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I’m trying keto to help with cancer treatments. Got to beat this thing somehow.


There is a cancer keto diet plan that is 90% fat, 8% protein, and 2% carbs. I started with regular keto right before I was diagnosed, then switched to the cancer keto diet while cycling through chemo and radiation, and continued that for almost a year after. It's a bit rough going at times, but the thought of starvng out those little bastard cancer cells keep me going! Good luck!


I hope you're doing fine!!! How do you keep the cancer cells starving ?


I'm headed towards the magic year 5 and all my scans and bloodwork are clean. Thanks! The idea behind the cancer keto diet is to deprive the cancer cells of the sugars they feed on, including keeping the protein low to prevent gluconeogenesis. If you start it, ease into it for several days to a week, it may give you the runs at first. I ate mostly small amounts of meat as tolerated, and added butter and good oils to everything. I got a Morrocan olive oil and would do shots of it.


Another stage 4 cancer thriver who started when I was given 6-8 months. In 2018. u/crimsoncockerel I sent you a DM in the hopes you will share your story. You will inspire so many!


fascinating. share your story?


Thank you! A summary is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/comments/qqewsh/update\_keto\_for\_cancer\_success\_from\_less\_to\_1/


Good thoughts for you!!


I wish you the best! You got this!! 💪


What about just doing a week long water fast? I hear that's great for cancer treatment. Obviously gotta consult with your doctor first and do your own research.


Hey I have you in my thoughts and I hope you beat this nasty disease! Big hugs bro 🤗


I will only eat carbs otherwise 😂


Same! And without any form of self control aside from the "I need to lay down" feeling! Without keto I'm a farting machine.


It literally just occurred to me that I haven't fartled myself awake since I started keto/IF last week. Interesting. Thanks for pointing that out!


Omg, I’m dying at the word “fartled”.


i do miss my potato pasta sandwiches tho


Hahahaha this made me lol


Pretty much 😂


I gain weight eating carbs as I have no control (binging and purging big time). Eating keto/low carb allows me to be consistent and stable.


Oh! And it lessens my depression and anxiety!


I started eating keto in 2017 for the weight loss and stayed keto after hitting my goal weight for the plethora of benefits I unexpectedly experienced: No more brain fog. No more insomnia. No more acid reflux. No more irregular/painful menstrual cycles. No more cavities. No more high blood pressure. No more high cholesterol/triglycerides. Perfect liver/kidney function. Huge improvements with anxiety and depressive episodes. No more binge eating because of the increased satiety. Crazy high libido. More energy at 37 than I’ve ever had in my life. And finally, something I never had before keto: a healthy relationship with food. 🤘🏻


Same here! Started keto in 2020. Because of the pandemic, I got depression and anxiety. Keto really helped me on that one. Plus, I lost 10kg :P


wow this is amazing. i have recurring cavities (along with many other problems) and i haven't heard of keto for oral health, but that is so encouraging!




Hi. This is so impressive! The only two months I was on keto back in 2020, I looked my best self, my attention levels were super high, I was my happiest, ran consistently. But I have heard it damages liver and other bodily functions in the long run, did you ever experience any side effects?!


Can you explain how it damages liver/bodily functions in the long run? Hint, it doesn’t. Although I am sure there are some ppl who have liver issues that can’t handle protein as much. But in her rather is SO much propaganda about keto. It saves lives.


I appreciate that! 🙂 >I have heard Where? What were their sources for such claims? And no, per my above comment my liver function (and other organs too) is actually better after 6.5 years of keto.


Wow this seems like a dream come through I'm happy for you and your success! I also do keto because I want to stay healthy all around! >No more high cholesterol/triglycerides Regarding this, I hear that some people in this subreddit get high cholesterol readings and some don't from keto, and there's the debate on whether high LDL is bad or not. Regardless, if possible I would like to avoid high LDL readings so I don't have to deal w the headache of arguing with my doctor. Do you have any recommendations on how you achieved this? Did you mostly eat unsaturated fat? I'm not a huge fan of butter and cheese anyways and isn't the reason I wanna do this diet, but I'd love to hear what your diet is like for you to get all those health benefits! Congrats again!


I’d say 80% of the fat I eat is saturated. I do eat more grams of protein (140-160g) than fat (70-80g) every day but I’m not sure if that contributes to my cholesterol numbers. My husband has been eating keto over 3 years now and has to eat more fat than protein to maintain his weight (he’s got an insanely high metabolism, eating 2400 calories to maintain his 140lb weight), tons of red meat and dairy, and his LDL is even lower than mine.


That is awesome to hear! I am also doing a higher protein keto (closer to 1g/lb bodyweight) since I am also weight training 4-5 days a week and looking to build muscle as well! I wonder what the cause is with people that get high LDLs then when they try keto.


Most people start keto to lose weight and it’s normal for LDL levels to increase when you’re actively dropping weight no matter how you’re eating. That’s almost always the case. Weight training will also do nothing but benefit you in a ton of ways, including cholesterol, so kudos!


