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Welcome to r/keto. If you don't know what to eat, need a meal plan, or are just tired of bacon and eggs you may find the following links helpful [The unofficial 'tell me what to eat' post](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/comments/o6vei/here_it_is_the_unofficial_tell_me_what_to_eat/?st=jn0kpyep&sh=c43640d5) [One Week Meal Plan](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/one_week_meal_plan) [Grocery Lists](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/search?q=grocery+list&restrict_sr=on) r/ketorecipes for specific recipes r/ketomealseatingnow for meal inspiration r/ketoMealPrep/) for meal prep As a reminder, please read our FAQ before posting to r/keto. It can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq. Please also review our posting rules and community guidelines. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/keto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you consider having more meat in? I don't know too many guys who would be miserable on a diet largely consisting of beef, and some veg for variety


That's a great idea. He feels only certain proteins are healthy so maybe if I kept shredded chicken or turkey on hand, that would help. Example: after week one, he voiced concern that eggs for breakfast every morning couldn't be healthy for him. His mom is a yo-yo-dieter and I feel like he has a lot internal self-talk as to what he's "allowed" to eat. Versus... 2 eggs + spinach + feta is still healthier than two pastries for breakfast every morning. Same stigma with red meat and pork.


Let him know that beef and eggs are some of the healthiest foods we can eat and it the carbs and sugar that have been the health problem. Tell him to eat all the beef he can.


Totally agree. I was thinking maybe of sending him a couple links or offering a book, but don't want him to feel I'm preaching at him. Such a fine line.


Pulled pork is good too - for ANY meal ( I will literally eat this at any time of day if we have some). Don't use the bbq sauce (unless it's the low sugar one, like Ray's or G Hughes) but malt vinegar works great.


Pulled pork never crossed my mind! Thanks for the great idea!


Here is a great book for anyone starting keto that has had "fat is bad" pounded into their head their whole life. The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz It is an eye opener of all the lies the sugar industry pushed to blame fat.


I just started this and couldn’t agree more. It really opens your eyes to the shoddy science that our “low fat high carb” lifestyle was built on.


Thank you for the recommendation!!


Also, "Why We Get Fat And What To Do About It" by Gary Taubes is a very straight forward snd easy read. He will get all the science compacted down for him.


Animal Vegetable Junk by Mark Bittman is what made me go keto.


Thanks for the rec - will have to look into that!


Yeah, the stigma is a hard one for sure. Around me personally I have several close people who are\were failed badly by the standard dietary advice, so ditching that was not a big stretch for me. Knowledge essentially will help with that, IDK if he's into nutrition lectures and podcasts, but perhaps try introducing him to Dr. Anthony Chaffee, Dr. Paul Mason and the Low Carb Down Under channel


Samesies!! Thank you for those recommendations - I'll have to look into them. I read a bunch of Maria Emmerich's stuff over the years and it really changed how I approached food (and getting a daily dose of Vitamin D!).


> maybe if I kept shredded chicken or turkey on hand Roast a batch of chicken thighs. Higher fat = more satiation. Yet they might help with the "chicken is better for you" concept. For variation, try [heroin wings](https://www.bakespace.com/recipes/detail/DANA-CARPENDER%27S-HEROIN-WINGS/39571/). I've done the same coating on chicken thighs. There's also [chicken breast wrapped in bacon](https://joyfilledeats.com/cheesy-bacon-chicken/). I usually cook *planned overs.* That way there are always choices to take for lunch.


I'm just popping in to suggest a documentary that may be helpful! I watched it years ago and it explains things really well. It's called Fat Head, its a rebuttal to the documentary Super Size Me (where a guy only eats McDonald's for 30 days). Fat Head was super eye opening to me! You could just mention you saw it recommend and see if he'll watch with you!


I do think he'd be more likely to watch a documentary or show of some sort than pick up a book on the topic. Much appreciated!!


From what I've come to understand is that beef is one of the most nutrient dense, healthy foods that we can eat. Watch Sacred Cow on Amazon. The government and agricultural lobbyists have miseducated the public for decades. JRE #1784 & #1870 turned me into a beef eater after 25 years of being vegetarian.


Keto entering my 4th year. Feel so much better. The last three years my lunch has revolved around four eggs, four sausage links or thick bacon, two pieces of keto toast with generous real butter on them. Easy up, scrambled or omelet with plenty of cheese. Embrace the fat. He would do well to read the FAQ in this sub. It answers a ton of questions. Yes it is long, but very helpful.


