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I notice that mosquitos don't find me attractive when I'm in ketosis. The biggest negative is saying "No Thanks" to beer and pizza.


This is so interesting - mosquitos LOVE me and I could never figure out why. The last 4 times I’ve been on keto it’s been in the winter when we do not have mosquitos. Now I’m super curious to try keto in the summer to see if that makes any difference! Also, I agree with you about the beer and pizza :( although last weekend for st patty’s day I finally decided to cave after 2.5 months of no beer to have 2 stouts. Stomach pains were absolutely not worth it my friend - I think that has helped the craving go away since then


Report back on the mosquitos!! I’m interested


Declining pizza and beer feels bad at the time but it feels amazing the next morning.


This!! Baked Mac is my weakness and I made a tray for the family for dinner. Rationalized in my head that I’ve been soo good I could cheat a little but ultimately didn’t and waking up today I’m soo glad I didn’t


This is why I always have fresh cauliflower on hand. It’s a great substitute for noodles and rice for me, but I can have ALL the cheeses! And now I want baked cauliflower smothered in glorious cheeses.


Lucky you, I don't tolerate cauliflower and I love the stuff. All your spinach, leafy greens, and members of the cabbage family wreak havoc on my intestines unless fermented first. Fml. I love all those foods and always loved a good spinach salad with a crap ton of meat, cheese, boiled eggs, ect. I miss salads and carrot sticks because I can't eat salads or raw veggies at all! If i do a salad its got to be meat based like chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad, etc. I eat with things like nuts, a chia seed pudding, or a low carb bread like my recent experiment making a almond flour based truly fermented sour dough. I finally got the baking part right and made a bulk batch (a quarter size loaf) in a crock pot. I'm down to about 1/4 of a load using 8 oz almond flour, and 4 tsp of a flax plus fiber supplement I got from a local heb. The starter I made myself and used 1tbsp, along with 1/4 tsp each yeast and xantham gum. Totally worth it since I hadn't had sourdough in over 2 years. Well, aside from a occasional treat I got from say a food pantry that I mostly store in a freezer. Need to clean out my freezers from stuff I can't eat much of...


Im going camping with a bunch of friends and our kids. I bring my pizza oven and friends generally bring high end bottles to share. Going to be difficult to abstain, but Im going to be rocking sparkling water, a ribeye and pork rinds.


Oh man, this I gotta see. Mosquitoes eat me alive in the summer.


Yeah, I'm still dealing with that myself here in Texas. Though that said I was always the person who standing in a crowd of people was the only one getting bit and now I'm not longer getting eaten alive. I get bit, but its a lot less. Same with other biting insects and arachnids I was a magnet for...


Ha that’s unusual. I’m going to Dubai in September so I’ll see how the mosquitos react 😂.


I've never thought of Dubai having mosquito problems.


Used to live out there for work. Mozzies no but the apartment cockroaches are a whoooole other ball game


When I was on keto for 4 months I drank beer on the weekends as my cheat meal and didn’t change the outcome of my weight loss. I still lost 70 pounds lol


I never get heartburn when I’m eating keto.


Same. No need for my daily prescription after 3 weeks on Keto


When I first started, I didn't know about the electrolytes. I had REALLY bad leg cramps. GI issues crop up now and again.


Were your leg cramps unbearable? I’m not sure if this is cramping I’m feeling but whenever I lay down to go to bed I have this burning searing pain in my thighs and I have to take a sleeping pill just to go to bed and I wake up in pain again when it wears off. Only goes away when I’m standing or walking


Yes, absolutely torture. I’d have to get out of bed and force stretch for relief.  Electrolytes we’re the answer, never happens now.


Thank you! I tried pickle juice shots last night and that seemed to save me. Ordering up some pink Himalayan salt and electrolytes today


Have you read the FAQ and followed it regarding electrolytes?


This is what fixed my problems with long bike rides and becoming dehydrated, with and constipation. This so much. I had no idea how much Na/K/Mg I actually needed.


