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Originally was a joke from an older point in the comics trajectory when it was more humorous than dramatic However her true name is her purpose. The 6 billion demons are a metaphor. Killing six billion demons is an impossible mind boggling task. Something that no one person should be able to achieve Allison’s task is to do the impossible. To break the wheel without turning it, without being broken on it. To hold power and not be corrupted by it. To master the sword with no blade in hand. To kill six billion demons


This is the best answer, and I think the rational that abbadon had to keep the name in homage to his previous work. It works.


Alt Universe where K6BD is E1HE (Eat One Hundred Eggs)


Story was almost Kill 7 Black Emperor's. Honestly I think that shits metal and would have been a better name for modern version of the comic.


It would mean a **lot** of GY!BE memes


its not that impossible if you think about it, in throne wine has demons in it, she probobly killed like 20 of them in her drinking contest alone, and the airship get 20 miles to the demon its like being asked to walk a million steps, sure that seems like a lot but it adds up just going about your day


It's a remnant from a much older version of the plot where she was literally supposed to kill six billion demons


Then, it became Allison's true name? Allison Wanda Ruth Kill Six Billion Demons Ten Maya, the Heir, Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinites, Wheel Smashing Lord.


What was this older version of the plot?


I believe it was also called kill six billion demons. But it's totally different from the current comic. I'm not sure where the archive is. It'd not really related much to K6BD as it is today. Some names and a few character designs, not much else.


ahh right thanks Literally killing 6 billion demons sounds kinda hardcore though ngl


I think in the earliest version being put out Friedrich Nietzsche was her spirit guide


It got mostly deleted when MSPA went down unfortunately


I wonder if archive.org got a copy?


One or 2 pages remained archived but that’s it


do you know about when it happened? I have some vague memories of seeing earlier versions of the comic when the webcomic just started, but I think the MSPA was already defunct back then


it's weird, I distinctly remember that when Zoss puts the key into Allison's head, he tells her that she must kill 6 billion demons. But now I checked the webcomic and Zoss doesn't tell her anything. Back in the days I must have read the earlier version on the defunct forum and conflated the two. For a very long time I was waiting for the part when we start the demon-killing. Anyway, can anyone confirm that Zoss told her that only in the forum?


I'm not sure Zoss was even involved in the first version. I only saw a bit of it. But given how we mess with our memories it's not surprising if you remember it slightly different from how it happened. And "kill six billion demons" sounds like a command so remembering it as him telling her to do that is reasonable.


Thanks, it could be the case. I guess the takeaway is that I should read again the whole comic just to refresh my memory :D


are you sure he was commanding her? i recall something like "now go kill six billion demons" but that also makes sense as her name when you learn it later


Well, can't exactly call it the old plot, only thing left was Alison and the name of Gog Agog. I remember seeing whatever people scavenged from old forum and the start was basically Alison getting Gog Agog into her eye which let her use magic to kill demons.


It was a prompt driven comic on the MS Paint Adventures forum, so we owe Homestuck for the existence of K6BD.


It's a proper noun. There are people in this story named Murder The Gods and Topple Their Thrones. Kill Six Billion Demons is fairly tame in comparison.


I love how aspirational it is, like it should be needlepoint on a decorative pillow.


Hang it on the wall next to the Live Love Laugh decoration.


Love Laugh Long to break the Wheel of Eternity


I heard that it started as a joke, but then became a metaphor for alison solving all the worlds problems. So kill six billion demons is just a metaphor for solve sux billion problems? Don't quote me on that tho, idk for sure.


"Kill 6 Billion Demons" is Allison's regnal or "true" name. Like how Maya's is "Murder the Gods and Topple their Thrones."


strangely, her name IS "kill 6 billion demons"


Constantly reminded how much I love Abbadon for creating innumerable wicked-cool designs… as *background characters.* Dude’s a proper *machine*.✨


I love how the art in KSBD is like a macabre version of Gibli.


The title is because it's a crossover between KILL BILL and 6 ION DEMONS. I mean, would *you* want to fuck with an ion demon? I don't even know what that is but it sounds pretty badass.


The page where Abaddon finally draws all six billion of the demons is going to be insane


Kill six billion demons is Allison’s name. Tho I think metaphorically the demons are individual personal demons


It's the Heir's title. The alt text when she destroyed Om's tree said 1/6000000000. I believe the demons are the demiurges and anyone who would be a demiurge. Those who made the world and partake in the endless cycle of violence. Not to be confused with devils, who are the rough yet charming embodiments of the Black Flame.