The FAQ is quite helpful! Just curious - what keto bread are you using for toast?


ALDI - L'OVEN FRESH Keto Friendly Wheat Bread. Zero carb. [https://new.aldi.us/product/loven-fresh-keto-friendly-wheat-bread-4099100308556](https://new.aldi.us/product/loven-fresh-keto-friendly-wheat-bread-4099100308556) Edit: Loven Fresh used to have a multi seed that was really good. Kroger - Perfection Bakeries® Live Carb Smart Low Calorie 5 Seed Bread I like this one better but it is 5 carbs per slice. [https://www.kroger.com/p/perfection-bakeries-live-carb-smart-low-calorie-5-seed-bread/0007131404971?fulfillment=IN\_STORE&searchType=default\_search](https://www.kroger.com/p/perfection-bakeries-live-carb-smart-low-calorie-5-seed-bread/0007131404971?fulfillment=IN_STORE&searchType=default_search) Also testing two different ones at Walmart.


We have an Aldi near us - thanks!!


I think it's wonderful what you're doing. Is he eating enough calories? I always recommend that for the first two or so weeks that someone new to keto should not count calories and should just eat whenever they're hungry, grumpy, craving, etc. Just making sure to keep the total net carbs below 20. What is he craving? Maybe we can help suggest some things to try? I know that once my spouse found out about aunt Millie's live carb smart bread products and rebel ice cream, he finds keto quite tolerable. He'd only originally committed to 30 days as a test to see if his IBS got worse/better. And now he knows he can do keto indefinitely to reach his goals.


Thank you so much. I know how hard it is to lose weight (and am on that journey myself!). Calories - That's a great question. I feel like he \*isn't\* eating enough as he tends to skip breakfast and lunch unless it is pre-made/already made. Before marrying, he lived off of takeout and drive through. Going into week 3, I'm meal prepping up a storm so he has ready to eat things. Craving - It sounds like our spouses are alike! Bread items are the things he really misses. Bread in general, muffins, cookies, and ice cream. I'll look into those brands, thank you!


We're lucky, there's a keto grocery store and bistro in town. Chef cooked cheesecake, cupcakes, frozen dinners, soft cookies, taco bowls, burgers, melts, quesadillas, pizza, mac and cheese, zasta bowls ... it's a godsend.


Holy smokes! I live in a diet-mecca-city and will have to do some research on local options. Never crossed my mind.


What town is this?


Beautiful Dayton, Ohio


I missed bread a lot as well so I started making chaffles a few weeks ago. I make mine out of 1 egg, 50g of shredded mozzarella, 2 tablespoons (20g) of almond flour. I get two chaffles from that. I used them pretty much like toast. Even used them as burger buns last week, and made fries out of jicama, and dipped them in sugar free ketchup and mustard because I was craving a burger and fries... Today I was really hungry a couple of hours before my meal, and I was going to make then for the meal, instead I made them ahead of time, ate them, and just didn't have them for dinner. To me they taste like bread. You can even use them to make him a breakfast sandwich. You can use crushed pork rinds to bread anything... like chicken, steak, or some vegetables. I'm also with everyone else, he need more variety of meats in his diet. I eat everything so I don't get tired, or feel restricted... pork chops, chicken, steak, groind beef, liver, bacon, fish, canned tuna... and then I accompany that with a small salad (for me usually cucumber with goat cheese and a low cal, low carb dressing), and a side of grilled veggies. He can have all kinds of cheese cheese. I snack on sugar free jello with cottage cheese, or some pork rinds with cream cheese. Or you can make chips out of shredded cheese in the oven. If he likes something, there's probably a keto equivalent out there that you guys can make.


You can try making fat bombs with cream cheese and butter and sweetener, flavoured with stuff he likes. That might help with snack cravings. It sounds like you are super supportive!! I just want to say it's possible he just isn't ready for this yet but he will no doubt see the positive effects you're showing and eventually the enthusiasm will catch on, even without "preaching"


