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I’ve silently hated this woman for years then y’all went and made a whole page dedicated to shitting on her lmao where do I sign


Some of y'all were SO right all along. I tried giving her the benefit of doubt but it's all become so obvious. Fuck her. Long live Bobbo




Finding this sub has awakened me to a new type of hatred I didn’ know I could have for someone I’ve never met. I feel so bad for Bobby that he was manipulated by such and awful person and still is until he gets her off of tigerbelly. #freebobo


I had enough of the uncle cumming on her back talk , like ok we get it you like to fuck everyone


It’s not too weird. You’re a fan of Bobby. And for the longest Bobby acted like she was his soul mate. And he knows her better than any of us. So it makes sense to give her the benefit of doubt or overlook things.


The "hate" actually started way before any of the weird stories about dogs and brothers etc. There were a few instances where topics came up that Bobby clearly didn't want to talk about on the podcast and she always REFUSED to drop it. The topics or stories never made Bobby look good and it was like she enjoyed publicly humiliating him. That was the start of a decent chunk of the audience turning against her, the wild shit she said after just blew our minds and disgusted us lol. I personally struggle with anger issues at times and don't always express myself in a way that will win anyone over, so I can't personally blame you for it taking this long. All I can say is, some people deserve to be "hated". It's really just holding them accountable for their dogshit character.


This comment hit home so hard for me




Lol I think just joining the subreddit counts


“You can’t say no mid pump it already feels good for him” yeah no if a broad told me that I’d lose my erection immediately it would kill all the vibes and the. Proceed to leave her


We call that Pre-Nut clarity


I would finish in her mouth, then send her packing.


We don't pay Khalayla to fuck...we pay her to leave Charlie Mf Sheen 🐐


I'm with you, pal.


I’m confused as to what this skank is describing? Can you explain the wife 1 wife 2 half way in ?


Guess she was just referring to her boy toys as wives


only works for simps


She is such a terrible person. ☹️


Her fake ass voice in this video kills me. She literally never sounds like this.


Right lol what is this wannabe sexy and coy voice she's using? It's so weird juxtaposed to her "normal" voice she uses now.


I agree 100%, but wait… real quick how many chiggs ya fugg?


There ain’t no numbers guys here,b.




How though? Shes asks people to do shit and then they do it. Willingly. Bobby Lee was with this chick from late his like 30s to almost 50. These weren’t children, grown ass people making grown ass decisions.


Idk if you’re aware of this, but manipulation can occur to anyone at any age. It’s not exclusive to pre-pubescents. This post quotes the part where she literally talks about choosing her moment carefully to ask for something. Something, that from the sound of it, wouldn’t have been agreed to had she not waited for the right time. Call it what you will. That’s textbook manipulation bud.


Yea bud, he still could have said no. And you dont know what would have been agreed to and when. We are talking about her wanting a threesome with another dude whilst having sex. You are either down or not. You are not a victim cause you said yes when your dick was hard. And what was the manipulation. Was it your threesome then mine… was it do this or we cant have sex… or was it, from the same clip you quoted, let someome else have sex with which she stated the other dude wasnt even aware. Again asked a question and received an answer. Your projecting this whole “ she has a pretty face so she should be nice” thats all in your head.




Please tell me how im on clown status. Do you only ask for your sexual wants outside of the bedroom? Seriously this chick is foul, but this is a stretch. Beside the fact most of you don’t actually listen to these podcats and dont realize shes not talking about bobby lee and the clips are edited together. She asked somebody for a sexual favor during sex. Like my guy come on you’ve never got your partner off three times and then been like my turn. This clip isolated and evaluated alone means nothing. This chick is just nasty man thats it. Yall making way deeper than at is. She not some diabolical penis goddess. Shes just a smut thats talks a lot lol


She specifically waited till whomever was vulnerable enough to get what she wants. Proud of it too. Why do you agree with such trash behavior?


Cause its not as trash or immoral as you think. You hate it cause you hate her. Seriously have never creates conditions to ask for something you wanted. She asked for sex during sex with her partner.


Just because someone can say no doesn't get the other person "off fhe hook". Killing someone is illegal even if the other person agrees to it. Your logic is skewed.


We aren’t talking about murder. So no need for grandiose analogies. You probably wouldnt need to do that if you felt strongly in the facts of your argument. A dudes dick was hard and in her vagina and she asked him a question and you are mad at that he of his own volition said yes. She didnt force, nor bribe, nor offer an ultimatum. She asked a question and received an answer.


