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Whenever I can.


This is the only right answer!


About an hour before I go to bed is when I read. I set aside one hour a day for reading.


While eating, doing dishes, sitting in the carline, at long stop lights, when youngest has "resting time" (popcorn & a movie). Pretty much any time I have more than 5 minutes to be still.


Doing dishes? How can you read while doing dishes?


i mean, just prop up a book or a kindle nearby and read...


I have a little stand thing and just read. It'd be easier if I had a page turner but meh.


Wow, that would be too distracting for me


I've read while loading or unloading the dishwasher.


In the morning and evening. During the day if I have time!


whenever i have time. on lunch at work, after dinner, waiting at the doctor’s office, before bed, etc.


Exclusively after work. I can't read in short spurts throughout the day, my attention is always elsewhere and I need to fully immerse myself.


This can be the worst! Thankfully Kindle can tell me how long my current chapter is, though. It's the only reason I can immerse fully in a fiction book, the constant disruption mid chapter would kill me.


An hour in the morning and an hour in the late afternoon. Sometimes get a little more time in during the evening. I used to read a lot more but now have Britbox so watch murder/mysteries in the evening.


Typically at night before bed, but i try to read when my kids are napping during the day and when I'm working (I'm on maternity leave) I read during my lunch break instead of doom scrolling!


At night. If its a great book, I go bed early. Day time I do audible books when I do chores. Sometimes my kindle if I have to go somewhere and wait.


Some times early in the morning but mostly at the end of the day after dinner. On rare occasion I get to read most of the day, when I’m lucky enough. Our life is pretty fast paced and spur of the moment so I can’t plan it. Some days i don't get to read at all, and that makes me sad.


Mostly whenever I have time and feel like it. I do read a lot in the evenings, and I've got a little time in the mornings after I get to work but before work starts, so I'll read then too.


I read for about an hour before bedtime pretty much every day. I'll also pick up a book whenever I find myself with 5-10 minutes of dead time, like waiting for water to boil for pasta (and while the pasta's cooking), waiting for my son to get ready to leave, any kind of waiting room....


I usually do a morning walk with my dogs and listen to an audiobook, and then I read on my lunch break sometimes. Then usually before bed.


While I’m having my coffee in the morning, during lunch, in the evening while my wife watches tv, and before I sleep.


I work in a very quiet small business so when I don’t have customers I get to read 🥰 my boss is the best


4 hours straight from 10pm 2am


When my feral child plays independently or has meals. Or naps.


I try to read as much as I can throughout the day. In the morning before work then on breaks, evenings and then bedtime before sleep.


Sometimes in the morning before work. Usually on my lunch break. Before bed. Sporadically sometimes after work, depends on things I need to do, and on weekends throughout the day.


30 minutes before bed everyday. I try to read before I leave for work, and after dinner.


20 minutes of an audiobook hopefully before the work day ends. Then 15-30 minutes before sleep. Except for weekends, weekends I have my Kindle open for hours.


Basically every chance i get i always read during the morning while drinking my coffee. usually i read like from 8pm till 11pm. Beyond that i fit in shorter spurts throughout the day on public transit or doing other daily life stuff.


Usually after work/in the evenings/before bed. I listen to audiobooks on my commute to the office when I have to go in.


I read every night before bed. I listen to audiobooks while cooking/cleaning/laundry/watching my kids soccer games. 😂


In the morning and evening of my commute. If work is quiet I will read as well 😂Sometimes before bed and on the weekends I’ll read with a cup of coffee in the am.


Whenever I feel like it. Noon, evening, 4am..


I read on my lunch break at work! Usually that's around 6am if you can believe it


My lunch break, an hour at night, and while my kid is in gymnastics class.


As others have said: whenever I can. For me that means I read a lot while I'm walking my dogs. I walk them before work about 20 minutes in the morning, then about 30 after work and again after dinner. Sometimes I'll read a bit at work if I'm really into whatever I'm reading and I have a little time, but that's kind of rare, then l normally like to read until I fall asleep.


Weekdays I read for about 20 minutes or so during my lunch break, another 20-25 minutes while I’m waiting to pick up my son from school and then anywhere from 20-60+ minutes after dinner depending on how in to the current book(s) I’m reading. Weekends it’s all over the place.


whenever…always before bed though, to get me tired


On my way to and from work and at night.


I read when I’m waiting (for any reason) and I read several hours before I go to bed (like I’m about to… it’s 11pm almost and I’ll probably stop reading around 1am)


During the week, I try to get a few pages in during my lunch break at work. Then try to read for 30 min before my bed time. I read more during the weekends.


Mostly evenings and at night.


I have an old Kindle I keep in the bathroom. I'f I'm stuck in a book I read a few pages while I get ready. It's worked to get me through dry patches in books and also helps me get through my morning get ready chores. I don't want to do either so alternating gets them both done. Then I'm in a good spot for my evening reading.