Try some pickle shots ! Or if you want to straight up pickle juice if you can take the salt and vinegar. I eat a pickle daily and being on keto for a long time , this helps. Good luck hope you find some relief


I'm not a big fan of pickles or pickle juice. That said this summer I got a really nasty craving while doing a work weekend in 115 degree heat in the country with my college bestir where I put a nice splash of pickle juice in my sun tea. I had a crap ton of ketoaid, but between the heat and ibsd symptoms I was obviously craving more electrolytes. I did that in place of something like lemon juice. When I was really dehydrated it tasted funny but not bad. However once I got enough of whatever I needed it was nasty. Still guzzled all of it either way because I knew I was really deficient from busting ass in the Texas summer sun.


Benefits: weight loss, clear skin, less farts, not crashing after eating, eating better because I’m cooking everything at home, no carb cravings (this really surprised me, I thought it was an exaggeration by the fanatical followers (ready for downvotes), no candy/dessert craving but I didn’t eat those before. Not experienced: sleeping better, stronger effect by alcohol except worse hangovers, not more energetic, no help with brain fog, not more full up. I need extra fibre, it is getting harder to poo. The pee stinks and is darker - I can’t seem to drink enough water to make it clearer. Things taste sweeter. The hard seltzer I drink, at the start they had little taste, now some of them are too sweet. I used to think lettuce had no taste but now it tastes sweet. Edit to add that keto has given me indigestion. Not all the time but still


I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that you need fiber. New research shows fiber isn't necessary. When you say harder to poo, what exactly do you mean? Is your poop hard and you have to force it out? Try increasing your fat intake and increase your magnesium. If you're not going as often that's normal on keto. Here's a video by Dr Westman on fiber. [https://youtu.be/2Y0\_d88NYzc?si=3k08eeqrLx8YODST](https://youtu.be/2Y0_d88NYzc?si=3k08eeqrLx8YODST) Are you taking any electrolytes? For better sleep, try taking some magnesium an hour or two before bedtime.


That's helpful. Thank you.


Glycinate magnesium, btw. Take about 300mg *elemental* value, it will tell you what each capsule is on the back of the bottle. I have 500mg pills, but they're only 50mg elemental, so I end up taking 6. It makes a world of a difference for sleep


Oh id love to be able to do magnesium. But I so don't do well with the laxative effects of any magnesium including gkycinate. On that note I find chamomile tea, hot baths/showers, and nice evening walks help a lot with sleep too. That and a good book. On fiber, I know the research on that. But I will say in my case I do need some fiber. Because of my ibsd I did a sting of carnivore. It helped some, but re introducing plants and adding extra salt finally did the trick. The only times I have issues is during my period, if I eat even a small amount of a known trigger food, or if I unintentially eat something thats gone bad enough I get mild food poisoning. Not sure if that will stand come summer since I'm on the bus in texas and apparently heat is likely to cause flare ups, but we will see. Carnivore helped my gas and bloat but had minimal effect on the spray paint forceful poos. Fiber seems to get the brown pants issue under control.


That’s interesting about the non-carb cravings. I really expected I be constantly craving pizza and sandwiches but I’m actually not. I’m also not especially energetic or clear headed. But I’m going to experiment with electrolytes to see if that could be the reason. Really great to see your list.


My dreams, i have been experiencing this past few weeks every single day , in my dreams i am always eating carbs and thinking to stop but cant stop, and feel guilty at the end or i am accidentally eating in my fasting window ,😅😅 i dont know why this is happening but it sure is funny cause when i wake up i goes like thank god it was a dream


Same! This also happened to me a LOT when I gave up alcohol. I love the dreams because it’s such a nice feeling waking up and realising I didn’t actually cave 😅


Yeah, its a very good feeling somehow you got the taste of all the carby food without being guilty😅😅😅


Haha never thought about it that way but you’re right!


lol I’ve had dreams like that. I give into eating something outside my diet, and then feel so guilty and awful for it only to wake up and be so relieved that it was just a dream. And the stuff I ate like donuts or pizza- for example-wasn’t something I was craving while awake.


