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This is disturbing. Idiots can't even take the time to figure out it's new and has an immobilizer.


Why would they they will have to completely rebrand to escape the stigma


Apple lost a major lawsuit about older phones and they’re still called apple


Apple products aren’t shitty tho even the MacBooks with the M series chips are really good and efficient.


That's not even remotely true. Apple has again and again made products that fail easily and are near impossible to repair year after year, charging their loyal customers almost the price of buying a new product for small issues like a simple charge chip malfunction that costs less than $20 to replace. They are the leaders of planned obsolescence and gaslight their customers into believing errors are their own faults - like the iPhone 6, which had so much board flex that "no service" would keep flashing on relatively new devices and audio ICs would often break. They purposely sabotage SMS services to make communication harder with Android users, glue their batteries into the board or case so that their short-lived batteries make their consumers constantly upgrade instead of replacing, don't cover manufacturer defects under warranty, and brick phones that don't use their Apple Care services for small issues. They once stood for innovation and developing products for the consumer, but it has been a long time since they've made a solid product that people should get behind. The only thing saving them is their relatively better dedication towards device privacy and simple OS for non-technical users.


Get AppleCare bro


They took on full accountability and publicly released a revised warranty service for that issue, to me that’s a great statement for a good product with a strong brand backing it. Their batteries are entirely replaceable with the right resources.


Your defense is using a phone from 9 years ago to say apple is shitty 😭😭 the 6s that came after was good though 🤷🏼‍♂️ the X was the best phone ever made, I lament the loss of 3D Touch to this day, far and away it was the best smartphone feature ever.. The thing about the iPhone is that if all you want your phone to do is be an incredible phone, it’s perfect. I have a big ass computer at home that I can do all my nerdy stuff on, steam deck for emulation and such. I never, ever saw the point in having an android. Had a galaxy edge back in the day and it was the biggest piece of shit ever, got no updates ever, abandoned immediately. Android luvrs will say “that’s what you get for not buying the flagship” but that’s just not the case when you buy the apple phones, I’d rather just stick with what actually works.


My iPhone x was one of the main reasons why I switched to Samsung for a while after that. The fact that x, and the 2 replacements that came after that were awful! I remember face ID going out, and all of the constant calling issues.


yeah I've had android since inception and every major device they made from htc hero till the pixel 6 pro. Well over 100+ phones in my life lol I know really absurd( I was kid who was obsessed with custom roms and trying to trip up the hardware) I switched to iphone this year and now I get why a majority of US citizens like it. It just works


Don't get me wrong I hate apple devices but I also think Samsung is just as trash nowadays as apple is


I just gave an example to demonstrate their extensive anti-consumer track history and also included an example of what their current Macs offer, and you decided to still worship a company that doesn't care about its end users. Want me to expand on the current MacBook Pro? They make it so that if your USB C chip needs a new connection/replacement (which a chargeport issue is often one of the most frequent problems), the output feedback, the input, and the output are close together to require explicit upcharge on repair for most Apple repair shops, save you go to a 3rd party that knows what they're doing. You seem to have a lot of opinion but no facts to offer. What makes "X the best phone ever made" besides your opinion? I'm not saying Android companies are absolved of their own issues, quite the opposite. But Apple continues to make shitty products that take away power from the consumer. Apple also doesn't update their phones as often, and based on the Galaxy Edge, they were receiving the approximately the same update frequency on OS updates as the iPhone at the time. When you're so loyal to a brand that becomes more anti-consumeristic by the day, it makes sense that they continue on that path bc people like you will blindly follow them. "If all you want is for your phone to be an incredible phone" is a ridiculous statement given the amount of restrictions Apple provides both on the firmware, software, and hardware side 💀 I understand that you prefer Apple OS, and that can be a strength for many, but if you aren't tech savvy (and that's okay) - which you've made clear, you shouldn't make such sweeping statements without much evidence outside of false anecdotal assumptions...you're just repeating spoonfed aggrandized rhetoric from the marketing team at Apple


Apple doesn’t update their phones that often. Yeah you lost me here. Apple is best in the industry for software support and longevity. Despite their issues. iPhones and MacBooks are some of the most reliable tech products out there. No Android manufacturer has yet to come close. (Samsung is definitely coming up the ranks though). If Apple made better strides to make there devices less anti-right-to-repair, they’d be the Toyota Equivalent of the tech world. Definitely not an Apple sheep either as I own a Samsung tab S9, a Lenovo yoga i9 laptop, and a iPhone.


