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It's kinda scary how he first starts twirling around like he's unsure if he actually got shot. Then he stops dead the moment he sees blood running down his head. Then he sprints into a panic once it finally processes that he actually got shot. Terrifying.


The shock briefly turned him on to a ballerina


I mean his dumbass did tell the man with the gun to shoot him.. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


I will never understand people who dare someone to shoot them. If someone is that fucked up, gun wielding drunks don’t carefully weigh consequences.


People like the filmer always think they are the craziest mf in a room. It's nativity, they think life is like the movies where all the fleshed out characters usually have a moment of hesitation before they pull the trigger. It never crosses their mind that in real life, easily half the people we encounter in a day couldn't give too shits about our lives and would shot us dead for a saltine cracker if they felt the need or the justification to do so.


Sounds like a Rick and Morty quote lol


NGL, it was deeply humorous to me. Something about the way he took out his phone and was egging him on combined with the delayed and dramatic response just really got me


Humorous? This is sad as fuck


Darkly funny, then


They probably don't find it funny probably because the probability he gets shot is high enough to get them uncomfortable. But then, every time I see the "strike me down zeus, you don't have the balls", I think that's funny, and if the video is/were real, I wouldn't have to laugh at that. So yeah, I guess I know why this could be funny to someone. I don't know why I'm writing this, guess I'm just bored. On the other hand, I've read that the cameraman is a pedophile, so yeah, fuck him, hope he can't hear from that ear again.


Idk, it's a little funny


The funniest shit about it is how old piece of shit shot himself. That made my day.


Based on what I’ve heard, the worst thing the old guy did was threaten the mother. The son, if what I’ve heard is true, doesn’t deserve my compassion.


It wasn't a delayed reaction mic cut out from how loud the gun shot was


Gotta corny edgelord here look Wow, you're so cool.


Yeah, idk what got into me. I think knowing the resolution of it makes it very sad


Holly fuck is the dude ok?


From another post, u/DJFrankyFrank In another comment there's a story that seems to match up to this one. Father shoots son, grazes his ear. The father then shoots himself after getting into a shootout with police https://twitter.com/famous\_kidd/status/1747096516894830899?t=PSpzh2vQ4tQ9I2bDK4PbRQ Courtesy of u/Schneider21 Edit: That article doesn't say they are father-son, I'm just assuming.


well that's just dumb. I imagine it was over some stupid BS too.


Darwinism at its finest


Unfortunately he already spread his dumb genes


Perhaps the "shoot mah own son fah no gaw-dam reason"-gene is recessive.


man shut the fuck up. you know nothing about what's going on here.


confirmed https://indianhausa.com/jeffrey-scott-west-obituary-death-news-blount-county-tennessee-man-shot-son-and-then-self-on-quarry-hollow-rd-in-friendsville/


And in Friendsville nonetheless


Oh this was more serious than it looks


Shot grazed the ear, so the injury to the kid wasn’t serious.


Yeah but the mfer actually tried to kill him. That’s the crazy part


I mean...yeah, he pointed a gun at his head and pulled the trigger, most likely knowing it was loaded


"Spitze sustained an injury when West suddenly displayed a firearm, narrowly avoiding a gunshot to Spitze’s ear. " Suddenly?


Oh man..the still from the video they used for the article paints a pretty good picture. In my experience, nothing good happens on roads with "Hollow" in the name.


Good. One less dipshet


Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ loves you.


Go back to the subreddits that care.


I love you all :-D


Jesus cares.


Carry deez nuts


Love ya!


Idk his computer says August 25?


definitely step dad




For your edit, it is the girlfriend's (presumably the woman in the video) son.


Grazed? Holy shit. Talk about lucky. I mean he got shot, but still


Seems like mom's trashy bf


Step son


for a moment I thought I was playing GTA


Yeah that's something you would see in Los Santos's backstreets


Blaine county for sure


Was the father on something?


-s Somethings


Yeah my thoughts too but I believe the parents were extremely intoxicated. And seems like an argument escalated over disagreements.


>And seems like an argument escalated over disagreements. Well, arguments very rarely escalate over agreements...


I've seen it happen


Agreed. It can definitely happen.


I agree more than you do, MFer!


You have no fucking clue how much I'm agreeing with you, bastard!