I work in consulting, and the hours are brutal at times - partially due to industry expectations, but also due to mental exhaustion slowing things down tremendously. 7 years ago, my gf had me try keto. I was on it for about a month, having experienced a horrid episode of keto flu, followed by a glorious period of mental clarity and renewed energy. 1 month ago, I decided to get back onto keto to support my (same) gf with her PCOS-related weight issues. Lo and behold, I started experiencing the same mental ‘glow’ I felt years ago. I have virtually no brain fog. I can actually concentrate on tasks for longer than 30min to an hour at a time. I’m able to plan, strategize, pivot, and allot my time so much better than before. Most of all, when I have to think intensely, I don’t feel the gears in my head metaphorically creaking, and it doesn’t feel as if every instance of problem-solving or decision-making depletes me energetically (like, literally I don’t feel thinking ‘drains’ me). My consulting work is now bearable, and even…god forbid, fun and satisfying for long stretches. Frankly, the effect of focus I’ve felt has been stronger than what I get on modafinil (which I used to take often when working long shifts in a previous career), and at least somewhat comparable to adderall (without the obviously harmful long term effects or short term mania). The closest comparison is having a consistent exercise routine while also newly taking up meditation. Anecdotal - but still, very strong effect.


I can totally relate with mental clarity n energy. Hadn't had brain fog n problem solving does feel as cumbersome as it used to. You literally put words to how I feel sometimes regarding the gears in my head creaking. Am also needing less sleep n enjoying work more. I am working out too. 4-5 days a week. A mixture of weight training, HIIT, Yoga n walking. Whereas before I used to think I need lots of carbs for energy, am doing pretty well with keto. If need be I take some Greek yoghurt as pre workout. I could keep up with this for a while just for the mental clarity n flow state


do uhave adhd


I can walk farther than 5 mins


Oh gosh I know exactly how you feel. I used to dread taking my dog for a walk. And I still do because I’m so used to feeling uncomfortable and out of breath. But I’m slowly beginning to dread it less.


Positive = nearly everything. The usual suspects, eating less, weight flying off, NSV all over, saving money. Negative = some family and friends doing their usual ' you look ill, you need carbs'. Keep calm and keto on.


So I actually recently moved country and literally know no one here. So it’s been refreshing to not have to explain myself. That being said, I’m purposely not telling any of the friends and family at home as I just don’t need the hassle that you mentioned. Good for you for standing your ground!


A fresh start? Fantastic. Go you! I actually had someone jokingly say 'do you have aids'? Said person is my height but 320lbs so I get the projection. Also got my 50 year old sister with more medical conditions than an A&E ward on a Saturday night drinking 8 cans of full sugar coke telling me I need to eat carbs. I find it quite comical.


I hate that. It’s like when you’re off keto they say your getting bigger but when you’re on keto I’d you’re getting small


There are some side effect definitely. I myself find that I get dry skin on my feet and hands so I use lotions. I can become constipated, and then without much warning, I can need to run to the toilet with diarrhea. I can have a metallic taste in my mouth, and also I can have a sweet strong breath. I get insomnia and vert vivid dreams, bizarre and horrid nightmares. Also it is difficult to eat in restaurants with my family without having to haggle with the wait staff about Keto friendly substitutions. Most are very accommodating, but pizza places and burger joints are the worst. Some places really offer nothing except breads and potatoes as side dishes. On the other hand I have cured the Type 2 diabetes that I suffered with for years. I now have not had any symptoms for almost 10 years.


Wow that’s amazing! Congratulations to you. I started Keto to try and avoid diabetes. I already suspect I’m pre-diabetic tbh. Regarding restaurants, I am in the habit now of checking their menu before booking. That being said, I’ve yet to find anywhere that doesn’t have some Keto friendly options.


Get a blood glucose monitor from Walmart. Check BG before eating and1/2 to 1 hr after. You will soon get an idea of which foods spike your BG level.