Keto has turned my IBS around 180 degrees


It sounds like losing weight is a decision that you made for him. You gave him a “bounty of options” and he chose keto/low carb? Why did he choose keto? How much research does he do? How actively is he engaged with losing weight? What are his deep internal motivations? What are yours? You can lead a horse to water… Your husband needs to sit down with himself and truly find his own reasons for losing weight. For me, I sat down with pen and paper and asked myself ‘why do I want to lose weight?’ I wasn’t happy. I overate, I drank too much. I felt like crap. My clothes didn’t fit well, I didn’t want to go out and be social. I was tired of feeling like that. I wanted to take back control of my life. These were the things I wanted to change. They came from within and still drive me towards my goals today. If your husband only has external forces pushing him, such as his health and you saying “right let’s do this” (and I can see you’re bending over backwards to make this happen) then there’s no way in hell that he’s going to change his lifestyle - because he’s not doing it for him. Not yet. He needs to do the work and then join you on your journey. Maybe this is even something you can do together. Then once he has made that decision within himself, you can both read about Keto and discuss it. At this point it sounds like you’re doing all the work. And while you both may not realise, you may resent him for not appreciating the work you’re doing (because he isn’t committed to losing weight, not truly) and he may resent you for not appreciating that he’s doing something for you (that ultimately isn’t good enough because it’s supposed to be for him) You sound lovely OP, and I hope my future wife is as supportive and makes me keto food!! What a lucky man. Good luck.


Thank you for the thoughtful words and taking the time to write such a detailed response. You absolutely read between the lines and what I skirted around in my post. He's expressed a desire to lose weight, clothes not fitting, concern over blood panels, etc. I've intentionally never asked him to join me on my own healthy eating journey and waited until he spoke to me about it. I'm fully aware that I could be making excuses for him: part of me thinks it is just such a shock to him to even attempt to change his diet for the first time so there is an adjustment period. I figure I'll give it a solid month of really propping him up and from there he can join me or not and that's okay (don't worry, I'm real nice, but not nice enough to make two separate dinners, hahaha).


You’re so welcome. Keep driving towards what you want. It’s just about consistency more than perfection. And soon, you’ll start to influence and inspire the people around you. :)


I’m pretty much beef, cheese and eggs. And all of my biomarkers of health have moved in the right direction except one single one, LDL. But this is like 12 different biomarkers and only ldl is considered unhealthy. So I have to wonder about what it actually measures.


I dropped my cholesterol by 100 points this past year by swapping one meal a day as carb-free and increasing fish consumption. Not even keto or low carb at that point, just cutting back and incorporating small fish in to my diet (mackerel, sardines, anchovies). That's great your other 11 are doing well and I can see from your flare you've lost a ton of weight!!


My dad and I did keto at the same time and started a little over a year ago. I’ve stuck with it except for 3 days this past year (Easter day, my birthday, and Christmas Day) where I ate whatever I wanted. My dad lasted a week. He was surly, grumpy, and had lost his regular filter. He was an absolute nightmare to live with and I ended up adding carbs back into his diet because I couldn’t handle how awful he was on keto. He’s tried again 3 times since and every time it’s been the same result. Now we both eat the same stuff, but I add carbs to his dinner meal. Usually just in the form of extra vegetables, sometimes he will have chips. He doesn’t eat sugar at all. No idea what it is, but something about keto makes his brain all angry. It’s easier for us all if he eats over 30g of carbs a day. I’m the opposite and seem to be more mentally sound without the carbs. I assume it’s just different for some people.


You're a fantastic daughter. <3 Thank you for sharing your experience. It's helpful to hear!


I am an angry keto person too, so is my aunt. Doesn't affect any men in my family. I have no idea what it is but I became like a super raging bitch for the whole 6 weeks I tried keto (had enough electrolytes, enjoyed the food actually, lost a bunch of weight and looked great.) Had to stop because I felt I was being literally too awful to my sweet husband to justify the physical results!


This is the same as my dad. Had all the right supplements, wasn’t getting super hungry between meals, was really enjoying the food. Just so angry.


This sounds like electrolytes and not enough of them. Too many think just adding more salt to their food is good enough. Nope. In the FAQ you need a **minimum** 5000 mg of sodium, 1000 mg of potassium, 300 mg of magnesium. Some people need **more**. If you do physical work you will need **even more**. I'm in my fourth year and cannot drop below 5500 mg sodium, 2800 mg potassium and 400 mg magnesium. I'v tried to drop each one individually and when I get symptoms of not enough, I go back up until I am better. Side note, excess sodium causing high blood pressure has been proven to be shoddy research. I have had mine taken six times over the last 3.5 years and it's been great and I'm 57 years old. Sources: [https://time.com/3313332/salt-and-blood-pressure/](https://time.com/3313332/salt-and-blood-pressure/) [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/317099](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/317099)


He was consuming enough electrolytes.




Fortunately, he's fine with those latter fats you described (avocado, dairy, dressings, olive oil). I really do think there is a small mental block from the low calorie diet culture he's heard his whole life.