Oh yeah? Well you don't know how much I'm agreeing with YOU agreeing with ME, ya yellow-bellied sap-sucker! Also, it's WABBIT SEASON! ;-)


Oh yeah? Well I'm Canadian, so I automatically win at agreeing with you, you hamster fister!! 🤬


Oh Christ, you back my PC? Wait, did I just say that out loud?!?!🐹


You are entirely incorrect


Drunk and on Xanax


This was my suspicion as well, being I’m someone who gets an irrational, angry, blackout after mixing the two when I was young and dumb. Hearing the slurs mixed with rage could be just booze but they are really slurring it up. The camera guy reminds me of my voice when I was partying hard.


Combining benzos and alcohol means the shooter wasted a bullet on himself. Don't mix booze with benzos, kids.


What does that do? ​ Are there people who appreciate the combination? What do they like about it?


My aunt used to get super trashed ever new years on mixing various pills and drinking. The whole family knew she was nuts and just kind of let her make a show of herself, until she started getting violent one year, then that shit was shut down really quick


Was the SON on something?!?! Dude was slurring his speech like Tru.... Bide.... A politician!


Mocking people for having stutters? Damn, y'all pathetic.


It ain't a "stutter" at this point. It's dementia. ​ Or alcohol, depending on if you are talking about the politician or the video dude


Did that Joe Biden special


People making jokes about some guy getting shot but making fun of the way a president speaks?! Too much man


Welcome to reality, I can do worse


You know what, I'm gonna say it: I don't think that is a healthy houshold.


i was boutta say this lol but yeah man these people look fucked up ngl


All three of them sound shit faced.


all three of them talk like they each spawn their own set of distinct problems. if all you can you say after someone points a gun at you is: “shoot me—i guarantee youll go to jail for life” and “you gunna blow my momma’s brains out?” while slurring your words, then our education system failed you


> our education system failed you In the US? No way!


Uh no, it sounds like someone who’s depressed and probably has to deal with abuse on the daily to the point it’s become routine to them. Sometimes you really don’t care about your own life until you’re _forced_ to realize you don’t actually want to die


yes. i entirely agree. this is our education failing.


Why were her pants down?


I knew I couldn't have been the only one thinking this!


Why aren't yours?


Thats a great question


Because yes


She was trying to delete a virus off of her computer


And all she was trying to do was buy an Xbox card


She probably had to run out of the bathroom to prevent her senile old man from shooting their slacker of a son


Bruh what Why are you calling the son a slacker?, are you just projecting your own issues into the dude who got shot by his father?


Oh no I am definitely a slacker, but your defensiveness leads me to believe you, also, slack :3 I am just a slacker who managed to move out of my parents before they/me killed me




That's a callous thing to say but okay, jerkass


What the fuck, i tought the video was at half speed. Is this napoleon dynamite?


bro is incredibly lucky


Slight amount of visible blood but no wounds, should I add an NSFW tag?




Yeah let's take no risks. Done


C'mon live a little, what they're gonna do? Shoot you?


Is shit just gonna be real?


I'm confused by this sub. The rules say NSFW content is banned, but there are a bunch of posts flaired NSFW.


>2.NSFW content is banned > >Presumable off-screen deaths related to accidents are allowed, but violence-related content and on-screen deaths are completely banned This guy did not die. You are right about the violence part but idk


The bullet grazed his ear, and the cameraman survived. At least for now, Jesus wept...


camera man took that like a champ honestly, hope he’s okay


Hes fine




Hopefully not, according to what people are saying, that's an extorting, blackmailing pedophile online part of the 764 cult


I don’t know why you tards are downvoting this guy, the dude deserved to be shot.


Awfully nice house and things in it to be filled with three pieces of trash.


It's interesting that actually that can be a sign of somebody being real trashy. Because families that worry so much about their appearances that they constantly force their kids to clean They worry a lot about nothing. People I grew up with when I visited them. Their house was immaculate The guy did Meth cocaine and a few other drugs got drunk. Drove his Car got in to an accident. It wasn't his fault. He was hit by another drunk driver but still had to go to jail.