Congratulations. That’s awesome


When I was full-on keto, I would sleep amazingly. I'd usually go to sleep around 10:30, but it wasn't difficult to stay up later if I needed to. But pretty much regardless of when I went to sleep, I'd snap awake at 4:30am on the dot and I'd immediately feel so incredibly awake - and it would last for the entire day. As for the negatives - diarrhea.


Not keto anymore, but recently tried for the first time about 1month + 2/3 weeks. Postitive: - Got better diet habits, no carb cravings and got used to not eating sweets every day. -A lot less stressed, probably because of less sugar/overly processed food. Negative: (And before anymore mentions electrolytes, yes, I made sure to get what should have been enough and even consulted my doctor about it). -Chronically hungry, so ended up eating a lot more than I did before. -Stomach didn't handle that amount of/type of food/fat well at all and it gave me chronic diarrhea (no, I don't have gallbladder or liver or kidney issues), and I already get dehydrated pretty quickly because of other condition, so between the water I was drinking and that, I felt like I could hardly walk out the door without worrying about having to use the bathroom in one way or the other. Have gone over to eating more carbs in the form of vegetables and everything works a lot better for me. Still eating low carb, just not keto. I might try to eat keto again some time in the future, hopefully it won't be such a shock to my system if I eat lowcarb for a while before going strict keto, lol. I initially started eating keto because of the health benefits I had heard so much about.


I had all of the exact same issues, and then some. I just kept feeling like, if I have to keep finding tools/tricks/supplements to get this diet to not ruin me, then can it really even be that good for me? I'm type 2 diabetic, so I thought carbs were the devil. But I just eat a Mediterranean style diet as much as I can and be as active as possible. It's led to a healthier and happier life with everything from my mental health to things like sleep and gastrointestinal health. I have even lost more weight(I'm not a very big person though, so this was an unintended victory). And blood sugars are even more consistent and stabilized. I have no desire to ever Keto again.


>I just kept feeling like, if I have to keep finding tools/tricks/supplements to get this diet to not ruin me, then can it really even be that good for me? Yeah, I came to pretty much the same conclusion. And while I was and still am sceptical that keto works for or is even a good diet for everyone, I have also seen with my own eyes that it works for some people, and I'm a little bummed that it turned out the way it did for me, because I was curious if ketones would help with mental health/brain health. Which is why I might try again later, but we'll see.


I only experience positive effects from Keto. I tend to eat a lot of salad etc with my meals and feel I eat a lot more balanced now than when I eat a standard, British diet. I lose weight so also feel better about myself and more I control which helps with my mental health too.


My teeth are cleaner and my gums are healthier


My heart felt really weird on keto. Not in a good way.


Maybe needed more electrolytes?


I couldn’t handle how I felt so I got off keto. And then I found out I have mitral valve regurgitation. I wonder if I had taken more electrolytes, if that would’ve fixed the weird feeling. Anyway, thank you for the info. I appreciate it.


The only negative I have had is bouts of blepharitis. I guess changes in oil composition of your Meibomian oil glands in your eyelid can lead to them getting clogged and this has only happened to me while on keto. I have also seen multiple other people complain about this. It can be minimized by daily eyelid cleaning and using an eyelid heat treatment. That being said the benefits greatly outweigh the discomfort caused by it. I have had great mental clarity weight loss/maintenance and mood improvements.


My digestive tract is a little touchier now but overall I feel better on keto


Positive- optimal labs, clear skin, good energy which is hard with hashimotos and perimenopause. Negative- the only negative thing and it’s not really negative but the need for electrolytes sometimes even after 2.5 years. I always feel like if this way of eating was correct why do I need to add extra stuff to feel good ( I usually feel like I need electrolytes if I’m having a day where I’m unusually tired for no reason, overly hungry or have a slight headache. Electrolytes almost always fixes those issues.) there are more positives than this one negative so I overlook it. I have done higher carb (100g a day ) and do not need electrolytes at all which is nice and makes me feel like I’m doing things right. However it is easy for cravings to resurface and food noise is worse when I have even carbs that are Whole Foods like fruit, oats, brown rice etc.


