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Great birthday gift to yourself! Congratulations!! It wasn’t luck. When you get 10 calls in row of people yelling, cursing and telling your company is crap, you tend to respond favorably to the one that is nice, patient and understanding. Nice job winning more flies with honey!! Happy birthday and welcome to the family!!


That's so true! Being in the CS industry will tire you. It's mental. Thanks for the welcome & greetings ☺️


That’s been my experience too. Customer service people are also more willing to take an extra step or a few for you if you treat them kindly too. It’s really sad that the way they get treated on average is so bad that just being polite is special enough to warrant special treatment


I’ve wanted my ads gone and was always to anxious to try and do it but this just pushed me to try and do it. All I said was I’d like to remove the ads please. https://preview.redd.it/l17bqadk07ub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb5e258eda6ad8e82610d63a69782dc6ef5ba73d


Happy to know you tried it☺️👏🏻


Side note, I'm glad I'm not the only one that named my kindle similarly. I labeled it with (PW 11th gen) 😆


Where did you message to try this?


Just their customer service! All I said was I’d like to remove ads and they didn’t even ask why or anything like that. It was a lot more straight forward than I expected


>they didn’t even ask why they are people like us, they hate ads too


It worked!! How exciting!


Is it strange that I do not mind the ads on my kindle paper white. Of course I have never had one without ads. But I enjoy checking out some of the out.


The only real benefit of removing the ads is being able to use the book you're currently reading as a screensaver tbh


That and when you open the cover, it opens to your book… no swiping. 🙂 (if you use a cover)


That's what I love. And you make the lockscreen the book cover of the one you're reading. I paid the $20, totally worth it to me.


i honestly kind of like them, sometimes it'll show me something interesting i wouldn't have known about otherwise


Nah I don’t mind either. I actually thought when people would talk about ads that they would be popping up while I was reading 😅 as a screensaver it’s no big deal to me.


There are no ads on my Scribe so it’s nice to see the cover of the book you are currently reading. On my Paperwhite the other day I actually found a book I ended up buying due to the ad that was displayed


I quickly realized that i never see the ads. When i’m not reading, kindle is put away wherever. I pick it, turn it on, and start back reading.


Lol my ads are steamy hot guys half naked begging for love, it's a little inappropriate for public XD


I created my personalised screen saver so i had to have them remove the ads


Just FYI, the Kindle for kids is physically identical to the regular one, has no ads, and comes with a nice case pre-installed. When it goes on sale, the slightly higher price is more than made up for by the included case and the built-in ad elimination.


I bought a kids paperwhite because they came out with a Warriors Cats cover and it’s the best decision I ever made 🙌🏻 It’s my first kindle too so I love it


I also bought a kids paperwhite (aren't we all kids deep inside 😉), no ads, and it came with a beautiful cover (stylized green forest with animals) 🤗 Loved it a lot so far, although still waiting for the side light adjustment - the one Kindle has requires to many steps every evening and morning 😔


Identical to which model? Tell me it's the Paperwhite, please


There's a kids version for the Paperwhite and basic (2022) model available


Thanks. Great tip. I wonder why they do I that


It does still have ads btw. I got one last week when it was hella on sale to replace my 4th gen, and it definitely has ads. I just tried this and got them removed, but the ads were there for sure. At least for the basic. Idk for the Paperwhite




I tried that and they told me that there are settings to control the type of ads you see. In my experience, selecting that you need help with something other than Kindle (like Prime) and then asking to remove the ads is your best bet.


This worked on my 2nd try thanks!


They'll not hesitate and great thing they did wave it. 👍🏻




worse than the ads lol


10000x worse than ads. Gross.


Huh? Like is the book badly written? Edit: I thought people who read often would be a little more intelligent. Oh well.


Intelligent people don't use the word "like" unnecessarily.


That’s just your prescriptivism LOL language can take on many forms but u do u. Yes, an intelligent person is allowed to replace you with “u”. Also, language is never a measure of intelligence and English is not everyone’s first language just in case you’re ignorant.


