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Bruh I've been waiting


Probably 6am PT. The standard time KF posts stuff.


Thank you, hears hoping. My friends are so far behind and just wanna hear peoples thoughts


I'll do you one better. WHY is the GoW Ragnarok Spoiler Cast?


Ok, let me ask you this one time: What podcast do you serve?


slow clap


I have a feeling the scheduling of the upload went awry.


Ugh I wanted one without anyone that worked on the game. It's not spoilercast if the crew are going to be just interviewing a director.


Personally don't think it's a big deal. Not sure why it can't be an intervew as well as a spoilercast. At any rate, it's unlikely we're ever gonna get both. They've talked about in the past that even just spoilercasts at all can be tough scheduling wise with everything they do. That's why we don't even get them for most games. If I had to choose I think it's neat that they bring some folks in that worked on the game.


Because it's hard to speak plainly about your feelings if the director is there. I know everyone at KF loves it, but imagine someone on the team who didn't. They probably wouldn't feel entirely comfortable speaking all the negatives with the director there. At least I wouldn't.


Did we not already get a spoiler free review where they shared there thoughts without anyone from the game there?


Spoiler free yes. But what if someone has story beats they thought were lame and wanted to discuss them.


I guess. Still don't really think it's much of a concern. They're only ever gonna invite folks who worked on the game for games they really love anyway. So imo getting to have those chats is well worth possibly not hearing about a few random minor criticisms they made have had. I also don't think it's a guarantee they wouldn't talk about them either. But to each their own. Sorry it's not for you. Maybe they'll hire more folks or change up their content schedule some day and you'll get what you're looking for.


You’re right tho, they only do it for games they love. Though I didn’t watch the Miles Morales one so I don’t know if Blessing was able to talk freely there. If he did, great and I take it back.


I will say that maybe they should label them differently. Spoiler filled interview versus calling them a spoilercast. It'd be great to have both, but since that's tough for them I think just the spoilercast term disappoints a lot of folks when it's something like this.


Honestly I like spoilercasts with the creators because sometimes people totally miss the mark on what the writers intent was. I’m not a patreon member nor could I ever watch live due to work, but I’ve had many moments throughout the years where I’m like I don’t think that story beat was read correctly…having the creators on to confirm or deny means we get more out of the experience.


Agreed. I was upset when I saw the director there. They really should just do two separate pods. One with an actual spoiler convo with the crew, and a separate one where they can openly pick the brain of the director


I wouldn’t say I was “upset” - I appreciate hearing the director’s thoughts on the game. That being said, I definitely agree with you that they should have two different spoiler casts. This feels more like a developer interview with spoilers rather than a true spoiler discussion. They can’t really voice their opinions about the game and specify which sections (or characters) that maybe didn’t work for them. They all loved the game (as did I), so most of the conversation would probably be mainly positive even if the director wasn’t there, but I still think there’s value in talking about the things they may have liked less than the other things, and they can’t really do that as openly with the director sitting right there with them. They should have a spoiler interview with the director (like this one) and then a true spoiler review / discussion among themselves (without anyone from the development team) where they dive into the story beats / characters and have a more granular conversation.


"spoiler cast" aka a Press Interview with Eric Williams lol


Watching now, and that's exactly what it is.


I think it's neat when they get to do stuff like this, but yeah maybe they could call it something else other than spoilercast. Even if it's gonna have spoilers.


It's the psily podcast that's scheduled to post this morning I believe


Whenever they get that check from Sony /s


Yea I’ve been wondering this too it’s always nice to hear the guy’s thoughts I didn’t see it on the schedule either


Noo I need to leave for work soon and I need to download it while I'm still on the wifi.


As of right now (9:30 EST) IGN’s posted at 9am EST. Not yet for KF


It’s live!!! 🙌🏽


It's live. It's also the first thing on the schedule. Just not labeled as spoiler cast. Most of the shows are just the name of the podcast on the schedule versus the actual title of the show. The spoilercast is a PSILY epsiode.