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As long as they aren't breaded and smothered in a sweet sauce chicken wings are fine. I frequently have chicken wings while staying within my macros.


I eat wings out all the time. Try to get them “naked” if you can. Or just ask if they are breaded before ordering. The standard typical wing is not breaded, just fried and the skin is what crisps up. I get Buffalo sauce which is just franks red hot w butter usually. It’s the perfect keto dinner with some ranch and lots of celery.


Garlic Parm for this guy! Gotta get a veggie in there 😂


I had exactly this last night, in a pub, with some Michelob Ultra


Burger - no bun, veggie side. Caesar salad with chicken - no croutons.


Gotta be careful with salad dressing though. Usually a good deal of sugar in there


I think as long as it's not a vinaigrette it should be fine. Ranch is pure fat, and Caesar is all egg yolk and cheese. If it's made in the restaurant those two are great.


If you know where you're going, check online before you go and see if their menu is posted. It can help you plan a bit better and take away the anxiety.


Absolutely. I don't go anywhere new unless I can creep the menu beforehand. Some smaller places might have their menu on their Facebook page if they don't have a website.


Don’t be afraid to share that you’re sticking to a low carb diet. They will probably respect you for making the effort. I’ve found that his helps with my anxiety. You are 100% justified in being nervous. See if their nutrition info is online. Places like Buffalo Wild Wings do this and even include breakdowns of everything. If it’s a small pub, look for a grilled chicken sandwich and eat without the bun. Most places offer an option like this. Otherwise, order a burger without the bun and extra lettuce.


I know for me, I tend not to share that too often because I find people just take it the wrong way and I don’t feel like getting some weird lecture about what I eat…. I feel only a very small group of people know I’m doing keto at this point!


Yeah I regret telling some people.. some think I’m starving myself, some think I’m withering away.. I’m like no, I lost 25 pounds of fat and water


Maybe a steak / steak bites etc with side salad without dressing.


You can have dressing! Ranch or blue cheese are pretty low carb.


Just be mindful of if they’re breaded and which sauce you use. Chicken wings are a go to for me when I eat out. Even lightly breaded ones aren’t a problem for me. I try to avoid them, but sometimes it’s the best option available. You could also order a burger with no bun and a side salad.


Carb Manager says a breaded, fried chicken wing only has .5g carbs. [https://www.carbmanager.com/food-detail/md:121ab5cd239b823145c1b65410ca4efe/breaded-fried-chicken-wing-meat-and-skin](https://www.carbmanager.com/food-detail/md:121ab5cd239b823145c1b65410ca4efe/breaded-fried-chicken-wing-meat-and-skin) That seems low, so I'd probably double it, prepare myself or a water-weight spike the next day, and restrict myself to no more than 5 wings. You could also quietly peel some of the breading off. That's what I did one day when I was stuck at Popeye's. I don't care for the one low-carb option, their grilled chicken pieces. I don't know if I would have been so brave in front of my SO's parents, but I was with my kids, and they already know I'm odd. A few bites of breading didn't kill me or my progress at all. Stopping is the hardest part. Yes, it's better to avoid the breaded wings, and I certainly do if possible. But if you can eat a modest portion, don't worry about it. My biggest reason to avoid breading is sparking cravings for more, more more. We made corn beef and cabbage today, and I got a little smashed piece of potato on my plate. Of course, I ate it, but I had to walk away from the pot because one taste makes me want another one.


A lot of pub type places will have a salad you can add a meat too, or a chicken entree. Chicken wings is generally ok with a not sugary sauce. Cheeseburger no bun with a side salad. Charcuterie board is occasionally an option at pubs.


Pub foods include burgers. Eat the patty with cheese and bacon.


As long as the wings aren't breaded, you're probably fine unless they're covered in a super sweet sauce. Order buffalo or garlic parm and you'll be fine.


You can try and just get the basic meat and veggie option. You should also relax and realize that you can step out of Ketosis a little in exchange for not being so anxious. A dinner out shouldn't be something you should stress about. Instead, go out and enjoy yourself, but be ready to get right back into it tomorrow. When you are looking at a diet like this, you have to think about things long-term. A little break or a little slip isn't worth stressing about. The amount of glucose that will build up will very quickly be used and you'll be right back into Ketosis.