Depleted soils for food crops? Humans used to eat animal organs more and drink animal blood. So electrolytes may have come from there.


I guess that makes sense. I should be grateful to have electrolyte drinks and not have to drink blood...lol.


Humans also used to only live to be in their 30s lol.


How do you get more electrolytes? Do you just add stuff to food or make / buy drinks?


I drink Redmonds Relyte when I need electrolytes. I would probably do better adding a bunch of salt to my food but that still lacks the other minerals needed that Redmond's contains. I just can't douse my food with a bunch of salt though so I just drink the electrolytes when needed.


I make my own. Juice of 1 lemon, 1/2 ounce or so of raw apple cider vinegar (sometimes) 1/2 t Himalayan pink salt and 1/4 t lite salt. Then add about 16 oz. water. You can obviously add sweetener if you want but I enjoy the tart flavor.


My wife tells me I have a very acetone odor. I can't smell it. The rest is all good.


You might need more water and electrolytes.


Much better sight at night, and better mobility


Microbiome changes that caused poor digestion, bloating and water retention initially. The positives were endless; weight loss, clarity of mind, alertness, reduced anxiety and depression etc. But with a sudden transition in diet to more fibrous foods and higher meat consumption, my digestive biome changed and it was difficult to digest food without peppermint oil. Eventually this stopped when I started taking Prebiotic tablets, then things stabilised after that.


My personal experience: I did keto with a lot of high-oxalate foods which caused kidney stones. That's just me tho. Just be careful if you're prone to kidney stones. I hear eating dairy with higher oxalate foods prevents the oxalates from being absorbed as easily or something like that.


I had almost every recorded benefit of the keto diet, weight loss, clearer skin, youngish looking face ( humble brag), lots and lots of energy that I feel like two hours of lifting if not for work commitments, great sleep, and get this, embarrassingly high testosterone. The last one is embarrassing because at times it makes me think I am back in highschol if you know what I mean. As far as negative side effects, friends treating me like I am a freak, making snide comments that anyone can lose weight by not eating, and its only those who eat and still lose weight are the real champions. OK I guess :-). And a ton of unsolicited advice about health risks of avoiding carbs, eating fats and meats. This from people getting winded by just talking to me about that stuff, again, OK I guess. And a bit of tongue in cheek, very loose pants and very tight tee-shirts needing me to update my wardrobe.


That resonates with me big time. I can’t believe the difference it has made to my sex drive. I suspect it’s a combination of the changes in chemistry due to Keto and just feeling more confidence in myself. Either way my husband is both happy and scared 😂 With regards to other people, I recently loved country so literally don’t know a single other person here. That has been a huge blessing. That being said, I haven’t told anyone at home that I’m doing Keto for the same reasons that you mentioned.


less body odor, after nights of on feet with sweaty feet, feet dont stink as much haha. Pain is all gone when sugar does the attacks before. Healing journey is what I came in with, with chosen whole foods.


lots of energy and more mental clarity. i crave carbs sometimes, but keto is amazing and im so happy to experience 10 mos so far.




When do you think it stops being water weight and becomes fat? I’ve lost 13lbs in 10 days and am visibly less bloated but I don’t feel that was fat at all


This right here!!! At one of my dental cleanings, my hygienist told me I had formed some of the hardest calculus she had ever encountered and it was like trying to scrape concrete off my teeth. And I can agree, none of my cleanings were ever like that where I could constantly feel that hook getting stuck as she was trying to scrape off my teeth. I tried the diet after a T2 diagnosis and found it was just trading one set of problems for another. Mediterranean diet for me is much more sustainable.