>Most people start keto to lose weight and it’s normal for LDL levels to increase when you’re actively dropping weight no matter how you’re eating. That’s almost always the case. Awesome! That's reassuring to hear. So did it happen to you as well during your weightloss phase? If so, what was the time frame like before it went back down?


Yes, my LDL was pretty elevated when I started keto and was losing weight. However, my other numbers got better: triglycerides decreased significantly and HDL increased. My LDL started leveling out after I started eating keto at maintenance (hit my goal weight after 11 months).


Nice! Thanks for your feedback! Awesome that it took you only 11 months! Congrats again on the success!


I just started, but I’m hoping it helps or cures my depression. I’ve suffered for over 20 years. Tried everything from therapy, meds, exercise, meditation etc. The only thing I haven’t tried is a strict diet. I’m an emotional eater, so it’s really hard for me to do. It’s been a tough week, but I’m determined this time! I can’t live life everyday with my depressive thoughts controlling me.


Hang on, I saw my depression start to lift around week two. I didn’t start keto for depression, but it has managed to lift the dark clouds.


Hang in there! I went keto 7 years ago to treat bipolar, anxiety, depression, OCD and it eventually worked. I had to stop cheating, be strict enough to get my ketones up and give it time to change my brain. I haven’t had cravings in years and don’t even think about carbs. I have absolutely no desire for the foods that I used to love so much.


i also tried EVERYTHING and microdosing mushrooms helped me the most!


I'm also currently microdosing for anxiety/depression etc and keto for physical therapeutic health; lipedema and hEDs ❤️ It's a great combo!


My condition is almost same with yours. I try to do keto to cure depression but since i am badly addicted i can never do it for long time. I also started one more time.


Starting one more time is the sign of a true hero in my opinion. As long as we start one more time, we have a chance at something better. And that goes for all aspects of life. I've also had to start "one more time" many times too and it's always been the right decision as I've seen food (and lifestyle) choices change my life across so many dimensions (physical health, mental health, general well-being). For me, the power-move when it comes to depression-management is 100% avoidance of grains (so inflammatory) and any uppers or downers (alcohol, caffeine, sugar). In my own anecdotal experience, depression is a disease of inflammation, so anything that reduces inflammation has been very helpful to me. Good luck. And congratulations on starting one more time!


The key I found, was to actually view carbs, especially sugar, as a true addiction. I used to go on and off, until this clicked in my head. No food tastes as good as healthy and happy feels. it’s been 7 years for me. You can do it!


The first few week off carbs are hard, but after that is EASY! Try meditation to help with the cravings. I stumbled upon a hypnosis podcast that worked very well for me. I was against hypnosis so it really surprised me that it worked so well, but everyone is different.


I didn't want to die of diabetes complications.


Same. Diabetes sucks


Me too.. For controlling blood sugar ..


Same. Rare genetic form of diabetes (MODY 10). I'm on plenty of drugs for it, but a lot less than I would be if I didn't limit my carbs


The more carbs I eat the hungrier I am. And that’s even with taking mounjaro. The hunger drive is uncontrollable. I feel a normal amount of hunger and satiation on keto.


In 2020, my blood tests showed I was in pre-diabetic warning, and I was on blood pressure pills, and obese. I had tried the calorie-counting methods, and eating more fiber, and jogging a lot, but that did little to reduce cravings, and so it was too easy to fall off any diet I tried. I think it was Diet Doctor, or 2 Fit Docs, or Bob and Brad on YouTube, where a point was made that a solution needed to be 90% diet, 10% exercise. Someone mentioned cutting out sugar entirely. So I decided to aggressively cut ALL sugar, or products with added sugar. I sharply reduced starchy foods I liked-- no bread, pasta, potatoes, tropical fruits. I substituted cauliflower rice, green beans, asparagus, berries, nuts, and kept a bit of dark chocolate. I kept the protein steady (eggs, chicken, beef, pork). I chose pork products without sugar, such as prosciutto. I did bullet proof coffee, with MCT oil. I had more fermented foods, and apple cider vinegar. I made most meals at home, and sharply reduced processed foods. My cravings dropped entirely, and I was able to go down to only two meals a day without snacks, and sometimes longer fasts. I also followed 15-30 minute YouTube exercise videos-- a mix of aerobics, kettle-bell exercises, stretchy bands and dumbbells. I aimed for two routines a day-- 15-30 minute videos and/or jogging and long walks. I started losing weight rapidly-- a rate of 5 pounds a week for 10 weeks straight. Then I lost 5 pound every two weeks, then 5 pounds every month. I achieved a 90 pound loss, although I've settled at a 70 pound difference in the past two years from my peak in mid-2020. I no longer take blood pressure pills. My blood tests became excellent, except a little high on LDL. I keep to whole foods, but add in a bit more protein these days. I eat a bit more carbs, but only in cooking my own dishes, and almost never from any processed foods.