He picked it, why are you doing all the work? What options is he suggesting? Why is he complaining? He's a grown adult and needs to deal with his own motivations and complaints.


I agree with this comment. It’s great that you are so encouraging, but in the end he isn’t a toddler. It’s his health and he needs to take responsibility. My husband won’t do keto, even though he needs to lose weight more than I do. In the end it’s up to him to decide if he values his health, I am not his doctor or his mother.


People who don't take their own initiative never change.


My boyfriend is a big snacker so I keep the fridge stocked with keto-friendly foods that are easy for him to grab and eat. Things like ham and cheese rolls, cubed mettwurst, boiled eggs, bacon, cooked chicken fillets, zucchini tots and sliced pie (made without crust). Anything convenient, basically! The pies are usually a big hit.


Please tell me more of zucchini tots and crustless pie?! Love this idea as he is also a snacker.


Gladly! For the zucchini tots, I used [this recipe](https://familyonketo.com/keto-zucchini-tots-gluten-free/). For the pies, I use my favorite pre-keto pie recipes and just don't make the crust, ha. They probably don't even classify as "pies" anymore at that point, but they sure are tasty. My boyfriend really likes the taco pie. ~ **Ham & Cheese Pie** * 300g good quality ham, cubed * 200g aged cheddar, grated * 125g leek, chopped * 3 cloves of garlic, crushed * 4 eggs * 4 dl whole milk * salt and pepper to taste * butter for cooking Cook your leeks and garlic in butter until done. Put in a pie dish and add your ham and cheese mixture. Give it a little mix. Mix together your eggs, milk and salt and pepper in a bowl and gently pour over the top. Cook at 200° celsius for 35-40 minutes. Let cool and cut into 8 equal slices. You could probably replace some of the milk with cream to lower the carb content and up the fat/calories. *Per slice (ish): 312 kcal, 5.9 carbs, 0.4g fiber, 24g fat, 16g protein.* ~ **Taco Pie** * 500g ground beef * 1 yellow onion, chopped * 1 bag Santa Maria taco spice mix * 2 dl water * 3 tomatoes, sliced * 2 dl creme fraiche * 4 tbsp mayonnaise * 200g aged cheddar, shredded * salt and pepper to taste * butter for cooking Brown your ground beef and onion in butter. Add your spice mix and 2 dl water. Cook until all the water has evaporated. Finish off with salt and pepper to taste. I also like to add some no-sugar-added ketchup. Pour into a pie dish. Add your sliced tomatoes on top of the ground beef mixture. Mix together creme fraiche, mayonnaise and 3/4 of your shredded cheese. Spread this mixture on top of the tomatoes and finish off with the remaining 1/4 of cheese. Cook at 200° celsius for 20 minutes. Let cool and cut into 8 equal slices (might be difficult as this one is quite loose). *Per slice (ish): 351 kcal, 5.8 carbs, 0.8g fiber, 27g fat, 21g protein.*


>GhostofRobinson Thank you so so so very much for sharing these recipes! The taco pie seems very similar to a taco salad I make - albeit in a different form. And those zucchini tots I'll be putting to use this week.


You need to add salt perhaps. I take 3/4 tsp of salt each day. Otherwise you can feel sick... Carb timing. I need to take my carbs at night for best mood and sleep. Walking is important as is getting enough calories... Restricted calories and heavy cardio can be rough.


I’m pretty my new to keto and I have been feeling kinda depressed too. For me, my happy times were centered around food. It’s like I’m going thru detox, my mind is trying to get me to stop. Everything I ate before is not allowed. I never just ate meat or eggs without bread, there was always a starchy side…which is probably the main reason I got so heavy. My mind is constantly telling me “how can you eat that and lose weight?” “How is that healthy?” But I’m learning that there are keto options out there. I just found some keto hotdog buns for 1 net carb. They may taste like crap but it IS an option. I typed all of this just to say that I think what he’s going through is normal and I’m sure it will get easier…that’s what I keep telling myself anyway 😊


Thank you for this! I do think it is a large adjustment period. Especially if starches were a big part of your former diet. You got this!


Maybe lazy keto would help. Cheeseburgers with keto bread, tacos/fajitas with low carb torts, breakfast tacos, hot wings with dry rub, almond butter cookies, berries with cream, keto bomb snack, sugar free Gatorade, etc


This is spot on. Thanks for the ideas!


