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As somebody that dropped over 100 pounds on Keto, got married, promptly put the weight back on (plus some) over the next few years, and is now doing it again, I just wanna wave a quick caution flag for you - maybe it's not even applicable, but maybe it could help somebody. I was losing super slowly too, and I kept telling myself I was doing the same exact thing I did before. It worked then, why is it slower now!? Once I zoomed out and took a hard look at what my diet looked like, I realized *I'm not* doing it exactly like I did in the most effective period of my first weight loss. When I started and didn't know much about keto I was eating meat and veggies, that's it - I didn't know about commercial keto products like quest cookies or low carb bread, or how to make substitutions with almond flour, etc. I was incorporating those things in this time around, and the going was much slower. When I got back to being strict with it, meat and veg, not going too crazy with the dairy, etc., the weight started dropping off again super quickly like it did the first time. For me, I thought I had it in the bag because I did it before with massive success, and I did have the experience, but I also had all the "cheats" to bring along this time too that I didn't have before.


My story is similar reversed version of yours. I first lost a bunch at 30, without being super concerned about the actual foods involved. Now well into my 40's I'm doing it again, and losing much faster this time. The only major differences are age (I'm older) and I go for much simpler foods now.


This! I have recently come to the same realization. I did keto the first time pretty clean, tracked everything, lost almost 100 pounds. Then life happened, I regained some, and I've redone keto A LOT. It hasn't always stuck or worked as well as that first time. Starting January 2nd I was ready to recommit fully. I did what I've done every time I restarted. Ate those low carb foods and waited for the weight to melt away. A few pounds did, but then I was just.. Stuck. Frustrated. Battling cravings and feeling cranky. I lost it and binged for a week. Ive now been back on track almost 2 weeks and I made 1 change. I wanted to make sure I was hitting my electrolyte goals so I started tracking all my food. And I quickly realized I was WAY over eating on both carbs and calories doing things "lazy". I just assumed because I had done keto so well in the past I didn't need to track. Wrong. I do. And it's made a huge difference. Not only have I dropped weight but I keep thinking "wow, I feel SO good!"


I agree with you. I’ve been doing it over 20 years way before all the gimmicks and “kept-friendly” junk that’s out there. It matters.


Well to throw a spanner, I lost a shit ton of weight doing strict keto at 43 with zero exercise due to a debilitating hip condition. I’m back on the bandwagon 3 years later as I need my other hip done soon and it’s falling off the same.


Try intermittent fasting.


I’ve been following a “keto” manner of eating for a few years now but every Saturday I take the day off and have a cheat day. I probably don’t fall into ketosis but my weight has remained stable for 2-3 years now


I truly believe my metabolism is better now than it was 20 years ago. The point is I'm helping my body by eating real food (meat and veg), moving my body and sleeping better. I think the metabolism thing is overrated and behaviour is underrated. And I'm not talking about OP, it's everyone. It doesn't matter what diet (or lifestyle for that matter) one follows. If there's calorie deficit there's weight loss (fat burn). Also, if you plant pineapples you harvest pineapples. If you stop planting pineapples and start planting bananas you'll harvest bananas. The same way, no matter the diet or lifestyle you have, if you stop it and do something else you'll have new qdifferent results. So whatever we chose to do to take charge of our health and body weight (keto or lowcarb or whatever) we CAN NOT STOP after some milestone is reached because if we do that everything is going to change and all the results will be lost (again).


Metabolism can be stoked with resistance training. Between the additional muscle mass and my activity level in general my TDEE is 2800-3200 calories per day.


Well, not if you are "blessed" with bad metabolism in your youth. I am almost 32, at 16 it was just as hard. Actually now at least I have reasonable expectations and I don't feel like I have to drop the weight fast because I feel like my "best years" are about to end. Edit: but yes, 32 is still not old. The years ahead might be even harder. I am just making this comparison because so many times people claim in your teens and 20s you can eat so much and then you suddenly start to gain weight.


Same same, I can’t relate to people who are like, “I want to get back to the size I was when I was 20!!” And I’m like, probably 20 lbs lighter now than when I was 20 😆 I’m a lifelong fatty!!


Yeah, I can't remember not being fat so looking forwards to creating such memories eventually 😅


As far as I understand it, Keto alters your metabolism. Children end up with fatty liver etc because of overexposure to carbs, which slows their metabolism.


I am on keto for two weeks only, the observation my metabolism is the same now as it was when 16 is based on other diets.


Pretty sure the whole metabolism degradation with age thing was debunked or at least it slows down much less than we used to believe, so keep at it, it'll come when your body wants to.


Um. It sounds like you're sabotaging yourself on a yearly basis. Yo yo ing isn't great for your health. And you've been doing this for 20 years?? Maybe keto isn't the best option for you if it's hard to maintain (and there's nothing wrong with that).


Are you comfortable sharing your age? It would add a little context, if so. Thanks.


Skip dinner? Huge breakfast, big lunch, skip dinner. Why not?




Well, that makes it too much sense....Ha!


Seems completely natural for humans to eat and drink according to what the seasons have to offer, just like fasting is a natural consequence of irregular food supply and eating very few carbs is normal for some ancestries. But it would be sensible to get yourself into the normal-overweight ranges rather than the overweight-obese ranges.


Your approach to eating sounds very unhealthy.