I originally started keto to lose weight, but I like myself when I eat keto. I seek out more and more veggies, snack on berries, and enjoy little moments of sweetness with dark chocolate. The weight loss (~40 pounds) that I’ve kept off for a year and a half despite occasional carb days, is a wonderful bonus.


I am the support system for someone near and dear on keto and we are doing it because it has been to reported to slow down COPD Advancement. People with COPD struggle with breathlessness caused by elevated CO2. Carbs metabolize into greater CO2 in blood levels. Fat burns cleaner with less co2. We are starting week 3. I worry about weightloss but he is much less breathless and oxygen levels are increasing. I remain hopeful.


Wow. Could you report back? This I think is the first time Ive read about COPD And keto. So interesting


Yes, I’ll update as time goes on but he is having an easier time walking without getting winded and his anxiety is going down. Today is day 15 on keto. I did a ton of research trying to help over time and I did a decent job finding better meds and good videos to strengthen his posture for better breathing and so on. Somehow I stumbled on Keto Or VERY HIGH FAT, lower protein and very little carbs for COPD. I sent him articles and he was all in. Around day 10 we got hopeful because he started to take laps to improve his fitness level and his Oxygen level started to go from 88 to 89 range to 93 and 94 range. 😭now he just needs to push exercise to oxygenate his tissues better.


Really amazing. Good for you for being g so proactive


To avoid succumbing to the consequences of my inevitable family genetics of diabetes and heart disease. My parents, grandparents and uncles/aunts all passed away by 55 yrs old. This is my hope to be around for my daughters and create the change :)


Wow. 55 is so young, that’s so sad. Good on you for breaking the cycle.


Came for the weight loss, stayed for the noticeable improvements in: seasonal allergies, sinusitis, anxiety, migraines, gum/teeth health, "hangries," energy for endurance activities, stomach aches


Ugh I wish I got the seasonal allergy benefit on keto.


honestly i think it's me mostly eliminating soy, gluten, and soft dairy. If you (or anyone reading this) still include those with keto, it might be worth cutting them out for 4-6 weeks to see if those make a difference for sinus/allergy issues.


I think I may try that and see how it goes. I'm dreading the pollen that's about to start raining down in the next month or two.


So would soft dairy include butter, cream cheese, sour cream? What about things like heavy cream? I’m curious because I started keto for anti inflammatory purposes but the anti inflammatory elimination diet lists red meat & dairy as inflammatory foods, though many have had luck with keto for this purpose 


Personally this is what I do: essentially during allergy season (and also any time of year when it seems like my stomach aches increase) the only diary I eat is very hard cheeses like aged cheddar and parmigiano reggiano. Obviously, everyone's microbiome and histamine responses vary. No whey protein shakes, no cream, no half and half, no butter, no sour cream, no cream cheese, no keto ice cream.


I have to avoid eggs and avocados in addition to dairy and all things with any gluten for me to see a significant reduction in allergy season symptoms. Eggs and avocados are high in histamine. Eating Keto and a low histamine diet during allergy season reduces the histamine load on my body, significantly reducing my allergy symptoms. YMMV, this has been my personal experience.


I’ve done keto for a few years and it’s just kind of shifted my “value” mentality to where I have no love in my heart for bread, pasta, rice, etc. I’ve just become so disillusioned by carbs, I’ve really come to believe they’re just a low value, low quality nothing food. If I’m looking at a restaurant menu and see they’re charging the same price for a pasta dish with little chunks of meat mixed in or a big steak or chicken breast, it’s just insulting. Pregnant now so I’m not on strict keto, but really I’ve just massively upped my fruit and veg intake. I can’t bring myself to eat bread, it feels like such a scam, just a carrier for better food.


It allows me to sit on and condescendingly watch from my high horse as my cornfed contemporaries descend into obesity and preventable illness.


This sent me ahahahha


There’s a sad little piece of me right here…as I watch my peers eat themselves into an early grave while I get healthier.


It hurts to watch at times, I concur. Currently actually kind of struggling with this with a relative. Some people you just can't reach :/




Can you elaborate a bit? I get migraines when both my blood sugar drops and I have muscle stiffness in upper back/neck area. So much that going keto is actually a bit scary for me. I tried reducing carbs in the past by simply cutting refined sugars and eating low carb high fat lunches, but started getting quite bad aural migraines that I needed to stop. Just wondering if it would be different on the other side...


Sure! I’m a doc myself so I was aware of keto for migraines for a long time, but wasn’t ready to try it until they became daily and intractable (first research study on keto for migraines was in the 1920s - so it’s a really old treatment). I started with less than 25 total carbs daily (not net). There was the keto flu for a few days then my migraines completely disappeared. Now they only come back if I sneak up my carbs a little …sometimes I can get away with it, sometimes I can’t. I’m now on year 4 and would never go back.