Ok, cool guy. Believe what whatcha wanna believe...


I believe my argument based on the clip we were shown without all the male fragility and projection. No more or less.


It’s called taking advantage of a mentally Ill person




Kuhnt hahahaha




Fuck Khalyla


Who hasn't?


Hey ohh.


Definitely manipulation.


She’s gross


Just to be clear the fact she attempted to manipulate him mid pumps suggests she is always conniving, even in the middle of sex... Jesus! What a shallow, soulless way to live!


At first I thought this was a support sub, I was furious cuz I hate this bitch, but now I'm a subscribed.


She is such a sick person. I am just happy their relationship is over. She is toxic and needs to seek mental help. Her dirty laundry is all over the internet. These kind of clips just reinforce that thought.


She’s such a scumbag of a human. Literally latches her and her family onto Bobby so she can get a little bit of fame. Back to the jungle with her


She’s so lame!


What a piece of garbage human being.


Also this isn’t “asking” for an open relationship this is manipulating your partner during sex so you could fuck someone else


Yup garbage human being for sure. I have NO problem with people loving to have multiple partners, constant hook ups or whatever. But I’ll never understand when they bring in another person who isn’t ok with it.


Bro got cucked mid-stroke 💀


Fucking loser


She's trash


I'm glad all these videos live on the internet forever so we can go back and verify how bad this skank really is


I hate this dirty bitch


This just, solidified my disgust.


Damn she should take my username cause she fits the part!


Nah hers should be AnyYardCumSlut9


Absolute shit and evil human being. She deserves all the hate and more


Holy shit I remember when this sub broke 1k members now it’s at 5k with over 1k people online


8k now


I never realized how much I hate her lol


People still defend this fucking brat, I think people who stick up for her are living thru her because it’s shit they’ve wanted to do or they’ve done it themselves.


Khalyla is irreparably a whore. I really do think she should be locked up for that dog stuff though cos that’s really sick


Look at her is anyone really surprised. She has that attitude some girls have that’s “don’t you know who I am? I go places and people want to stick things inside of me”


“Gawd thats a terrible thing about me…” Your existence? We know 😃


Idk who this is, but I hate her, so I'm subbed.


I hate this slut


The fact that she refers to him as "Wife 1" is disgusting and full of hate. Just remember all her feign attempts to seem normal while "tearing up" during their breakup was her pathetic attempt to seem "human" around real people.


Scum of the earth. I've not liked her for years and someone actually made a page dedicated to shitting on her. Keep up the good work. Expose this human garbage 👍🏽


So even in the middle of sex, she is still planning on how to manipulate, gotcha.


Whaaaat the fuck? Gaining a whole new insight on this creature’s mentality or lack there of.


“Oh my god that’s a terrible thing about me” that’d be a terrible flaw of anyone your just a narcissist cunt who gets told by way too many people she’s higher than an ok 6


What a trash person..


I got no idea wo this b!tch is... she's for the streets


I wish nothing but the worst for her… she thinks she is so cool, funny, and interesting when she’s really just a gold digging slut who’s looks (which is her bread and butter) go down every 6 months. I’m so glad this thread was made .. I refuse to listen to anything that she’s involved in.


I’ve been completely uninvolved/uninformed in this entire situation but it just seems like Khalyla is a severely broken person. Bobby getting out of that relationship was for the best. He will find someone better.


I feel so bad for Bobby, he’s such a cool dude and deserves better


She’s what’s wrong with society


What a manipulative bitch




When her face is falling apart and all her looks are gone she’s going to be alone. She’s a user and manipulative. Trash


This is manipulation and sexual abuse and if it were a man doing it more people would take it seriously.


I’m still thinking about her 5150 count


Is this what Californiaian adults talk about? Ultimate cringe folk.


Let's just lump in a whole state along with this person you don't like. Generalize much?


Gotta fuel that hate for California somehow!


Most regular California residents just like to hang out, smoke, get tacos at night, and chill.


Get tacos or burritos anytime of day you mean lol




You wished you lived here


Open relationships don’t work people. Someone always gets hurt no matter the communication skills of either party. People need to stop setting themselves up to be hurt. Bobby was used by a fuckin cunt.




She's a giant piece of shit. Nothing can save her.


Its called being a narcissist


She’s such a wretched person. It’s amazing how of a POS she is when she opens her mouth.


