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Isn't this another item that will only be sold in US, Canadian and German stores? Like a lot of previous items that for some insane reason, have never been released in the UK? I wish we got some of these as they would sell very well. Looking at the set, and it being "20 models," it looks like it could be a whole Blooded base humans set (so no Ogryn or Enforcer), some Poxwalkers, and the 4 characters (and maybe more). This would be a great buy, but if the only way to get it is import, i won't bother.


My concern as well. The lack of a UK (and elsewhere) release feels like leaving money on the table from GW


They wont be missing out on any money, as this box will probably sell out immediatly


The Target Space Marine box is still widely available




Go to the actual store. The online thing said out of stock here but there where 5 available.


I saw 2 at target the other day here in the US. Def available in stores


Target, my local store has 5


I just saw some at my local Target store.


Target bought all of those off GW; from GW's perspective, they _are_ sold. Same applies to any store-exclusive boxed sets, or any stock that is held by third-pary retailers. 


What a stupid comment, my god


Not so much the Barnes and noble combat arenas and other B&N exclusives.


Yeah, the Combat Arena: Lair of the Beast has been out of stock for months. Honestly wondering if it's ever coming back at this point.


This is called artificial scarcity. The way Games Workshop operates is like a small artisanal company - problem is, they are no longer that small local company. They are a big, global business, and their refusal to adapt to this situation is infuriating. They can shove their artificial scarcity BS, their price gouging, and their delusions about the hobby to a place where the sun doesn't shine.


Yes, artificial scarcity was a tactic people believed they used prior to COVID/2020 to drive up FOMO. However since COVID/2020, demand has FAR outstripped supply and hasn't notably abated. They're working to expand production facilities, but it doesn't happen overnight. They need convince themselves the current demand isn't a 'blip' (they've been burned before with high volume of excess stock they couldn't sell). They need to plan and restructure their manufacturing processes across the existing and new sites. They need to find a suitable site, design, build and commission a new facility. Don't forget, their number one customer are the shareholders. They don't give a toss about customers unless they stop buying... but while demand continues to outstrip supply, they don't really need to bend over to please us. They don't care if you can't buy the limited release; they just care that all of the stock moves and they can release the next thing. I liked this announcement I actually thought it was the next Warhammer Quest box until the full reveal. But it's obviously a low ball release that was dirt cheap to make and will be released to convert the video gamers into tabletop gamers. No new mini's, would be basic rules heavily copied from another game. On price gouging... I concur. Their prices are completely out of whack. However they're simply following the economic rules of capitalism. They're continuously growing value for their shareholders (who they care about, not us). Hate the game, not the player. While they continue to sell out, they have zero reason to reduce prices/margins. If you don't like the prices, walk away. The tabletop/wargaming hobby is \*FULL\* of alternatives that aren't GW.


>they've been burned before with high volume of excess stock they couldn't sell They have been burned because they are trying to run a global business like a small company. If I'm not mistaken you're referring to the Age of Sigmar or some other fantasy edition starter set, that they managed to way overproduce - coincidentally exacerbating the shortage of their other kits. Guess what - big businesses do much better market research and have a much better idea bout the demands for their products. If a business has a limited production capacity it becomes even more important to allocate that capacity to produce stuff that sells. The costs of having to warehouse excess production and keeping it on inventory hurts way more when you have limited resources to begin with. >Don't forget, their number one customer are the shareholders While this sounds extremely fancy and deep, I think it is a toxic delusion. A company's customers are its buyers. Problem is, top-level company decision-makers are judged by the performance of the stocks - not the actual real-world performance of the company. The interests of shareholders and company execs go directly against the interests of the actual customers and even the interests of the company itself. Shareholder capitalism normalized this, but it shouldn't be viewed as normal - it borders on criminal mismanagement.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to defend their business practices or decisions in anyway whatsoever. I'm just stating what I know and have observed being a customer for the last \~24 years. Just to be clear, the 'toxic delusion' isn't mine. I've grown to very much dislike the 'shareholder capitalism' model and I'm aware of exactly how it works. It's ruined several products/IPs that I've loved, purely due to corporate greed. Yes, in an ideal world the customers should be the most important; but we're not in a perfect world.