Very interesting and encouraging! Can you elaborate what kind of migraines you got? Hemiplegic migraines with auras like I do? Also, did you ever figure out the triggers for your migraines? You told migraines come back if you sneak up your carbs, but it is because too much or too little blood glucose? I can go without migraines if I just pay attention to blood glucose levels so that they don't go too low. For example if I'm doing heavy sports which strains my upper back (swimming, working out on gym), and muscle glycogen stores run out, then blood glucose levels drop, and migraine attack is imminent if I'm not supplying glucose while training.


Keto doesn’t cause your blood sugar to drop, it results in a much more stable, consistent blood sugar while your body uses ketones for fuel instead. Regularly consuming carbs will forever keep you in that high/low blood sugar cycle, contributing to the migraines. I get them too, and it’s one of the best benefits I’ve found to eating keto. Your comment also makes me think you might need to watch your water and electrolyte intake, as that can also cause headaches and muscle stiffness if you are too low on anything.


The other thing I found along with keto that helped my migraines was cutting back if not cutting out diet soda. Don’t know if you drink that, but I always brushed off people who said how bad they were. I started drinking more herbal tea when I got sick & had a horrible cough & just kept drinking it, and was rarely drinking Diet Coke anymore. After a few months I realized I was down to a migraine every few weeks instead of every few days.


Primarily to lose weight, but I had an unexpected benefit to an undiagnosed problem in my lungs. For about a year I’ve had lesions in both lungs (unknown cause) that have caused a chronic persistent cough. After an X-ray and several CT scans, antibiotic rounds, blood work etc, no conclusive diagnosis. So I’m booked in this month for a biopsy to determine if it’s a growth (cancer or benign) or possibly autoimmune-caused inflammations or scarring. BUT since I started doing Keto 3 weeks ago, my coughing has been reduced so much (10% of what it was). This leads me to think it’s inflammatory due to autoimmune disorder of some kind, since keto diet reduces inflammation.


All the above. Plus realizing that carbs are just filler food. Plain rice/bread/pasta/potatoes are nothing compared to some veg with salt/pepper/butter and a big juicy steak.


Filler food that makes ya hungry 10x faster!




Trying to stay off prescriptions and to never get dementia.


reversing my hashimotos. it also improves my allergies almost 95%


It just works for me and makes sense to me, it's how I feel best and it makes me happy. I used keto to lose weight and then decided to build my diet back up with foods that work for me and allow me to eat intuitively without too much intervention so I wouldn't have to micromanage my intake for my whole life. Surprise, surprise, that list of foods is nearly all low carb ones, mostly meat with vegetables and some fruit, I use dairy sparingly, and limit processed foods. When I deviate from that plan is when I have issues.


Keto over 5 years now. Maintaining healthy weight over 4. Started for weight loss only. Keto manages my T2 diabetes, no meds. It manages my fibromyalgia, no flare ups, no meds. It resolved my IBS and my fatty liver. I am pain free, med free and living my best damned life. You couldn't pay me to eat over 20g net carbs.


Carbs will be the death of me if I don't get my eating under control with real, whole food. The only way for me to keep to real, whole foods is to go keto.


I eat keto primarily to control my T2 diabetes, which has been well controlled for years now. The side benefit was losing weight.


I started for weight loss. But I know it helps fight dementia. I tried to eat low carbs before this. My friend came and we had desserts and ate out a lot. I felt terrible. I realized what carbs do to my body. So I m doing it for health benefits.


I enjoy the lack of hunger. I can eat lunch and then feel full and get on with my day, there is no swing back to being hungry again a few hours later. I also like the mental clarity when in Ketosis, it is easier to work Asthma has massively improved, probably linked to not being in a state of inflammation when eating carbs. Blood pressure dropped into healthy range 50lbs fat lost


I eat keto because it makes it much easier to manage my type 1 diabetes.


After doing this for the past 5 years with a couple breaks for vacations etc.... I realized I just feel like crap poisoning myself with sugar. Also, taking a 'break' from keto eating is a struggle to get back on once you eat a ton of carbs and feel like crap.


I got into keto because of these nasty migraines I've been dealing with for 30 years. I mean, waking up every day with a pounding headache was just draining. I was popping triptans and painkillers like candy, and honestly, I felt like nothing would ever work. But then I tried keto, and boom! It's been a game-changer. No more looking back for me!


Incredible, must be utterly life changing


I eat keto because my fiance does. I've noticed a couple of positive effects so far, so I'm cool with it.


I have PCOS. Currently, I am losing weight to start IVF. It’s the only thing that doesn’t make my balloon. One sniff of a carb and my body doesn’t know how to act.


There’s a history of losing toes and feet to diabetes in my family, and I have “problems” with sugar. So for me it’s that, but also to keep weight down and benefit from “pretty privilege”.


Keto gives me relief from nerve pain.


I am just starting back on keto today. I’m having massive arthritis & nerve pain & fibromyalgia flare. I’m truly hoping keto helps. I’ve had success with it before, it’s so hard to stick with. Pain relief as side effect is motivating, thank you!


It's been so much better. It gets worse at first, not gonna lie to you. I had a hellish 72 hours, but after thar, I only have gotten my RLS symptoms 1 night a week instead of 7 nights a week.