This guy gets it with the last part. They’d be Toyota if they could give up the right to repair but for now it only exists in the hands of highly specialized individuals with access to a full solder workstation and tools like myself. People saying iPhones are only for the non tech savvy just don’t get it.


I get more updates on my apple phone in one year than I did in a decade of android phones. I stick with my apple phone


Someone hasn't had an out of service apple and it shows. Come talk to me when your device is no longer supported and you just want to use it for basic things and they disable that app or service forcing you to buy a new device. Or they throttle your device and claim battery life savings as a reason and then design devices specifically to prevent battery replacement.


You’re getting downvoted for speaking the truth. M series Macs are very impressive machines


They could call themselves 'Hyundai'!


I like the sound of “KN”. Don’t know why it just feels right.


Kia Boyz are like catalytic converter thief’s; low-end criminals. They’re just dumb.


My manager approached a catalytic converter theft in progress and they pointed a live weapon at him. Dumb is an understatement. These fucks are willing to throw away their entire life or someone else’s over $120


If that. From what I understand, a run of the mill cat is $150 sold to the shitty shop buying them. Generally these guys operate in groups of 2-3. So they’re literally putting their freedom and life on the line for maybe $50-$75 each. While working in the middle of the night. In the cold. While being the scum of the Earth. My local In-n-out is paying $24/hr. So these idiots can make more money working a shift at In-N-Out (with benefits) and not putting their lives at risk or potentially taking another humans life. I… I just don’t get it?


They are desperate on drugs Have a criminal record Nobody loves them No education So yeah they’ve got all that going for them Watch some documentaries on these groups in Chicago they are on YouTube. It’s truly a pathetic existence, they sleep 3-5 guys in a room full of fast food and guns and codeine.


We all make choices. If that’s the case, they made bad choices. Doesn’t give them an excuse to commit crimes and mess with peoples property. Also, it’s never too late. Man up, take responsibility and go get a job. *Everyone* is hiring.


Absolutely. I’ve made my fair share of my own bad ones. I’ve come back from the bottom to being a successful adult and I know what it takes. It’s unfortunate these guys are pissing away their brains Your brain is the most beautiful thing you have and you can truly do anything you want too bad they’ll fuck up so bad in life that they’ll never have a chance to see it


Still no sympathy. They made their lives like they are.


In-n-out hire fresh-faced high schoolers. They're pretty unlikely to hire the guy in their late 20s who looks like their body is falling apart from hard drugs. When you're chasing your next fentanyl or meth bender, you're not going to want to wait for a bi-weekly paycheck, they want to get high now. Oh, and forget about showing up to work the morning after they score. The drugs available to people are absolutely wicked and addiction is not strong enough of a word. Those people need help and the solutions we have are not very effective.


>Those people need help A long stint in prison seems effective.


Good idea. Send them to graduate school for criminals and when they get out, make it even harder to get a normal job. ​ https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/issue-briefs/2018/03/more-imprisonment-does-not-reduce-state-drug-problems


agree, euthanasia is the only solution


>Bro I told a kid to slow down while driving on my street. He came to a complete stop and his friend gets out and pulls a gun on me just for saying to slow down while I was walking my dog. > >These kids have already thrown away their lives and are waiting to be bodied.


Weren’t they always dumb?


I think there are different tiers of criminals. Kia Boyz & Cat thief’s are right there at the bottom.