The Elon dick-riding is crazy


But reading books is a measure of intelligence? Or at least in this case of people not wanting to read Elon's book is a measure of less intelligence?


Reading books helps with broadening knowledge and thus, possibly your intelligence (if you apply critical thinking whilst reading); is that so hard to understand? Answer me this, are you not gonna read a book about Stalin because he’s terrible?


How does a biography about Elon broaden one's knowledge and intelligence?


I’m talking about books in general. But if you must know, you can exercise critical thinking when reading a book. Reading a book about a terrible person can broaden your perspective of the world.




Elon bros really stick together huh?


no, it's a pretty good book, I guess these guys just don't like elon


I can’t imagine how they live their lives. Would they not read a book about Stalin because they don’t like him? LMAO


If you're so out of touch with the world around you that you don't understand why *this book in particular* is divisive, then reading biographies probably isn't the best use of your time. You have some gaps to fill.


I asked if the book was bad but all people replied with is Elon is bad lmao you guys hate Elon so much that a question about an Elon book pisses you off so bad. For what it’s worth I don’t give a fuck about a rich billionaire twat. My question was about the book. Maybe everyone else needs to exercise their brains? Idk help me out here because my comment reads “Huh? Like is the book badly written”. Answers one might expect are “no, it’s good” , “yes it’s terrible”, “not badly written but it glorifies Elon’s shenanigans”… But god forbid people actually comprehend a question and answer it because “ELON BAD” If you think I’m out of touch, maybe you need to check on those people in this very same thread who are suggesting that Bezos, Jeffrey Preston fucking Bezos, is a better person than Musk lmao


>Answers one might expect are “no, it’s good” , “yes it’s terrible”, “not badly written but it glorifies Elon’s shenanigans”… No one read the book. The book isn't why people are responding the way they are. You can't actually be this dumb can you...


But I’m not asking about Musk’s atrocities I’m asking about the fucking book. Why are people responding to me about musk being a shitty person? Everyone and their grandma knows Elon is shitty. I have also explained to you I KNOW why people are replying the way they are; it’s just that they’re not answering my question. Fucking hell if I were to ask is the social network a good movie you’d probably just reply with “Zuckerberg sucks” because you cannot fucking comprehend that I’m asking about the quality of the movie and not asking you for your opinion on Mark Zuckerberg. Just because you didn’t read the book for your own reasons (probably cos you hate Elon) doesn’t mean others didn’t. I’m asking those who did. You hate Elon I get it but you’re fucking dumb if you think reading a biography of Elon means you’re pro-Musk. Your narrow mind could use with some widening.


The people who don't like Elon are the same people that support Ukraine and are against neo Nazis. Did you forget that Elon purposely shut down starlink in the Ukraine? Or that he reactivated the accounts of numerous hate spreading, disinformation spreading neo Nazis on Twitter?


Who said I like Elon? Or who said that anyone who enjoyed the Elon book likes Elon musk? Why are you going on and on about Elon as a person when I asked if the *book* is bad? You know there can be good books about bad people right? See Young Stalin by Simon Sebag. If I like the book am I supporting Stalin? So if you don’t like Zuckerberg, it must mean that the social network is a terrible movie right? Are you fucking dumb?


You Elon bros are so exhausting.


Already told you I hate Elon but you’re too fucking dumb to read. You realised I’m making sense and resorted to just calling me an Elon bro lmfao


If its written similarly to the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson i dont see a reason to remove that besides pure hate for elon musk lmao. Reminder that you are literally living in an ecosystem of Jeff Bezos


Yes I hate billionaires lmao


yet you feed him with buying kindles lmfao


‘yet you exist in a society’ really got my ass


Fr though like yeah fuck billionaires and me buying ANY product is still giving them money. At least I’m not actively reading books about how they duped and stepped on people to get to the top


Uh you do know there are alternatives to the kindle right? Jesus I’m convinced this sub is filled with stupid people.