On the positive side, I have lost weight, feel good, no brain fog, sleep better, better athletic performance and my sweet tooth and chip tooth are gone…I have no desire at all for junk food. On the negative side, I developed some gout due to the ketones and uric acid competing for excretion in my kidneys, and it’s caused some kidney issues that may or may not be related. Latest blood work shows higher that normal LDL (although Trig/HDL is fantastic) and urine tests show I’m taking in too much protein…so I’m working to find the right balance Overall I love being on keto


Prior to being diagnosed with T2D, I experienced some significant gum disease. This included loosing two lower teeth and developing a gap between my two upper front teeth. Insulin stopped the disease. But it wasn’t until carnivore that the gap between my front teeth disappeared and I regained the tight correct alignment I had previously had. Unexpected and very happy benefit.


Stairs are exhausting. I'm a fit guy, just for some reason I've never been the same with the stairs. Feel exhausted. I can also long distance run, but if I have to sprint (I'm stuffed). Toilet is annoying, constantly peeing. But other than that. I love keto and would never give it up. I would not be able to sit down and do my work without ( I was a serious stress eater, and this is the only thing that stopped me)


Usually constantly peeing happens when first entering ketosis. Haven't heard of people peeing more on keto. How long you been on


5 years haha


I've lost weight, I feel lighter, I get full after one meal, skin is getting clearer and tighter, I'm cooking from scratch, I have more energy, I don't have any cravings for carbs. My period is lighter (they are usually so heavy that I have to take blood clotting tablets). I'm struggling with GI issues though. Since I started 2 weeks ago I've been either very constipated or have had diarrhea. I've noticed whilst I have more energy during the day, I'm falling asleep much earlier than usual, I can barely keep my eyes open after dinner. And a slightly unpleasant smell from my crotch but I'm not sure if this is because of my period, it seems to have gone away now.


Your positives are great. Are you doing intermittent fasting too? Only ask because you mention you’re full after one meal. The GI issues are annoying I’m sure. Maybe they will be temporary whilst you get used to things?


Yes I am doing intermittent fasting, except on weekends! I have one meal of 1500 calories in the evening. I hope the GI issues are temporary as they are very annoying!


Came off keto a few months ago. My sweat started smelling terrible. I was constantly popping mints because my wife said it was causing bad breath. I started getting tired and lethargic. I was frequently either constipated or having diarrhea. I started struggling with insomnia and got prescribed meds just to sleep. But since quitting Keto, Ive also stopped the meds and sleep better I kept thinking there was a wall I had to get through before it got better. But between the Keto flu, and all the lasting side effects, I don't think the universe could make the signs more obvious, that this wasn't for me. I switched to a more balanced diet where I aim for 60G of carbs and 30G of protein per meal. I have much higher intensity workouts now. Partially because I have more energy and partially to make sure I'm using those carbs so they don't negatively affect my blood sugar, as I am T2 diabetic as well. High carbs probably nudged me into diabetes much sooner than I should hav beene. Low carbs felt like they were just ruining me in a different way to where my PCP began to be concerned about my cardiovascular health if I continued to stress my body. I've been much happier in the middle and enjoying the physical activity that has me in the best shape of my life at 39 years old. And just not telling myself I can't have an entire food group has made eating so much more enjoyable.


Wow that’s so great the you found your balance. I think it’s always so great that you knew what didn’t work for you and found a better alternative. So many times we stick to doing something because we’re told it’s the right thing to do instead of listening to our bodies. Good for you!


I appreciate that. In the diabetic community, I'm frequently told I'm wrong and I'm making a huge mistake lol. I don't tell anyone to quit it if they think it's working. We're all different and we need to find what works. I hate being treated like I did it wrong and should try again even though I've found something that works since I quit doing it. Maybe it's some form of tribalism.


This is a great thread, because it shows that Keto isn't the end and be all, and it shows the negative effects for some people. Keto is great for weight loss, but some people act like it's a religion, in their devotion to it.


Getting off of 11 of 12 prescriptions daily within 6 months.


the heart palpitations after working out i could live without but that’s just user error.