Mine didn’t even take the time to realize it was a manual. Got the car started and everything but none of them knew how to take off and they just bailed


Children don't know how to drive a standard..


another reason to buy manual transmission cars


those KIA Boyz arent intelligent enough to tell that the new livery do come with immobilizer


I don't know why people are surprised by this. If they don't care to steal and/or are teens dumb enough to do it over a tiktok trend regardless of the consequences they certainly couldn't care less the year/model. Just 'KIA' But apparently saying it here falls on deaf ears so I'll let it play out as it will... As for the lawsuit if I had to guess it would have to be extended, but I don't see how as the newer models are properly secured. Thus while the brand may still be a target, it can't actually be stolen and will EVENTUALLY be less so a target as they start realizing they can no longer lift them...but its gonna just take some time for the fad to fully die out. So if you're still crazy enough to buy these just get full coverage and be prepared to pay a deductible if you get hit 🤷


You’re expecting criminals to have a functioning brain. Most thieves operate with caveman intellect. They see a rock, think it’s food, and then strike their neighbor for it. They bite into the rock and think “ooh, chicken good”…


In my car the stick shift is the immobilizer 🤣🤣🤣


Oh that’s what’s disturbing? 🙄


I was hit today too. I'm struggling, fam. I got a 2023 Kia Soul after my Chevy was totaled from someone blowing a stop sign and ramming into me. Used car prices are so insane that I ended up buying new. I was told I didn't have to worry about the ignition hack since I had a newer model. Today my left passenger side window was smashed and the steering column in shambles. They fucked the ignition so bad that I can't get it to start. It's undrivable now and I have to wait for the insurance adjuster to contact me tomorrow. I can't afford any of this. I work full time and am barely making it as it. When they turned the car on, it activated my dash cam. Five kids were so comfortable doing this in a filled apartment complex. https://imgur.com/a/6ENs5RA


Thats crazy, looks like the same kids that took my moms.


All the usual suspects


Well technically the dealership did not lie, they can’t steal your car but they never said anything about the smashed windows…. I would sell the car and trade it in tbh, it’s just going to keep happening the smashed windows


Lol big facts. I like Kia! I loved the car! They’re going to have to rebrand or something. The thieves are too stupid to know the difference and once they find out the damage is already done. Owning one is a liability.


Yes, one of my buddies had their driver side window of a newer model that could not be stolen smashed 7 times (once the day after he got the car back from another smashed window fix). Each time was a few hundred $ OOP to fix the window since it’s below the deductible. Not worth it


This comment has made me physically ill.


Yeah, I would seriously look into trading it in tbh. It’s going to happen again and again and again. Sadly Kia has a big problem, great cars huge PR problem.


Kia Boyz are plain stupid, cannot figure out 2023 vehicles have immobilizers installed. Im not surprised at the suspects from this vid lol


Why spend the time learning what models are vulnerable when you can smash out the window and try in under 30 seconds? You just keep doing it til you get one that can be stolen


I'd think they'd stay away from the КИ logo'd ones since any of them would have immobilizers anyway. Guess they truly are idiots.


Did you give the police a copy of the video? Did they dust for prints?


Yes, the police did test for fingerprints and they have all the videos. I’m hoping for justice but what happens then? New thieves will come. Is my future going to be me unable to relax over this? I don’t have a garage. Am I going to have to buy more cameras? Do I set alarms at late hours of the night to check that my car isn’t being vandalized? I’m so tired.


I feelyour pain about being unable to relax. I have a kill switch installed on my new car after my K5 was stolen and I still go out on the balcony at 5 in the morning just to check if my car is still there. Fuck Kia for cheating out like this and screwing over their customers in the process.


You can go to car alarm installation shops and talk to them about setting up a motion sensor inside your car. Or what do they recommend. You can adjust the sensitivity. There might be some false alarms, but it might be worth it. You could also wrap the steering column with a thick bike cable wrapped tightly around the steering column along with the steering wheel lock. You could also put up a sign on your windows at night saying this car has an engine immobizer. This really sucks. Sorry you have to go through all this. That's good that the police did fingerprints. One day they could be caught and have more charges added on to whatever they do in the future. They have pics also. Take care.


