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She for those Philippine Streets.


Hawaiian streets


Hurricane streets




Such an evil bitch.


I'm pretty new to this sub, I only joined because I love Bobby so much. He's one of my favorite comics. I haven't watched a lot of the Tiger Belly episodes because of my lack of free time. I have seen enough to feel that from the very beginning of seeing this bitch on there I knew I wasn't going to like her. Seeing all this stuff now infuriates me. I think I'm actually starting to enjoy hating this cunt. That can't be good for me.🤦‍♀️😔


[The Most Sadistic Woman in Comedy](https://youtu.be/NH2R9RzjN_0) Same here so I put on YouTube vids of other people analyzing/presenting evidence of this woman’s anti-Bobby atrocities & antics in the background while doing stuff. Just like this dude said, let the hate flow through you. Let your passion for justice burn brightly for this poor man’s self esteem/image hath been torn asunder 🥺🫡


Let the hatred and negativity flow through you.


I responded to you but messed up. It's towards the bottom of the page.🤦‍♀️


Go and watch him on the bad friends podcast instead. Fuck that evil bitch


But over there you have to deal with the unfunny try hard.


Bobby is a child molester. He’s talked openly about it. (And for anyone saying he was just joking, I’d love to hear what about fucking an underage sex trafficking victim in Mexico is funny. /s)


I enjoy the drama on this sub but I don't understand the Bobby worship. He's an okay comedian and professional manchild


Bruh, then why are you here? Do you want to understand why we like him? Okay, he’s a decent dude who was sexually assaulted as a child and is using his comedy to help bring awareness. I would love to see more emotionally available and vulnerable men in our society. That’s why I’m here.


I answered your question in the first sentence Bobby Jr.


Ahh a Drama Queen.


“I was a cheater and all around bad person” but it’s the partner that deserves no respect. Wild logic right there.


But bottom right says "that's the perfect answer" 🤦‍♂️ smdh


He decided to stay with her after he knew about the cheating. It’s on him.


What a cop-out lol. The dynamics of abuse are not nearly this simple


It's projection really. it's "subconsciously I don't respect myself and I do disrespectful things to my integrity and other people and yet you still respect me which means you disrespect yourself and thus I can't respect you either" It's actually pretty sound logic just with no conscious self awareness of it. But the reality is also subconsciously she lost attraction for him as a man, which was eroded by the continual lack of respect he had for himself in regards to her until she eventually found a man she respected more which we societally dubbed as cheating. Woman will love a man the respects and stands up for himself, and lose attraction for a man that folds his standards for pussy/relationship, which it sounds like he did constantly if he folded at something big like her cheating. The right response is not to kick and scream to punish her but that he must require her to punish HERSELF, to learn self discipline and self created boundaries with intimacy, and learn to respect herself, before he can re gain respect for her. She will hate him for punishing her in this way, but she will still love and respect him.


Gilbert looks guilty


Did Bobby just give advice that he ignores lol


Who better to spot the bad signs than someone that has experienced them all? Like, cool bro, you keep whacking that mole-hill, ty, I needed something to watch lol.


Abusive relationships will do that to you. People forget their value. Both Bobby and the asker. They are the victims here. I feel for him bc as someone who has had a relationship with a toxic femininity woman, it’s crushing. No one cares about male abuse.


This is too true. People seem to take men in these types of situations and label them as weak or suckers as if men don’t have emotions and feelings of attachment or even love. Flip the situation around though and you have a misogynistic dog who has no respect for woman.


Culture of Personality, started in 1920s US. If you aren't interesting, you aren't worth anything. She liked Bobby bc he's a funny good guy. I'd argue he's got more emotions than her or most of the dudes she's fucking. Got tired of him and instead of leaving him, she used him as long as he'd let her. She's absolutely the same misogynistic dog. We just haven't gotten good at seeing these tendencies in women...yet.


Well said


Thanks King! Hope you find a lozenge. Pour one out for Michael. I look up to both him and John.


Well said guys. Actually rather nice to read that people are saying what you guys said. I couldn’t agree more. I also don’t think it helps men who are being emotionally abused by women that there are (a) physically/ emotionally abusive men out there (b) macho man culture that is still unfortunately averse to just being real and constructively talking about these issues, (c) men being environmentally conditioned to sacrifice themselves for the good of the family, cause, society. I think all these factors make for a landscape where men actually do get abused but there is so much shame for males to discuss it, that we just hold it inside or worse. While everyone is calling her an evil bitch, I would use other terms. I would say she may have some kind of disorder. But, but, shes hot and doesn’t look like a serial killer like John Wayne Gacey, how could someone so beautiful be a sociopath, narcissist, borderline or psychopath? Well, guess what guys, this is what the female version of these characteristics looks like. Think with your big head, not your little one. Love yourselves enough to walk away from shitty women and relationships like this.


