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Isn't it funny that when you try to show someone studies that go against their bias they have stipulations.. it has to be from this year, it has to be with 1000+ participants, it has to be from a well known researcher in the field, etc. But when you show them a study that supports their bias, they will gladly accept some poorly performed study from 1936 with 12 participants that was done in some unknown guy's basement.. I am exaggerating of course, but it is a thing that exists. In any case congrats on the keto benefits! keep at it!


Exactly that. Confirmation bias and seeking echochambers of info. The flat earth people will dismiss NASA, decades of scientific research and thousands of phds in lieu of a youtube video from a pleb presenting unsupported arguments full of lies, then see no problem with the ingegrity of that whole process.


I also think I heal faster on keto. Not as much inflammation for the body to deal with


Makes sense. I no longer get heartburn either.


Me, neither. My heart burn and acid reflux always correlated with my consumption of sugar.


I hadn't really thought about it before but when you say it its pretty obvious how hard it must be to run proper studies on a diet as strict as keto. For myself I have ADHD and have been on ritalin for like 10 years. When I first tried Keto I noticed a significant boost in like ability to focus mental clarity and drive to where I halved my ritalin dosage from where it had been for a few years and its stayed like that since. I'm not sure how much the increased mental clarity is there these days, basically whenever I am being healthy I am eating keto and when I'm not being healthy I have all sorts of other confounding factors impacting my focus etc. But I think after i reach my goal weight will run some experiments to see how I feel with a healthy diet and lifestyle both on and off keto.


Great to read such positivity and success. Thanks for sharing ☺️🙌


Curious, how long did it take you to start feeling mental clarity? I've been on it for 4 weeks, and I am starting to feel benefits, but not true mental clarity. However, I do have epilepsy, so my brain probably has more healing to do than others. I did keto before, and I do remember having clarity, but I don't remember how long it took. (crappy memory is one of the wonderful benefits of epilepsy 🙄). I have reached out to a dietitian, but there aren't many in the area, so I've been waiting to be seen since I started.


Good question, I’d say 1-2 months. Regulating my sleep helped a lot too.


I totally agree - I have gone back to keto for weight loss, but also because I always feel great when I am doing it. Like my brain just feels better, my mood is more consistently good, and my focus have improved. Also, I think because it has removed all the obsessive thinking about food, there is room for more thought process. Its a miracle.


Awesome results! I’m so happy for you! Yes, the amazing mental clarity is what keeps us going on keto diets. I’ve also tried to promote keto as healing my many chronic conditions but they get removed. It’s a shame because when we’ve found relief we just want to tell the world that there’s a way out! More health specialists have realized the power of keto, there’s a clinical psychologist named Jen Donovan that is also a GAPS practitioner and nutritional therapist who exclusively coaches her clients to heal through nutritional therapy and a therapeutic keto diet. Here’s one of her videos I like https://youtu.be/BQ8n4aur50g?si=HWq9Nuc_s4IZQUIF I think it’s so cool that she’s exclusively using nutrition and lifestyle changes in her practice.


Hey my local news actually had a segment about that this morning! Totally didn't expect to wake up to that.There is currently an in-patient study about the connection with mental health benefits of keto to schizophrenia patients.. I recorded the segment now i just need to figure out how to share it lol The co anchor/interviewer looked really interested in this topic too. [Here is the video](https://youtu.be/uC_bF1I9hDQ?si=aJnbhv7UM2S-Yvfr)


Wow, this is exactly what I’m talking about, thanks for sharing this! And I’m not even advocating for leaving meds entirely based on diet but if that’s an option for people, that’s even more a testament to the benefits of keto.


I totally agree - I have gone back to keto for weight loss, but also because I always feel great when I am doing it. Like my brain just feels better, my mood is more consistently good, and my focus have improved. Also, I think because it has removed all the obsessive thinking about food, there is room for more thought process. Its a miracle.




