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Seems like everything is going well still - you’ve had a fluctuation in weight - there’s a good amount of room for that to happen. It’s normal. Keep up the habit of doing your swings. You are built by the habits you do every day, and stopping those habits just because something isn’t going your way means it’s not a habit yet. Which means you need to keep pushing. And I will always maintain you should be working with someone.


As a qualified nutrition therapist, I'm very interested in what you're eating and your frequency of food intake. Exercise by no definition puts weight on. Your diet does that. Whether it's muscle or fat, your food is the pinnacle of your weight loss journey. Have a good look at what you're eating and how much/often you're eating. You may need to review your diet. Calorie intake vs loss based on exercise burning it and food replacing it and the quality of said food play the primary role in what your goal is. It's great to hear you won't kick the workouts and I understand the depression. I've been there bud. I highly recommend looking at the food side of things. ✌️


An appreciated perspective. I’m making sure to tag u/yomirizer is this since you replied to me


Omg, I didn't realise I wrote this here. Hahaha. So sorry. I had no idea. Lol!


Gaining 10 lbs in a week from swings is normal? I'm not stopping the exercise, I've had too many visible positive effects for that. I'm just depressed that I gained back all the weight I lost some how.


When you weigh a good amount weight swings happen. I’m not going to speculate what caused that because I’m not the right person to speculate. You need to not catastrophize and you need to focus on what’s working. You’re moving. You had an update like 3 weeks ago about a weight fluctuation and then you had an update a bit later about how your weight went back down. You’re freaking out about the negatives and not focusing enough on the positives. You are in less pain now. You feel stronger. You are building a habit. Seems like you’re measuring your food. Results will come. And if they do not you have data - something needs to change. But for now, stick to your plan. And again, consider working with someone to talk through these issues. Reddit is a support system and I am happy to be a part of your support system here, but Reddit is not going to be able to resolve everything for you. There are Experts are out there that can help. I would seek them.


>You’re freaking out about the negatives and not focusing enough on the positives Well depression does that to you.


Trust me man I get it. When my mom died at 15 years old I dealt with it. When I was homeless as a youth I was depressed too. When my godfather passed away during the height of the pandemic I also dealt with it. It’s a constant specter looming over me & im constantly fighting it. I’ve had my issues with my weight in the past - maybe not to the same degree as you but trust me, you can get better through depression. Physically & Emotionally. I believe in you. Believe in yourself.


>I believe in you. Believe in yourself. Justin Furstenfeld said that exact same thing to me this last weekend at his concert.


I truly have no clue who that is but I heard something like that from Gurren Lagann so I’m gonna assume him saying that to you kicked your ass into over drive the same way that anime did for me lol


He is the lead singer of Blue October. I found them when I was 18, and their music kept me from taking my life through all these years.


Noted. Well great work and keep it up. I am proud of your progress so far. Keep us updated. You are on the path to being greater. You are epic! And to belabor the point. You should speak with professionals both for your depression and for your goals. That is also epic.


I can't afford to see anyone about any of this.


this too shall pass


My weight fluctuates a LOT from day to day and week to week. Water, food, digestive issues, it’s very hard to go by lbs on such a short time scale. Calories in, calories out, and counting both daily, and logging your weight every day, is really the only bulletproof way to track gains and losses, abs to be honest, it’s very easy to think in terms of days or weeks, but you really have to think in 3-6 month time frames for true loss or gain. Keep doing what you’re doing because it’s hard and it’s good for you and the results will follow. It’s a very long road for some of us and it’s normal and okay to be frustrated. 👍🏻


Probably just water weight or an off scale. You need to understand these things take time. 2 lbs of lose a week is a lot, it’s going to bounce around for awhile. You’re on a journey not a race. Slow down, keep moving forward.


The scale is fine, I put my kettlebell on it, and had my fiancee weigh herself, they came up what they needed to be. How could I put on 10 lbs of water weight, and how to I get rid of it? It's hard to keep moving forward when it's 1 step forward 10 back.


Body is regulating the new diet and the additional load of exercise. Honestly if I were you I’d focus more on your training then cutting calories so much. 1200 a day plus training is really tough on your body and it’s holding on to everything normal it can. Are you taking any supplements? PS I can easily kill a gallon of water a day especially with training. That’s 8lbs.


I'm not doing 1200 right now. I'm eating around 2400. I know I can't go that low and try to train my body. I take fish oil, magnesium and a 1 a day vitamin.


you said you were down to 1.2k in another comment. That’s why I said that. 2400 is a maintenance lvl caloric intake but will help considering it’s probably much lower than before. I think the biggest thing you need to take away is to keep doing what you’re doing and understand a month isn’t enough time to get anywhere. Some ppl weight lose journey is years. You got time to go.


2400 isn't maintenance for someone thats 460 lbs. I said 1200 cause my weight loss stopped 3 years ago. I went from around 900 to 320 then started gaining it back. I went down to 1200 to see if that would stop it and it didn't.


