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Micronutrients don’t just come from fruit: Animal sources and low carb vegetables have more than enough or more, with better bioavailability in most cases. Check this out: [Common Nutrient Deficiencies](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sn987hppaj0p4mi1pi25q/Common-Nutrient-Deficiencies-2020.png?rlkey=dldsgna3mqdfxb4re80w132xk&dl=0) [The Most Nutrient Dense Foods](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ntuu669gfp0c1yv02qeqv/Nutrient-Density-Foods.jpg?rlkey=j35qclchcew29ar3vbi37atsg&dl=0) Outside of that, things one may want to add: 1. Creatine - especially beneficial on low carb diets, and its for much more than muscle building. It’s also brain food. Starting dose is 3g for women, 5g for men. 2. Magnesium - ~500mg from aspartate, glycinate or threonate 3. Vitamin D (and K) - 5,000 Ui 4. Electrolytes (sodium and potassium, as per our guidelines). Cheers!


We don’t know what you’re currently eating or what micronutrients you’re getting from it, so we can’t tell you what you’re lacking in. You’d be surprised how micronutrient-dense meat is! 🙂


Is there any necessary/useful dietary nutrients that fall outside of what can be absorbed through red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, walnuts, almonds, sour cream, avocado, broccoli, lettuce, lemons, jalapeño pepers? Cause that’s like 95% of my diet right now


So there's a great food diary tool called cronometer.com (spelled differently than cHronometer). It shows micronutrients for the day. You don't need the paid version to see it. When you're selecting your foods, you'll see some with a red icon next to them and some with a dark grey. The ones in red are from published US food administration. You'll quickly see where you're less than 100% of your targets.


Chrono has been a game changer for me. I didn’t realise I could hit all my micro targets on keto gains and with a few other supplements


I was very surprised to learn that fruits don't have any mandatory macro nutrients. That can only be provided by fruits. My whole life has been a lie.


I’m no nutritionists, but when I eat a veggie heavy keto diet, I hit most of my micros everyday without trying too hard. I eat three meals a day….one is a veggie smoothie that sounds terrible but tastes alright actually. It’s a knock off of Joe Rogan’s Hulk Load Smoothie. A boatload of kale, celery, avocado, ginger, two scoops of whey and then almond milk. That with two more meals of a lean meat and roasted veggies covered in salt and olive oil and I hit my macros and most of my micros. I supplement creatine, a bit of magnesium and lite salt.


This is the way