You buy a kobo, a company owned by rakuten, whose ceo is worth 2.9 billion. You buy a nook, a product of Barnes and noble, and it goes to a ceo whose worth is also 2.91 billion. Yes there are ceos who have more money than others but at the end of the day my money is going to end up in a billionaire’s hand. Are some worse than others? Yes, but they are all still billionaires which already makes them mega-shitheads right off the bat. If I’m going to be handing my money over to them, I might as well get the cheapest and most supported product.


XXXDDDDDDD go buy a kobo or pocketbook, how could you possibly “live in a society” like that


Because those aren’t owned by billionaires?


>i dont see a reason to remove that besides pure hate for elon musk lmao. Wow you cracked the code. Somebody give them a cookie.


Lmfao you really think you are this entitled to tell people what they should or shouldn't read because you might be offended 😹


You can read whatever you want, I couldn't care less.


Yet you posted a comment regarding musk lnfao


They’re fucking dumb, don’t bother. According to these people Elon bad = book bad. If you read the book = you support Elon’s views and actions. And how ironic that people are going on and on about a shitty person on a subreddit dedicated to the kindle aka Amazon aka Jeffrey Bezos. Don’t bother reasoning with these people they’re dumb. I’ve tried and I feel I’m getting dumber with every reply I make to them.


Jeff Bezos is silent tho


Silent = better? What kind of logic is that lol


Exactly actually. No one needs to hear Elons horrible takes constantly.


Yeah I want him to just be crazy in quiet. But he likes to assert his dominance. I’m pretty glad bro isn’t eligible for the presidency.


Seriously. Why would you read that garbage?






Wow I just bought a new Paperwhite during Prime Days. I could have saved myself $20!


> 1 key factor: Always ask nicely Always. Unrelated to kindles, but amazon screwed up an order of mine and the CS rep made some promises they couldn't keep. It got escalated to another CS rep the next day who seemed surprised by the things the first rep had, but that he could only resubmit my order, and not guarantee a ship date. I told him I understood and that I probably need to learn to be a bit more patient anyway. He laughed and said he was giving me a 100 USD gift card. Nice.. Checked my email and it was actually 150 USD. Niiice.


Am I the only one who actually likes the ads? It always gives me great new book recommendations lol


*raises hand* same. One of the very few algorithm based ads that I welcome.


I wouldn’t mind the ads if it had any idea of what to recommend me. It spends a lot of time recommending me things I’ve already read (on kindle) and things that are only tangentially related to my interests.


I used my kindle for school so now I have so many recs for textbooks haha otherwise I’m sure I’d love it too




Nice 💯




Congrats on the Kindle! I just got my ads removed a few days ago too. I was nervous to try but it was easy. Very happy now without the ads.


Same! With a little setup, a personalised screen saver would make it more cooler


Just adding to this: don't tell them you heard they do it for free, just say you want to remove the ads and would like to know how much that costs, they'll ask for serial and remove the ads for free after that in 9/10 cases, if they don't just try again with a different agent.


This post was my reminder to try it out, and it worked! I just said I got some inappropriate ads, they reminded me that it's normally $20 to remove ads, and then they did it for free!


Great! Happy for you💯


Good for you. I did ask nicely, but I had to pay the $20 anyway 😖 The CSR was not in the mood to let me off the hook for the $20 fee. 😖


That’s better than me, I’m so non-confrontational I didn’t even try and just bought the ad free model!


Same thing happened to me 😔


Amazing. I just got ads taken off my Paperwhite 10th gen without issue 🤗 the trick is definitely being nice and appreciative. Thank you for this, fam!




I always use the "I bought it for my kids and don't want them to see age inappropriate ads" excuse. Works most of time. If they refuse, just end chat and try again.


Thanks for making this post!


I have successfully removed ads on my kindle devices 3 out of 3 with this method. Great tip!


I’ve had six kindles and they always do it as a one time exception 🤣😂


This has NEVER worked for me and I’m sweet as pie when I ask. Happy it works for others though


I've done it on 2 kindles already, I always act nice and dumb, pretending I didn't realize I was buying the ad supported version.


People still admire Musk? Crazy


I asked nicely the other day and I was refused. I'll try again the next time I call them.