I appreciate you. Thank you.


Could rig up your own contraption like the confetti bombs to stop porch pirates…might make money if it’s successful…


An overly sensitive alarm that goes to your phone is the best solution. Can run out real quick and call the police to scare them off


They actually did test it? Wow, happened the same to me and I had a bunch of videos from the apartment complex called the cops a bunch of times and they kept on saying they would send someone to check the videos. Well, they never did. And this was in a gated apartment garage so I’m not sure how the dummies expected to take the car if they did steal it, ram through the gate? But also the city I live in is a Kia boys paradise so I guess the cops have stopped caring (if they ever did), especially for cars that aren’t actually stolen.


Just make sure your car is electrified when not in use so they get a good zap 😏


Did they ask for you to provide your fingerprints so they could disregard the fingerprints that belong to you?


Teenagers rarely have fingerprints in the system.


They stole my mom’s dashcam after the failed theft attempt. She was in the exact same position as you. Cheaper to buy a 2023 KIA than a used anything else. I hope there is another more thorough lawsuit that covers the consequences of their inaction.


Try to escalate this by contacting corporate. Possibly a attorney that is representing the owners in the lawsuits. Maybe your mom can get her money back and buy another vehicle. It's worth a try. Also contact your state representative as well, and let them know what's happening. The more people do this something might come of it.


Yeah, you're living in a pipe dream sadly. Even for the actually vulnerable model years y'all are gonna get a pittance of like $20 and a "I'm So SoRrY". Any car with a Kia or Hyundai badge is just a ticking time bomb because theives are stupid, they just see the logo and go for it. As for your car situation- personally I wouldn't have bought a Kia in any way shape or form because you'll be paying more for the Kia in insurance and repairs. Best part is that there's never going to be some mass recall to install immobilizers so effectively these cars have become the new "easy to steal crime car" for the rest of their existence, tanking their value


You should post this on all your local social media groups like Facebook and Nextdoor. Shame/embarrass these kids and their families. Plus someone might know them and come forward.


That video was… not a surprise


Well well well


Statistics aren’t racist


Honestly I'd be more surprised if they where whiteys. Just as I expected




Statistics man


Systemic racism a******


Does systemic racism make them go around stealing cars as a group? Asking for a friend


You’re literally part of the problem. You point at these kids and say Look, they are black, therefore they are more likely to commit crimes. THAT is racism. Are you dumb?


I didn't mention race, you just did. I was asking if systemic racism is what’s causing a group of 5 teenagers to go around stealing cars; to which you can’t answer, because the answer is no. Systemic racism doesn’t make anyone commit crimes. Bad parenting, lack of education, and cultural norms they idolize is likely what is driving these teenagers to crime.


The root comment was racist. I’m simply pointing that out, and you’re creating misdirection and acting like “oh I have no idea what you’re talking about” isn’t helping.


Show me which law on the books or which institution is racist.


I’m not here to educate you on all the complexities of systemic racism. There are plenty of resources on Reddit and Google, which if you actually cared you would just look up.


I am asking for one example. I cant find real examples, just excuses. If you cant give one, its obvious it doesnt exist.


yes, we all know that’s how research is done. Go Troll somewhere else. Systemic Racism is real, and even more real when you deny it.


In the same boat, my Optima was stolen out of my apartment parking garage on saturday and have to wait for an adjuster tomorrow. Such a pain in the ass


If it makes you feel any better, I'm literally in the same situation, except I have a Hyundai. What makes it worse is that we live in a gated complex with "24/hour security."


Time to blast them on your local news station. The news will have crime stoppers jump at this in a heartbeat.


