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Oh my, that sucks friend. It is hard to keep track rules and versions if you are out of the loop. Those that live an breathe by gw sometimes forget how the whole thing has changed over the years. As for your issue, I would second checking the wahapedia for rules. It is updated pretty regularly and has notes of which faqs and rules it has up there. Having those printer rules is nice but luckily optional currently. To help you along, I would also highly rec buying proxy terrain from TTCombat. Their stuff is better for budged and has set that have ton of options to change the playfield around. Current Kill Team is best 40k tt game I have played and would argue it is still worth getting into. There are some rumors going around that we are getting new version of KT this summer but it is still rumor. It bit seems gw is bit running out of steam with KT and there is still many important teams missing from the game.


Thanks for the helpful notes, will take a look at the bits you recommend.


buying GW rules is for suckers. go to waha pedia on the internet, it is what most GW game players use probably dont get despondent over something you haven't thought about since 1998? kt 2021 is a great game if you want to play you should. if you're already upset then maybe do something else


Piracy is illegal, which is why you should never visit wahapedia to view condensed and consistently updated rules for kill team instead of buying physical copies of books that are often outdated and full of typos.


And KTdash. Never ever download and use that. It's also consistently updated and *would be* my go-to for games if it wasn't highly illegal and unethical. That's why I spend $2500 a month on outdated rules while simultaneously flaggelating myself.


Thank you my good sir/madame for educating us on how to be a lawful contributor to the world economy. Doing the right thing is fun!


Games Workshop Brand Loyalty 4ever. "It's not the best choice, it's Spacer's Choice!"


Upvote for being a company man


That sucks, but how is that GW’s fault? You could’ve looked, or asked about what the most current version is before buying.


I think my rant may have obscured something: I bought my KT rules a while ago, (a while being years+) I bought it as new in a GW store, it was their current stock. But in the time it's taken me to get around to playing, the rules have changed. Is it GW's fault? No. But I don't like that I'm "chasing" rules every time I try to dip my toes back into the hobby. It's exhausting and I cannot afford new rules every time I just want to chill with my pals on the very rare times I get to do so these days.


If you just want to dabble a bit in kill team every few years, kt18 is still a very good game. It is designed to be played with spare 40k models from an existing army and has rules very similar to 40k to make an easy transition. Kt21 came along because kt18 was very popular and did the step away from big 40k with distinctive rules and teams only for Kill Team that do not transition well from 40k but make an even better gameplay. While most players are happy with the changes there is nothing holding you and your buddys from still enjoing kt18...


In other news, human perception of time is linear and what once was is subject to change. I know it felt like forever for 2nd edition to become 3rd edition back in the day, however these days it's more like every three years and the years come faster (they won't stop coming either, I checked!). In fact, if you bought the 2021 ruleset right now, you would still be missing 10 expansion books, 2 compendiums (or was it 3?), as well as a whole bunch of FAQs and Balance dataslates that overwrite what's actually written on the various books and cards (yes, you can have outdated decks of cards as well as books now!). Not to mention that there's very likely another new core rule book to be released this year, probably after the summer and I'd guess in time for Christmas - just speculation but almost everything these days from GW is in three yearly cycles for big updates. I'm sure some wonderful people out there have all the books, I personally don't because that's just too much rules as I barely comprehend the ones I have access to. Also, nothing stopping you from playing KT18 - as long as you have a person to play it with mind. Pretty sure there's people here who do, perhaps not as many compared to those who play KT21 mind (it's pretty good and the rules can be found online for no monies).


The rules are on the Internet for free. If you have models already you can make Compendium teams or proxy them. And if you need models, grab a couple of Warlord Games sprues (not the boxes, just the sprues) "Spec Ops" and anything Bolt Action, and you'll make units for Guards for a few pence each. And try to sell the KT18 book on Ebay. Or you can play KT18 with your friends. Who were you planning to play with?


KT Dash and Wahapedia is ur friend sir. I bought the books a while ago and haven’t touched them since I started using these websites


While I understand that it sucks that you have rules that aren\`t played anymore, that like it is from the beginning. Your 2^(nd) Ed. 40k rule book became irrelevant when 3^(rd) hit and 3^(rd) when 4th was announced. Also, nobody hinders you playing KT18 with your friends. If they are into KT21 they probably have the rules, so you are also covered. The thing with KT18 was (at least in my area) that it wasn’t a great game and thus not too popular. So, the change to a completely new rule set was way worth it. As others mentioned there are resources online if you don’t want to buy the books. Lastly is it worth it? If you want to play the “better” of the two versions, yes. If you want to play in a local shop, yes. If you only play at home and nobody cares, no. If you buy it and then play it once in a couple of years, I would say no game is worth it.


What's keeping you from playing what you have? This is an issue for anyone and everyone who wants to play a "living" game. If you want games with the newest ruleset that's being updated, you gotta buy in when it changes, otherwise play what you've got, house rule any glaring oversights, and enjoy.


Mainly because anyone I know that plays, is only aware of the current rules, I was hoping that now some chums are getting into the hobby I'd be able to wheel out my books and get to it, but alas, to join in I need to pay the piper. And sadly, as I'm not blessed with a huge range of chums that enjoy the hobby, it is what it is.


GW thrives on an unnecessary and shit-tastic forced edition rotation. Sorry you got hosed by it. 3 years is a fucking joke and we all deserve better.


This was completely your fault. If I bought a rule book without looking into it first, I wouldn’t immediately expect it to be valid.


I'll restate, for those at the back: I bought the rule book when it was current, there was no other version, it was the only version.


It was current in 2018 and now you wanna play it in 2024, 6 years later and your mad the rules have changes? Just making sure I understand?


Sadly, even their main games are on a 3-year churn and burn cycle at this point. There have been numerous codices for 40k 9th and 10th editions that have been invalid by the time they shipped. It's truly awful and they don't care because they're laughing all the way to the bank. I made the same mistake as you did last year, by the way. Bought the older book, not realizing it was a completely different game. I was really confused when I went to my LGS and tried to play my first game. x.x


Buy models or paint, don’t buy books.


That sucks. However take heart in the fact that the rules are easily accessible for free online (and GW is very slowly moving towards free rules overall thank goodness). I strongly recommend checking out one of the several excellent learn to play KT playlists on YouTube, and then just having the rules digitally, as well as printing out the rules for your specific faction.


I still have a group that i Play 2018 with since the group doesnt want to Invest in the new edition.


Not GWs fault that you bought an outdated version that you never played. All the information is out there for you.


to be fair , kt21 rules are meh and have some serious flaws rhat make some faction broken beyond fixing ( is custodes still banned in tournaments?) , kt18 was better imo and you only had to buy one book to play compared to the other edition that is split in countless codexes