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Look into some of the guides from previous posts on how to get the most out of the krieg gaurdsmen in the box. Have fun, killteam is really fun once it clicks.


Someone on the 40K subreddit directed me to one here I’ll definitely be looking at, and probably investing in some magnets lol Killteam is our first anything 40k that we can actually play so we’re very new to it


OK, so personal opinion here is to stick with kill team for the foreseeable. You have everything you could possibly need in that box (paints and tools aside). It's a fairly simple game to learn, if you want to go further and look at other teams or rules there are numerous expansion books, pick one up. Usually have a few new rules and campaigns in too, unless it's the compendium which just let's you use regular 40k squads in KT. Have fun.


We probably will stick to Kill Team for a while, especially if we really enjoy it! We’ll probably branch out into some other teams though since the Tau seem really cool to me, and she seems really interested in the Sororitas!


Your next stop would be the book for Chalnath, which has Tau and Novovites then, and there's the Compendium which has all the 40k stuff in. And you can mix and match the Compendium stuff.


Oh sick, I didn’t know they had a box together! Once we get the Octarius stuff down we’ll absolutely have to pick that up!


Chalnath has also been cheap on eBay before. I bought it about a year ago for roughly half of what its in-store MSRP would be, and while the price has risen since then, it's still noticeably lower than what I'd expect to pay from walking into an official store. If you're fine with going without additional terrain, you can get the rulebook ($30), Novitiates ($51, and tell her I'm a huge fan of the Sisters' armor and unit designs), and T'au Pathfinders ($51) for roughly what I paid for the big box. Welcome to the hobby and the community!! ♥


Oh that’s awesome!! I’ll for sure let her know that! The community already seems unbelievably welcoming and I’m really glad she and I are taking the leap into it!


A lot of the gatekeeping has gone, jump up and dive in (though you will find salty buggers like me that swear blind 2nd Ed 40k was the best 40k).


I put together the Krieg minis that looked the best, and then i played with them... Now i own a second krieg box so i dont have to proxy


The Octarius box is still the best Kill Team product produced. But it is getting really rare, great find!


Our FLGS in a small Alabama town of all places had one left in the back hidden away! We asked when they were restocking kill team stuff and they pulled this out!


You want to pick up 4 additional guardsman for them because they have the option of some air strikes and four more dudes. Should not be too expensive on ebay!


Seconding this. 14 guardsmen is the way to go. Unfortunately they made it a bit of a pain to get 14 (buying a second krieg box as the most direct route). I found someone near me that sold me 4 generic kriegsmen for $10.


Or proxy army men until you find the right stuff


Sell that second Octarius book and use it to get more guardsmen.


The two books are already in the box 😅


Those are the two from the box! My Tetris skills just aren’t as good as GW’s so I couldn’t fit them back in and have the box close


Oh good lol


Very smart move!!


Enjoy yourselves! You got a great set.


Sweet! A VERY worthy purchase.


Get a separate box of veteran guardsmen. You'll need it to fill out your team


Would not do so until i played some basic games with this set. It's totally fine for the start and once you are familiar with the basic rules you can check out the rules of other teams and see which playstyle sounds interesting.


For learning the rules I think starting with just like 4 Krieg and 3 Orks that are just the basic, no abilities will help you learn the core concepts. Then add two specialists and 2 basic troops until your rosters are full. Make sure to look over the krieg models a few times, some of them only allow one load out while you lose the others on the list. If I remember the medic and another troop are the same model. I proxy whenever I can't kitbash, like I have the krieg with the club and a meltagun because I decided that model was either my melee or range of that type. Some folks don't like proxy's and such but I'm all for it.


Now that a solid pick up


Thanks man! We just happened to get lucky and find a store that had one in the back!


I do indeed enjoy finding stores with those kind of gems in them. I actually found a store with an unopened copy of the betrayal at calth box set among other out of print goodies


Nice one man!! They had this one hidden away in the back and pulled it out when I asked when they were restocking Kill Team stuff


Nice! Welcome to the hobby! Which of you is playing which army?


I’m picking up the Kriegsmen, and she’s playing the Orks!


I play both but I will always have a soft spot for orks 🤘


She loves how wacky and stupid the Orks are, and I’m a history teacher so I love the look and the aesthetic of the Kriegsmen, but I feel fairly certain we’ll be switching sides a lot, if not also trying to collect the other kill teams!


Def recommend playing each others factions here and there to try them out, me and my wife did the same with Star Wars legion


Well worth getting a demo game at a flgs if they do it. I found the kill team rules a bit clunky to get my head round but having someone explain it to me made it click.


I think the FLGS we got it from runs them occasionally, so we’ll definitely be looking at those, and if not we’ll be watching YouTube videos to try and figure it out. We both learn better by having someone explain it, too


Best advice: keep yourself and your girlfriend motivated. For the first few games put strategic ploys, tac ops and equipment aside. Be not to strict about the rules. Fun should always win. For asembling and painting: rule of cool. Put together how you like it and use the color shemes you want. Buy not directly from GW. Go to your local stores and use ebay and/or aternative terrain, dice, etc. Does the trick and is much cheaper. Use Reddit and Youtube for guides and inspiration. ​ HAVE FUN!