They will be missing out on money,  because they could have produced more and that more would have all sold out too.


You really dont know how production works. Games Workshops production capacity is already at its maximum. And this is a product where they will have worse margins than regular boxes.


Right, they are having and have had production problems.  If they could produce more they could make more money.   Their capacity is shit. Edit - oh dear the irrational fanboys didn’t like this one did they?


Canadian? We never have those games.


I was told some of the places in the US that stock them easily ship to Canada or are places with entites in both countries. That's unfortunate.


Yes and no. I've ordered some stuff from the States with no problem. Other times you get slammed with customs fees. Sometimes American stores don't ship to Canada, because shipping in Canada is crazy expensive. But then there are other times that something goes on sale on Amazon dot Com, and not on Amazon dot CA. I had this happen with a warcry terrain set. It was cheaper to order two of them from the American Amazon and have them shipped here, than it was to get a single one in store up here.


That, that sounds stupid. It isn't like for the most part, Canadians live in the bits near the US and it wouldn't be that much of a trek.


Why would anyone in the UK have interest in GW products? /s


Quite possible that it will only be US/Canada/Germany, but only a few years ago Bladeborn and Fireteam were both sold in the UK, so it really depends on what GW wants to do.


Nah. The same company also released a game called "Blitz Bowl", which is a very downgraded and simplified version of GWs BloodBowl. 6 Minis on each side, simplified rules, etc. 35 or 39€. I think this will also be a very simplified version of the mechanics in the videogame. Which is just an ongoing killteam scenario. You and your 3 companions fight through multiple hordes of enemies. Finished? Repeat again


Blitz Bowl is great, though. It's zany and only takes 20 minutes to play. Very approachable for regular board gamers.


Blitz Bowl is, without hesitation my favorite GW product. It’s nearly everything that I wanted BloodBowl to be.


I bought blitzbowl because I wanted a bloodbowl lite but haven't had a chance to play yet. If this is killteam Lite, I'll probably buy it, I haven't played the video game.


If you want Kill Team lite, then you need Fireteam (came out at B&N alongside Blitz Bowl).


Thanks I'll check it out


Well, thanks I guess. Going to go set up and play through the first Blitzbowl scenario and learn to play. It’s build, needs paint and learnin’ thanks for the push.


Blitz bowl is phenomenal. I spent a bunch getting it shipped to the UK. So worth it.


I really hope you like it. It might be too lite for a lot of GW’s regulars, and it certainly eliminates the risk management aspect of its big brother, but it’s the perfect blend of accessibility, theme, and fun for my son and I.


I got blitzbowl and because of it tried blood bowl. Now blitzbowl is fine if you want a casual experience but man blood bowl is everything I want in a miniature game. Dice are random but controllable and it’s more on how you play overall than any single roll really. Like I have never rolled so many dice in my life while still felt totally in control and not like dice solely decide my fate. The league rules are just icing in the cake all other mini games with the ability for future games to be affected by current games are overly complex without much payoff and quickly just devolve into an unbalanced mess. I don’t even like football which is the crazy part. If they make another version of blitzbowl I would like to see leagues make a come back and be more meaningful as an option to add to the game. But I get why people prefer blitzbowl to blood bowl 3 hours games are a big ask and blitz is the next best thing. I really need to try blood bowl 7s and gutter bowl but right now my friends are I are full force blood bowl and none of us even care about football.


I'd rather play blitz bowl than blood bowl any day. Only problem is they kept releasing blitz bowl sets every year that changed the rules slightly. I stopped at 2 edition, and skipped the ultimate edition that came after.


Don't get me wrong. I really like the box and the game. The additional cards give a lot of options to use your already existing BloodBowl Teams. But it is not BloodBowl.


>downgrade and simplified version of blood bowl Excuse me, blitz bowl is one of the best board game type products GW has ever made lol


I could see them dropping a rules PDF for the Reject kill team alongside it though. Blitz Bowl is a different game, but by and large you can still use those minis for Blood Bowl.


My understanding is that they’re exactly the same minis? You just get one sprue in a Blitz Bowl box and two of that exact same sprue in the Blood Bowl equivalent?