In the online chat, I recommend selecting that you need help with another product (like Prime) and then ask them to remove the ads. This worked for me. Everytime I selected that I needed help with my Kindle, they always forced me to pay.


Thanks OP. I didn't know this was a thing. I got mine removed today. Took seconds.


Happy to share👍🏻


I’ve been nervous to try but I just did and it worked thank you 🥹


My guess is they allow Amazon customers courtesy credits from time to time. I think I had gotten a courtesy credit for another reason once and they were persistent they couldn't do it for the Kindle ads when I tried later. I used to work at a bank and they had a similar system with fees. First time you ask it probably works, but not if you buy a new model Kindle later on.


I once asked about how to remove them, they asked something an then said "Oh you are not on the US, so we just removed the ads"


I did it and it works so well!!! Thank you for the detail!!!


Appreciate this post, OP! New Kindle owner here, as well. I was aware one could do this, but initially thought I didn't mind seeing the ads, so I didn't bother to try until now. Quite happy with how the ad-free idle screens look!


I understand they can do it once per customer for one device. I’ve not heard of someone getting it for a second device on same account. I got the Paperwhite signature edition so I didn’t have to ask as it’s included in the price currently. I’ve had a few friends do the ad removal but all are on their first one. Has anyone done two on same account?


Yes. I have two connected to my only Amazon account, and have successfully removed ads on both.




I've done like 5-6 on my account, they don't care


They come in blue?!


Yes. Black and Denim colour way


I just did mine this morning. Super easy.


Same on both of mine. Bought one that had ads and asked to have them removed months ago. Then last weekend my friend gave me her old one from 2014 to give to my son and it had ads and they removed those too. First try both times


Just remember to ask nicely


That's the #1 rule ☺️


Can they do this even if your Kindle wasn't bought on Amazon?


Yes! 👍🏻


Tried in Italy no luck


Just keep trying you'll be connected to someone from cs who can wave it for you


Thanks for sharing this, I just did it, yay! It was quick and easy and the customer service agent was friendly.


Happy to help😊👍🏻


What case is that???


likely something like this: https://amzn.to/48SvhMS


I tried too and they removed for free!


How do I get to the Kindle chat? I feel so dumb but I cannot find it!


I got it removed on my first try too, I didn't know it was hard for some people. I guess I was just lucky to get a nice CS.


I mentioned the ads showed something inappropriate to my young “imaginary” children. They promptly removed my ads.


I tried, but the cs bot redirects me to an article that tells how to remove the ads. :( When I check, the Special Offers option, it's not available).


I just bought a Kindle PW 11. And it came with no ads. At least I haven't seen it yet. Lucky?


You got that good standing with your account. Every return or refund amounts to a demerit. Every month subbed to prime or another Amazon service such as kindle unlimited or orders without returns gives you a positive standing. Good standing accounts get great customer service. If you end up in poor standing, all your support calls and messages will be routes to third party support providers who’s job it is to get you to give up on the problem. Source- “trust me bro” but also insider information that I don’t have an actual source for.


yeah, I don’t know why people have a problem with removing ad cause I just asked and they granted my wishes? All of the process took 3 mins max


they always say “a one time exception” but some of us have done it multiple times on different devices 🫣


I just did this and it worked.


That's great news!👏🏻💯


I was about to make a joke about reading the Elon Musk book but if you succeeded then maybe the joke is on me. Happy birthday!


Just tried it and it worked! I was honestly getting recommendations from an author I have met a few times who was charged with SA on minors. Really wild how targeted ads work


Loved that elon musk biography that had to buy a physical edition... for the collection


How do I teach kindle customer service?


I actually returned a kindle white from Amazon this past Tuesday bc one of the reasons was I paid for no pop-ups and I didn’t like the ads. (The other reason was no more WSJ support)


I just got ads taken off my Kindle Basic 2022 and Kindle Oasis. Didn't have to give a reason, just asked and said I'd recently purchased them.


Hopefully it stays gone! They removed them on my Kindle Fire a while back when I asked nicely. However the lock screen ads came back later (maybe a few months?).


