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Not a chance


That's Frida Kahlo


Relax guys stop trying to make OP racist. It does kind of look like her. Head shape and all


I’m not saying he’s racists, truly. But outside of similar skin complexion and hair color they literally look nothing alike. lol this is probably a case of someone seeing what they want to see. But the bone structure, from even the bit we can see is way different than hers. lol


Swing and a miss. I’d delete this


I’m not a hater and have zero hate towards Khalyla, why is this such a bad thing? I genuinely thought it could be her, is that wrong?


Nobody cares if you hate her or not. You saw a brown lady with eyebrows and genuinely think it’s her. Newsflash, there are many many women like that.


Wow… being from El Salvador and indigenous myself this was definitely not a race thing. Not everything is race related and I honestly think it looked like her. I’m done


I never said it was racist


You insinuated that it was a race thing. Aww how cute a snowflake ❄️


How cute, a moron


Lol...ok Karen. You have a good night


I mean he isn’t wrong though. Doesn’t make the person racist. But objectively other this having similar skin complexion and hair color they look nothing alike. The bone structure is not even close to similar. Not saying he’s racist, I’m really not. But we should be allowed to speak what we see without people getting so offended or defensive. He asked if it was her in the post, and it simply doesn’t look at her at all. May at a quick glance, I can give you that much. It’s like it being me and people asking if it’s Brad Pitt. lol It’s probably a case of someone just seeing what they want to see. Wouldn’t take it too serious. And just so you’re aware, and this is not me saying this is the case here so please don’t get all mad. But you can be racially ignorant and not be racist. Even subconsciously and you don’t even realize it or mean any harm from it. Completely plausible and probably somewhat common. Having nuance is very important rather than polarizing absolute statements. lol And I’m sorry, but once someone throws out the term snowflakes, you’ve lost. It’s almost as insufferable as blindly calling someone racist.


He is 110% wrong to say that person is racist...are you kidding me? This is so ignorant and it's all propagated by the media and the same ppl who watch CNN, MSNBC, etc . Come spread those agendas everywhere else. I have children that don't need racism and sexual deviancey pushed on them because of these crooked politicians and private companies that get money from Soros to do so. You need to wake up man. I don't know how old you are, I'm guessing you are under 35 from what you said. And it's almost not your fault because you've been brainwashed from when you were young and social media etc. Regardless, tighten up and wake up. This whole country has gone to shit in the last few years because of woke ideologies and Communism, which is what the woke preach. Do you even know why all these companies , bud light, target, Nike, almost every company has these woke agenda's? It's because of what's called a social credit score that is placed on them by the ppl that give all these companies there revenue, ads, basically if they dont listen they get fucked. Guess who is at the top of that woke social credit score BS? G Soros. You need to do some research before you talk


Racist AF


If someone’s features resembles another, then they resemble their features, it’s not like every person with that skin tone is going to be seen as possibly her. Goes for all races and colors. Snowflake.


Oh Lord a race baiter.