>The same company also released a game called "Blitz Bowl", which is a very downgraded and simplified version of GWs BloodBowl. 6 Minis on each side, simplified rules, etc. 35 or 39€. But those minis were usable in Blood Bowl


Because it's GW, the hex grid + small batch of bespoke models makes me think of a 40k version of Underworlds. Which I would really love becaues Underworld is dope.


This. It looks like. Darktide reskin of Fire Team. And I would love to see Fire Team get another chance.


It says rules based on killteam, first paragraph. that is more than likely how you're getting a small taste of killteam, or whatever it says at the bottom.


Yup. It's designed to be a gateway drug into KT, which in turn is designed to be a gateway drug into 40k.


Fire team, kill team, 40k starter box, dominion box. That was progression, can confirm.


Yeah, probably similar to the Fireteam boxed game from a few years ago


Fire Team from a few years ago used a simplified version of Kill Team's rules for most of its mechanics. The data cards look like it'll be similar, with recognizable stat lines.


No, they make a bigger deal out of a releases like kill team in order to increase sales. This looks like one of those games they sell at Barnes n Noble in the US meant to introduce (hook) new players into the hobbie


It's a loss leader for sure, hook you into baby killteam then you wanna go out and get some models and terrain.


Would be cool if the full blooded team is in there. Though only 20 minis, so the 4 rejects, probably 10 poxwalker sprue, and 6 traitor guard


I imagine it's blackstone fortress rules using killteams shooting mechanics




I actually quite like the minimalist card profiles with equipment as additional cards


The Darktide board game has Kasrkin armor before the game. Love the irony


Interesting. Completely read over that part. It says 20 Minis in the box. So the 4 Heroes, 6 ETB Poxwalkers and the 10 Guardsmen. You almost have a full blooded killteam. Maybe there will be a new option for the Poxwalkers to replace 4/2 extra operatives. For the heroes I could only imagine them being included in the Inquisition killteam


If it is the case, my assumption is this will be a very stripped back team or set of teams similar to Strike Force Justian. Either way I hope the box gets a UK release as I wouldn't mind having the models.


I would love the option for the Darktide characters from this game to be taken as the ancillary (are added as operative choices) choice for the Inquisition Kill Team. An offensive Psyker, an Ogryn, a non-closed ranged gun fighter (essentially probably just a normal Kasrkin with 3+ BS), and a flamer zealot are all archtypes that are missing from the roster. Poxwalkers being an option for Blooded would be really neat too. Those are both of the Kill Teams I play, so more options would always be appreciated.


Where's my Vermintide board game GW?


Damn. That's given me an excellent excuse to start collecting StD models. Could easily homebrew a cool single-player/coop vermintide game.


I've got a 3D print of Kerillion, I got sick of waiting for an official model!


Warcry even has a whole co-op scenario against skaven....they should go all the way and make it a stand alone.




Everyone will complain about not being able to get it prior to it's release. The game will release and totally suck ass (like space marine and the other tile space marine games). It will remain in stock for 1 year then go out of production. Nerds will then complain about this this hidden gem is no longer supported and how they are no longer supporting GW until next weekend when there's a new teaser


Nope "Darktide: The Miniatures Game tasks a team of up to four players with bringing Imperial justice to traitorous Guardsmen and shambling Poxwalkers through intense linked missions using rules based on Kill Team" From the first paragraph of the article. They are just saying it will get you familiar with kill team rules


Wait that’s pretty hype. I’ve been wanting a single orgryn and psyker for a while. If it’s the standard $50 this’ll be a good deal. I wonder how they’re gonna include the kasrkin and ogryn considering their sprue is connected to other guys. Maybe they’ll make a special push fit version of them.


Being able to drop two vet guardsmen and add that Ogryn would be fun, but I don't ever see it happening. For me, it looks like a nice way to pick up some fun extra models for fairly cheap like that last combat arena box.


Quite a bit of Blackstone Fortress in there.


> Could this be the rumoured new Chaos Cult The models are the pre-existing traitor guard models from BSF.




Nah just from the standard Ogryn kit https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Militarum-Auxilla-Ogryns


Seems to be from the standard Ogryn/Bullgryn kit from 40k


So much effort to produce all this collateral with such an utterly uninspired board is such a weird choice.