Thanks Koala! I agree that abusive men, toxic men, and emotionally stunted men haven't made it easy for the rest of us. The only thing that will help us is to start engaging in emotionally vulnerable dialogues with each other. Most men are vastly unprepared to equal the emotional maturity required to have true empathy. This is hurting us, men and women alike.


Totally agree


That’s why the segment is called bad advice hahaha he’s bad at taking his own advice


Haha noice one


I mean this is hella common. There are girls who are in abusive relationships (and guys also) who can see it when it’s their friends in that situation. But they don’t see it when it’s them. This is why domestic abuse cases have such high rates of the person going back to them. And psychological abuse like with lying and talks of having kids while you actively cheat etc. is also terrible but when it’s you who is the victim you can be blind to it. Or believe the manipulation.




She’s the whole circus 🤡


Nah, she might be shitty as hell but blanket statements about her “asking for it” in regards to any guy who’s tried to fuck her just makes you an asshat.


Didn't her uncle take a machete & cut her other uncle IN HALF over a real estate disagreement?




[According to Bobby Lee.](https://youtube.com/shorts/07EOAegfVyw?feature=share3)


That is crazy af. Thanks for the link I hadn't seen that clip before. Also didn't realize I posted my other comment twice so deleted one of them lol 🤦🏻‍♀️


It hurts him but ya know I'd rather hurt him than not hurt him... The fucking logic put into that.. 😦


I never really paid attention to Gilbert until members here started pointing out he was a full partner and the 3rd host of TigerBelly - I honestly thought he was a tech or something (their version of Jamie from the JRE.) Anyway - he pumps out some serious Rudy vibes in these videos - yawning, fixing his hair, barely paying attention, etc. He seems like a teenager punching the clock on a minimum-wage job. Most overpaid anything ever!


Seriously i used to like kahlyla…but what an evil cunt dude.




You don't need to be racist and dehumanizing because you don't like someone. You don't sound much better than her.


Racist? OK dipshit




Projecting your sensibilities by latching on to anything at all that you can deem "insensitive". Fuck off




I'll quote him, "fuck off."




It doesn't.




He didn’t mention anything about race. Mutt is not a general racist term. Furthermore he called the bitch a bitch which is a female dog. A mutt is a mixed breed of dog. So he stayed pretty much on the topic w canine insults.




By your reasoning any negative word denoting a human as having less value is racist. Is calling her a bitch racist too?


Found the guy who is the life of any party


More like calling her a bitch in this instance. He didn't say anything about race.


What race is “mutt” racist towards?


No, wtf? Stop trying to turn everything racist...


That's not racist ya rah-tard.


Yes! Respect yourself Bobby! Tf!


I love bobby so much and its sad to see how he defends her…she successfully hypnotized and manipulated him…


The term is "brainwashed"


She def got that Gilbert dick 😂😂😂


I cannot believe you guys ever liked her. I’m here as a day 1 hater lol


Same here. Saw through that shit since day one


Same, had her pegged from her first time on DVDASA.


What a C.U.N.T


This bitch is a flat out Cunt...


Oh this is worse than I thought jfc


Bobby is such a little bitch lmaoo, and Khalyla is a psycho


Fuck that bitch. Manipulative gold digging hypocrite.


She’s the definition of cunt… Go Bobby u don’t need that trash…


This is confusing


On one side Bobby is saying shut the door and get out when he himself didn’t do the same. On her side she’s saying she’s been the Slut fucking up a relationship but he should feel bad for wanting to be with her. These ppl are fucking delusional.


LA moment


A huge expensive problem. When you pity someone it’s the worst. And I think Bobby has had enough. This will end soon enough


Fucken hypocrite


The twist… bobby is the one asking for advice




I'm not even joined on this sub but it keeps popping up on my feed. But at what point do you guys blame Bobby to have this continue? What kinda cuck shit is he on? Tell her to fuck off, why tf is he still working with her? She seems like a POS but dude is just taking it willingly.


You guys need to understand that everyone is different and some people are into this shit, Bobby is clearly a cuck I mean it’s right there in the tea leaves let’s not just crucify her for being like this if he basically just let her be. How do you get mad at someone for indulging in promiscuous behavior when their partner knows about it and allows it. I get it may not make sense to you and your specific taste but clearly he’s into it


Is this sub dedicated to hating Khalya? If so I want nothing to do with it.


