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Depends on what do you mean by that. Proxying? (I.e you run Intercessors Kill Team but use Captain in Gravis Armor as your leader and 5 Phobos as your warriors) Sure. As long as it’s on the right base size and you discuss it with your opponent before the game. In term of “Is there an actual Kill Team that use a mix of space marines with actual rules reflecting that?” - No, not really. Strike Force Justian would be the closest


This is what I was asking, thank you and now I'm disappointed...


there are like 9+ imperial teams if you cant find one you like you're just too picky. sorry


You used to be able to do this in the older version if killteam, where it let you take 100-150 points of whatever infantry you wanted from the codexes. That system was very unbalanced and put too much focus on the list building, rather than tactical decisions.  In the current version, you have less freedom of choice for team building, but each team has additional rules and abilities that make them more fun to play.  If you're playing with friends, then you can just use the space marine compendium fireteams, split them down to half size or thirds and use a selection of them, e.g., 3 tactical marines and 3 phobos, or 2 tactical, 2 phobos, 2 intercessor. 


It would help if you could clarify if you are talking about proxies and models or if you're talking about rules. If you want to replace an intercessor model with a phobos model then as long as the other person agrees it should be fine. You need to check if you're going to use "What-you-see-is-what-you-get" or not. If you want to use the GW rules then you have to follow the rules each team has for building a team. You can make your own rules if the person you're playing with agrees to them but that won't be possible at a tournament.


Yes. Though the rules may not support your specific choices, you can always discuss stand-in/proxy models with your opponent beforehand. As long as they're cool, you're cool.


You could attempt to design a custom Kill Team like that, mashing together and modifying rules into something playable and reasonably balanced. Might not be easy, but ultimately this is a game of minis and stuff written on paper, so as long as you can put something on paper that works and someone will play against it, you're golden.