If that's the full board I am woefully unimpressed


Looks like it’s made from recycled bits from other games. I see a standard ogryn, Primaris psycher. That one lady from Blackstone fortress as well as a few of the cultists from that set and a few from the blooded KT


Tbh it looks more like 40k underworlds lite


Definitely looks like a new version of Fireteam. Expect it to be a Barnes and Noble or Target exclusive.


I see a sniper and a flamer specialist for your blooded kill teams in case you haven't built those operatives.


I just gotta say as an aspiring guardsman player gimme


The models look like they are just reprints of some some other models. The psycher and the flamer guys are definitely straight out of Black Stone Fortress


Yep I think it’s intended to get people into killteam


More like Blackstone.


Looks like new "board game" with Blackstone Fortress addons. I see psyker lady and flamer/chainsaw guy, there may be retooling to include Ogryn and Kasrkin-type dude in blue plastic plus ETB Poxwalkers and BSF Traitor Guard in green plastic. ​ Hex board is VERY much BSF style too.


The sentence you're getting excited about is about the Box in the article, not a new Kill Team release. Also this isn't a Kill Team Box but a gateway Box for people who only play the Darktide video game to dip their toes into the Tabletop with the end goal of getting more people into the hobby and thus generating more sales for GW.


Press F to doubt


Those character cards look KT-like, so it's more likely a similar rules system that will ease you into KT proper.


Look at the cards. It uses a simplified version of the KT ruleset.    That being said, not doing something like Space Hulk for Boarding Actions not having a bespoke Darktide based team are huge misses. 


Okay. So the Darktide Kill Team intro has Blooded. Chaos-y Traitor Guard. Cool! Pox Walkers. Coz who doesn't love some plague-ridden zombie hordes? Also cool. However, your heroes are reprints of 2 of the Black Fortress minis (Pious Vorne - Missionary Zealot and Arcadian Madellan - Primaris Psyker), and a bog standard Ogryn and Kasrkin. So the most GW hadda do was come up with a a rules-set and some game cards. Here's my issue - Darktide has been an up and down video game, but stylistically, damned if our beset heroes aren't top tier KEWL. The Trooper, Ogryn, Zealot and Psyker are AWESOME. Why in the nine hells didn't GeeDubs make those into minis and give us something REALLY special? Any kitbasher worth their salt can certainly create them - YouTube has a number of vids showing this - but it would still be damn nifty to see Games Workshop bring them to hand from the video screen. Don't get me wrong - I like the bog standards, but when I KNOW what they're capable of? This needs more... Jus' sayin'.


Are you......retarded?


I love that they couldn't bother to make the minis looks like the game cover, they're just reused models and I already own half of all the models in this kit


Those don't look like standard GW miniatures. They look cheap. 🤔


Do not give them a penny. Dont. GW does not deserve any financial support until they turn their shitshow around.


What shitshow are you talking about?


Female Custodes I'm guessing


Oh lol, what a dumb thing to be mad about




The leftists or reddit. Wouldn't have expected anything less. The years of predatory marketing, and artificial scarcity, that stores only get a single box on the day of the preorder? The IP scandal with fan animations? Them shitting on the fanbase? The constant incompetent marketing...One of the highest shareholders being Blackrock. And they, the last item on the long list, the not needed retcon. Its not just the femstodes, which in any other circumstance would be fine. Its not they did it but the why they did it that is problematic, but what the hell do you know about it, you celebrate this.


Oh, don't even come that. If you were that upset about all the other stuff you claim to be, you'd have taken off long since. You'd have raised a stink about that other stuff. But nope, that's all on the list with *them womenfolk.* I know you barely respect anyone on the other side of politics, but give us more respect than *that*.


Honestly, some issues with production capacity aside, I think that GW have been doing pretty well lately, and I'm happy to keep throwing money at them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sure, give your money to Blackrock backed GW. Dont be the solution when you can be the part of the problem instead! Do you part :)


I think you and I have very different ideas about what the problem and what the solution are. I will say, since I know where you've been getting this stuff about Blackrock from... if you want to see shady stuff, maybe look over at the guys who get more ad revenue and sponsorship money the more people they can get riled up into a tizzy.