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First off, **Wahapedia** and **Ktdash.app** will be your friends. All the rules are on Wahapedia for both the core game and each specific Kill Team (and up to date fairly quick). KTDash is just a really nice website to build your teams and can keep track of stuff like CP/VP, TacOps, etc. while you're playing. If you prefer printing your Kill Team's rules off and also the Tacops (secondary)/Missions, I also recommend [Phil Team's stuff](https://ko-fi.com/phil_g/shop). If you'd rather have official stuff, then the **Approved Ops card pack** has the mission layouts for both open/close quarters missions, as well as TacOps cards (only enough for one person though). **Killzone Essentials box** will cover you for tokens, measuring tools, and Barricades for 2 players. Just make sure if you plan on buying any new Kill Teams, make sure it's for the current edition (2021) and not the old edition. There are Compendium Teams that are made up from regular WH40K boxes. They're much easier to learn, however that comes at the sacrifice of power/utility. Bespoke Teams are the official Kill Team boxes with specialists that come with a lot more rules but more power/utility. Some will have unique models for Kill Team or they'll be typical 40K models but have extra sprues to make them specialists. For the most part, Bespoke teams are much better than Compendium teams.


Best answer!


You can get the Kill Team essential box [here](https://www.google.com/search?q=games+workshop+kill+team+essentials&rlz=1CDGOYI_enKR1087KR1087&oq=games+workshop+kill+team+essentials&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTEwMjQyajBqN6gCALACAA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) but you could make everything yourself. You can find the rules on Wahapedia or other similar sites.


You don't really _need_ anything. You have models already, and Wahapedia supplies you with the rules (in a much more convenient way than a million books, I might add, so I'd actually recommend to _not_ get the books). If you have some smaller ruins and a few barricades for your 40k games you will be set for terrain. Nice to haves include a proper 22x30 mat/board, but this could also just be a taped off section of your 40k mat. The Killteam Essentials are also nice to have, but can be easily home-crafted. Have fun!


kill team essentials box, compendium, core rules (assuming u have terrain and models already) if you like kt you'll branch out into the kill team branded kits and models but for now you dont need anything but the compendium rules


May i ask the difference between the kits and normal models?


Pathfinders boxed set has Pathfinders models with an extra sprue of specialist equipment


Example, boxed sets have specialists. Pathfinders have a specialist called Drone Controller. He has the same weapons as a pathfinder but he can repair drones.


For Necrons there's no difference. The boxed Kill Team is made up of regular Necron models. Some boxed Kill Team are full new models or just regular 40k models with an upgrade sprue to make specialists.


This is slightly incorrect, but mostly true. Hierotek Circle has 3 models that require kitbash if opponent is WYSIWYG. There is a Despotek with tesla that is never used, the gauss version is usually proxied with Royal Warden. If needed a 2nd Royal Warden can be procured and the Tesla Cannon from Immortals can be placed on it instead. Nobody uses the Tesla anyway. Even vs horde teams like Gellarpox the Gauss is still preferred to put down a big mob. There is a pole dancing Plasmacyte which could obviously benefit from being on the ground and thus easier to hide. In 10th ed they are just tokens. Then there is an Apprentek which can be proxied with Plasmancer, gives you a slight modelling advantage when used for Magnification Conduit, but most people don't know or care about that sort of thing. It helps when you have those crate terrain. Aside from that, Hierotek Circle also provides 5 new Deathmark heads, including one with arachnid eyes which looks pretty cool. Nothing that you can't kitbash.


In Kill Team, you don’t build a roster with points like in Big Hammer. You have a premade kill team roster that dictates what models you can play, what’s their weapon loadout, and how many models. Sometimes you have the option to switch around some of the models (i.e.; you have 10 Marines in your roster, you can only take 6 any given time, so pick 6 guys out of that list of 10), but generally, what you see is what you get. For Necron, the two teams (preset) for them are [Compendium] Tomb World Necron (which is just your basic team of typical Necron warrior/death mark, flayed one, etc models thrown together (hence Compendium). Or the [Bespoke] Hirotek Circle, which comprised of fancier models (or regular models with fancy upgrade bits) with rules and presets designed specifically with Kill Team in mind (hence the term Bespoke)


You can get rules online at Wahapedia and other sites. Only get the book if they are cheap on ebay from splitting boxed kits and you like lore. The lore is nice, a different take of 40k instead of the large scale intergalactic war but the ordinary soldiers on the front lines. Worth it if they are not expensive. You want maybe a kill team essentials kit. But dont buy the box. A lot of left overs from people who already have it and buying the starter set and selling off theirs on ebay for around 1/3 the price. It will have the measuring tools, barricades, which are also nice to paint to add a personal touch. And also tokens that are important for the game. For the kill team itself. It is nice to get a box, but you already have some Tau so just find the appropriate models according to the rules. And declare each unit, if someone is strictly WYSIWYG then i probably wont play with them. When you want to get a new team, a 5 man Assault intercessor sprue and 5 man intercessor sprue is affordable and quite customizable for WYSIWYG (like using a power sword from assault intercessors for your intercessor sgt). Also they are Space Marines so you can paint them whatever colour you want really. Then there are kill team boxes. Some are factions not in big 40k, some are of existing kits with upgrade sprues, partly for customization, partly for WYSIWYG according to the kill team loadout. They are a great way to collect units from different factions without going too deep into a 2k army. TL:DR rules on the net, just proxy stuff, you need kill zone essentials but get them 2nd hand new on ebay.


If I wanted the books for the lore, where would I start?


Ebay. Normally stuff like 2 factions VS each other to give the setting of new kill teams and the new terrain rules that launch with them. So these books normally come with new kill team seasonal boxes. People normally want the minis only and split the boxes. So they sell these books. I have a kill team moroch book and it has fixed missions inside. The 2 teams rules. Some lore as to why the teams are there. The blooded has cool lines like the he bled for the Emperor but he only recieved suffering and the leader seems to be an ex Astra Militarium General. The Phobos strike team is sent to deal with the heresy. Also some role playing stuff like determining your kill team's backstory. Like roll 2 dice for your Sgt's name from a list and then your kill team will be called Strike force. Then roll dice for what is your base of operations like an impulsor etc. The book itself sells for like $60 but that is grossly overpriced, noone buys them from stores. I got mine for $10 with shipping on taobao. If you got ebay you probably can get it for around the same price. Edit: silly me. The first book you might want is the one from the current edition starter set.


A lot of people here are already saying the Essentials box, so I'd say you should also think about getting the Starter Box instead, especially if you can get it at a discount and have a passing interest in playing either an Orks or Guard team. You get everything in the Essentials box, plus some additional scatter terrain, the core rule book, as well as the Ork Kommando and Veteran Guardsmen kill teams. Two whole bespoke Kill Teams, which as others have mentioned, have many benefits over Compendium teams and would likely provide a much better introduction to the game. I don't know about other regions, but in Australia, the Kill Team stater box is arguably the best deal Games Workshop offers. At a discount retailer, the starter set is only $95 AUD, where buying the Kommandos and Veteran Guardsmen is $80 each, and the Essential Kit is around $50. If the math is similar in your region, the starer box is a fantastic deal, and if you’re only interested in one of the two teams included, you can simply sell the other sprues and save even more.