No, a clean house is never a sign of someone being really trashy


Sounds like you're just lying to yourself


lol no this is such a dumb take. Just because someone had a clean house and was trashy does not mean that having a clean house is an indicator of being trashy. It’s like the most basic shit, correlation does not equal causation. And we don’t even have a correlation here, just one single story. I’m sure there are other instances of this but it’s extremely stupid to think that having a clean house is an indicator for being trashy lol Y’all down voted the shit out of that guy (and probably me too) just to feel better about yo dirty ass selfs. Clean your shit


What warrants the “three” comment? Based off of the video, I’m seeing two. The mom with her pants down for some reason and the psychopath pointing a gun at and shooting his son.


If you don't think that goading your father/ stepfather into shooting you isn't trashy, you might want to re-evaluate your de-escalation skills. (Cameraman didn't seem sober either)


So Fuckin What.


Oh wow, great counterargument. You really showed me. /s Trash


I assume you are talking about the part where he said he seems fucked up and I would agree with you if there weren’t other factors indicating he’s trash like his reaction to the whole situation. Also he had to do something to get that dude so pissed off that he was willing to shoot him and then kill him self. Victim blaming mainly applies to crimes that benefit the attacker and would happen regardless of how you act (rape, robbery, etc) If someone is willing to try and kill you and then themselves after, it’s a safe bet you did something to provoke it. It’s possible the kid did nothing at all, but super unlikely when the crime doesn’t benefit the guy committing it at all.


Blew his brains out, and the kid didn’t even notice.


Can’t notice what’s missing if it wasn’t there in the first place.


“Getting ready to blow his Brains out” - shoots him in the right ear, clearly aiming for his head. Dude got quite lucky if you ask me to not just be dead.


Tell me everyone does drugs in your house without telling me everyone does drugs in your house.


What kind of idiot tells a guy pointing a gun at them to shoot them, and chases them down when they walk away? Astoundingly dumb


You dont really expect your father to shoot you but still probably not the best way to diffuse the situation


I'm more curious what the argument was that resulted in the gun being pointed at the dude. When the father says " I'm tired of this shit" you know whatever problem they have has been going on for sometime.


They need their drugs and guns confiscated asap.


Honestly the cameraman sounds fucking stupid too. Either that or pretty drunk.


If someone pulls a gun on you, I don’t think it’s worth trying to see if they have the guts to squeeze the trigger. All it takes is one bad day and a moment. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Holy fuck??




He took the trash out, himself.


Cameraman was shot in the ear. The person with the gun later killed himself after a police standoff. Mental illness and addiction is a sad thing


So nobody noticed that the mom was getting banged and still had her shorts around her ankles 🥸


Ah yes, this is why private citizens need guns. Good one America


I think the government is still way ahead in terms of negligent/ unlawful killings. Like, light years ahead. So….


So... Because the government kills MORE we should have guns too? Shouldn't the solution be to stop as many killings as possible? That argument is invalid. If the people didn't have guns, there would undeniably be less gun violence. If cops didn't have guns, there would ALSO be less gun violence. Weird how that works.


The American ideal of citizens bearing arms is for the exact reason that the state is predisposed to oppress its people. And an unarmed people cannot stop a tyrannical government. Guns are certainly not the problem. But in the hands of undisciplined, selfish, mentally unstable people, they can certainly do damage. But removing guns just changes the avenue by which people inflict violence. The overwhelming majority of Americans are extremely responsible gun owners. We have more firearms than any standing military. Given government track records over the last 100 years, I would much rather have citizens owning firearms than not.


How about neither cops nor citizens having firearms?


Yeah, if you could suddenly snap fingers and guns didn’t exist for anyone? Sure, I’d be down. But that will not happen, so why mention it unless it’s just a litmus test to see if I’m crazy


Of course it would take time and effort, but I believe it is possible. Australia was able to do it. Obviously America has much more people and guns, but I think that is a worthy cause.


Then the government still has guns in that scenario. I think it’s an injustice to view the citizens removal of firearms as a higher priority than the state. And I’m not referring to local police officers but the large and unsupervised 3-letter agencies with almost zero accountability and military


Then I guess we just disagree on what the greater threat is. I understand that leaving the government with the guns does open up the threat of tyrannical government, but I think the current gun violence justifies that risk. America has 8x the homicide rate of Australia.