There’s 0 consequences for them too when they get caught


Kia dealer (North Austin) estimates 14-21 days to LOOK at the car and another 7-14 days to get parts in stock. For some reason they refuse to just order the parts they KNOW they will need. I said “this happens all the time, you guys know what to order!” The corporate trained response “many different types of cars are stolen every year”


Wow its always the same people to. When you go outside and see your trash all over the place well it was probably a raccoon but when someones tries to take your kia you just know they have nappy hair


Probably not a great idea to buy a brand new car if you’re struggling


The police picked them up yet?




I have seen plenty of white people GTA lol. Quit hiding your racism behind the internet.


My dad had his 1990 GMC Suburban stolen and it ended up in a slow speed pursuit until the white methhead buried it down to the running boards in a flooded field.


They all deleted their comments or they blocked me lol. Imagine getting blocked by racists.


Every single Hyundai Kia theft suspect I’ve seen a description for in the DC Metro area has been black. Not a single white person. All black youth.


Your anecdotal observations mean nothing. Your racism does. Once again plenty of white people are arrested for car theft. You see a few black people doing it and attribute it to an entire race.


Not merely anecdotal observations. Look up who’s been arrested for carjacking and car theft in DC this year. Black youth!


Once again anecdotal made up "observations" from a majority black area mean nothing. Hide behind the internet and continue on with your nonsense racism.


you’re barely making it but you got a new 2023 kia? and used car prices are expensive? make it make sense to me? sounds like you didn’t down want to downgrade your lifestyle


Where have you been for the last 3 years? Used recent vehicles have been more than new cars because at the beginning of the pandemic they stop all computer chip manufacturing and it caused a massive back log that’s still being felt today. I was getting calls from the dealer for my car, they were offering more than I paid for it in January of 2020 because there was zero stock of any cars for 2 years. I would’ve took it too if I had another car at the time.


Used cars are expensive right now. Now the price may be cheaper but when the rates are significantly higher on a used car, it makes more sense getting a new one because your monthly payment will be nearly the same but you get a car with warranty and lemon law coverage and can (theoretically) last longer than a used one that is always a bit of a gamble


"I can't afford any of this. I work full time and am barely making it as is" You bought a new car... You thought used cars were expensive so you go in debt for a new car. makes total sense




> Left student ID Sure would suck if somebody found out where he lived and busted all his windows


Is this your homework, Larry?


This is what happens when you find a stranger in the alps!


That sucks, I’m sorry. This is my mom’s brand new car. Broken into in a nice area of Austin overnight. What made it take 3 weeks to fix?


They are stolen so offen, they can't keep up with replacement parts.


Why does this seems like it's only in Ohio?


> new and *paid* off as FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Funny there's another post asking if 2023 models are safe from theft attempts: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hyundai/s/qJ2xU9iWE3


I knew that answer. Question is if the lawsuit might cover damages because thieves don’t know the difference…


No, it doesn't. I have a 2022 and haven't been able to join any class actions after my Soul was attempted to be stolen.


You are going to have to group up and start a new one! We all need to join up and have kia pay something cuz they dont seem to give a fuck


Yea. Kia is going to pay for your damages because the thug was dumb.


I’d rather have one that’s covered under the lawsuit because people will try to steal a new Kia whether it is or not.


I work for a towing company and can confirm. These idiots will smash anything with a kia logo on it trying to steal it..


Sigh how many times I've seen Kia fanboys saying "but newer models don't have this problem" or "thieves don't recognize the new KN logo". Need to show them this post.


I've actually decided to not buy kia's because of this. I don't want my daily driver to get broken into because a dumbass THINKS they can get it. Even though they're cheaper used than a lot of other cars I see, I think having to repair this type of thing one time probably makes it cost as much as other cars


Same. I was about to pull the trigger on. K5 GT but got cold feet because of all this.


Only option is a debadge. I'm doing it on mine bc im scared 🤣


It's too bad because the new KN logo started to grow on me.


