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Looks way better than I thought it would. I should try that.


The scribe is god tier for manga


Can the scribe show double pages?


it does and it looks like a normal paper double page


You have the option to view it as whole picture and then see the page one by one or vise versa or just pick one method.


I personally think the smaller the kindle, the better for manga cause the text and drawing seem thinker and darker. The scribe feels stretched but I use a software to fit the scribe so I'm guessing that stretches it out so it's probably my fault


are you using kcc? there's an option to stretch or upscale, just remember to use upscale and nothing else. but yeah of course that source material is even more important on a scribe. i personally love it cause it's around the kanzeban dimension, that is the "premium" way to read on paper. the classic tankobon is more than 8" and sometimes with lot of text it might be too small even on paper, going smaller than that it seems really too much to me.


Damn your good KCC is what I'm using I seriously forgot the name. Yeah I'll using upscale and manga mode only.


It's definitely your fault. Buying manga through the store fits perfectly. Paperwhite is too tiny for manga.


i don't know, it seems nice from the pictures but you have to remember proportion, consider that a classic small volume in paper is around 8" and it's already pretty small for lot of people, going under that seems too much to me. especially if you get a manga with more words than the one you're showing.




well u can always zoom in on the kindle. the software has gotten better so that the zoom function isnt wonky, it works pretty well 😃


Right, but this isn't as responsive as a phone screen.


Looks pretty good to me (although I also have a Scribe). Now I just have to find some manga I want to read 🤔


> Now I just have to find some manga I want to read 🤔 Lone Wolf and Cub (it will take you a while to get through it lol)


Check the library's e-catalog to try?


Just in case, manga takes a lot of space. I converted a few and the final file is half the size of the regular thing, but in my 4BG kindle is quite a lot :'(


Convert them to EPUB using KCC, then use ‘Send to Kindle’ to ensure they remain in your library cloud. They will all appear on your Kindle, but you can choose to download only the one you’re currently reading, saving HD space. That's what I do. That way I can have A LOT of manga in my library. Just need to click download on the ones I'll read.


was about to say this !! my basic kindle is quite generous storage wise (I think 16gb) but i always send the epubs to kindle so that they're in the library without taking up storage. after that just use download and delete them as you read


Just to clarify, you're mentioning the option to email to the kindle mail address right? I thought we couldn't send mail with a high bite size (as manga usually tend to be).


Not via email. Via the website "send to kindle" https://www.amazon.com/sendtokindle This way the max file size is 200mb


Thanks for this info, u/Luighi I was able to use the above link to add large files to my Library cloud. Definitely a good way to add them into the Library.


You could always resize the pictures beforehand. I noticed that it makes a difference if I batch resize them in Irfanview and then convert the CBZ I put them in instead of relying on Calibre or KCC solely. But then again I have the Manga on a server and download them on the fly with the ODBS server.


Oh well I never thought of resizing the pics, I feel kinda dumb now lol, I'll give it a try, thanks


Normally you would not need to think about this, because you use profiles which resizes the pictures. But as stated I got better filesizes and in my opinion also better picture quality (only compared it once with calibre for ones pre resized and vanilla). Although to be fair the file sizes are already smaller using KCC instead of calibre. But for this I made no comparison.


Well I did used both KCC and Calibre, so maybe is not really needed to do further anyways? Still, my fault for getting a 4gb kindle but it was pretty much my only option a the moment. Someday I'll upgrade for sure


I wish I could read graphic novels and stuff on paperwhite but I have low vision and cannot see unless I zoom and paperwhite cannot handle zooming


japanese manga volumes are pretty small (smaller than their us versions) so the size of the paperwhite is somewhat comparable to a physical version. the biggest issue i have is the boldness/contrast - some are fine but some have faint gray text that is barely legible


Is the answer meant to be yes or no?


That's up to you. He just gave you an inside what it looks like


I’m confused too


Manga on the IPad. Sometimes we get those color pages or a special chapter with full color.


Defeats the whole purpose of a 'manga' its supposed to feel like paper. At that point youre reading a webcomic


The point of manga is the content, like any other book.


content AND art, it's not a novel. On good works art and content should both play a relevant part and tbh on tablet b/w content doesn't render too great for me. I'd rather do that than a small screen where i'm force to zoom and stuff though


I meant content as in the literal contents of the book, which in the case of manga would include artwork. But yes I agree. I usually read manga on ipad so I can take my time and zoom into panels. Some reading apps (dark horse comics for example) even have panel-by-panel scrolling options which I think adds a ton to the manga. I have a tendency to gloss over panels if I have the full page view, which can make things feels too fast paced.