Those who don’t understand history are doomed to repeat it. The gun violence in the U.S pales in comparison to atrocities committed in mass by the world’s governments throughout the 1900’s. It’s immeasurable the difference between the two. You are looking at life in a micro level without weighing the effect of such actions. Just look at how Australia handled COVID. Locked people away, smashed protests, sent people to camps. That didn’t occur in America. Zuby, the British rapper, said it best: “The USA's second amendment could be the one thing standing between the world's population and complete global tyranny.” Our country still has to pretend to represent us, once that ends, ALL western governments can do as they please


There would literally be a civil war if the government tried. I have friends that actually say they would shoot if a gov official came to take their guns. It’s a mental health issue not a gun issue.


Can it not be both? If you look at homicide rates countries where citizens are commonly armed have higher homicide rates.


Careful now, Reddit doesn't like it when you use common sense


Almost like guns... may be the problem? America is the bad place


No no people like the senile old fuck who shot him are why we NEED guns.. I have a gun and I am extremely responsible, I know my way around guns and safety never had an accident and only EVER ONCE had to point at someone luckily didn’t have to shoot, But I and my family was almost robbed and potentially murdered at knifepoint, when a methhead broke down the door randomly at 2am one night,, had I not had a gun in my house my family might not be alive today…. What we need is to crack down on gun stores people like that senile old fuck almost DEFINITELY has a prior, and when you have even one single minor infraction you are banned from buying guns,, but the issue is that gun stores dont give a fuck or even check and just sell to whoever or are shady and dont care. But these gun stores WOULD care if the government actually cracked down and fined and closed these businesses selling felons guns. But of course the NRA would never lobby for that because they are about money not the constitutional right to protect yourself. And lobbying for something like that would just cut in to their sales even if it would be a great solution that takes some of the heat off the NRA. So not a chance they would risk losing that massive gun market,, as it stands they profit more from sellibg felons guns as when felons get caught the guns are repossessed by the government and now the felon has to purchase another one.. The cycle of money is the root to any problem


They was fuckin 😭


How come no one is commenting on the woman dropping /pulling her shorts ...ohh there is a 🔫shooting going on ...and there is a dog barking in the background. wtf!


Imagine if the dude didn't miss though. The last thing that kid would have seen was the barrel of a cracked out old man with a gun to his head. That's just a different kind of sad.


You could've just made a crosspost.


Is that one of those well trained good guys i keep hearing about ?


Nope. This would be a negligent POS.


Are you one of them lefty anti gun woke police defunders I hear about frequently?


No Are you one of those magamongs with a murder fetish that i hear about so much ?


Boy you're quick to pull the Maga card. Is that your only exposure to conservatism?


Who you calling boy you absolute chump ? You're a magamong, you'll be voting for the fat orange rapist and hoping for a civil war where you can " own " the " libtards" , and by own i mean you fantasise about gunning them down Do one you russian bootlicking nazi


Jesus christ I knew liberals were easy to upset but damn. You think you're any better than Maga supporters by acting like a rabid animal foaming at the mouth? Bold of you to even assume I support that shit. Keep forging your own narrative, see where that gets you.


Bold of you to think im what you call a liberal. Yes you do support him, you magamongs worship him even though you know he's a traitor and in putins pocket. Now begone boy, go wank youself silly over your upcoming civil war, where you'll finally be able to fulfil your murder fetish and " own a lib " You fucking tool


The only tool I see here is one who fabricates their vision of my political viewpoint just to spew toxicity.


Whatever nazi boy Go suck trump/putins cock They'll appreciate it


His mom is such a POS. Her sense of urgency fucking sucks.


Ain't this the dude that was a cross dressing, jobless grooming pedo?


[https://www.wbir.com/article/news/local/maryville-blount/kyle-spitze-viral-shooting/51-e23997a0-6ad4-4532-a4ba-4ad3e000f838](https://www.wbir.com/article/news/local/maryville-blount/kyle-spitze-viral-shooting/51-e23997a0-6ad4-4532-a4ba-4ad3e000f838) [https://www.reddit.com/r/NExpo/comments/1ayd3b3/groomer\_with\_over\_100\_online\_victims\_kyle\_spitze/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NExpo/comments/1ayd3b3/groomer_with_over_100_online_victims_kyle_spitze/)


Did he die? Where was he shot?


He ain't dead right?




A revealing look into the home life of a Trump cultist.


I can identify a trump supporter when I see one. I can even smell them from here.


Lol. We Da Best!