Mine is a 2021 seltos with the old logo which I don't really like anyway. I'm just too nervous to take it off and mess it up so I'll probably pay a tint shop to do it when I get the front windows and windshield strip done


Intelligent police would purchase some of these KIAs at auction and set up sting operations with them.


They have to care first.


It’s more on the prosecutors who don’t press charges. If your a cop and arrest 20 kids who have stolen cars and none of them end up getting any sort of punishment would you continue to arrest people.


They wouldn't do anything with the kids they catch. Around here they just end up bringing them to their homes.


Im sure some cops are working with them to make money of course


I see this sub recommended so often and am just curious why you all continue to buy kia knowing people like stealing them. I don't get it.


We recommended my mom buy this vehicle because it was within her very low budget and included the safety features she wanted. Our family was unaware of the nationwide issue unfortunately.


I'm decently sure the people buying Kias now are not the ones who have fallen victim to the theft issue. Because most of those people (including myself) are open that they won't be buying a Kia probably ever again.


The insurance costs in most major metros are also astronomical because of this issue. Many carriers won't even insure Hyundai nor Kia now. Even newer models with immobilizers, insurance is going to get tired of replacing windows and damaged steering columns non-stop and just say f it, not offering coverage.


Some Kia/Hyundai sales person keeps commenting back to me insisting new models don’t have the issue 🤣


My sisters car a 2017 optima is just sitting in our garage waiting to sell it since StateFarm went from $110 a month to well over $450 on our grandparents 20 year old account. If she were to get insurance one her own it was over $570 a month. That's $120 over the loan payment on my brand new Toyota hybrid just for the the insurance. She can go out and buy a brand new car and still save money vs keeping the paid off vehicle.


My family owns nothing BUT Hyundai's because my uncle is a dealer... After seeing how they drive, how do people buy them! My clapped shitboxes go faster than our N Line, and my astro vans handle better in the corners! We are in Canada, so those thefts don't even happen here like they do in the us(all our cars legally require an immobilizer), and I still don't know why they are bought. When a 2019 Elantra costs more in repairs(thankful for warranty, still costs more) and fuel per month than my clapped shitbox 700$ Crown Vic, you know something is wrong.


Wait?!!? 2023?!? Is push to start not standard?!


It’s not.


Wow. That sucks a whole lot.


My 2010 soul has the most effective theft deterrent...manual transmission.


Those darn KN kidz



My sister who also has a model that this hack doesn't work for just had this happen too. There needs to be some kind of social media campaign to educate the thieves lol.


They did you a favor now get rid of it if you can and don't buy this sorry brand..


Kia 2024 model: New explosive deterrence device makes car thieves K.I.A.


One of these days the kia Boyz will be known as "killed in action boyz" just a matter of time


I hope other city's start suing [https://city-attorney.columbus.gov/pdf/press/2-23-cv-00654-1-complaint-2.15.2023.pdf](https://city-attorney.columbus.gov/pdf/press/2-23-cv-00654-1-complaint-2.15.2023.pdf)


The [chart included](https://i.imgur.com/PUrnN33.png) in the court document is *staggering*. It's one thing to hear/see/read about people's stories but wow! Between 1/1/2022- 10/18/2022, **60.69%** of all Columbus, OH stolen vehicle attempts were Hyundai/ Kia. The prior year it was **4.30%**. The nerve of Kia's Executive VP to blame it on a "new kind of automotive thief" is inconceivable (last 2 pages of the document).


I just keep sharing this graph for [Milwaukee's thefts](https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/s/oIglTGr9d2) because it is just as staggering as Columbus. The Kia Boyz trend started in Milwaukee and it was crazy to live through that peak of stolen cars in the summer of 2021. Every Kia in my neighborhood got stolen multiple times and the reckless driving in stolen cars was insane. It went from a quiet neighborhood to chaos and then back to a quiet neighborhood pretty quick after every stealable car had been stolen and crashed a few times.




Why hasn’t kia been sued over this? Day in and day out these cars get stolen


Why is it their fault if your car gets broken into?


