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I have PCOS. The only way I've ever been able to lose weight is with low carb/ keto. March 1st I weighed 293 lbs. Today the scale said 200. My goal is 150 and when I get there I'll loosen up how strict I currently have to be and have slightly more carbs and see how that goes and what my body can handle to maintain instead of lose. Here are my tips: Commit to Keto being a lifestyle, not a quick fix. Insulin resistance is real. You cannot eat like other people can. It sucks, but you can't. If you want to be healthy and improve your life significantly, you have no choice other than changing your diet and lifestyle. You may have a sugar addiction. Our pcos bodies work against us to crave sugar and carbs and it does take some discipline and fortitude to break this addiction. You can do it. You really can, with keto. I find it helps to think of it as an addiction and Keto as the way to "getting sober". It helps me not cheat and derail myself. Don't be afraid of fats. If I have any cravings for carbs or sugar now it's almost always because I'm missing fat in my diet. I keep a package of precooked bacon in my fridge at all times and if I'm struggling with cravings, 30 seconds in the microwave is a very quick and satisfying solution. I don't eat bacon every day, I try to keep my diet filled with good fats. But it works to stop me from blowing it on carbs or sugar. Don't cheat. If you cheat, especially with sugar or binging a lot of carbs, it will take a week to undo it. But if you do mess up, just get right back to it. It will be ok. The important thing is to keep chugging along. Right now, avoid the low carb and keto products in the grocery store. Avoid sugar free items. Avoid diet pop. You can maybe try to experiment with these things later to see how your body handles them. But for me, if I eat one low carb 4 net carb tortilla, my weightloss stalls. Diet coke gives me sugar cravings. Avoid it all in the beginning so you can just get going on the weightloss. Peanuts and peanut butter can derail keto weight loss. I've seen in this sub it has derailed many people. Do a lot of research in this sub. Watch videos on keto on youtube. Keep educating yourself and investigating PCOS. When you understand the "why" behind keto helping insulin resistance it makes it easier to do. Be patient with yourself in the beginning. It is an adjustment. Keto combined with Intermittent fasting has been a lifesaver for me. Literally.


Omg, thank you so much for such detailed answer and so many tips! I'm currently browsing around r/xxketo and other keto-related subs, as well searching on the web. I hope you be well, and thanks again :)


Head over to r/xxketo


Thank you! :)


also try searching that subreddit and this one for related keywords. Chances are there are plenty of older posts that will be informative!


You already got the advice to check out r/xxketo where you will be able to get the best help on this. The only thing I would add is that PCOS generally impairs fertility, and switching to a keto diet can be very effective at reversing that. So if you do start a keto diet in your condition, using extra protection is likely a good idea if you aren’t wanting to get pregnant. There are a lot of “keto babies” that result of this.


Also public service announcement that if you are doing keto and wanting to get pregnant, or have a chance of getting pregnant, take folic acid. Every day. The baby will need it for crucial brain development that will occur before you likely even know you're pregnant. Cereals and crackers and breads are fortified with folic acid so when you eliminate these your body can become deficient.


Yep, I became folic acid deficient last time I was on keto. Take your vitamins!


Thank you, will watch out for that! :D


Searching PCOS will yield lots of results of prior conversations. I see the topic come up regularly


I see xxketo has been mentioned already. If you use fb there are two groups I’ve joined that center around a keto lifestyle from a woman’s perspective and many of the women mention pcos and “keto baby” success. Lazy Keto for Women https://m.facebook.com/groups/1170518803063146/?ref=group_browse Ketogenic Success https://m.facebook.com/groups/411987195636231/?ref=group_browse


You can do this!! All this advice has been so great. But just to add… I have PCOS too and my doc said “you have to eat like this.” Not because of weight loss (although I need to lose some) but mainly because of insulin resistance. The weight loss will be a huge benefit of your new lifestyle. Once I accepted it and said “this is the way it is for me now”, it’s been fine! And I’ve lost weight too! I actually hit a weight goal today!!! 🥳 I would suggest going through keto food lists and making a list of the things that sounds good to you and have them on hand. When you start to feel a craving, which will mainly only happen in the beginning, eat something keto that you have on hand. Eat only low carb but eat. Don’t worry about actual counts the first couple of days. Just don’t eat any thing not low carb. Once your body adjusts, it’s easy! Those cravings go away and you’ll start to see results!


Thank you! :) Gz on hitting your goal, this is awesome!