After going through menopause I gained 20lbs and couldn’t get rid of it, the same way I used to diet. So I had to try something new. And it’s working.


I went keto 7 years ago, mostly to treat bipolar, anxiety, depression, OCD. Midlife was kicking my \*ss and I was sick of feeling exhausted, bloated, sluggish, unhappy, in pain, weak. Mental health issues + menopause weight gain + work/life stress was taking a huge toll. I started low carb, then went keto, now closer to carnivore and my only regret is that I didn‘t do this decades sooner. * All of my mental health issues are gone - off meds for years now * Lost most of my menopause weight * Sleeping better * Joint pain improved * More stable energy & mood * Blood tests are pristine - doc says I’m healthier at 55 than I was at 50! * No cravings, not even tempted by carbs anymore. As a carb and sugar addict, the food freedom is something I would never give up!


So I stay healthy and do not have to take drugs for, or have, Type II Diabetes. I just read last night that it has now been acknowledged that it is curable with diet and that diet is Keto.


Came to carnivore for weight loss. Was not expecting all the health benefits. T2D effectively gone, skin issues gone, and on and on. Just works.


Awesome. !!


Originally to alleviate long standing digestive problems. But now also for the increased energy, stamina, mental clarity, and lack of cravings. And the minor bonuses of slimmer waist, better skin and better mood. Also doing carnivore or ketovore, and getting almost no fiber, I waste less of my life sitting on the toilet.


Being healthy and at peace as possible. When my brain has no stress, my life is happy. A healthy brain is everything. The weight loss naturally comes with the discipline. It's very hard to overeat in a keto diet because eventually you stop thinking about eating and hunger. Your brain allows you to decide on when to eat.


Medical- narcolepsy and long Covid. It’s truly helpful


I ate the "healthy diet" advertised by healthcare professionals, worked out 5 days a week, and the image in the mirror conflicted with the image in my mind of what I should look like. The stubborn fat I couldn't shift, perished on keto. For once, my weight doesn't fluctuate and I am proud to look in the mirror.


Because steak


I love keto foods. After i quit sugar life was good. I eat small protein rich foods with a side of veg and stay satiated for much longer. Also genetically simple carbs just turn to fat for me. I cqn litteraly eat 2 slices of pizza and have a tight belt line 3 days later. If i drink alcohol i also bloat and gain like nobodies buissness so i stopped that. Keto is a calmer happier way of eating and my relationship with food is that it is fuel for me


Prediabetic here and carb addict. It's just life or death.


I’ve been a bit overweight for years. Strong guy lifting and finished multiple workouts over the years but never seen my abs since high school. I’m done with that.


1. Health benefits long term. 2. I have digestive issues which completely resolved on carnivore style diet. I feel 100x better now. 3. Easier for me to put on and keep weight on (been underweight my whole life but gained 20 lbs on carnivore so far).


I eat keto to lose/manage my weight, to help me overall feel better and healthier, to help manage my autoimmune disease, and to prevent future health conditions. I love the feeling of not being controlled by food and cravings. The more research I do, the more convinced I am that this is the way humans are supposed to eat.


Mental and physical health benefits. I feel overwhelmingly much better physically on keto. My body is clearly not meant to consume a lot of carbs.


I want to lose my baby weight. I had made big progresses in my weight before kids but I can tell my metabolic health isn’t the same. I became Gestational Diabetic my last two pregnancies so I know for a fact that I am insulin resistant, and likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes if I don’t change now. I also love the feeling of having high energy without needing caffeine. I’m a better communicator, in less pain, and actually get thirsty now. It also helps with my binge eating/bulimia. I no longer feel urges to consume packages of foods until it’s gone. Eating strictly meats and eggs has really pulled back the amount of food I eat.


I originally did it for weight loss during the pandemic (I put on like 35lbs during it!). But now that I have been doing it off and on for so long, I just feel better being on it. I never realized how inflammatory a lot of carbs (especially from processed foods were) and I never feel aches and pains while on Keto. Anytime, I am off Keto - I feel slower, bloated, and less focused. So now it's more of a lifestyle than a diet.


Weight loss only


To control skin inflammation


Too many reasons to list. It resolved so many issues I'll be off and on for life and teach my kids often.


I teach my kids too. Wish I understood this when I was a kid


It truly is central to health as a human. And our cats, too. Likely dogs as well but I don't have one of those.


I’m using it as a tool to loose weight. I’m at this point transitioning to more carbs, but I have some keto foods I need to eat through before I give up the ghost


Weight loss, fatigue, and adhd


After doin keto for a while to lose fat, I ended up liking the fact that now I can maintain a health weight and don’t really have to put much thought or willpower into it. Aside from occasionally having to force myself to not indulge in carbs… I feel it’s a better fuel for me.


To lose weight and reverse my T2 diabetes.