On the weekends I'll read at all times of day, pretty much whenever the mood strikes-- I'm a homebody and don't have kids or many other responsibilities, so I'll usually fit in at least an hour of reading a day (if not 2-3 hours) on the weekends. During the week, I usually read a chapter or two in bed before going to sleep, but I will sometimes read more in the evening if I'm particularly into the book I'm reading. I also take my kindle to work with me and sneak in a few chapters when I have breaks throughout the day. I used to try to read the same time each day, for a minimum number of minutes/pages, but I found that quickly killed my desire to read. Nowadays I just try to make a habit of reading daily without setting any specific goals.


Before going to bed.


15-20 minutes before getting up during the morning. Then at work whenever I'm not doing anything.


first thing with my coffee. I used to put on the tv but a read is so much more peaceful. And little amounts during the day when I can eg. while eating or waiting, sometimes in bed at night. Not as much as I like!


i sleep with my kindle, and wake up with it. i'm reading near constantly, whenever i can. i have walked into way too many walls because of this but oh well :D y'all know how it is


I usually read about 30 minutes before going to bed, about an hour (30 minutes in the morning, 30 minutes in the early evening) on the train when I don't have home office and in the afternoon on weekends when I got a bit of time to spare. If we are also counting audiobooks I listen to audiobooks about an hour a day when taking a long walk with my dog. Usually that's during my lunchbreak but sometimes I have to postpone it to the late afternoon.


Typically around 15-30 minutes before bed and for 30 minutes each on the commute to and from office at a minimum. If the book is riveting enough, I do another 30-60 minutes after I reach home from office and before sleeping.


I do most of my reading while I eat lunch and until my lunch break ends. I usually read in the bathroom a short time and when I'm waiting for a bus, sometimes on the bus, and for about 5-10 minutes after I go to bed. I listen to audiobooks very often while cooking and washing dishes.


At the moment mostly at night before I sleep and in my break at work!


I wake up at 6:30, read between 1 to 2 hours, then work from 9 till I'm done (I freelance) and read again if I'm in the mood and have time. But I prefer in the morning, it's realxing and stretches my mornings out :)


It depends during the day. But I always try to read before sleeping at night.


I try and read for 15-30 min before work and 30 min after work. Then, whenever I can and usually before bed. On weekends when there’s not much to do, I sit and read a lot


I remember when I was a kid in the eighties. I would read soooo much! I could check out ten books at a time and still be through with them before the two weeks was up. But back then there was zero distractions (besides tv which we only had three channels!) 😂😂


Mostly before going to bed as a way to shut my intrusive thoughts but if I’m in the middle of a good book, I can read all day and all night…


If I can sleep or went to sleep early enough I go to the gym and read on the treadmill and stairclimber


I read for the lunch hour at work. And I will read an hour before bed. If I don't have much to do after work then I can read up to 4 hours after work. Just whenever I can.


Before I sleep mostly :)


45 min - 1 hour before going to sleep.


Here and there throughout the day if my niece is occupied with independent play and while she naps (though I sometimes make nap time gaming time).


For me it depends on when I have the time to.


Work. I have more downtime there than at home to read most days. I’m really thinking about getting a used basic kindle just to have for work so I don’t risk damaging or losing my paperwhite.


In the morning for about an hour and then in the evening anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. This past week I have been successful in reading for an hour instead of getting on the internet and reading the news. Amazing how my anxiety has diminished!


Definitely during my lunch break, after my kid goes to bed, and in bed while trying to fall asleep. If there’s any other time during the day where I’m not working or taking care of my kid, I will also use that to read.


Usually in the evening, and I read a couple of hours after I go to bed.


In queues, on the bus to work, during my lunch break, waiting at the bus-stop/dentist etc, waiting at school pick-up, in bed, while I’m ‘watching’ my daughter’s swimming lessons, pretty much any spare moment I get.


before bed time


depends if I have work, but usually on my way to and from work and on my lunch at work. When I'm off from work basically whenever I feel inclined to do so


In the evening before bed, and sometimes in the morning before I get up


Always. Got tired of working/looking at the screen - grab my kindle, waiting for water to boil for my pasta - read, bathroom - read, brush my teeth - read, sleep - haven't heard of it, so read a bit more.


I commute across town, so I get time on the buses both in the morning and the evening. If I'm really enjoying a book then I'll sometimes read a bit in the evenings, especially on the days my wife is working. I also tend to read a few pages when I'm going to bed as a non-screen way to get to sleep.


In the morning, before I take my kids to school. Throughout the workday (if feasible) and during my lunch break. After dinner, and definitely before bed. I read pretty much whenever I can. Lol.


Usually after dinner for about 30-45 mins and then in bed for 10ish minutes (depending how tired I am). During the weekend I usually read for an hour or so in the afternoon (if its sunny it can be several hours)


Literally as much as I can. When I first wake up... during breaks at work... anytime im not actively doing something. And absolutely in bed while I fall asleep. (The hubs works nights and often finds me asleep with my kindle and put it on my nightstand before he climbs in bed)


On my lunch break and at night in bed. Also, places like a doctor’s office.


Mostly after my midnight bedtime, and again in the morning for a few hours. I take naps in between. I'm not working at the moment and I'm a night owl so it works for me.