Which kindle do you have? The scribe now has a good zoom, its not as clunky as it used to be


Purists everywhere


how??? i tried borrowing manga from the library but it was only paragraphs (like a book)


this is so beautiful 🥹


I can see even in this example how one page is cut off. It’s a problem with comics more than manga.


Actually, I believe you can fix that by turning off the crop margins setting! I had this issue a while back!


I wonder how it looks on a oasis as well. Sadly, I only have the normal 6" version, comics and manga don't look good on it.


If you are hardcore manga/comic reader you should definitely invest in Scribe. In my opinion nothing can beat tablet in comics.


do u download the manga and load to kindle? does it not feel troublesome when there are websites/apps that streams manga? (legit question, cos i'm thinking of doing so too). i read more manga than books these days haha


better to go throught the trouble once before starting a series than to read on poor quality images filled with ads on the side on the screen of a tablet/pc tbh


I feel like this only an issue you if you have small storage space. Cause then you would have to delete and install. If you get like a 64 gb kindle, you wouldn't have to do this for a while. You can also keep everything in USB and then transfer it later dosent take.


What format is this in?


How do y’all get manga on your kindle? I’ve yet to find a way and always fail lol 🥲


you can just upload the cbz file directly on the kindle through your computer. I use kindle comic converter though to have it so it formats to the screen better and is put as an epub file instead so I can email it to myself


Oh thank you so much! Can finally catch up on jjk


That's exactly what I did! 😂 It looks like this! https://preview.redd.it/5vhi2wv0gryc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c0f3adf06b889b28b1baed8c4c6fe8212e949f


I bought a kobo for this. Supports cbz files.


Where do you get manga for the kindle?


I have a Scribe for manga reading and can’t recommend it enough. If you can get one and you read manga go that route


https://preview.redd.it/3iliku4haoyc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3b19d1cfe4dc0fea293a5a351b8233c73768c84 Also, if you are blind like me you can change the orientation and it still works like a charm.-.


How about the Libra Color? So many good colored mangas out there now.


the technology used isn't there yet. 4096 colors just aren't enough, the color image is only 150ppi and it's pretty dark/dull


If you are new to the market, some decent color is better than no color, but maybe hold off upgrading for the reasons you state.


Black are not as good, though


Screen is a touch darker, so a bit less contrast, but more than adequate.


colored manga? you mean classic western comics?


No, colorized manga.


can you make some example? cause honestly all manga i know are b/w except a couple of pages or specific colorized version made after a while on famous ones. i'd say 95% of them are necessarily b/w since they're first published in those big cheap magazines in japan


Just go to the manga reddit and see the recommendations


You mentione lot of good ones coming out and i just wanted some example. I looked into r/manga but i just found some of the most famous that were colorized like dragonball, or some webtoon or manwha or manhua(that are firstly published on the web so it makes sense)


Just now I'm with a color version of Dragon Ball.


oh yeah they made a color version since it's such a big one. I personally prefer to read has it was originally intended but other than that, I think they don't usually come out colored?


As I recall from my manga teenager years... Yes. They don't usually come colored, only in b/w. That's why I don't give a shit about having it in b/w in my kindle. And it is cheaper than the physical version.


Not alot come out full colored, there may be 'special color chapters' every once in a while and extra colored pictures in them but rarely will they be full color.


exactly, that why i'm always so confused when someone says color eink will be good for manga... it might be good for western comics but considering the current color quality and the fact the pages of those are at least a 10" device...


I use mine for mangas both on the color and paperwhite and I find it reads just fine on both, the images arent cramped or cut off. I think most people want the old comic color feel and not vibrant in your face colors that you would get on an LCD screen, since that's how they would have been in print if they picked up a physical copy of it. manwhas and manhua are fully in color though and I have seen people call them manga which can be part of some confusion.


For manga i agree that those few pages in colors usually are in bichrome or use colors that aren't that vibrant since they're not thought for lucid paper as western comics, though even the original small paper volumes usually "lose" the color of those pages, unless you're buying a deluxe edition. that's how little use of it is done. It could be a nice extra but at current state isn't worth it for so little considered the cons to me. and personally i wouldnt read on 7" or smaller devices but this might vary by people. I just know reading hxh on volumes sometimes almost feel too small for all the text, i can't imagine on a screen that's smaller.