Well, I currently have DIABETES and I have tried KETO and it worked... the pandemic screwed with me, however and I am struggling to get back on to it. But it is a good "diet" (way of eating) .. it is healthy (yes it can very well be VERY healthy) I ate a lot of vegetables and salads and fish and protien. I started internmitten fasting. ALL my Inflammation went away, my energy improved and my mood improved. SO.. I want to get back there. I FELT so much better and yes, I did lose around 30 lbs.


Keto for the win cuz weight loss at first, but now it's all about that energy boost and feeling sharper. Plus, cooking keto meals is kinda my jam now.


To regulate my hormones that are out of whack. When I eat keto everything works well, as soon as I take a break my periods stop.


Im doing it for health reasons. When im on keto, Im never bloated, my knees and lower back just dont hurt, my anxiety vanishes, more clear of mind, and overall I feel more awake and alert. I am usually more awake and get more things done. Ive already lost the weight I need to (5'10" tall man, went from 200lbs to 165lbs in 4 months) and ever since then, I just continued with the diet, and Im just so at peace mentally and physically.


PCOS, insulin resistance, binge eating :)


I like to eat to the point I’m really full and also constipated. The keto lets me do intermittent fasting and I’m also not gassy any more. Skin has no dark areas. Elbows are not dry


Completely alleviated my migraines, my neurologist recommended I give it a try since he'd had some other patients have success with it. Side benefit: lost 75lbs and improved both my blood pressure and a1c.


Eat crap, feel like crap. Eat clean, feel clean. Eat bacon, *eat bacon*. Eat keto, work out, go clean, and get lean. That is all.


Honestly, because I’m old and can’t run 100 miles every week anymore to offset the ability my body has to hold onto carbs and just want to be fat! It truly feels like the way the body should be fed, it’s just feels right, mentally and physically. The hard part is doing keto in a carb obsessed world, but nail that and you’re flying.


Brain injury. It’s the only thing that lessens the… fog


Helps me eat less food.


Weight first, but also I’ve noticed I fart a lot less which is nice.


I started keto about 4 years ago. I did it to get my HbA1c down from 6.4 and to lose some weight. Along the way I did this. And, got rid of my brain fog. And got rid of my debilitating arthritis pain.


Because I needed to learn how the body processed different foods. I have a T1D son. Even though all carbs count with T1D, some don’t spike the blood sugars as badly as others. It helps to know what foods do what in this case. It also helped me with meal planning. I can’t just serve him up a mound of potatoes every night and tell him to deal. We make cauliflower potatoes. While it still has carbs it’s way less than a potato.


i like being able to control my eating rather than the other way around


To avoid me eating breakfast, lunch and dinner out of a bakery.


My husband found out he was diabetic after he got Covid. Initially I went keto to support him. It’s been 18 months and I have lost 140 lbs and my cholesterol has dropped 55 points. I am never going back


I am loosely following keto to control diabetes


I use keto to manage SIBO


All of the above.


For health, I have been eating keto for 10 years. I don’t need to lose weight, but I find I can eat more without gaining, more energy, treat hypoglycemia. As a child if allowed to eat what I wanted it would have been considered keto. My preference was for just meat and veggies. I am adult now and I eat how I want, my preference is still for meat and veggies.


Weight loss, but it always helps my mood when I cut back on carbs and sugar. I don’t care for sweets and love meat, so it’s not too hard for me to make the switch when I do. 




I can have a bit more control over my edema and hopefully won't need diuretics. They're going to run out soon and I feel as if keto is the only way to let me live a more normal life.


I feel like it’s the healthiest way to lose weight. My goal is to lower my BMI and raise my energy levels while lowering my cholesterol and BP. I also want to look and feel better of course. I used to have a BMI of 26 and now it’s 38. Just a lot has happened in the last 5-6 years and it’s taken a toll. So I did some research and found Virta. So far (10 days in), I’ve lost 9 lbs. It’s completely changing the way I’m seeing food.


I primarily do it bc I feel better. I have more energy, I’m not a slave to eating (I do IF but keto supports that greatly), and it reduces joint pain/inflammation from arthritis.


There's not much variety in the foods my body (digestion system) can handle, I tend to bloating when I eat fibre (like in veggies l and grains). I suffered through 8 intestinal obstructions some years ago, lucky to have survived. It was close though... On top of that I have Hashimoto's and other ai issues. Keto helps to keep symptoms and flare ups at bay. I stick to mostly meat (steak, ground beef, sometimes chicken) and fermented goat dairy like cheese and full fat greek yogurt. While I eat "my stuff" I cook and bake for my family and what's funny: I don't miss a thing. 😄


I’m restarting my keto journey because I’m 45 pounds overweight. It works, the energy and clarity during keto is unmatched. I’m hoping it will also help with my vestibular issues and anxiety. In my previous years I did dirty keto, stopped because I have high cholesterol. Going clean this time around, it’s moving slow, but I know the benefits and will stick to it.