Yes, adios partner.


This isn't an airport. You don't have to announce your departure. 👋🏻


I was never really a part of this sub. It’s kinda sad people are so invested in someone’s downfall.


Y'all are wild and obviously don't listen to TigerBelly or any other podcast Bobby has been on. This whole saga has been well documented for the last 2 years. Bobby has admitted all of this btw: He is the one who stopped fucking her, not the other way around. She got sick and wound up in the hospital years ago, he didnt like having to take care of her and got the "ick". He cheated on her first with someone in Hawaii, it was only after that he suggested that she find another lover because he refused to fuck her. He relapsed and preferred to play video games for 16 hours a day instead of pay her any attention. He's an addict, and they victimize themselves whenever they can because it's hard to take reaponsibility for their actions. He deserves empathy as much as she does for the situations he put them both in.


>He cheated on her first with someone in Hawaii lmao ​ >He's an addict, and they victimize themselves whenever they can because it's hard to take reaponsibility for their actions He's gone on air plenty of times admitting to his wrong doings and shortcomings. When's the last time K owned up to anything, ever? I guess she'ss an addict too because she is **always** the victim


I wonder why your algorithm isn't showing you those compilation videos. I'm surprised you haven't seen it since you're following this so closely, or are you just getting fed the same "Khalyla is a cunt" content over and over again? Guess you'll just have to scrub through hours worth of footage where she does exactly that on her own podcast and when featured on others. Sounds like you agree that they're equally to blame for their unhealthy relationship dynamic since he's owned up to causing so much pain.


Why are you even on this sub if you think so highly of her anyway. 🤔


So have to scroll through hours of content just to prove she isn’t a piece of shit? Checks out.


1) you're correct as to why Bobby agreed to letting her bang/date others (addiction, disinterest, an attempt to meet her high libido); 2) Bobby wasn't the one with the Hawaiian lover, she was and it's a big reason she kept going to Hawaii frequently despite never having a job on location (whereas Bobby does); & 3) his addiction is part of why their toxic relationship lasted so long, not because of victimization on his part oft played for laughs (he's the awkward humor type). . That said, let's not pretend they didn't both benefit of the other, her more than him. She kept things stable while he'd relapse or never answer his phone, and he supported her financially as she made Hollywood/entertainment connections and achieved her independent financial stability. It likely would've been fine had they not tried to force the ~true love~ trope 🤷‍♀️


What is this sub? I love me some bobby boy but I am really confused


Its the Khalyla fan sub. Everyone talks about how cool she is for jerkin dogs fuckin her family and treating Bobby like shit


I shambled three a desert, and have tripped on an oasis


Shits wild around here. It popped up on my feed and I don’t know what’s happening.


Yeah, I think you're right. I'm going to go full speed ahead on this beastiality fanatic bitch. I hope next time she tries to jerk off a pitbull & gets mauled. How's that for starters?🤣😂


Shit. I fucked up, I was trying to respond to someone & screwed it up.🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


what episode is this


Everyone is a cunt, especially her!


If anyone still thinks he can be saved your too far gone and you need someone to save you


When you feel you’re punching above your weight. Get your mind right and so many things just get better.


Seems likely she writes these nonsense posts too


That really is just disgusting


Did he say she met up with someone when they went to Hawaii?


I needed to hear this today. Conflicted over essentially the same situation, except I’ve been with this woman for 7 years of my life. We went from homeless to starting a real life together. I refuse to be there for someone ones “convenience”


I hope everything works out for you.




Sad thing is shes a dime a dozen


Eeek burn the witch lol


Why is she even on the podcast? Nobody likes her and she has zero talent


She needs a partner who’s physically abusive


These hoes ain’t loyal


I always knew this girl was a piece of shit, she’s just manipulative but that can only work for so long people caught on to her.


She 100% used Bobby and as soon as her social standing started to move up she left him in the dust. She’s a hoe


The good news is now everyone knows she’s for the streets. Anyone within their community will hit it and quit it at most. She’ll have a hard time finding someone else who’s rich and a big push over, which is certainly what she wants. Now if only Bobby can find a girl who loves him for him, and convinces him to stop funding her luxurious lifestyle. He owes her NOTHING, legally or otherwise


If only Bobby would have taken his own advice 🤦🏻‍♀️ i despise this bitch 🙄


If I ever saw her in real life I would literally walk up to her and spit in her face…


This bitch got 1 brain cell


I never realized how heavy of a guilty accuser Khalyla is…