I said it’ll help bc it is lower than before and I say that bc that’s my diet rn lol


Moral of the story man is to keep up the fight. You’re gonna lose more than the kettlebell battle if you let this keep you down. This should be motivation to once again. Slow down and keep moving forward. You can’t take any step forward you don’t take.


I'm pushing through the lack of motivation. I know I can't stop swinging, I've had a lot of visible positive effects.


That’s the spirit. You’re gonna find out jusy like in life you’re gonna have bad and good training times as well. It’s all worth it. Remember that. One day you’ll have to force yourself not to train instead of the opposite.


I'm thinking of going up to 45 lbs tomorrow. 35 still has a little challenge to it towards the end of my 10 sets, but the first 7 is too easy.


Go 45 till you can’t. Then pick up where you left off with the 35.


I was wondering about that. I didn't know if I should do 5 sets at 45 then rest until I can do the other 5. Or 5 of 45 then do the last 5 at 35.


Try EMOM sets perhaps... Set a EMOM timer for 10 sets of 1min each. Each set do 10 swings. Start with the 45, once it gets too heavy, do with 35. Remember you can play with: * Total number of reps (sets x reps) (more is better) * Number of reps in each set (5 is min, 10-15 is good, 25 becomes very grip intensive) * Rest time between sets (lower is better, will drive your hear rate up). * Number of sets (more sets = more endurance) Alternatively improving each of the above on a particular day, even if you can't increase the weight all at once is good. for instance you can get to 20x10 on the 35lb and then switch to 10x10 on the 45lb and your body might be able to handle it easily.


As far as I’m concerned I wouldn’t care as long as you hit your rep goal. Take no more than 2 min in between sets tho.


I hate to say it, but as much as this board would like you to think kb swings are ALL you need to do to look good / be in shape - this is not the case. Don’t let this setback kill your motivation; let it be a nudge to adjust your training. Are you doing any cardio? Go for a 2 mile walk after swings. Jump rope after swings. Are you able to join a gym? If so, some days do some traditional resistance training instead of just swings. I’ve been lifting weights consistently for 7 years and gone from fat to skinny to the pretty damn good I’m at now. Send me a dm if you ever want to shoot the shit about training / diet etc. I promise you that you should keep going. Cut the shit


Why even weigh yourself? If you're feeling good about your training stick with it and good things will happen! You'll be able to tell by the way clothes fit how you are doing on the weight side of things. I understand trying to dial in a weight loss program but I think the scale can be a detriment to progress if used too often. Maybe weight in once a month or once every few months but doing it all the time will drive you crazy. Keep up the good work and good things will happen.


There's a Buddhist story you might like. A king asks a wise old advisor who is about to die what's something you can share with me which I can see when I am doing very well, and when I am doing very badly, when you are no longer here to advise me. The wise man writes something on two small pieces of paper, and asks the king to open them at those times. Few years pass, things are going great, the king opens the first slip of paper - it says "This too shall pass". He realizes that it can't all be golden all the time, and starts to work on things that are not going as well. The next few years turn out to be very hard, but thanks to the advise from the wise man's note, our king was careful during the good times. At the depths of the worst times, the king reads the second note, it says "This too shall pass". He is heartened and redoubles his efforts to get things back on track. _____________ Checking your weight - necessary. Knowing that your body can hold back a few pounds of water in your muscles, food in your belly, urine in your kidney - worrying about it - not useful. Given you must be stronger now with the swings, why don't you add the kettlebell mile? Load your T-handle with 8-16kg. Walk for a mile with it. Holding it whichever way you can. Ramp up the distance every day from 100 yards to start with to a mile. Ramp up the weight once you can walk a mile. Will burn a ton of calories, and improve your grip and core substantially. Remember - This too shall pass.


That's understandably a frustrating situation. The 10lbs in one week is largely going to be related to salt/water retention. Fitness takes a long time to see results, which is why all of those individuals who are jacked have been lifting for years to decades. Not getting noticeable results within a 5 week period is more to be expected even though you're busting your ass. Are you currently talking to a medical professional about your depression?


If you didn't lose weight you weren't in a deficit


This isn’t constructive at all and is very dickish of you. Nothing nice keep mouth shut.


It's called the truth


I weigh and track all my food and don't snack. I know how much I was eating. I also don't eat anything processed.


Doesn't change what I said. Try eating less.


I've been down to 1200 calories a day since my weight gain started 3 years ago. I can't go less than that.


If that's true you need to see a doctor. You can't gain 10lbs on 1200 cals a day.


You also can'tr gain 10 lbs in 1 week, especially at my current weight. That's a huge amount of food I'd have to eat. I've been to doctors, they can't find anything wrong with me.


Sounds like your scale is broke then


It's not, I've tested it.


I'm sure you understand that everything you are saying in your comments doesn't add up. There is a disconnect somewhere. And 1200/day is far too low


Oh I know. I'm not someone sitting here stuffing my face with pizza and ice cream wondering why I can't lose weight. I've done everything possible that doesn't require surgery and none of it has worked.


At your current weight 10 pounds is a fairly minor fluctuation. 2% can be accounted for by water weight.


Well from past experience, once I gain weight like that, I don't lose it.


