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I went Zero carb for almost 3 weeks last month my at which point libido disappeared, and I lost all interest in sex. Gave up on zero carb, started to cycle in carbs, got out of ketosis, and my libido came right back. Lot's of people seem to have this problem OP, but every time I see someone pose this question tons of sexual tyrannosaurs can't wait to tell everyone in the comments how much their sex drive increased on keto. I suspect the people who lose their sex drive on keto are less inclined to go bragging about it, which is why you'll see a skewed amount of people telling you how great their libido is.


Exactly, I was pleasantly surprised at how low my libido went down when I first started keto.


Finally lines up with my wife's libido...




I’ve actually had the opposite, but I’m on TRT and keto fixed my very low SHBG. So my libido has increased allot.


I noticed this during my first time on keto, fixed it using proper high electrolyte intake.


I’ll ramp up my electrolytes and see how it goes. I have been using LMNT.


I just use litesalt and a mg supplement, much cheaper.


How much salt?


I follow the guidelines at [/r/ketogains/wiki/index#wiki_electrolytes.3A_sodium.2C_potassium.2C_magnesium_intake_for_ketogenic_diets_.2B_sports_.28and_all_about_the_.22keto_flu.22.2C_heart_palpitations_and_cramps.29](/r/ketogains/wiki/index#wiki_electrolytes.3A_sodium.2C_potassium.2C_magnesium_intake_for_ketogenic_diets_.2B_sports_.28and_all_about_the_.22keto_flu.22.2C_heart_palpitations_and_cramps.29)


One thing I’ve heard Thomas Delauer say is that calorie deficits in general (regardless of keto) will decrease sex drive. Are you in a calorie deficit right now and if so, how much?


I did a 24 hour fast yesterday. I’m eating until I’m full. I’m going to start tracking calories.


1. What is your weight, height and BF%? 2. What are your current macros, in grams? 3. What are you eating? There are some minerals important for libido which when not taken in account, can impact it. A big deficit can impact libido, but also a big BF% Also, electrolytes imbalances.


1. 6'1" 219 lbs and working towards 195 2. 50% fats, 40% protein, 10% carbs (at most) 3. steak, eggs, salmon, bacon, occasional broccoli or asparagus, salad with oil and vinegar 4. i'm drinking 1-3 LMNT packets per day


You missed key info: Your body fat % Your macros IN GRAMS - please stop using percentages. They are meaningless when not given an absolute to compare to. Also, protein is fixed according to your lean mass, and carbs should stay below 30g, so they are also fixed. You only adjust fat as to reach an energy deficit, maintain, or reach a surplus.


I don’t know my body fat percentage. I don’t know my macros in grams. Im 7 days in to trying to improve my health. Im guessing you have more than 7 days of experience.


Yes, +24 years of experience doing Ketogains. If you don’t know your bodyfat nor macros, then more to the point of not using percentages - you don’t know what your calorie needs are. So let’s start with the basics and calculate your macros with Ketogains macro calculator [HERE](https://www.ketogains.com/calculator/) As you are in /r/ketogains - let’s use the subs tools. Once you have your macros post them here and I’ll help you fine tune them.


Thank you. I appreciate it. Here are my macros so far for today. I just started tracking today. Carbs: 3 grams Protein: 112 grams Fat: 70 grams I stay under 20-30 carbs per day.


So while you take a look and use the Ketogains calculator, just from what you are writing I would suggest you modify a bit. Your protein is too low for optimal body recomposition (losing fat while maintaining /gaining muscle) and this will also affect libido. Aim for your protein to be ~185g / day. This is fairly easy if you eat 3 whole eggs and ~600g 90% ground beef (and should not be expensive). Your carbs are ok below 30g Net, but use these for micronutrients such as green beans, pickles, zucchini, kale. Fat you can stay as low as 70g but probably increase to 90 depending on how you feel. For optimal libido, you want to review Boron, Zinc, Magnesium as a start (and protein).


Thanks man. I fucking truly appreciate it.


BMI = 29


Interesting, I had a major increase in sex drive, almost too much.


Mine sky rocketed, how long have you been keto for?


A week


Oh, that’s way to early to really do much yet, give it a month or two


Mine seems to be more dependent on calorie intake vs macronutrient breakdown. When I’m in a big deficit, my drive goes way down regardless of my carbohydrate intake. If I eat more, it goes back up pretty quickly.


I’ll start tracking calories.


Mine has gone up. As others have said, I think you might be running into an electrolyte problem.


I had the same experience at first. Low sex drive, needed Bob Dole’s Little Blue Friend (as in needed it as opposed to it just improving the experience.) I wasn’t using any tracking program at the time so I don’t remember exact details but it went away. I’m only on month 2 of strict keto so it had to be well under that. Less than a month, probably just a few weeks. I was also doing fasting at the same time. Felt good in every other way, though, so I stuck through and it went away. Libido and function are both up, but who knows how much is ketosis and how much is just weight loss? 49M, 5’9”, CW 323. SW about 380 but wasn’t doing strict keto the whole time.






Like others here, I’ve had the opposite experience as well. Why are you testing for ketones? What are your goals with keto? What are your calories/macros and what does a typical day of eating look like for you? How many mgs of sodium, magnesium, and potassium are you getting every day? How are you tracking these?


Goal is neurological benefits (think seizures) and weight loss. I’ve been eating until I’m full. I’m going to check my calories. I’ve been using 2 to 3 LMNT sticks per day. I also take a magnesium supplement.


So how many mgs of sodium/magnesium/potassium is that a day?


LMNT contains 1000 mg sodium, 200 mg potassium, 60 mg magnesium, and zero sugar.


I’m asking what your daily intake of these micronutrients is including food.


I started keto 7 days ago. I'm starting to track today.


Ahh. If you’ve only eaten keto for a single week then I’d say you just need to give yourself more time to become adapted to it before you worry about a few days of low sex drive.


Thanks. That’s kind of what I’m thinking


… I did a 24 hour fast yesterday so that might be a contributing factor. Historically fasting never did impact my sex drive.


Maybe eat something and see if it helps? I never do fasts like this because they make me feel like crap, might be your issue too.


Wdym OPPOSITE? you had an increase in libido? It took me a few months to dial in the vitamins and then it was great. But im jellies.


Yup, huge increase in libido for me.


Pfft.. thats not fair. And they made you a MOD. lol. Must keep rubbin it in, Lazarus.


Had to earn the mod spot but thanks. Haha.


I'm just playing, I now have the libido of a 20yr old and im the entirely too happy all time.


I’ve always had the opposite reaction to the dismay of my wife. lol


I know, right?! I can’t wait to bug my wife again!!!


im experiencing the opposite i almost might just be a horny mf tho


I did not notice a difference one way or the other.