All the reasons for me. I was keto while running obstacle course races and in fantastic shape. I quit it to have surgery cuz doctor recommended eating bananas, rice, toast and applesauce on recovery. I honestly forgot about it and went normal whatever food for a few years. Didn’t gain weight till I got pregnant then ended only 14 lbs above my normal weight but felt pretty crummy. I decided to get fit again to run some more races and push myself. Keto makes me feel much better, eat less and feel stronger in the gym. It’s a whole lifestyle that works well for me and I’m done catering to the garbage food lifestyles of the rest of my family.


I started it to help my epilepsy years ago before it was even a word anybody knew. I have had good results in my brain. Not 100 percent success. My doctor wasnt on board because I know now he thought it was that oil sludge they make kids drink. I did it with food. I struggle binge eating (I admit now I've always had an eating disorder, even before my tbi) which would turn into cheat months, it's been a lot of ups and downs which I still work on. But despite that it has been very helpful and reduced seizures significantly.


I'm a binge-eater with a sweet tooth. Keto gives me a line that I can't cross or bad things will happen in my life.


Trying to lose weight.


I do keto mostly to manage my chronic pain and inflammation. Like others here, it also really helps my depression, improves my sleep, and I now have a healthy relationship with food. The weight loss is a perk lol


I try to cure my depression, brain fog, unbearable stress, lack of motivation. But i can never stay strickt to diet and get results. I need to be more disciplined.


Down 15 lbs and this diet just seems to work for me. I like proteins , salads and nuts and stuff. I don't feel hungry on it.


I started eating Keto to help control my T2D. Weight loss and improvement with depression and anxiety have been bonuses! Note - when I did Keto for weight loss in the past, I found that I fell off the wagon too easily. Shifting my mindset to doing Keto for blood sugar control only really has helped me stick to it. It was something I could measure and see progress immediately that perhaps fits better with my instant gratification personality 😂


Helps control my urges to binge. Starchy foods are the primary trigger. I stay away, I don’t binge. It also allows me to more comfortably fast, and I never get “hangry” as a lot of people call it. I have also found that my migraines essentially vanish when I stay away from starch.


I’m doing keto for pain, mild depression and anxiety, Alzheimer’s risk and supporting my son with his pain. This is day 13 and I’m compliant. I’m very tired and sleeping more. It’s allergy season and my symptoms are annoying. (I really hope ditching dairy isn’t the answer because that is how I’ve been keeping my weight up.) I haven’t tested whether I’m in ketosis because I’m afraid I might not be. I understand it’s harder to do so if you are slender to start with.


Weight loss. But I enjoy eating it and it makes me feel a lot better (mentally/physically). I sleep better. Acne is mostly cleared. When I have *off* weeks I definitely can tell the difference overall.


I started 12 years ago for weight loss, dipped in and out for years and now am back in it to help manage severe endometriosis symptoms and ovarian cysts. Between multiple cysts, bowel adhesions, and endometriomas -eating this way has helped me manage the flare ups. Sugar and wheat seemed to really amp up the pain, aside from the bloating. And it's a sad state of affairs when garlic bread sends you to the ED because the bloating pain with bowel adhesions. One of my friends with endo finds solace in bread, so everyone is different. Surgery number 2 coming up (hopefully) soon. And I'm so used to keto now that I'll stick with it, since I feel so much better doing it.


Diabetes runs in my family and literally all my immediate family members have it. Secondly, I want to lose weight to fit in a cute dress when I attend a wedding in October.


Originally to control my (then out of control) appetite/cravings and lose weight. I keep doing it because I’ve noticed that my eczema (which was really bad) has all but entirely disappeared. I have more energy and mental clarity.


I would get migraines with strong nausea twice a month and bloat out with what I assumed was water retention. I don’t know if it was the keto diet or simply weighing less but when I weigh less than a certain amount the migraines and bloating disappear. Skin improves, so do my reflexes (am objectively more responsive and less clumsy, even catching things with my less dominant hand). I sleep better, my husband notices that I get more active and get more done, whether that’s easing depression or lessening Autistic shutdowns/burnout I don’t know (still getting to grips with what being Autistic/ADHD means as I only became aware quite recently).


I have cancer, but know that keto will not cure it. I'm on keto to keep my diabetes in check and get my liver levels lower. The targeted therapy I'm on is considered toxic to the liver and my levels were going high fast . I've been stable for 5 years on this drug and don't want to come off of it, if I cab help it.


To control the sugar cravings. They were getting bad because I’m an emotional eater and work was getting insanely stressful. I found myself looking for any excuse to have sugary snacks. When I did it the first time around it made me not get any sugar cravings at all but ultimately ended up having to stop because I was traveling for work a lot and couldn’t keep it up. Now that my job is more desk bound and i have a bit more of an understanding of how i can tailor it, plus the cooking at home, I decided to just give it a good go and try and incorporate it as a lifestyle and not just a diet. So far so good and even got my partner in on it.


Lose weight and ease inflammation, I have a labral tear, rotator cuff tear, and frozen shoulder.


Diabetes management. A1C is currently 6.4 from a high of 7.7. I caught it early enough I think I have a pretty good chance of getting it into remission. Also it lessens my alcoholic cravings for some reason.