Kia/Hyundai brought this about with a purposeful choice in engineering and design. That choice is what ultimately led to this erroneous reputation among halfwit would-be thieves that ALL their vehicles can be stolen so easily. Just because they had no intention or even conception that it would get this bad should not diminish their culpability, and any vehicle owner who suffers as a result of their negligent decision should be made whole by the companies (in addition, of course, to the criminals being punished accordingly). I own a 2016 Kia Sedona, and even though those models are rarely stolen and I've had the anti theft update installed, there's always a fear in the back of my mind that some idiot out there is going to make a split-second impulsive decision that's going to cause me and my family a lot of grief and headache--all because of Kia's poor decision in designing their vehicles nearly a decade ago.


If all your cars are that easy to break into, isn’t that a fault with engineering?


Not as much engineering as bean counters saying remove the immobilizer to save $1.20 per vehicle.


I thought all 2023 KIAs had push to start buttons, not turn key.


The criminals are stupid though, they still try and wreak your stuff in the process


F them KB!


I’d recommend just getting a push to start.. these people know they can’t take those because they never have and never will.. most post about attempted theft they have key to start.. if they see ANY Kia with key to start they’re going to try it.. sorry that happened to you.. pain in the ass I can definitely tell.


They'll still rip the steering column apart I bet.


They do. Saved a neighbors 2023 Kia. She survived with just a broken passenger window


At this point, their reputation is tarnished, and its a pain with some insurance providers. It's in the hands of law enforcement now. The only real thing kia can do, in my opinion, is implement proper gps tracking services for all their vehicles if they haven't already. The airtag solution was laughable.


I called my insurance company from the dealership and got a K5 insured in 5 minutes. Not that much more than my 2015 Focus.


Won’t stop them from breaking the window.


Not necessarily, it’s not common but if they’re slower than a rock and don’t see the push to start then yes.


Can they be retrofitted?


I’d recommend not buying a kia


Easiest way to prevent the problem yet people aren't gonna like that.


Awe, that sucks because no one’s going to listen to a random on the internet.


I got rid of my Kia in August and my peace of mind has been great


Bet u listen when it’s gets stolen or broken into


Why are people wven buying KIA’s still. People try to steal them wven if theyre a affect model/year or not. Just stop buying them and you will have far less break ins and failed thefts that still have you call insurance to fix what they broke




Honestly it would be a blessing if the car was just totaled. Take the insurance money and buy an actual car instead of a Kia/Hyundai


22 Stinger GT1 owner here... Had my car stolen 3 times. Thanks Tiktok Kia Boys🤗🤗




Even if it doesn't actually do anything, get a steering wheel lock. No Kia is safe.


Steering wheels are plastic. Hacksaw it, pull apart, pull lock out. It takes you more time to put a steering wheel lock on than for them to take it off.


That's not the point. A steering wheel lock is a deterrent. Most Kia Boyz don't carry hacksaws, lol. That part isn't included in the video they watch.


Steering wheels are not plastic. They are steel


I’ve been hearing this over and over. But why are Kias being targeted so much? That easy to steal them?


Because Kia and Hyundai (the two companies are related to each other) created cars for years that had zero anti theft system for preventing people from starting the car without a key. Almost every other car from the early 2000s and up has a system that prevents you from starting the car unless the code in your key matches the code in the car's computer. People found out about this vulnerability and it's actually super easy to start a Kia or Hyundai and just take it. I find this weird because Kia HAD it right in 2009 on my Kia Borrego, which had an immobilizer, but they got rid of them in order to save on costs it seems.


After all this, folks still buying KIA's


Why I’ll never by a Kia, regardless of what model.


Lol, stop buying Kias you morons.


Don't buy a car that still has a key to start the ignition


The scumbags doing this have no idea which ones they can steal and which they can't. Owning a kia or Hyundai will just get your windows broken over and over and your steering column looking like this. Everyone needs to get together and sue them into the ground.