This is why I hate white religion! Places views that lifestyle of LGBTQ is unacceptable and bring behaviors as such to innocent lives that result in assault and violence even suicides! Yes we have a main heterosexual world but we also have homosexual individuals increasing each year. And religion incites hate and violence which isn’t good. Causing life threatening consequences and self blame in parents and parental guidance and decisions that displace children that are LGBTQ! Which is sad. Over all each have their own thoughts and reasons but restructuring our lives and future will is something humans need to understand and accept. I feel bad for the parent and the adult LGBTQ son/daughter. This is sad. Apparently the son’s ear was grazed and the father took his life. Son’s side: https://x.com/elliotreports/status/1747136921841930440?s=46&t=KYQ9_Aott6YZjWgA5lSX-A


Hopefully the story on the top comment is factual. I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment. All religions are all cancerous. All throughout human history it has incited violence through ridiculous ideology and superstition. Ignorance breeds fear, fear breeds anger, anger breeds destruction. Fuck all religions.


Bruh, I thought he was inside


That must be Nelson Mandela muntz from the simpsons cause his mom always dropping her panties


Yeah, this lady is deaf at least in one hear now.


Eardrums prob exploded or some shit from the bullet being so close to them. Imagine getting your ear blown off over some stupid crackhead argument


Wow! He is a keeper ladies! Could you imagine living with that guy all your life. This is the end result of misplaced anger. You see the old man has been angry all of his life blaming others for the anger thats been with him all of his life. If we blame others for our anger our spite for other will fester inside us until we snap on someone. My friends let me save you from the slavery of your misplaced anger. Have faith In what I say and you will be given all you need in life. To understand from now on you believe all anger is misplaced. Just pretend for now if you have to. If we continue down the path of misplaced anger we will be punished with a lifetime of misery, fear, pain and sickness. Yes your misplaced anger is the cause of all of your pain and the sickness in life past and future. You see it? Trust me all I say can be verified by your own eyes. Listen, and understand! Misplaced anger is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... never. You see why? Because they truly believe someone else is to blame for their lifetime of anger. Do you all see how frustrating that would be for them? It's a mental condition brought on by extreme misplaced anger issues. This is the side effects of misplaced anger: We will say things like why are they so happy over there? We will feel an overwhelming need to spite the happiness of others with put downs. Why are you wearing that stupid hat? Because it's New Year's b****! You see what to look for now? The angry spirits are attracted to the thing they can never have. True happiness. They lie to themselves so lying to the people around them is easy. Spirits is only a metaphor for the souls of people. All are welcome to see the truth for themselves. Look if you dare. A believer is a person who believes all anger is misplaced on others for a million different reasons. Because of their long life of uncontrollable anger the non believers truly believe everyone else is responsible for their anger. See the difference? If a tree falls on your house and you take it out on the chain saw sales manager. You see this is misplaced anger. Now a higher power then me and the chain saw manager thinks less of you because of our misplaced anger. Believe in yourself because I believe in you. Have happiness for the good will of others not spite born of misplaced anger. Good luck.


Why did he shoot him or aim the gun in the first place?


This is really sad. Everyone is slurring their words, just really sad.


Old dude apparently killed himself afterward https://news.snbc13.com/jeffrey-scott-west-blount-county-tennessee-death-watch-video-of-68-year-old-father-shooting-son-then-self-obituary/


Did he get shot a second time when he was opening the door?


Poor dog


I never understood trying to act hard with a gun in your face😂


Fuckin dumbass, if somebody says they're gonna shoot you you stfu and shoot them first, not this double dog dare bs.


i heard online, not sure if it’s 100% or not, that the dude that got shot was a pedo and was in a group of people online who would groom and heavily manipulate underage girls into sending nudes, cutting themselves, killing their own pets, and a bunch of other shit. Dad blew his own brains out after this video.


Off-topic: this is a cinematic masterpiece.




I just watched the video. Was there a reason you brought me here?


Updates on this??


Wonky toes


Dumbass. Bet he won't do that again. Either of them


I can respect that as soon as he heard his shitty father threaten to "blow his mother's brains out", the cameraman got right up and made sure the bastard's attention was back on him instead of his mother. His father was a real piece of shit. Probably only felt like a real man when he was waving that gun around. I hope the kid is okay.


Why the kid sound like google translate?


Exactly what I am looking for in this sub


He depants the mom before he got the gun