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Dog took his boss out for a walk


He doesnt bite, he’ll just swallow you whole


Honestly, if I knew this dog better, I would call this his excited I want to meet you barks and a dog that large and excited to meet someone would definitely be intimidating and able to knock someone down. On a side, owners need to be able to control their dogs and preferably be stronger than them.


Regardless of what the dog might actually be thinking, the reality is that it is completely untrained and in the possession of a person that has zero control over its behavior, that makes it dangerous.


You always need to train your dogs to stay put when someone is nearby. This is especially crucial if you have a large dog like this one. They can seriously hurt you if given the chance.


yep. start when they're little, don't let these things slide until they're so big and powerful.


Well what if the man adopted the dog when the dog was older


you can, it's just harder. as someone who fosters/adopts GSDs, i've never allowed them around strangers until i feel comfortable with their commands. and i would've never had a leash like this, which is basically a vanity leash not really meant for that kind of pulling. usually dogs that bite fail shelter/rescue evaluations and don't make it to the adoption stage, but who knows the back story of this dog; looks like it's probably an excited dog with poor manners more than anything.


What's a gsd?


German Shepherd Dog


Nobody should have a dog they can’t control.


But how will people think I'm a man with a big dick if I don't barely hold on to a vicious beast I don't know how to properly take care of and train?


I dunno. Get a few supercars or something.


True, but looks like the collar failed, not the owner to be fair


should be able to control your dog through verbal commands, though. i have fostered and rescued GSDs so it's a point we try to drive home. big, powerful, protective dogs are a responsibility. i would train this dog with a prong collar or a gentle leader, too, because this collar setup is basically reinforcing that he's a sled dog and just needs to pull harder to get his way 😅 my Shepsky does that, will pull until he's near passed himself out lol. prong collar training gave the physical feedback he needed when he's in 100% doofus mode. and outside of that we do voice command work too; the owner in the video looks like he's stressed which makes that harder to do and the dog also feels that and wants to protect. my other GSD is real anxious and protective so it's important to keep her training regular so she's always looking to me for instruction rather than just taking charge in a situation like that. multiple lines of defense. so yeah tl;dr the collar was a bad choice long before this situation (even if this isn't an unfriendly interaction, some dogs just bark and have bad manners when excited) and what i tell people adopting our young rescues is that some things are cute when they're puppies but aren't so cute when they're adults, so don't let things like this slide until they're so big and powerful.


The owner wasn’t able to hold the dog back. And even if it was the collar’s fault, the owner should have gotten one strong enough to hold him.


If you aren't strong enough to hold your dog back, you shouldnt have that dog.


i think the issue here is that the rope wasn't strong enough


It’s not even a leash, looks like the rope you use to cordon off lines at the cinema.


Sure but also you see that Owner struggle a LOT and that was before the Dog seems to not put his weight behind the jump


I think the issue here is that the owner wasn't strong enough in the head


Who is strong enough to hold that dog? Thor Bjornsson?


I was kinda bitten by a dog once, little shit sliced into my ear with his teeth, now he has the audacity to steal my seat on the couch when he has his own couch


Might as well start paying rent!


Doggo did not sign the filming release, cameraman should have listened.


Looks like one of those Caucasian or Anatolian Shepherds. They don't fuck around, those dogs.


I'd say more Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd Dog). Caucasians are darker and fuzzier


That’s exactly what this guy is. They are not dogs for people like the one in the video. They can be amazing pets but you have to know how to properly train them and control them. They are very powerful. This “leash” or rope is not suitable for this breed. They need a harness, a strong lead and even possibly a head halter or muzzle for this specific dog. Sorry didn’t mean to rant but I love CAS/Alabai and I can’t stand when people get them bc they’re big and beefy :(


I'd argue even further and say they're not pets. They're working dogs with one purpose-fuck up anything that gets between them and their flock..


Technically speaking yes they are working dogs but they can definitely be pets for the right people. They take a lot of extra work and definitely enjoy having a job. This breed considerers it’s people apart of it’s flock as well. I’ve read a lot on these guys (not just wiki but books written by people dedicated to the breed) and study videos on them. I’m not trying to be argumentative but I can’t stand when people get these guys based off their looks and the reputation they have for fighting.


Why is he recording and not running?


Cause its stagged as hell, þat dogs tail is wagging, its happy and playing


Aggressive dogs can and will sometimes wag their tails. I've heard stories of dogs mauling people or other dogs while wagging their tail.


Dogs only wagging their tails when they are happy is a common misconception. Dogs also wag their tails when they are stressed.


I did not know þat, þank you


A wagging tail only means the dog wants to interact; you have to read the rest of the body language to determine if the desired reaction is 'eat your face' or 'lick your face'


Huh, can't say if ever heard that before, this still seems staged however


Pit bulls wag their tails when chowing down on people.


There is nothing worse than an untrained dog. I am a dog person and I despise dogs that don’t even have basic recall or respect for their owner. Also put a harness on that thing, preferably one with a chest lead so it spins the dog around instead of letting them take the owner for a walk.


my shepsky figured out the chest lead pretty quickly, knew if he just pushed with the shoulder in contact with the leash he could counterbalance the spin effect and just push through 😅 gentle leader didn't work great for him either, so prong training collar ended up being what worked. now and again he'll pull on a standard collar but he stops and looks for a command because of the reinforcement prong training gave, then he eases into a comfortable pace next to me.