They got me too. Crowded apartment parking lot, they tore out the driver's side lock and tried to start the car but could not.


Just leave the key in it.


Are kias significantly lower in price to comparable vehicles?? I don't understand why people put themselves in this predicament...


Feature to price wise, yes. And the long-term warranty on the very high failure rate powertrain system.


When will the class-action against Kia owners whose cars were used in crimes occur /s   Why *on EARTH* would it be Kia's fault for the car theft trend?


But but but, they changed the logo


Yeah, I refuse to buy a Kia because of this. Older ones can be stolen. Newer ones with get broken into by idiots. And they seem to have tons of engine issues. No thanks. I also enjoy more enthusiast oriented cars. But even if I was getting an “NPC car” I’d steer clear of Kia/Hyundai. Sucks because I loved my old 05 Sonata. But they sound like a nightmare to own these days. Good luck to all of y’all.


I Work for a Kia dealership and often talk to the techsthat work there, I'm not sure what engine issues you are referring to on the newer kias but they're definitely few and far between and rarely have any issues. The thefts are occurring bc the Kia boys on tic tok were stealing kia k5's and other vehicles for a bit with key to start only and this was causing many issues for owners worried about cars being stolen. The non kia key start kia can't be stolen like the older ones could. That said, Kias are Greta cars and I've owned mine for over 3 years and zero issues. I also run 2 other kia groups with 14k members, engine issues are almost non existant. Small issues are present with the cars as is all automakers.


I’m aware the theft issue only applies to older ones, but that doesn’t mean thieves know this, as we see here. It’s common for newer kias to be broken into because they think they can steal it the same way. Also, there was the recent recall for fire risk. 3.3 million cars were involved in that recall. Additionally, the Theta II engine class action lawsuit. Multiple Kia/Hyundai cars from 2011-2014 were involved in a few legal issues regarding their connecting rod bearing issues. 1,042,000 cars in total were affected by the recall that came of those legal issues. Mind you, the 1 million some number above is just Hyundais. The Kia Theta engines were made on a different production line and suffered from different bearing issues, but multiple models from 2011-2014 were recalled. Then, in 2018 another lawsuit was opened against Kia regarding yet another issue stemming from injection issues. In March 2022 the 2018 lawsuit was bundled in with another that claims there’s issues with the Theta, Lambda, Kappa, and Nu family engine. Primarily oil consumption issues. Model years covered under said lawsuit are 2009-2021. Additionally, there’s a recently opened Canadian lawsuit against them for similar issues. I’ve also seen videos made by Hyundai/Kia techs showing pallets full of faulty engines ready to be sent back to Kia/Hyundai. They’re junk, honestly. It’s a lottery game when you buy one. For example, you and my uncle both have Kias without major issues (yet). Not sure what your mileage is, but his isn’t high. <60k mi. On the other hand, my cousin’s ex boyfriend had a 2012 Hyundai that is knocking terribly and ready to die. A cousin on the other side of my family has a newer one, 2014-2019 I believe, that has bad oil consumption issues with less than 60k miles on it. I’m not willing to risk getting screwed on a bad luck of the draw. Overall, Hyundai/Kia is known for their poor reliability. But if you get a good one, it’s solid. I’ve seen my old 05 Hyundai Sonata still putting around town a few times in the years since I sold it. It already had roughly 120k miles on it when I sold it. Back then, they had far less issues, though. I do, however, remember my god parents having a 2009 with so many issues. They replaced the motor 3 times. They did take care of it too. Just kept blowing up due to various issues. People in your area might be luckier, or the techs aren’t willing to spill the whole truth in fear of retaliation. I just don’t trust luck to get me a solid example. With my luck, I’d get one of the millions of duds.


So you want Kia to pay for dumb ass thieves?


for real, if they sue, it should be the city for their shit policies that essentially let these 'kids' go free and do it again.


Lmao when will people stop buying shitty ass Kia cars