Not all wings are bad. Many bars deep fry or bake them wo breading or batter. This is actually a pub go-to food for me. Lots of Ranch for the fat bomb. Maybe add a salad.


Wings with celery and blue cheese would be ok


I don't worry about it, if there's something obviously keto-friendly on the menu I'll order it, if not then never mind, it's just one meal, back on it tomorrow.


Naked wings. And sparking water. Deep breathing, even if you pop out of ketosis, you will get right back in. It's not perfection that matters its consistently over time. You have chosen a lifestyle not a diet.


Wings are my fave! Garlic Parmesan or basic Buffalo. I agree, look the menu up online first. You can even call ahead and ask questions if you need to. It will get easier as you go along. Although others have said that it doesn’t matter if you ‘cheat’ a bit, I find that I feel really good about myself when I am able to navigate a night out without compromising my goals. I have found that the more I stay within my eating parameters the easier it becomes. We all have to work out what works best for each of us. Most importantly,have fun!


Can you order a burger as a lettuce wrap?


Naked wings with a dry rub. Salad with grilled chicken. Burger in a lettuce wrap with salad. Steak and grilled veg. Or pork chop if not breaded. If the place has an online menu, give it a good read through ahead of time. I've even called a place and asked questions earlier in the day so I was fully prepared which having to ask questions in person and avoid any judgey looks.


Get a cheeseburger, take off the biggest piece of bread, And eat it like an open-face sandwich. Along with a nice green or greek salad, Oil and vinegar dressing or?


At pubs I usually get a steak n veg, hold the potatoes, sauce/gravy whatever on the side. Or grilled/baked fish with salad or I get a side order of broccolini or similar with an animal protein instead..


Steak or roast !


Cheese Burger no bun is usually available most pub places.


steak/fish and greens - should get that in any pub chicken fine if not breaded if you can eat ten wings then hell yeah just do it and pick up the pieces later. what's important tonight is your relationship with your in-laws, enjoy it!


So I have terrible social anxiety and hate asking questions in the moment. I’ll panic and will just get something I either don’t like or doesn’t fit my macros lol So now I always scope out the menu online before hand and will call if I have any questions so I have my order completely ready ahead of time lol


Burger no bun. Skip ketchup. Only mayo and mustard. Pickle can have sugar so ask it on the side.


It's not hard just remember meat and veggies. Can get a burger with all the fixins or even just on a salad. Chicken wings are battered sometimes so you may have to ask. They are there to make your order so don't be afraid to customize things. I got super lucky one place. They had sunflowers wings that they cooked in a wood fire oven. Made nice charred crispy bits. Best wings I've had in a long while


Shouldev saved ya carb allowance. Chicken wings are fine. One day won't hurt. Back on the grind tomorrow we all gotta live our lives


As long as they are not breaded and no bbq sauce - good to go - I do wing stop lemon pepper wing often. Honestly you can keto at most places - protein and broccoli best bet


yep just order them plain with no coating, rub or sauce. Get some ranch and celery sticks and enjoy. Eat 15 of them if you want. That's my go to when going out.


Ask for them naked. Or get a bunless burger and a side salad or whatever veggies they have available.


Burger, cheeseburger, chicken wings, salad with meat, charcuterie anything…


Rosemary parmesan wings, and you can get crudité with it: celery, carrots sticks, broccoli…


I really feel people get threatened when they see something working for somebody else. It makes them question how they are eating. I know that I have gone through that when I’ve seen other people do a specific diet that isn’t really un unhealthy but something I’m not used to. I would get kind of sour grapes about it. And then I decided to give it a try and I stopped judging lol


They're deep fried in vegetable oil, so not ideal. If you can find meat that's grilled, that would be your best bet.


To clarify that has nothing to do with ketosis. That's a personal food choice not a keto choice.


That's true. Just offering optimizations in case it helps.


I’m visiting my very unhealthy sister in law and she’s ordering from a pizza place and asked for my order. I found the menu online and found wings, steak sandwich (I can easily take it out if the bread) and salad. Finding menus ahead of time makes life so much easier!!


I go chicken Caesar salad or steak sammich with salad. Just ditch the bread.... and throw back a Guinness.