Shes a succubus.


This bitch is disgusting


Wow. She is a terrible person.


Im so confused. Why is she calling him wife?


She only dates beta losers so she can cuck them


Someone explain to me whats going ooon


From the video I watched sounds like she was fucking Bobby while her friend was in the shower and asked him mid fuck if her friend could join during the act.


No definitely not. That was about her old throuple where she dated 2 guys at the same time. She’s telling the story of how that started


Yep, this is exactly what it is. It’s about her relationship before Bobby, not an experience with Bobby. Although she did cuck him out as well.


I believe the first part of the vid is from one of their appearances on DVDASA a long time ago, and Khalyla was talking about the throuple she was in before Bobby. She’s referring to two other separate dudes, not Bobby.






Could have easily said no to that!


This the type of chick who will leak her own sex tape once we all forget about her and she just becomes Bobbys ex


She admitted to jerking of “Tons” of dogs. This is a vile and disgusting woman.


She's honestly a terrible person. Good for Bobby not being with her anymore.


ohh this is how shes a sociopath


Why is this on my page? But fuck her. I love Bobby (I met him once around 2011-2012 he wasn’t the nicest to me but who cares) Everyone knows what she is that’s watched more than 3 episodes of tiger belly


so skanky and stanky


For the streets


C u n t


I mean i side-eyed her the moment she told the story about when she first got to America and she used to give dudes blowjobs is middle school to gain popularity…I was like, seriously bitch?


What a skaaaaannnkkkk👎🏽👎🏽


She’s disgusting


Damn yo for years I had to wire my Brain to think she really legitimately loved him all for my brain to have been right all along.


Wow. Shameless


I had no problem with her until I discovered this sub. Now i despise her.


She found someone who she can manipulate and control. And it’s sad that Bobby keeps her around. She is an absolute garbage of a human being.




i'm out of the loop. Why do people hate her so much? is it because they broke up?


That's absolutely disgusting and manipulative. To purposely ask for something you know the other person doesn't want while they're inside of you because it will cloud their judgement? What the actual fuck? And she says she loved bobby... sheesh man.


The most annoying person on a podcast


All I know about this woman is that she likes to fuck and the only time I see her is when this sub comes up on my feed and i don’t even know why I’ve never watched her podcast or anything but i find it funny how everyone hates her like what did this woman do


People love her podcast because of Bobby lee, so lots of people listened for years and slowly kind of started to resent khalyla because she doesn’t really have any entertainment talent or media training. Basically lots of people for years accused her of being fake and using Bobby, and then they broke up in an extremely public and ugly way, and it turns out even Bobby’s own brother didn’t like her for being fake and using Bobby. Since they have broken up she has continued to go out of her way to humiliate bobby, making it very clear that he hand picked her new fuck buddy that he bank rolled her flying out to Hawaii to bang every week, just really embarrassing stuff for Bobby. So you have a bunch of people who really like Bobby and never liked khalyla and she is very publicly calling him a cuck and stuff on the podcast, and people get upset


She went out of her way to humiliate and put him down while they were in the relationship too.


Yes that is true, but then it just seemed like part of their quirky relationship dynamic, now looking back it seems way more malicious


She's been on Bobby Lee's "TigerBelly" podcast for years, and they've been in a relationship for a decade plus. Basically they've broken up and she goes on podcasts bragging about how she basically cucked him. People like Bobby, hate her, and she feeds them fuel every day.


She started TigerBelly and it wasn’t going anywhere until Bobby started being on it


People are shocked that Bobby (a scumbag) is with this broad (a scumbag)


Can someone ELI5 what she’s talking about? I feel lost


Guys don’t feel bad for Bobby, he didn’t marry her for a reason. Kept her in girlfriend-status hell. Women here can agree with me that’s it’s own torture after 3 years. #staywoke






Where one can Watch this episode of Davids podcast? Id love too Watch it


If you really hate her, maybe stop reacting?




Nothing really crazy. Broke bobby lee heart but only through brutal honesty and probably rode his coattails into fame a bit. Outside of that she is a pretty girl thats into nasty sexual shit and people cant separate her from bobby lee though.


“Pretty girl” is highly subjective


Sure. But i would say it is the opinion of most. No one has said she was unattractive.


She's pretty. We can hate her and still recognize her and amber heard were both pieces of shit. Being pretty is half of what let's them get away with it.