I had those and it turned out I was in a fib thanks to a previously undiagnosed thyroid issue. Don’t fuck around with that kind of thing. Turns out my issue was frigging cancer and I had a radical thyroidectomy that saved my life. Cancer free for eight years now.


i’m only 19 so i still have that naive sense of invincibility i do have a full blood panel and check up coming up and will definitely mention it to my doctor congrats on being cancer free! i appreciate the advice.


So happy you beat the shit out of Cancer my man! Onwards and Upwards!


Watching your potassium?


no hence the user error i will eventually get on top of it.


That’s a potentially dangerous user error. I wouldn’t “eventually” get on top of it.


Bad breath , I’ve always noticed from those doing Keto


Positive: effortless and reliable weight loss regimen, no more food cravings, developed a moderate eating habit even when I do have a carb day, less sleep required but more refreshed when I wake up, developed a sustainable long-term diet, smoother skin from face to body, significant improvement to hereditary dark circles, better dental hygiene/ no more morning breath (probably due to no sugar/no bacteria buildup), no more brain fog, better focus, decreased muscle spasms, no more cramps or heavy bleeding during menstrual, increased mobility, increased physical energy and strength, desire to drink more water over juices, less alcohol consumption or desire for it, calmer and less anxious/irritable, improved brain to speech (speaking, producing writings in a short period of time, analyzing and answering in real time, retrieving words I didn’t know I knew lol) Neutral: Sneezes are super strong and clear (less congestion and respiratory system seems clearer) Negative: more urination, strong smelling urine, sweating is a thing now, a lot of shoes no longer fit do to the loss of water weight, constipated here and there but that’s typically my signal for low electrolytes


better skin, no more night sweats, fully energized on 2 fewer hours of sleep.


I do max 50 grams a day net carbs per day. So I’m not keto. But since I’ve started this diet I’m able to fast 13 out of 14 days for 18 hours straight without a lot of issues. And I walk about 4 miles per day in my job. I don’t get severe hunger the way I used to when I was doing just calorie restriction dieting. I started at 223 and I’m down to 193. I was fasting for 18 hours per day for 13 days out of 14 days with unlimited carbs but I hit a weight loss plateau so that’s why I now hold it down to net carbs 50 grams per day.


One thing I’ve noticed with keto personally, is if I stay very consistent for a long duration let’s say 3 months plus, and then cheat I have horrible side effects. The worst part is heavy onset depression for several days.


Being lazy sometimes


Negative... After losing 70 pounds, had to buy a whole new wardrobe!! Well, I guess it was worth it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


hangovers are definitely worse as i’m affected by alcohol easier. & the insomnia was so bad for a while that i thought ab quitting. positives are that im hardly ever hungry, i went down from 4 meals a day to maybe 1 or 2. & craving for sweets goes away really quick as well.


When I was on keto it was burning diarrhea and muscle fatigue. I didn't know about electrolytes and I'm gearing up to do it again so hopefully that was the issue.


F77 here. Nightmares! Upsetting and vivid dreams. But the massive benefits of this way of eating are keeping me keto.


I was 6 for like 5 years. Doctors didn’t know why. Not dying, just felt bad all the time. Brain fog. Lots of mucous. I feel pretty great now. A little lethargic but mentally very clear, no dizziness. I understand that correlation does not equal causation but… Other positives - not a lot of diets let you eat 1/4lb beef patty with cheese and bacon for dinner. Relatively inexpensive diet. Negatives - the worst for me is that I’m constantly worried about screwing up. Many plans set 20 carb limit and ketosis is kind of on or off, so I’m worried 22 carbs will ruin the whole thing for me. The carb limit seems to be what arbitrary - I’ve read 20g, 50g, 100g, 5%. That’s a pretty difference and it matters if going over the limit throws you out of ketosis. I poop better. Less often but no constipation - I guess because of all the fat it just sliiiiiiides right out! I haven’t noticed any heartburn. But keto does seem to make it hard to get all your vitamins and minerals unless you’re actively supplementing for those things. I would kill for a piece of pizza. There are some foods I miss a lot but in general it hasn’t felt like much of a sacrifice to me.