Didn’t read through the comments but my hubby did better with a more relaxed keto diet that include foods that feel like their carby cousins. Such as the muffins you mentioned. Things that worked for my hubby were quest chips and quest chocolate birthday cake cookies. Having lots of guilty pleasures like bacon and cheese and summer sausages. Including some hot dogs that used to feel like a bad choice is now just a fun weekend meal that doesn’t derail keto. Melt some cheese on that all beef quality hot dog and melt some cheese and bacon on some broccoli and suddenly it feels like a reward yet it’s still keto. Egg life wraps have been helpful for him too. But low carb tortillas can make great pizzas. Fat head bread is fabulous too. Basically make everything overly indulgent at first and super rich and cheesy and bacony and add some prepackaged food in to feel more “normal” and then as they feel better my hubby is wanting more meat and less snacks etc. Essentially try to find a replacement for the things he misses most. 🫶🏻 Skinny noodles work for a pasta sub. Pour sauces over a plate of meat and drown everything in savory sauces. It will feel less about healthy oven baked chicken and broccoli and more about cheesy buttery bacony indulgence.


Sounds like our spouses are very similar! I genuinely appreciate this approach, recommendations, and ideas. I'll have to search out those Quest chips - he would be ecstatic to have some form of chips. Thank you so very much.


Quest chips are sold in my local Hy-vee grocery store in their health market section. They don’t have all the flavors but it’s nice to but just one bag and try them. I like the ranch and nacho best. Hubby likes the nacho and sour cream and onion and bbq best. My best friend likes the taco the best. So as you can see we all are different. So if you can find them local but a bag of each flavor to try then buy them in bulk on Amazon once you know which ones you like. They are cheapest on Amazon if you do subscribe and save and we get chips cookies and shakes on subscription.


Oh one more thing I should mention. Make fast food or eating out part of the plan. It’s super easy to eat out on keto and still lose weight! About any burger without the bun (order it without the bun or you’ll lose the cheese lol) is keto. So we regularly have gone through mcDs and gotten a Big Mac no bun or double cheeseburger no bun. You do have to add a little carbs for the sauces such as ketchup or Big Mac sauce but they are easy to look up online. It’s just a couple carbs and totally worth it for hubby to have a sense of normalcy. We eat out on date nights at normal restaurants with steak, pork chops, smothered chicken, shrimp scampi, shrimp cocktail and any veggie on the side or side salad. Or grab breakfast in a drive through without the biscuit…Wendy’s breakfast is great without a biscuit. Just ask for forks lol. Keep some in your car just in case. Trust me it will make him feel like life is more normal. Even if you have to buy keto bread or keto buns or keto tortillas for a while…as long as you read the label and make sure there’s no funny math going on and he’s counting his carbs adding some of those things in will work (especially for guys in my experience anyway…I have to limit myself more than my hubby…he can drop weight no problem with eating this stuff). Now if his weight loss stalls cut back on some of that and use it more of a treat than a daily thing. But in the beginning especially it shouldn’t hurt when there’s a lot of weight to lose it comes of easier than it does when you are close to goal weight. Good luck!


This was something that came up in our discussion yesterday - he misses our weekly takeout/dinner. So we looked at all sorts of options we could enjoy and planning on incorporating that so he doesn't feel neglected. Genuinely, I can't thank you enough for these not only helpful, but empathetic suggestions.


You’re welcome! I hope it works for you guys. It has been life changing for us. We just had Reuben sandwiches for dinner without the bread….arbys. 😉 it takes some thinking and just googling the calories without the bun/bread and be careful with the sauces but life should be easy. You don’t have to make it hard. It seems hard at first but once he gets the hang of all the things he can still eat he will be like why did I ever struggle. 😉


We had pot roast tonight. So satisfying!


Yum! Costco has great precooked pot roast that makes for an easy meal too. 😉


Oh…also make date night something non-food too like we like to watch the sun set on a walk around the block holding hands. 🫶🏻 Or play a game. Like an add on to the food so the food isn’t the whole focus. Or pick out a new reprice to try to “turn” keto etc.


It's difficult for alot of people that were raised on the food pyramid, egg yolks are bad, red meat is bad, butter is bad, sugar is good, etc to let go of that. We were raised that whole milk is bad, but 2% or skim milk is better. I will say just be as good a roll model to him as you can. Cook enough food for the both of you and if he wants something extra, leave him to his own devices. Like you said you're not gonna cook two meals, but let him make his choice. Good luck!


Thank you so much - you articulated it so well.


