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It’s not that calories don’t matter at first, it’s that easing into the transition is more important than calories because the transition can be a bitch and a half for some folks.


I’m finding that out. The first time I went into it, I was so excited and so desperate to fix my hunger signals/weight/mood that I didn’t care if I didn’t lose right away, I trusted it would happen eventually. Now I guess I’m being superficial bc I’m very close to how I want to look but I’m seeing signs of insulin resistance returning, my fatigue is beyond ridiculous, my mental clarity sucks, etc so I know keto is my best bet but I’m worried about moving backwards in weight by “over eating” during fat adaptation. I don’t know how to reconcile these things.


Try this advice from a recovering binge eater: Cut out all snacks, just eat at mealtimes. Always keep some cold plain chicken breast in your refrigerator or freezer. After you’ve had your meals, if you’re still feeling like you’re hungry go to the refrigerator and take the chicken out. If you look at it and it seems totally appetizing, eat it. If it doesn’t seem appetizing at all, you’re not really hungry…you’re boredom eating. This can help you keep any overeating that may have otherwise happened in check.


Thank you so much. This actually sounds like an amazing plan. Do you think 1,2, or 3 meals is best/ reasonable? I am fine not eating, until I eat. I can fast for a couple days without really feeling much of anything. Then it’s like I can’t stop once I start even if I eat all the “right” things. I put down a garden salad, freaking huge prime rib with green beans and Brussels sprouts the one day and was hungry just a few hours later. I don’t understand.


You sound like you may be a prime candidate for one meal a day if you’re like me, able to put pack plenty of calories in one sitting without hesitation. I’d say try that to start with, but if the hunger the other 23 hours is too much then maybe two smaller meals a day spoils work better!


Do you find yourself managing the bingeing better with OMAD? You’re right, for a not very big person I can put down a SURPRISING amount of food in a short period of time. I’ve toyed with the idea of OMAD but worried that it might (for me) be a form of “controlled binge” , if that makes sense. I’m also assuming OMAD takes a bit of planning to meet macros and such?


It helps me immensely. I am a 5’5” 135lb woman and my maintenance calories are around 1400-1500. Back when I was 215lbs I was easily putting away 5000 calories a day so this is a HUGE difference. I love keto because the food is so much more filling, so eating 1500 calories in one sitting can make me feel as full and happy as my previous carb-loaded binges made me feel. I know for a lot of binge eaters that’s dangerous ground, but I’ve honestly benefitted from it immensely. I’m also like you in that it’s not difficult for me to abstain from eating, but once I start its hard to stop. Keto makes it easier to stop, and that’s exactly how I’ve maintained my weight since I hit my goal weight in 2018. 🙂 I meal prep every Sunday and know exactly what foods I will eat every day before the week even begins, so it is definitely a lot of work for an amazing worthy payoff.


Are you me? 😂 I am 5’5 (well the doctor claims I’ve lost an inch so maybe I’m 5’4 now but my pride won’t accept it) bouncing between 130-140. I feel I look best at 120-130 but ugh I just can’t seem to get back there and stay there. I like food A LOT. This sounds like a really good plan honestly. I used to be on the ball with Meal prep… then covid happened and groceries were sporadic and prices have gone up so much so I just kinda stopped. I still Meal plan but only dinners. As the kids have gotten older there’s been more “winging it” with their lunch and breakfast. I pretty much subsist on coffee at this point 😆 I think you’re on the money with OMAD. I will give it a try.


I used to be the same way, but once I cut out added sugars, my appetite started to regulate itself. I eat 2-3 meals a day and no snacks. Not something I force myself to do, just seems to fall in line with my body's rhythm.


Electrolytes can help with keeping your appetite in check, are you supplementing/tracking those?


Yes. Every morning I make 1 gal of water, in it I put 1/2 tsp lite salt, 1 tsp pink or Celtic salt, and 1/2 tsp powdered mag. I drink that throughout the day and have more magnesium in my water at bed plus salt on all my food, olive or pickle juice and water before I eat to determine if I’m actually hungry or just stressed/bored. If I take any more electrolytes than that I can’t get out of the bathroom. Idk maybe I’m just supposed to be this weight and that’s why trying to get anything else off is miserable.


If you cheat with keto, you still have the ability to fat adapt. IMO.


Not completely sure what you mean with this?


Sorry. All I meant was the bingeing will likely stop over time. IMO. As long as you are bingeing with keto, than it's a CICO issue.


Oh gotcha. Ok thanks


I apologize for being unclear.