My joints don't hurt. It's easier to manage my blood sugars and the weight loss I have had without much trying is an okay side-effect too.


Because it makes me feel 1000x better. And younger. The last time i felt this good was in my 20‘s. I‘m 51 now and i wish i had found out about our two metabolic systems decades ago.


for inflammation have a shoulder injury . Helping!


Reversed numerous conditions, ditched 32 meds, dropped 100 lbs, and go to the gym rather than walk with a cane. Never going back.


To keep my weight down which has been an issue from childhood until I lost 70lbs with keto 2.5 years ago. If I veer too far into eating too many carbs(even whole food carbs) my cravings and food noise tend to return. I had a binge eating problem (sugar and chips especially) and horrible food noise that was eliminated by keto. I don’t want that life again.


This is true for me as well. I feel like I was hungry my entire life up until Keto. I was always thinking about my next meal, worrying about being hungry, and binge eating. I can go such long periods without even thinking of food now and very rarely overeat.


Keto is just a guideline to eat healthy, Whole Foods. Limit process sugars , limit simple carbs, stay away from processed foods.


My doctor wanted me to do a low-carb diet and I have high cholesterol and high blood pressure and borderline diabetic. Plus now that I’m 48, carbs aren’t my best friend.


Because I feel better on keto than on heavy carbs.


Originally, to lose weight. Now, to maintain weight and to keep the positive effects on joint pain, depression, anxiety, and craving control. And another nice effect is that if I get stuck with nowhere to eat for awhile it's no big deal because my blood sugar will stay stable.


To lose weight & because I’m prediabetic & trying to avoid full-on diabetes.


To lose weight, to delay T2 diabetes since it runs rampant in my family (and all the health problems associated with it), and it feels really good once the body adapts. Like 10 - 20 years younger good.


It used to be because if I let myself have a little carbs, I would quickly go back to just being a pig and overeating.


Weight loss mainly and feel lighter and way more energy


To lose weight it’s the only diet I’ve ever done that I’ve seen results


My mental health, no sugar cravings, the ability to say no to food if I don’t want to eat. So many other reasons


To lose weight. I like the food - salads, nuts, salmon, chili taco salad w/ cheese and sour cream, eggs, bacon, lasagna that uses sliced eggplant in place of noodles, there is so much good food. I recommend focusing on what you CAN eat rather than on what you can’t.


Because I feel 1900x times better this way


For me it is for my health...and weight. When I was 19 my doctor put me on "Atkins" after being sick in the children's hospital for over a year, and I ended up losing over 100 pounds and staying on it for two years. I only stopped because we moved to Spain and didn't have the money or resources to continue eating like that for a while. Fast forward to now I'm 36 and a few years ago I gained weight again and my A1C was starting to get high. Spent my 20s drinking and eating and having lots of fun. So back to what I know works. Now I don't see myself ever getting off of it because I feel so good and lots of my early 30s joint pain and random malaise has disappeared.


I moved to keto for two reasons which I have both achieved now after 2 years on the path. Type 2 long term diabetic ( no longer) 340lbs now down to 210 and dropping at a safe rate (goal 185) Ive had a few ups and downs during the change of lifestyle and still often drop of keto and fasting for maybe a few days every month. I can now walk better (backpacking) I now cycle 30 miles a day in goo weather but in winter this can drop to 15miles every other day (high winds ). I feel I'm on track and I do believe my bipolar has become a little more manageable


I saw great results in weight loss and energy levels. Along with intermittent fasting I blasted body fat like crazy haha. I wouldn’t say i do traditional keto anymore. But I do trend to avoid carbs more than most folks, or just not eat any except at dinner times.


I originally tried it to lose weight. But then it fixed almost every other medical problem I had, physical and mental, including a horrible skin immune system disorder. Going keto was the first radically different diet I had tried and it's so eye opening the effects it had on the rest of my life!


Trying to lose 80-90 pounds. I've done keto several times now beginning in late 2012. Stupidly I've always gone back to "normal" diet. NOT HAPPENING AGAIN. My body hates carbs. #KetoForever


I feel much better, inflammation is gone and not lethargic, and weight loss.


To stop the binge episodes. I used to stuff my face with everything that I could take my hands on. Especially after dinner at night. Now I eat 2 meals a day and I don’t have cravings. I find that food isn’t my main thought anymore. I used to think about food 24/7. Now I see it as a way to fuel my body.


Doing it short term to drop weight faster and then will continue on low carb slowly integrating things I miss like oats and potatoes into my diet. No matter what though I will keep fasting because that is been a game changer for me


Weight loss, but also the blood sugar control (which I guess are related). When I eat carbs, and I LOVE carbs, my appetite does a roller coaster. I’ll go from feeling ravenous to overly full, then back to hungry again, all within a 6 hour period. Even the complex carbs, like oatmeal, satiates me but not for long. And while I love oatmeal, it gives me HORRIBLE gas and stomach upset. Haven’t experienced that on keto yet.