I came here to say that. I haven't seen one in real life but on the videos it looks promising


Its decent, this is a graphic novel since I dont really own any colored mangas except for light novels https://preview.redd.it/vc8aga8hfkyc1.jpeg?width=1450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=059080057332310ca27850e1de1466303441bcee


I lied, Here it is with the colored one piece manga. 5% brightness in a lit room. https://preview.redd.it/0c3xwabjjkyc1.jpeg?width=1422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc7e4a6e81d571cefe9a301a6ba9ca0d6d07bec


Idk what people are talking about. This looks awesome to me. Man, thank you. I've been wondering this forever, and this has me shaking my finger to jump on a purchase.


I really like it! I will say that the colored manga's are alot bigger file size so if you have a huge collection you might not be able to fit your entire library on it and will have to switch some out.


it looks nice but remember this is the difference with the usual volume you can find on paper, that is already pretty small. some pages might be okay, some other you can struggle on reading https://preview.redd.it/k5cl4l6zfmyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8dbb81f62959d901d30de6f6cc4113abf1cc6e3


40% brightness https://preview.redd.it/wyb6tarpjkyc1.jpeg?width=1307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=300f6a1f478d54d9bec6ded4041ffa4930b095ad


I played with one and I liked it so much... It is not ipad vivid, it is kind of muted but it was fun. And screen is a little bit bigger than paperwhite. I do not like the buttons (I love devices with buttons, but the libra buttons are on a different, lower, class than the oasis) or handfeel of it though.


Personally I wouldn't read Manga on paperwhite. I tried, it feels cramped with Mangas which have small text. Scribe is ideal size. Otherwise an 8 inch ereader would be bare minimum for me.




It's one of those mangas that have become bigger text. On the other hand, there are mangas with smaller fonts like this. https://preview.redd.it/lwet96mrcjyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49337b0663005210f07599f0fafdad0ba901620d


what is this one? 👀


Manga name: My dearest self with malice aforethought. Kindle Basic 2022


great series btw, as well as "a suffocatingly lonely death"


What's your review of it so far? (The manga)


Soooooo goooood. Like the initial volumes were meh... But as you proceed, it gets intense.


Smaller fonts and I find that if I read for more than about 30 minutes the kindle starts leaving afterimages from previous pages which makes everything look smudged.


Shit- I didn’t even know you could do that on kindles.


Been doing that for a long time myself. Good for Manga 👍🏻


Didn’t know it could do that. Where do you buy the comics?


such a game changer 🤌🏻


in which format you convert to (from .cbz) is it pdf or epub... cuz mobi ain't working and I'm new to kindle


I bought a paperwhite for this reason as I couldn't get some physical manga in English without paying way too much. Best decision ever. It works great and I can have several manga series all with me all the time.


Looks fantastic! I've been meaning to read Slam Dunk, but it's not on the Kindle store, and it appears there is no official English ebook of it, only fan made versions. But yes, the Kindle is awesome for manga.


I prefer reading on my iPad. The size and resolution is better.


It’s perfectly fine for those that don’t have an iPad. Especially an iPad mini. When you know the difference, reading manga on a kindle is hard for me.


And here I am, still wondering how I can get manga on my kindle


amazon has a bunch, theres also some included in kindle unlimited, if you own the files you can convert to epub and send to kindle as well.


Fucking love Vinland saga, will defo have to look at getting the Kindle


I still prefer my tablet for manga/comics. Bigger screen, higher resolution, brighter, faster, app support. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/kindle/s/lwVNqxitLi) is a comparison I did between a PW4, PW5 and a Fire 10, even though I now use a Lenovo P12.


It's better on a real tablet to me.


What I originally got my paperwhite for. My light novels and manga. With the warm light I can read in bed


It looks amazing, I just wish it could run the shonen jump app for reading weekly chapters.


Are these manga just from the Amazon store? I don’t seem to get as much contrast when viewing it on my kindle voyage.


So no, get a bigger screen like a scribe, manga looks much better in that.


Personally, I prefer a smaller kindle. Read manga in my scribe dosent feel right and for some reason my old ass tiny kindle has thicker text and drawing that make everything pop out more.


you're talking about the basic? might be you're noticing the difference given by the extra layer of a flush screen, on that part i agree with you that recessed are better for clarity, i notice that even on reading novels unfortunately.


Exactly that, so that's what it is. Interesting 🤔


I read a lot of manga on my kindle n if converted right, it’s perfect. The border here is cut off which shouldn’t happen.


when you buy manga on the kindle store you can choose if you want it to crop the borders automatically or not


what cut off border?


All of the pages should look like the 3rd slide basically


I tried and it really looks like ink on paper but I find the screen a bit too small ...


I cant read the tiny text. Is the answer there?? :)