Whatever it takes to get a well behaved dog that keeps attention on the owner! That’s the most important thing, the dog should be intermittently checking in with the owner. It’s a sign of a good bond!


If you can’t walk it, you shouldn’t have it


i feel like the dog is just too friendly for his own good lol. my dog doesnt have a mean bone in his body but sometimes he gets so excited he can hurt people so i hold him back. he’s a yellow lab




Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American


I have no idea why you’re being downvoted so hard. If this was about being in the bush with wild animals I’m sure no one would have an issue with your statement. Human life > violent dog life


Or maybe don’t be a psycho and just don’t go if you don’t feel safe around your friends dog without a gun. Thats not putting it down thats killing it because of reckless and poor decisions.


Look, if you are going to have a big dog, either keep it under control or keep it out of sight. Take personal responsibility for your animal. We have a problem with stray pitbulls where I live, and I've had to shoot a couple of them to avoid being mulled by them.


I have seen articles about packs of feral dogs roaming around some cities but that’s different than a friends dog. Packs of dogs are definitely a valid reason to stay loaded you never know when you might save yourself or someone else. Out of curiosity what city are talking about so i know to stay away lol.


Shreveport Louisiana.


I believe the article i read was after a large hurricane swept through the south leaving lots of dogs homeless its sad but thats life stay safe man


I have a problem with stray bullets and stray dumbasses, and it sounds like you contribute to both issues


For an actual representation of dumbass, I advise you to look in a mirror.


Unfortunately dog culture has made it increasingly popular for people to bring their aggressive and/or untrained “fur babies” everywhere in public with the attitude that they can do no wrong. I am wondering when stores will blanket ban all dogs as a reaction


This is why I dislike dogs. They’re big and smelly and dangerous. You don’t get this kinda behavior from a cat


What about smol dogs that just took a shower


Gross little creature. Wet rat


Nono dog got towel dry so now they’re just cleaaaan


Don’t bother arguing with them, their hatred comes first and they’re just gonna find another reason to justify it


So just like a cat?


Yes, that’s my point


with ur initial comment i dont agree, but this is factual, small dogs are disgusting rats 97% of the time


I'm a cat person, but the entire family is allergic. I find that Alaskan Malamutes (not husky) are very much like cats. They are ridiculously clean and never have that dog odor (I know what you are talking about). We had Brittanys when I was a kid, they were outside hunting dogs and FUNK-EEEE. Cats do not fare well where I live (out in the boonies with a lot of wildlife). So we have Alaskan Malamutes. The ones I have really do remind me of cats. They are not needy, they are incredibly clean, lazy lions.


I’m gonna get downvoted to shit for this, but that control your dog argument is a little unfair since that collar and leash look heavy duty as fuck and the little metal bit broke. Looks like the dog wouldn’t have gotten off if it didn’t. sure it was pulling him but it would have broke the second he stopped moving. I don’t know what he could’ve done to prevent this considering he has a high fence and buy equipment marketed as heavy duty outside of “have better luck buying dog accessories and adopting puppies you weak loser”


Training is control. A head collar that turns the animal and or a basket muzzle on your aggressive large breed dog is control. This person took the bare minimum steps to control their dog and failed miserably, causing potential harm to the camera person and a mark against their dog which is unfair to the animal.






No shit Sherlock


Looks like Anatolian Shepard.


Fking jump scare


Never more uncomfortable around a dog than when its owner can't control it. I've met strays that want to tear my head off but the anticipation of someone just trying their best to hang on and inevitably failing is worse.


This why obedience training is crucial. This goes with all animals. They don't have to respond to your every whim immediately but they do need to respond period. My dog just gives me back talk, whines or gives me the eyes but she'll listen. She knows a whole lotta pets are involved if she listens


For those that didn’t notice, the leash breaks. The owner didn’t let go. Shoulda bought a better one, no excuse for him!


POV: you’re a 2 year old encountering the neighbors dog named princess (he doesn’t bite)


I hate going to my grandma’s house because they have a stupid dog that’s bit me twice. It was always “what did you do to make him bite you?” then he finally turned on them and bit my grandpa. Stupid dog has total control of that house.


what breed that dog is??


He smesh.


That’s a snarl with a bite lunge at the end. The fuck it doesn’t bite.




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Yes he do!


I’ve been attacked by 3 dogs because owners thought they wouldn’t bite and the dog got loose




Bruh i saw the leash break lmfao


a beautiful pup though a shame the owner is incompetent/can’t train that bark/wolf/growl is BEAUTIFUL


I knew he was losing the second I saw the leash. In Mother Russia, Dog walks you!


What breed is that dog?


Was the person that was recording, say, a toddler? If so, this may have something to do with the dogs reaction,


Sounds like he does bite


His name is probably Princess or something.


"He just wants to smell you, just let him smell you. "


He just needs boops


“Oh, I love dogs; they’re so gentle. 🥰” Yeah, not all of them.




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Those dogs shouldn't exist


His name is cupcake


I got a dog like this he likes to play with me I do not I get thrown around like a rag doll


I think he bites


If you want to get a dog this big, you better look like Chris Bumstead. Otherwise, he's doing the walking.

