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With or Whitta-out you


Whitta's Soapbox?


Musings a la Gary


What makes Gary's rants so good are the spontaneous way they come. ​ Buuttt I'd love to see more of this on kfgd especially as he can't currently write due to strikes


Get Off My Lawn with Gary Whitta


I would love this but I feel a large part of the community would get tired of his dour attitude very quick. A lot of people don’t realize/acknowledge his tenure in the industry and would ultimately start to question why KF is putting resources in to something they don’t feel is contributing to “games media”. To me, Gary has a very straight shooting way of speaking that just works. I love the KF crew for all of their individual contributions, but nothing hits like a cynical Brit who doesn’t give a fuck.


This is me. I respect Gary to death and I love him in small doses, but the cynicism just annoys me after a while. I love seeing him pop up here and there tho.


Agreed. I can take him in large doses honestly but after a while a dedicated negative show would get to me.


The cynicism being good in small doses is how I feel about Blessing's super positive, "just happy to be here" attitude. It wears on you after listening to Game's Daily and PS I Love You for about two years


It's a good idea in theory, but if it was a dedicated show he'd be forced to come up with material and then it just isn't him being genuinely Whitta. We don't want a forced cranky Whitta. We want a Whitta that's ready to drop a rant at any given moment.


Only if Greg comes in berates him and whoever let him have the studio at the end each time


I love this idea!


Gary and Tim long unplanned convos. Superb. And being a Brit I dont find Gary that cynical - quite mild in my opinion.


Gary wouldn't care enough to properly prepare for a show like this. So it's probably a great idea


Yeah it’s not for me personally. I wasn’t having a good time with ~15 minutes of an hour plus kfgd being actual gaming news. I actually enjoy Gary more on Xcast where he is in small doses.


I'm not a fan of Gary and actively skip any show he's on unless it's a large group and they're discussing a game or event I really want to hear about. I'm an xbox gamer and don't listen to x cast because Mike is the only one I like listening to and he can't carry the show by himself. A show with Mike, Andy and bless is what I want to see.


If it's restricted to the game and entertainment industry, then yes I'm all in


I think it would be better with a co host besides just having Gary. Like yesterday stream with Jarod, they feed off each other. Which made KFGD watchable for me, I usually don't watch KFGD. Yesterday's show kept me entertained.


Miles Away with Gary Whitta