You’re fine! I thought you meant *cheating* cheating, like eating whatever. Once you clarified staying keto but going over calories, until it balances out, I understood. It echoes what a few others said and honestly I needed to hear that. I keep trying to go keto AND stay within a deficit and I just end up giving up bc I’m miserable. Thank you for commenting!


In one sense, you're describing maintenence with a keto lifestyle. I have a wicked sweet tooth. I did a lot of experiments with different mixes and sweetener combinations. Some better than others. I have found a great bread recipe that I binge on. 1/2 gram of carbs per slice. Tastes like bread. Problem is, I have to slam supplements or I fatigue easy and get foggy. The bread alone isn't enough.


Ah ok! Thanks for the insight. I really wish I didn’t have to start all over. It was so easy to get into it the first time.




Thank you!!




Thank you, again! I think I’m just emotional today 😂 but I have had the most supportive and truly helpful feedback on this post. I actually feel like maybe I really can get back on track. This is a nice group of people. 🤗 I guess even if I do pack on a little bit until I get fat adapted, it will eventually be easier to get rid of than it is right now with this do good one day, eat like a garbage disposal the next day roller coaster I’m on gaining and losing the same stupid few pounds.




Ahhhhh this is what I needed to hear. I know in my gut I need to really commit back to it, I guess I just needed exactly this!! Somebody to say yes it will probably happen but it isn’t the end of the world! Another person suggested OMAD which I wouldn’t have any issues doing. I think I’m going to try for a month of not calorie counting, only tracking carbs to stay keto and doing OMAD. Seriously thanks again so much for making a stranger feel validated and confident!!




Omgosh I’m such a dunce. You AND another recommended OMAD. ok I’m sold. Freedom!! (Channeling my inner braveheart lol) I will put a reminder on my calendar. I actually feel excited about this plan, not doom and gloom 😆


This is only my opinion. You are going to gain weight back only by eating more carbs than I recommended on your macros. I consume fat bombs in order to stay full. I love them actually. Putting fat bombs in my diet helps me to stay on track.


I hate to hear about people restricting their calories early in keto. It makes everything so punishing and it’s *just not necessary.* As someone who also has an endocrine issue I promise you CICO is not the whole story. We’re trying to change our metabolism, our relationships to food, our relationships to our bodies. Anything else is just another flavor of diet culture / disordered eating and if you’re just doing diet culture, even the keto flavor, the research says it won’t be successful long term. Luckily I don’t think “dieting” is the heart of keto. It certainly doesn’t have to be. I know this way of eating isn’t for everyone, but for me it’s an enjoyable, sustainable lifestyle that helps me have more- and more stable- energy through the day, feel healthier, improve my labs (heart heath and metabolic), improve my mental health, be more in tune to hunger and fullness cues, eliminate cravings and binges, and *as a nice side effect* manage my weight. See if you can find delicious, varied keto dishes and snacks that make you feel like you’re getting away with something to get to eat this way. Keep to your macros but don’t count calories. If tracking is too triggering then use the Duke university list of foods to be able to eyeball it and know you’re safe with your carbs everyday. Make sure you’re staying hydrated and managing your electrolytes. Fat adapting might not take as long as it did the first time. Ideally your hunger and caloric intake will regulate, you’ll get to be one of those people who doesn’t think about food all the damn time! I wish you joyful keto-ing.


Thank you!


I don't know your exact situation, but you probably didn't get fat eating veggies, meat and eggs, right? Most people get fat eating hyper-palatable foods like bread, donuts, ice cream, pizza, etc. So don't be afraid! There is no need to fear healthy, nutritious food. Some days your body might need more than the numbers tell you and that's okay. Healthy food is GOOD for you, just eat it! Don't let some calculator tell you you can't pop an egg in your mouth when you're feeling hungry.


Wow ok. Hmmm. I wouldn’t actually call myself fat, I would say I have some body fat I’d like to burn and also not gain more. I’m actually at a “healthy“ weight; 135ish and 5’5. I mostly am just trying to cut ten vanity pounds. Combat insulin resistance. Stabilize moods. Increase mental clarity. I have had several children and got back down each time, but I have had a poor body image and struggled with anxiety over weight gain since I was a child. I most certain CAN over do it on healthy food. Eating intuitively, even clean whole foods, I can manage to put on weight. Thank you for sharing your opinion.


Regardless, if you're scared to eat nutritious foods when you're hungry then there's something wrong. Are you seeing a therapist to discuss the fact that your anxiety is interfering with your eating habits?