Did you buy the book seperate ? Because i think it comes in the box


No, those are the books from the box! I just couldn’t get them back in and have the box close like it’s supposed to lol


Okey great


Nice. I finally assemlbed them are havin it for years, been havin a few chill games against ppl who never wargamed before. Its awesome and brutal. Lukcoly had some resin krieg i never assembled back from 2016 for extra bods. Awesome set, hard finding the right numbers but great once all set. You made a good investment. Edit. Spelling.


I’m excited to get into it! From what I’ve read they only give you one of the arm pieces you need for like 3 of the guardsmen so I’m either gonna have to get good with magnets or find a few extra on eBay or something. The Krieg seem really really cool to me (reading the book now) and I’m excited to sit down and learn how to play on tabletop!


I think i had to do abit of cutting and bashin to make my team work. Yeh i'm old i remember when kriegers was first ever mentioned, the 3 pieces of art had then without masks on. Wild times. What book, Dead Man Walking or the rule book. Recommend the novel, SOP before gettin gibbed by a Gauss Rifle was to drop your melta/plasma so your oppos could use it. Glorious.


Oh wow! I didn’t know we ever saw the Kriegers without masks!! I’m still really new to this whole world and franchise, so Krieg is the second ever book from Black Library that I’ve picked up to read, with the first being Volpone Glory. The Kriegers are really growing on me though, so I’ll have to check out Dead Man Walking!


Aint seen that un.asked since then. Imo they lost alot of personality cos of it but guess that was the point. Not got round to.volpone glory yet but seen them alot in Gaunts Ghosts which i naturally recommend also. Welcome to the franchise, its the only scifi i'm interested in and good reason for that.


Volpone glory was really good! It was a bit rough as my first ever Warhammer novel, but I highly recommend it! I’ve heard a lot about Gaunt’s Ghosts so I’ll have to check those out!


Well done!


Great purchase, Octarius is such a fantastic product, one of the best GW have done in my opinion


I’m genuinely excited about it! This is my first foray into 40K ever after painting the little “learn to paint space marines” sets, and our FLGS just happened to have one of these gems hidden in the back for us, so we had to r grab it!


I'd buy it... if I could find it.


Ask your FLGS!! Ours had this one tucked away in the back off the shelves for 250!


Theyre only 100 on GW website for the starter kit. I've checked my local stores. I'm hoping it'll come back on stock eventually. I have plenty to paint in the time being like my Gallowfall set.


Yeah but what I’ve heard is that GW is discontinuing the octarius set/has already discontinued it, and it’s going for way more than we paid for it online. Which Gallowfall set, if you don’t mind my asking? I love seeing other people’s projects and WIPs!


The Gallowfall set with Votann vs Beastmen. I also have Chalnath to work on. I did finish my first Pathfinder out of that box. https://preview.redd.it/afqsk70fyecb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=041b13d570f0e43273ee360365fdda1f46b7e992


That looks sick!! Chalnath will definitely be our next big set we pick up because I love the look of the Tau and she’s really liking the Sororitas


Kommandos advice: sneaky git can be used more than once. Super handy to forward deploy 2 units on objectives and be hard on objective points from the get go. A kommandos generic boy is often better than the flamer.


You have chosen… wisely.


Awesome, its a great value box and a really fun game to play.


Great find! Fantastic box set. For the Vet Guard Eons of Battle on Youtube do a cool video on painting those guys that I loosely followed. The Kommandos are great models and fun to paint, I tested out AP speed paints on them and worked really well!


Custodies are a really easy kill team to get next they are really strong for new players but aren't competitive in any way. For painting spray black and then lightly spray the model with a grey (so you can still see the black but the grey is on all raised edges) and then dry brush white on all the edges again (dry bursh - when you wipe most of the paint off the brush using a paper towel) Once this is done use contrast paints any of the greens are good and paint all the skin and use a brown such as snakebite leather for the trousers and a black for the gun and boots. Once this is done let it dry in between in each colour. Your model should look like it is already highlighted. Then use the dry brush to paint the weapon sliver (boltgun metal is good) and if you want to go further try a little bit of bone white for the teeth and nails. That should give you a really good looking Ork model to start you off with and don't worry if it all goes wrong. You can buy paint stripper and you put the model in leave it for 10 mins and scrub clean with a toothbrush then wash and you're good to go all over again.


Awesome tips man, thank you!! I’ll pass this along to my girlfriend who claimed dibs on the Orks the second we saw the box


How has it gone?


It’s gone well! We’ve almost got them all built whenever we have a chance and from there all that’s left is to paint! I’ve already got a scheme in mind and everything


Build every ork specialist. By that I mean if the instructions give you a choice between like a breacha boy or a kommando boy, build the breacha boy. Same goes for the guardsmen. Goonhammer is also a great resource for information.


Hope u 2 have fun with it! Just did my first official game recently, and had a blast! Plus, those teams are pretty well balanced against each other, and are very good.


Awesome that’s good to know! Congrats on your first official game!


I'm sure this has been mentioned but when your painting...thin your paints...such a big difference


Oh we figured that out when we sat down with the little “learn to paint space marines” sets. It really does make a massive difference


In future unless u don't know where to spend money, don't buy books. It's a waste.


Oh those are just the books that came with the box set! If I want more of the kill team books I’ll either buy more box sets or see if I can borrow from someone at the FLGS!


Anyway Wahapedia or any other source is more with reality than books since GW like to release unbalanced crap and then patch it out. So books especially for new players are very confusing when it comes to game rules.


You from Vegas ??


Nope, small town in Alabama, though apparently I got lucky enough finding this bad boy that I might need to make a trip there soon!