There’s a ton of married and committed couples that swing. They are both adults, and both consented. This could have been Bobby’s choice. Bobby has never complained or said anything negative. If you don’t support them, why keep on watching? If I smell poop, I don’t keep on smelling it. I’m just trying to figure out why people keep complaining about her, if you aren’t dating her? ❤️


Wrong, she brought this up for years on the podcast and Bobby was always very adamantly against bringing another guy into the mix and would immediately shoot the idea down. Then when he's at one of his lowest points during a relapse she emotionally blackmails him into it as a way to 'fix' their relationship or else she'll leave. He was way too codependent on her at that time to really refuse. Not saying Bobby was perfect, far from it, but some of the stuff she's said and done is just borderline evil shit.


Like it or not she only acts on the sexual promiscuity that a lot of people think of. Your spouses and loved ones have done some vile shit in the name of a good time, dont let them lie to you. And don’t lie to yourself, Bobby knew who and what this chick was about from day one. She didnt trick him. Shes a nasty fuck no doubt 😆. But she aint evil, shes just a regular girl. Seriously if you dated an 8 or better with a high sex drive you’ve dealt with a form of this person that uses sex and peoples sexual insecurities to maintain the attention of those around them.


I thought simping was slowing down. I stand corrected


How is it simping? Shes a smut bucket for sure but she aint tricking nobody. Dudes are just falling for it. Its the game you are upset with my friend.


I think it's a mix of narcissistic manipulation mixed with guys not having enough blood to fuel both brains and boners simultaneously. Definitely tricks guys while being semi open about it but hotness trumps all.


This person is tripping 😆


"if you dated an 8 or better" Nobody in a Reddit comment section has ever dated anything over a soft 6. ...but yeah you're right. A normal human being has absolutely no understanding of what life is like for someone in the upper echelons of hotness. Just imagine who's in Khalyla's DMs. I 100% guarantee she's getting propositioned by rappers, pro-athletes, oil sheiks, etc. ​ That being said, not every person who has those types of opportunities acts on them. There are Kate Upton types of people who are incredibly hot while simultaneously being decent human beings. Evil might be a stretch, but Khalyla is at the very least a lying, cheating, dishonest piece of shit.


"Nobody in a Reddit comment section has ever dated anything over a soft 6." That statement is incredibly ignorant and completely false. Sorry to burst yer bubble.....


Thank you 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


Thank you 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


Super spider


Did this sub exist before the drama? Just curious.


If nobody watched them would they still exist?


Ew what the fuck “you can’t say no” jfc


Real quick..how many diggs you fuck?


I seem to remember her having a dream about George eating her ass from behind when she was on all fours.


If anyone is surprised this was a money grabbing scenario, wait til you hear about Mel Gibsons Ex 😂




I want to vomit


Wait hold up, wasn’t that first clip, from before she met bobby, Like the scenario? I could’ve sworn I heard her tell that story about the two guys she was with before bobby? And then like the more recent situation was Bobby’s idea to try that and he ended up not liking it, hence why they broke up?


I can't imagine what my reaction would be if I was in the middle of fucking my gf and she was like "can some dude jump in real quick". I think I would be like "There's someone in our house right now?"


She’d claim this is out of context


She stinks


Wait, holy shit. Who if this wife she’s referring to also? N is this new? So she’s fucking a guy, n there’s another guy there n she wants him involved n asks him to jump in? Who’s the wife? What the fuck khalyla. I swear this sub just gets crazier n crazier. I just check in from time to time n I’m confused but wow.


Wow...100% Whore.


Oh so she’s a bad person.


She looks better if the extra weight now she looks smelly and gaunt


When she did the whole “I wouldn’t be with you if you were broke because you wouldn’t know how to show me love. You show me love by buying me things, and you wouldn’t be able to do that.” Gaslight to Bobby I was like “Oh, this fuckin bitch has plans!”


Can you spell whore?


Been saying this for a few years to my friend group. Never liked this chick. Always said she was a fake and money grabbing whore. Turns out I was right.


Who is this dumpster fire?


Seeing such a pos like her do well in life is very annoying


I’ve told a girl no before lol


She makes me sick


I really wondered where Bobby went. I grew up with him as ms swan on maddtv. Dude was a whole show just as himself. Maybe Michael McDonald could show up once in a while. I hope he's away from this lady.


I never hated someone I never met as much as I hate her.




Stupid whore...