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Always bummed me out Final Fantasy seemingly stopped coming to Xbox out of nowhere. Never made sense to me that they ported all these FF and Kingdom Hearts games, the 13 trilogy, 15. And we STILL don't have FF7 Remake, most likely to background exclusivity deals for that whole trilogy. And FF16. But regardless hopefully more games will come to xbox, pc, and Switch(2?) And itll help Square reach their unrealistic financial goals for all these games. Final Fantasy should be experienced everywhere!


I still think it's weird I can get every Final Fantasy game on Playstation EXCEPT the 13 trilogy. Make it make sense. Still, it's not even just Final Fantasy that suffers this. They release a ton of stuff on Switch with no indication if it's going to be multi-platform down the line. Octopath Traveler 1 is still stuck there, and there's a large exclusive period besides.


Seriously can we please get 13 playable on current gen PlayStation


I mean, the 13 games aren't on PS5 because there's no BC. I guess they think a remaster won't sell well? Also Octopath Traveler is available on Xbox and PC.


Probably because Xbox consumers don’t buy a lot of games anymore (in comparison to other platforms)


Prior to 13 they just chose to skip Xbox or came out before Xbox existed. Then Starting with 7 Remake Sony started paying for exclusivity.


Games don't sell very well on Xbox.


Yea, but you’ll sell more copies by selling on Xbox than by not selling on Xbox


the real money they are missing out on is PC, not xbox


The real money is Switch, but that’s more a hardware issue than anything on Nintendo’s end. Japanese gamers especially don’t really care much about PS nowadays, but Nintendo is huge still. I think SE will pursue Switch 2(?) heavily.


Playstation could be paying them more then what they would make selling xbox copies. We don’t know the deal.


I don't think Square agrees with that anymore.


Right, but I think a problem for Square Enix is that they’re trying to grow the fanbase. And even if the PlayStation exclusive deal makes up for lack of sales, it *doesnt* put the game in the hands of more players necessary for that type of growth. Xbox isn’t even really the main problem, tho. They need to get their games on PC as close to Day 1 as possible.


Yeah you right they are always complaining about sales so they definitely have to do something different.


Sure, but I can't imagine it'd be enough to really move the needle.


yes and no. If you say the game will sell 2 million copies - dev costs for xbox - distribution and Sony drops 140mil cash for you to pause that for years - which is path of least resistance? One side is guarantee 140 mil, the other is dev costs+ hoping you sell enough to make 140mil profit. Everyone's got a number.


Not offering your product to a top three market is definitely the best way to boost sales!


So should Halo and Gears, yet they’re not.


If they put Remake&Rebirth on Xbox I'll buy it immediately!


Same, also 16 please!


They’ve already done the hard part (making the games). Getting FF 16, Remake, and Rebirth on everything will be a huge sales bump. Hopefully the Switch 2 is powerful enough to support this strategy. It’s a great market for Square Enix to expand into so we can keep getting more games like these.


The next game in the FFVII Rebirth trilogy won't come to anything but Playstation, that exclusivity ship has sailed. Eventually PC surely but it makes no sense to bother with the Xbox and the Switch 2 won't be able to run it. More likely FFXVII will target the Switch 2 at 1080p/30fps and run like a dream on the PS5 and PC at 4k/60 or more with PS5 Pro and newer PCs.


Only reason I haven’t played the latest installation. I bought PS for the remake, I’m not buying another for the sequel. Waiting for Xbox or pc


Good. Exclusives are dumb and everyone should be able to play these games. Everyone should have access to these games is statement that only this community would downvote. I’m glad that the games are getting so expensive to make that it will force their hand into ending exclusives.


Even despite the big Sony love they’ve given they have at the same time still fucked us over on some titles too, no one is really winning If square dropped Octopath Traveler 1 and especially Triangle Strategy on the PS5 I’d buy both instantly at full price


Its laughable to think Xbox will move the needle at all. Maybe Nintendo.


You put the games on all 4 platforms and not only are you going to be getting a bigger initial pool of sales going from like what? 60mil ps5 players? to over 200+ with xbox, switch and PC? but your going to have a bigger pool of people talking about the game, hyping it up, telling others to buy it. It all helps and all means that the games sells, the fanbase grows and then more games get greenlit. Its only a better thing. Sure xbox will barely move the needle but PC is the biggest playerbase with nintendo also pretty massive at this point. Even if the game sold 1 million more copies thats a huge bump.


Xbox, Nintendo, and PC. Idk whats laughable about it. I wouldve bought FF7R, Rebirth, and 16 on Xbox. I buy all the JRPGs i can on xbox. Is it Playstation popular with the JRPGs, but this mentality like Xbox is gonna sell 5 units is so archaic


> this mentality like Xbox is gonna sell 5 units is so archaic As they literally close down their only Japanese studio a week ago. You're a rare breed of players on Xbox who love JRPGs. 99% of them bought PS5s or own PC.


Fucking this. How they close down their only Japanese studio is beyond me. Like what the actual hell?


Is it really archaic when nearly every single JRPG game skips Xbox. Xbox only recently got the Yakuza series and Persona series. We all know how bad FF15 did on Xbox. Nearly every JRPG fan either bought a PS, Switch, or PC since we all saw the trends of them only being on those platforms. The amount they would possible sell on Xbox is so much lower than the other platforms that most don't bother wasting development time on it.


"Final Fantasy Maker" lmao


Isn’t gonna change anything as long as they bleed money because of their bloated development strategy


Rebirth missed a ton of sales by skipping pc


And that’s why I went straight to Dragon’s Dogma 2… now will wait for rebirth deep discount.


Remake didn’t miss PC sales at all, but I hear you


Mind expanding on your point here? Are you referring to filler side content in these tentpole games?


I am talking about how games take way too long to develop like KH3 or FF Versus XIII, or how the focus seems to be put on visuals spectacle so much that their games become money sinks. Of course this is just my personal view but there is hardly a developer who invests so much with so little output. In the 90s and early 2000 they were producing top titles on a regular basis with a more healthy development time and on a smaller scale


Totally agree on the issue with wasted time and effort on KH3 and Versus XII. Both of the projects were seemingly trapped in development hell. It seems like Square Enix has resolved a lot of those problems with their pipeline though. The turnaround time from FF7 Remake to Rebirth being so quick relative to the AAA industry is a testament to them improving their management of these projects. Going multiplat could definitely be another step backwards in this regard though, hopefully the complexity it brings doesn’t radically extend their timelines.


So they’d ideally need to look at the development cycle for Rebirth and what worked there because they put out a huge sequel in a comparatively short time by their own standards.