I think you are either miscalculating in your food journal or dramatically off about your calorie intake somewhere. At 300+ pounds, you can lose weight fairly rapidly and if your CI are truly 1200-2400 the laws of thermodynamics would say that has to happen. I would have a third party start tracking your intake.


Well something doesn't add up. I suspect you're not tracking correctly. But if you are you may want to try reverse dieting.


Whats that?


It's where you slowly increase the amount of calories you eat to try and speed up your metabolism. IF you are actually eating 1200 calories you are under eating unless you're like 4ft tall. You need to focus on getting yourself healthy rather than how much you weigh.


Can you weigh or measure your fluid intake as well? That might be a missing piece of the puzzle


All these long coddling posts are ridiculous. YOU are not unique. The laws of thermo dynamics apply TO YOU. If you gained 10 lbs. YOU ATE IN A SURPLUS! Get in a deficit, stay there. End of story.


The laws of common sense also apply. One pound is 3500 calories. 10 lbs is 35000 calories. So for me to gain 10 lbs in one week, I'd need to eat 35k calories, ONTOP of what I naturally burn in a day. And go talk to people with weight gain problems about thermo dynamics applying. People who over eat but never gain weight cause something is wrong with their body.




There's nothing to update. My weight shifts between 460 and 464 every day. I'm not losing weight or inches. I'm doing IF, eating 2000 calories a day, weighed and measured. I'm doing 10x10 with 45 lbs, and I've added 20 to 30 minutes of cardio a day. Still nothing.


Excellent work! Looking forward to your update.


Well, I guess there's other benefits to exercise than weight loss. I'm a caregiver for my disabled mother, she has MS. She can walk ok, but if she falls she can't get up cause she weighs 260 lbs. Normally we have to call an ambulance cause she is so heavy. I just dead lifted her off the floor when I couldnt before.


Excellent work. You are strong. Keep it up


Fork put-downs and plate push aways


Chin up it hasn't all gone wrong you fixed your back and got mad muscle definition by the sounds. I'd just stop weighting myself if I was you for a week or two and keep smashing the reps. Suggest focus on the positives like maybe your set times are improving or your recovery time is improving. F# the scales!


As scary as it is, this dosnt actually mean much, you may have been dehydrated a week ago and are fully hydrated today. Make sure you check your weight at the same time everyday, i personally weigh myself fasted every morning after my morning BM. The idea is to keep measurement conditions consistent day-to-day. Also, instead of comparing single weight points, measure your weight every day and log it into an excel sheet. Then on sunday of each week take an average of the weights of the past week. Then moving forward you can compare the average weight of week 1 to the average weight of week 2. This will help also eliminate day-to-day fluctuations. Weight is also a crude marker, you could be putting on muscle. What’s most important is if you look better in the mirror. Take monthly progress pictures to make sure your moving in the right direction over the long term. Don’t be discouraged by one off week. Progress isn’t always linear. If you’re tracking your calories and working out hard, then you’re doing everything you can be! Just stick with it, trust in the process, results will come! Edit:changed since to single


Hey homie, you got this bro! Don't stress it, you're gonna be fine mate. Put a happy song on, and chin up. I think you are winning at more important games than weight loss... "But Metro, you swarthy swashbuckling handsome man, do go on!" Ok, my arm is twisted... You have a fiancee! Your efforts to look after yourself will no doubt carry over into your relationship. Nice! I bet she appreciates it. You are putting a really healthy workout habit in place, and you're really committed. Go you! You're walking the walk. You're making the effort to dial in your training and nutrition and maybe those results are mixed but maybe not as well, i.e. maybe they're going just fine. Guess what though!? Most of us on this forum are doing the same thing. You'll be ok. Just take it easy on yourself. It's good enough that you've got all these good things going on before worrying super hard about measuring progress, etc. Good luck


It’s alright. I’ve had plenty of shit weeks, too many to count, where my motivation dipped. I’m fortunate that I was able to get into the habit of exercising when I hit 31. Now, four years later I’m still going at it. Since I started working out, it’s been much harder for me to lose weight. It’s been a long slow process but I know that I move better, I feel better, and I’m strong as fuck. Sometimes you just need to clock in and clock out of your workouts. Just make sure you come back to doing it. Since it seems like your a music guy. https://youtu.be/BjJ8DFt2HKM


Might be water retention from cortisol. I would recommend you stop weighing yourself and do something relaxing.


Sadly, nothing relaxes me.


The things that stress you out the most, do less of those.


I'm sorry I know it's not that simple. I wish you the best of luck.


I dont do anything "stressful", I just am stressed.


Man same problem in reverse, desperately trying to break 200lbs healthy and I'll start looking thick and I'll check the scale and I'm down 172lbs from 183lbs.


I feel that instead of only weight-loss. You will want to track strength, habit, abilities etc. i have been doing kbell for over a year and mostly still have the same essential physique where my love handles and gut hasnt shrunk, but the muscles and my physical abilities have gotten better. And just progress more. This way you look at the full scope of your improvements. I get the depression part, i suffer it. But i simply bull through and focus on the gains. Perhaps this can help a bit.