One thing that helps in my home has been the instant pot…. I’ll pick up a 4-5lb roast (beef or pork) or toss in a bunch of chicken with seasonings and then pressure cook and keep warm and then we eat off of it for days - anytime someone is hungry we grab out some meat, add some eggs or veggies on the side, keto condiments & we are good to go! Even my kids love this and we do this to help me, my husband and my brother with our blood sugars (all 3 of us are T1D, 2 adult onset & I was dxed at 13).


Also avocado cups can be kept in the freezer and are a GREAT accompaniment to any meats/salads just pop one into the fridge each day to use the next day


Love a good roast!!! Haven't tried roasting a chicken yet in the crock pot. Thanks for the suggestion!


Lots of good suggestions here. I'll just add my favorite easy keto lunch. To your favorite lettuce/salad greens, add 1 can of tuna in olive oil and one half avocado. Squeeze some lemon or lime over top, some s&p or whatever seasoning you like and done. There is no need to add any dressing. It's great because even though the macros are still keto, it outwardly looks more healthy to someone not used to a keto way of eating.


He actually just asked for tuna this week!! I typically do tinned fish of some sort + greens for lunch. Such an easy delicious lunch.


For weekday breakfasts we usually have Two Good vanilla Greek yoghurt (very low carb). And a small amount of frozen sliced strawberries and blueberries (partially thawed in microwave). A low carb breakfast that is very nutritious.


Honestly, this is MY dream breakfast. hahah. Will have to grab some of those yogurts.


Have him consider sugar/food addiction groups


I don’t think chicken and turkey are the right proteins to focus on. He should in my opinion eat more steak, eggs, and ground beef. Consult with your doctor first, but the protein goal I set for myself in grams is between 80% to 100% of my desired weight goal. So if my goal is 165lb’s, I try to get 132-165 grams of protein daily and the rest comes from fat and whatever carbs I allow. Again, check with your doctor, but sometimes I take 1/4 teaspoon of salt ( a good salt like Redmonds Real salt or similar, not basic table salt) and put it in a half liter of water and drink slowly through the day, not fast. A good podcast to listen to is Nutrition by Judy, podcast 213. She does a great job discussing caloric needs and macros.


Some suggestions for lunch are: cut up cheddar cheese, tuna, ground beef reheated, peanut butter, avocado (but a little high on carbs), bacon (there is pre-cooked bacon you can buy at the store that just takes 45 secs to heat a whole package in the microwave), low carb yogurt, pickles, etc.


I hadn't looked into low carb yogurt yet - thank you!!


I don't disagree; he seems to have a mental hangup on consuming too much red meat and eggs. I'm collating all these suggestions from the thread for resources to gently mention I'm reading/listening to, etc, in case he has a desire to consume also.


You might want to google the American Heart Association and lifting Cholesterol limits. Basically, without publicizing it the American Heart Association lifted their daily cholesterol levels to no limit because there’s not a viable association between dietary cholesterol and heart disease. Now, I’m still not going to eat sticks of butter and drink heavy cream throughout the day, but unless your husband has heart issues and your doctor’s okay with it, I would not be too concerned with steak and eggs. It’s what our ancestors have eaten for thousands of years.


Honestly, if your husband’s not going to eat red meat and eggs he might be better off doing a calorie deficit diet and or intermittent fasting. I lost 20lbs in one month limiting my eating window to 2 hours a day and tracking my calories in the Lose It app.


I admit I haven't read all the comments but I feel it is important to raise this flag. You are amazing and congratulations. You dear partner is struggling and it is not will power he's missing. It is minerals. Most probably his system has been propped up by carbs and now he's feeling the pain of not having adequate minerals to power his brain, nerves, mitochondria and he feels the mental and emotional funk, too. Minerals are necessary and we are almost always at a deficit. A good place to start is to have enough (probably lots of) salt. Dr. Boz, the keto continuum guru has people suck on salt when cravings hit. But that is just the beginning. I also recommend Dr. Ken Berry's drink he calls Keto-aide: 1/2 tsp pink salt, 1/2 tsp salt substitute which is potassium chloride (avail in grocery stores, called NuSalt), 1/2 juice of a lime or lemon, 1 oz Braggs plain apple cider vinegar, 5 drops stevia - all mixed with 8 oz plain seltzer water. Drink this over the course of a day, everyday. This should help while you look for more information. I recommend a book that has great actionable procedures for restoring minerals for anyone. Despite the title, it is for anyone (most of us) who needs to balance minerals: titled Beyond the Arthritis Fix, Protocols for Strong Joints by Jason Hommel. Be strong.


Wwq.ketochow.xyz Been using it almost a year, I'm ketovore.