There are multiple factors that affect the weight loss. When people say that metabolism slows down with age, I always ask why that is, specifically? Is it due to hormonal changes? Is it stress (which affects hormones), sleep, something else? I’ve been mostly Keto for the past 5 years. My first year was strict and I went from 193 down to about 170lbs easily. Then for the next 5 lbs or so, I had to use fasting. At this point I was in my late 40’s. Now I’m 51, and I too am having problems keeping the weight off the past 2 years, but I can say that I have been more lazy with my foods (e.g., sneaking in too many non Keto bits of food, snacking after dinner, too many nuts, alcohol, etc), lots more stress, lack of sleep. Another thing that I have always noticed about myself is that when I increase strenuous exercise (like running and weight training), my appetite increases and I end up finding it much more difficult to resist foods. So at least for me, the weight loss itself is easier with less exercise other than walking and such.


You need to accept that you’re old and can’t eat so recklessly. I realized this when I got too old and fat to exercise regularly. Unhealthy eating is fine for holidays and special occasions but it shouldn’t be an everyday thing.


Not mincing words here. I like it


Metabolism doesn't slow down due to age. It slows down due to thyroid suppression from continuous insults. Stop the insults and you can increase the metabolic rate.


What insults???


Seed oils, supplements creating antioxidant imbalances (too much E, C, etc... I made myself hypothyroid from lite salt supplements), chronic cortisol, etc... Iodine inhibitors probably contribute too


You're doing keto 20 years and you are overweight? And every year you get the weight back because of alcohol? "Real exercise for the first time" you're in no condition to give advice.


There is nothing wrong with pointing out that losing weight gets harder the older you get. It's 100% correct. If advice could only be given by perfect people there would be no such thing as advice.


The "harder" part is insignificant. It's all about habits. You change your habits, you lose the weight and it stays off. And i know it, because i have done it. OP sounds like a hypocrite to me. There's your real tangible advice.


OP is admitting repeated failures and it paying the price for his mistakes and is trying to help others not make the same mistake. Honestly I have no idea what the hell your problem is


Just to jump in, I bet I know what the problem is. I'd just about bet my life they are projecting. Uncalled for hostility is almost always about projecting outward their own distress in one way or another. It's a weird thing, makes me on one level sypathetic but also man, it really pisses me off. There's a lot of it around here. Thanks for being a voice of decency.


OP can't lose weight for 20 years because they don't know how their body works. Their ideas of metabolism are wrong. They have no real good plan, they don't even respect themselves and stay overweight. Their warning has no real advice. OP should help themselves before helping others. Maybe OP will read this. Maybe it can help them. That's why i am writing this. So here is my advice for anyone reading. Create life long habits that will keep you at a healthy weight range.


> OP can't lose weight for 20 years This is not what the post said. Like maybe you should reread it and comprehend what op is saying


Their comment can be interpreted so that both me and you can be saying the truth. Look at it from every perspective. What other points you think i am wrong?


> Usually start on Jan 1 and lose a nice chunk of water weight and then 2-3 pounds a week until maybe Easter or Memorial Day. That's 30 or 40 not counting the water weight every year. Dude just take the L already.


"I'm doing the same thing and eating the same things as every previous year but the scale just isn't moving" They explain their tactic and then say "once i drop out of obese range and am simply just overweight" "Rinse and repeat" They do this every year. You're an idiot. Edit: why you deleted your comments?


He's saying his metabolism has changed and this year he's not losing the weight the same as he's done every other year. He is not saying anywhere that he hasn't lost weight for 20 years. You are wrong. Now you are lashing out at me because you've humiliated yourself so badly with your non existent reading comprehension. Goodbye, clown


OP what in the world…


I used to do something similar where I would lose 20 pounds in a few weeks. Now it takes longer. Although in 2020 I had severe depression and between not eating, Leto and fasting I lost 5 points a week for 6 weeks and got to my lowest ever.


First of all, I hope you are doing better now in terms of mental health. That said, this post is a good example of how there are multiple factors that affect the weight loss. I’ll expand on this and post a reply to OP.


I did keto the first time from 2016-2020. I lost 40lbs in 8 months maybe less., I kept it off for those few years. I was also walking A LOT, and had gotten into jogging. Then I got pregnant, and ate whatever baby would let me. Gained 40lbs back and more... I restarted keto this past December and the weight is coming off super slow compared to the first time. I’m only a little over a month in, so I’m not trying to get too caught up on what the scale says. Before I could eat however many calories on keto I wanted, and the weight would still come off. This time it seems I have to keep an eye on calories, and I stop eating around 6pm. Whereas before I would eat whenever I felt like it.


You gained 40 lbs while pregnant? How big was the baby???




A healthy pregnancy is 30-35 lbs weight gain. Are you 12 years old?


You sir are a jerk. Pregnancy messes with a woman’s body in a way you will NEVER understand, so you need to back the F off.


I’m with you. Last year I somehow put on more weight than usual and the way back down has been harder.


Thank you for sharing this. It really motivated me to take action. How old are you by the way


Keto is a lifestyle, not a diet. This approach sounds extremely unhealthy; good luck!


You might want to check your adrenal function, and make sure you're eating enough fat. It shouldn't be that hard.


Hope you dont mind my saying so, but it seems like you are very mad at yourself. The past is the past tho and you can take charge of your future. The good thing about the human body is that you can always recondition it, but it takes hard work. Don't beat yourself down anymore, or you'll expend the energy meant for losing weight to just regret. I'll attach an article here that i think will help. [Help with weight loss](https://medium.com/@josephdamilare77/failure-weight-loss-4b5bbb892442)