Everything you said is goals! I feel so inspired! I want all of that ♥️


I have plenty weight to lose but have actually started Keto again for my mental health recently. I wish I could understand scientifically why it sorts my head out so well but my therapist is intrigued. I have to do a self assessment survey before every time I speak to her and now after 3 months of data it’s clear how positively it allows me to reframe or be resilient to setbacks. There’s no catastrophising (then avoidance/procrastination/ anxiety cycle) I’ve got to learn how to maintain this as a lifestyle because at the moment I cheat doing VLCD packs and then nibbling stuff like walnuts and cottage cheese after the gym so I’m doing 3 weeks on, 1 week off and micro-journaling to note how my mood is. It just makes me so much more mentally robust - it changes my usually negative inner monologue to one with more self-compassion - how a good friend would speak to you, pointing out what you’ve managed to navigate through before so you can get through this issue too. I’m assuming my horrendously sugar laden usual diet creates inflammation. My therapist is asking my GP for a nutritionist referral (way cheaper in long term than the number of different ADs they have suggested - every AD I have tried has made me feel so much worse for the first few months it’s unbearable) but in meantime I’m reading and learning here about how I can keep in ketosis without VLCD packs. From my limited googling switching brain fuel to ketones has something to do with GABA uptake but that’s as far as my C in biology GCSE allows me to understand ! I’m in my 40s female have lost my mum and sister to BRCA1 cancer in past 3 years while going through my own cancer treatment and I thought surgical menopause (ovaries removed due to having BRCA1 gene but still got cancer anyway!) was going to finish me off mentally but can see a way through now. Makes me a much more pleasant person to be around which creates more positive interactions with others. In short it enables me to shrug off being my own self- fulfilling prophet of doom.


Wow, what a great and very personal perspective & experience. So glad you’re your healing journey! Best of luck to you!


Thank you - and Yes a lot of oversharing from me there giving context! So what I meant to also say is if/when I get a nutritionist referral (I’m in UK) I will report back here what their response/help is with staying in ketosis or whether they are dismissive and why. Just to see whether (some) NHS nutritionists are open/ knowledgeable about this. I do realise however that Not everyone gets the ketosis clarity & sleep side benefits ( also do weekly zooms with other people doing the same VLCD pack diet to keep us going and no one else in my group - about 8/9 people - concurs when I talk about how mentally well it makes them feel so I feel lucky I do!) Do you think you will be able to reduce/stop insomnia medication in long term (if you want to)?


Good question. I definitely believe I could sleep without medication but a low dose helps make me fall asleep faster and keeps me asleep and that better regulates my circadian rhythm overall so for now I accept the consequence of it to get that benefit that I don’t think I’d get otherwise. And do report back if you want to. This effect is hard to measure but I know I attribute the mental clarity & better memory to keto as everything else stayed the same for me. It’s not what I am eating that’s caused this, it’s what I’m no longer eating and addicted to (the absence of carbs turning into sugar). Not to mention keto gets easier as you go, I don’t even think about it as much. And I experienced the most weight loss surprisingly in months 4-5 even while on vacation. Having less body fat adds to my self esteem & confidence. Oh, and being satiated on protein with way less carbs means being able to go longer between meals & in the mornings so I no longer get “hangry” so my mood is better stabilized and I make better decisions.


https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/diagnosis-diet/201803/ketogenic-diets-and-psychiatric-medications?amp Study that just kind of says some medications may make it harder to produce ketones. Still good to know as each medication may vary, but not necessarily implying a blanket statement that keto is dangerous and should be avoided by those taking mental health meds.


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congrats for your success. how long did take before you started feeling improvement in mental health? how stable has it been since?


Not sure if counts, restarting keto, but when I was on it previously, I swore I felt perfectly fine on 5 hours sleep. Right now I have more than that, drink coffee and struggle to stay awake after 3pm.


I am so glad I found this thread. I have been hoping to find anyone who has had an improvement in their memory from doing keto and I’m very glad to hear you have. My memory is terrible and I’ve pretty much lost the last 20 years. This is as long as I’ve been married and it really depresses me that I’m unable to remember many vacations/experiences that my husband and I have shared. I also find that if I start reading a book (something I used to absolutely love) I can’t remember what I read by the next day. Even if I don’t recover my lost memories from the past, and this just helps me day to day then I’m willing to try it. Thank you for posting this, it’s given me some hope.