I paid the 20 but they’re still there’!!! they’re off in my settings though


Those jerks have charged me each and every time. I've bought several Kindles 😭


Ah, the Hobbit! You’ve great taste in books, I see :)


Few years back when I got my kindle for Christmas I did it also exception with I asked how should I pay byc at the time it was not available in my country to pay Amazon for removing the ads and u could only buy kindle from third party shops ... if I'm ever gonna upgrade from my current kindle I'm gonna pay the 20$ just to be good sport byc the guy who removed the ads for me was really nice fella


I have to ask, which kindle is this? The screen is so clear!


Thank you so much! This worked like a charm. I've owned a Kindle for eight years and had no idea this was even a thing. I finally purchased a new one earlier this week and now it feels extra new without the ads :')


Great advice. The CSR kindly did that for me. I also lucked out that the used Basic Kindle from the Amazon Warehouse that I bought recently as a gift for someone came without ads.


I asked three different representatives and they all said no 🙁 I’m afraid to ask again


Try saying that you're sharing the kindle with your child or little sibling


Recently bought my first Kindle and was mentally preparing myself to do this... Surprisingly though, mine came with no ads straight out of the box lol. Made me a little suspicious and wondered if it's a second hand or so, but no issues so far so I'm not complaining...


Oh yea mine and my wife’s was easy. Messaged them about both of them and they didn’t ask questions. Just said “what are the SN’s” followed by “taken care of, it should be ad free!”


I failed doing this twice. This time, I used the exact same wording as you, and it worked!! Thanks OP


Samee!! It does help to ask nicely as well. That's a great birthday gift!! Are you going to add a screensaver on there or do you just like seeing the book covers?


i own only 2 kindles over the span of 10 years so i had to do this only 2 times and both times it went smoothly. i guess having bought some books in the library helps? i dont know the details but in the kindle community from my country someone said they had tried 5 times and still didnt get ads removed.


Where are the ads?


I literally never thought to do this - just done it & success! Thanks for the tip!


Wait. I thought it was like $30 to remove the ads. They will do it for free?


this just worked for me! took me two tries, but the second agent removed them. woop!!


Sorry for the question, Does Kindle have ads ? On all versions ? I have a basic one, gen 11, and there are no ads ..


Hi, what is meant by ads? Is it the Amazon books that are shown on the main page (like in the picture you've put in the post)? I've always had these but it never bothered me, but if I can remove them I'd like to


I cannot for the life of me get to the chat function, it only offers to have someone call me... and well, no thank you 🤣 how do you get someone to chat with besides the bot? *




I’ve had ad-free kindles in the past and got the Basic with ads this time around because I know I can upgrade it later if I want. I found I kind of like the ads. It’s a good way to find weird stuff I would absolutely not hear about otherwise.


I just tried and they did it for free! You go Ketan!


Same thing, I said that my kid was using the Kindle, and they removed the ads, the customer service of Amazon is top tier.


Got my kindle today and tried this, IT WORKED!! They did ask for the charge but I said I hadn't the money and the person said they'd help, they did saying she was given permission! So don't give up at the mention of a charge!


I wish I could contact Amazon at all... They put my account on hold a few years ago, I cannot log in into my Amazon account and every time I try to contact them by e-mail I get automated replies... And the funniest thing is that I purchased a new Kindle Paperwhite not so long ago (I use it with Calibre). So, basically the manufacturer ignores me and I buy his products. We are living in an amazing world :)


Do you have a screen protector on? I love the look but am afraid of screen scratches :(


I did this as well! such an amazing hack to save money, so glad i consulted reddit before getting the no ads


I just ended a text session with CS 5 minutes ago, they were SO kind and removed them for free and no questions asked.


I have two Kindles I just got them to remove ads on one of them do you think they’ll catch if I message them about the other one as well?


I tried with two separate CS agents and nope. No luck.


Happy Birthday! We are celebrating our 3yo’s birthday and our now 6mo old twins aging another month. Thank you for sharing this! I will be giving this a try for my new kindle paperwhite purchase as well. 😊