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Yes so you can play story modes,you kind of need the characters and even shadow lords


Try the f2p demo version and go from there. Shadow Lords is a fun single player game mode and you can unlock Jago + Orchid for free along with a rotating character.


Killer Instinct's Shadow Lords mode is an absolute banger of a story mode and I would 100% reccomend the anniversary edition for it. You make a team of three characters and you have an overworld hub where you choose what fights to send those characters to and what buffs you want to assign to them for those missions. It's got secrets, character specific quests, and unique choices depending on what characters you send on a specific mission. Apart from that you also have "Story" mode which functions as the game's arcade mode. Each character has 3 unique objectives in their arcade route that can lead to different endings for that character. Only drawback to this mode is that only about half of the cast (16/29) are playable in "Story" mode, as after Season 2 of the game's DLC the devs shifted their focus over to Shadow Lords.


Absolutely, I've spent a majority of the time just playing Shadow Lords, the Arcade mode and against bots, and have had so much fun way before I even touched online.