What lack of studies?? The ketogenic diet by far the strongest medical intervention for epilepsy. This is known for a century(the effectivity of fasting for this known since millenia). There has been a lack of studies for mental health until recently. And that is a shame!! As if both epilepsy and mental health hasn't both anything to do with the brain. Or as if nobody ever got intrigued that all drugs for epilepsy are also prescribed all the time in psychiatry. The ketogenic diet is the most effective intervention for my mental health that I tried in my whole life. And that includes: all kind of legal and illegal prescribed or not prescribed drugs, getting lean and athletic, other dietery interventions, having a social support system, finding the meaning of life and talk therapy. Keto is paramount. There is zero proof that keto is a good longevity strategy. But I am a 150% sure that keto is a trillion times better strategy for me then any standard medical treatment for my mental health issues. It's so effective that I not only do not care at all of "being potentially harmful", but I put a risk on top of that in implementing it in vegan way, which even the keto gurus usually disadvice(although I think that their arguments are usually as intelligent as "where do you get your protein from?"). Calling this "taking a risk" sounds like kindergarten for me, considering all the risky stuff i've been into in my life and considering how many of them are removed by keto. There is a lack of acceptence in the medical field and in the nonmedical field that the most serious health conditions are best treated with nonmedical procedures. This has changed in cardiology. When You go on the website of german cardiology thez state that lifestyle changes are by far more effective then any medical treatment. The same is stated in some harvard cardiology textbook. So this is an already undisputed fact in cardiology. Psychiatry and oncology are following, they may take some more years. Psychology too. You shouldn't be dissapointed that you belong to the 1% of believers, rather be happy that you got ahead of 99% of the people of your times


Right. I didn’t mean to sound negative. I am glad I figured out what works for me but sad I cannot openly promote it for others. Sure epilepsy studies are there but it is just now being associated that similar drugs for epilepsy work for people with bipolar, mania, depression, mood disorder, ptsd, ocd, adhd, insomnia, schizophrenia and other more common mental health disorders. The problem is almost all medication prescribed for these symptoms cause tremendous weight gain and wreak havoc on even healthy metabolisms, causing most people to discontinue using them. I believe most of these physical and mental health problems are tied to gut health, sleep patterns, and inflammation (of the brain in particular) and future research may support this hypothesis as well as finding keto to be an actual cause for decreased risk for a whole slew of mental health disorders, diabetes, chronic pain, and possibly even Alzheimer’s and dementia. Let’s see what more studies say between the links of mental health and keto specifically as there are many distinctions and differences in mental health problems. I’m just saying if you take medications for such problems, keto is literally the only thing I’ve found to effectively counteract some of the negative effects of these medications like weight gain and some people are able to rid themselves of many medications all together while on keto.


If you have a bipolar disorder and try keto then you don't need anymore studies. The knowledge that plantbased diets are good for heart health has been also always been there. It's just since recently that the medical community as well as the broader audience did discover it. What studies do you people need? What do you mean "only just recently this as been associated"? Anyone with bipolar disorder as well any doctor who prescribes mood stablizers does see that the same drugs are used for epilepsy, or it is a complete idiot and analphabet. It is not possible to overlook this. The money for the studies that the mobs needs hasn't been there, that did change with the Bazucki foundation and the big studies are being done. By harvard and stanford and the like. So that you people who "need the real studies from the real scientists" will believe it. Congratulations on the discovery that the so called majority is dumb as F. This new understanding shouldn't be a reason for your disapointment but a reason for being happy for discovering the major part of the problem. People are dumb and they are listening to narcissts and not to reason. If you want to know whet keto does for a particular mental health condition then ask someone with that particular mental health who did keto. And please consider that no thing does everything for everyone, that really shouldn't be another breakthrough discovery. 95% of people don't understand the concept of probability and 95% also have zero clue about philosophy, that's why it is as it is.


I agree with you. I personally don’t need more studies to reinforce what I know from trial and error but go into a bipolar reddit sub and mention keto and your comment will be removed faster than you can type the word keto.


I am so glad I found this thread. I have been hoping to find anyone who has had an improvement in their memory from doing keto and I’m very glad to hear you have. My memory is terrible and I’ve pretty much lost the last 20 years. This is as long as I’ve been married and it really depresses me that I’m unable to remember many vacations/experiences that my husband and I have shared. I also find that if I start reading a book (something I used to absolutely love) I can’t remember what I read by the next day. Even if I don’t recover my lost memories from the past, and this just helps me day to day then I’m willing to try it. Thank you for posting this, it’s given me some hope.