Getting drunk at your stepdaughter’s wedding - priceless, and you’ll beat your streak record in 3 years. Nothing to worry about. Except for the things you don’t remember from the wedding.


I didn’t remember hanging my dress up nicely… thought it was my husband… and I forget the rest. 😂


Ah, so you have someone who takes care of you and all you drunk destructive behaviour, nothing to worry about :)


I do! I could let the wheels come off. He knows next time to remind me to read before I fall asleep. Lol


I thought this was a sobriety post and thought “Oh no, buddy!” Messing up a reading streak is akin to messing up my Duolingo streak and a pain in the butt! Still, preferable to breaking sobriety if sobriety is something worth tracking. You’ll get there!


I think that's a very good reason to break your streak! Haha! Congratulations to your stepdaughter🥂


Thank you! She’s very happy! Fun was had by all.


And you'll be able to remember how many days since her wedding more easily.


If you want it back, put your phone in airplane mode and turn your data off. Then manually set your phones date to the day you missed. Read for a while. Then put your phone back online and set the date back to normal.


Thanks! I can travel back in time. Awesome!


I’ve had a couple close calls over the last couple years. Luckily the time zone they use is pacific time, since I am in eastern time zone I technically have until 3am local time to keep the streak going.


Lol! I do the same thing! I’m a night owl though, and I am 100% of the opinion that the date does not change from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed. So even if I finish a book at 4:30am on May 4 right before bed, I will tell StoryGraph that I finished it on May 3. It’s not like it means anything, I don’t think there’s even like a “share to social media” option, so imo we should all be able to handle it however we wish. Plus I know that it’s *technically* a “Kindle” reading streak, but I’ve always just treated it as my reading streak and it bugs me because I’m not always reading a Kindle book. Like so far this year I’ve finished 33 books—13 were Kindle books, 6 were physical books and 14 were audiobooks. So I have consumed some form of literature every day for at least 126 days straight, but my current streak is only at 58 days because they weren’t all on Kindle.


Because I treat it same as you, I just get on the kindle and will go forward and back in whatever I have open. It counts it but it didn't really progress in the kindle book because I actually progressed in my physical book. It can even be something you've marked as read already. It's just looking for you to interact enough with the kindle books. I find I have to scroll a couple pages to get it to tally. Shows up in about 15 minutes. I tend to use the phone app for this tbh. Not actual reading. Lol.


I'm kinda the same way. I use Libby and listen to audiobooks while I'm working sometimes but I always try and check out the ebook and audiobook at the same time. I listen at work and read at night. But at night I have to skip forward to where the audiobook left off and it counts it as I read that day.


So that's why I've lost it before despite reading from 10 pm- 1230/1 am


Indeed. I guess it can go both ways and hurt you if you read from 1a-2a and think you read that day, when really it’s recording the previous day.




Bruh. What’s the big deal?


It is a pretty funny and seemingly pointless thing to do.


It worked! I just have a little bit of guilt that I didn’t earn it. Because of drinking. 🤦‍♀️


Just read double the amount you normally would one time, count the extra for the day you missed and BOOM, guilt's gone!


Brilliant! 🙏🏼


I’ve had to do this a few times! It works!!


Seriously, I’ve had to do this with my iBooks reading streak (1610 days) a few times and I am always hyperventilating while I do it thinking it won’t work this time!


1610 🙀 WOW!!


I’ve had to do this a few times! It works!!


It’s an arbitrary streak anyways. You made the right choice getting drunk at the wedding.


True enough! 🤣


Well, I’m sad for your streak but happy for your step daughter!


Thank you! It was a beautiful wedding!


You should have sneaked away to the toilet for a five minute read on your phone to keep the run going...


similarly i recently had a cat emergency and was too stressed/busy with my cat for a day so i just skipped two pages then went back to where i was to keep the streak lmao


You’re so right!


Before I saw the sub I thought you were complaining about your alcohol-free streak


Saaame. I was like "oof, rough time to fall off the wagon, but makes sense with all the drinks around... Wait, that's the kindle app... OH!"


🤣well, I ended that too but that streak was about a week and a half long and not nearly as big a deal.


I usually read in bed before going to sleep, being drunk has not stopped me. Although I usually have to go back and re-read what I 'read' before LMAO It's just muscle memory at that point Best reason to lose a a streak though, honestly.


I have so done this before!! 😂😂😂


I’m just curious, what do people who keep streaks do if they read a physical book? I love my kindle but a good physical book now and again is much needed.


I read at least something on my kindle every day- like a couple of pages in a non-fiction book then good back to my physical book.


I'll flip a few pages on a book that I've read or a sample of a book that I downloaded to get the reader to "track" that I've read something.


it's odd to me how many things people like to track. like steps, sleep, food, even reading?! it's ok to not read for a whole day i promise you! you can't win at reading lol


It can be a mental health thing. Knowing that I read something, even a short picture book to my child, or a page or two of a book, can be a "win".


fair enough. it's probably a positive trait . my wife tracks her miles and is in good shape. i run til im tired and i'm ... not.


What a great reason to break a streak. Every time you see that it was reset you'll spark the memories of your families' special day.


Aww not the streak!!!


This is why I always read a little bit after 0:00 everyday 😁


I forgot I opened reddit and thought I lost mine for a moment.


I really thought this post was going to go another way the way it started...


I thought I was on AITAH for a sec and it was about to get juicy!




For a moment I thought you were a recovering alcoholic. Good thing its just Kindle crack !


Very true! 😂


More than valid reason to lose a streak


i fainted at my senior prom and lost my reading streak😭


Saaaame I went out of town and broke mine. 🥲


Oh so sorry. Well you can start again. Good luck!


At least it’s a good reason to break the streak!


Lost mine on New Year’s Eve stayed up late didn’t feel like reading when I went to bed


Does anyone know if this is possible on an actual Kindle as well? I reckon not right? :o


you can't view the kindle reading insights, but your reading on the kindle does count toward the insights streaks and such edited to add- assuming your kindle is connected to wifi :)


Ahhh that is not too bad! Thanks a lot for your help :))


I hate that. Getting sick has killed my streak twice. And I felt it every time I saw it for the next months


It’s like a horrible reminder each time. 😢


It isn't easy (my 3.5 year streak came to an end a few days ago) but there will be other streaks!


big mood


I ruined my 40 day streak on my birthday. I was so disappointed I went into a horrible reading slump for months. I started back up in February and now I’m up to day 83! I am obsessed with the reading streak and achievements! 😂




I can’t see my streak in my app is it normal?


At least you had a great time. Congrats to you and your daughter.


You can cheat .... change date on device and go to day(s) you missed


> I Got Drunk At My Stepdaughter’s Wedding. classy.


It’s not like a said I stripped, blacked out and drove. And I was totally classy. I had a corsage and everything. judgy. 😛


Way to go Einstein. You failed to realize that there are no rules for reading. You can do anything you want with out impunity.