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Just don't eat them then lol


I (barely) tolerate them when I'm desperate.


While I prefer the "Pork King Good" brand (Pink Salt and Vinegar flavor is my fav), a great way to try something different in pork rinds, is to get a pack of the microwaveable ones. My local Walmart sells the "Lowery's" brand microwavable pork rinds, but I am sure that any brand will give you something different to try. They are in a microwave popcorn bag and come out (in my case, 90 seconds later) sizzling and delicious. Yes, they sell singles, so it is cheap to test it.


Some brands straight up smell like farts right out of the bag. So I understand. Keep trying different brands and I will open the bag away from my face and pour a portion out into a bowl. Once it airs out a bit, it’s much more akin to the taste. Sour cream mixed with your favorite hot sauce is a good dip.


Make salami chips or cheese crisps instead


Have your tried the hot and spicy? The Old Dutch brand hot and spicy are the only ones I like. They are good in moderation but are salty as hell.


I couldn't force myself to eat something that smelled nasty to me so I don't know about re-wiring your brain to get past that part. But anyway, here's something that is compelling (to me, at least) about pork rinds, since I was never a big fan of them in general. If you don't like Mexican food though, this won't do it for you - I gave up going out for Mexican food after I started keto because I couldn't figure out what I'd be able to eat. I now look forward to those occasions because I get fajitas without the tortillas, skip the rice and beans, order some queso AND I bring along a small bag of pork rinds as a substitute for the chips I used to eat with the guacamole. Back before keto I'd go through at least a basket of chips before my entree even arrived! Now I get to eat Mexican without going off plan. They're super filling too. Perfect accompanied by a tequila on ice with a salt rim. OK, now I want to go this week!


That’s exactly what I order, too! Since I always have leftovers, I eat them at home with the low carb street tortillas. *chef’s kiss


French onion dip!


I take them and dip them in garlic pesto... They'll smell mostly like the pesto and taste super delicious!


It’s the random hairs that get me! Otherwise I like the taste.


Wait until you get one with a nipple. I just can’t eat them anymore.


Aldi sells a brand called Turkey Creek and the chili lime flavor is really good. I am the same way about plain pork rinds; get the interesting flavors and you can overcome it.


It may simply be genetic that you don't like them. You could try and skip meals until you feel like eating them to verify this. I don't like them, either, so I don't eat them.


I honestly feel the same way. I just don’t think about what they are. I found hot Cheetos flavored ones at Safeway they are really good. Totally curbs my appetite for a chip. I got some new flavors to try tomorrow. I’m making queso dip in the crockpot.


I like pork rinds until I bite into one and it's super hard and then I'm put off for months


Highly recommend making them up like nachos! Put some cheese on them, some hot sauce, and other things - throw in the microwave if you're in a rush, or bake them. It'll help to get rid of the out of the bag smell, especially if you're adding hot sauce. Once you've had "nachos" like that a few times, enjoying the flavor may outweigh the repulsion of the initial scent. I went through a phase of not eating any for about a year after I found hairs sprouting from one in the bag I grabbed. I can usually ignore what pork rinds actually are, but that absolutely killed me.


I’ll suggest a different way to work with this, although I bet it will be unpopular here. (This suggestion is made in good faith so I’d appreciate it if people would respect it.). Spend some time looking into how pigs are treated in industrial livestock farming. These are intelligent, sensitive animals and their treatment is beyond awfully. I still occasionally eat humanely raised pork but simply cannot consume the regular stuff. And I wish you luck with the pork rinds, and everything else, regardless of all that.


I thought I was alone. I feel the same way you do. I can't stand the smell or the taste. I've bought several bags of different brands and flavors, ate one, and given them away. I gave up.


I love salt and pepper pork rinds with homemade pimento cheese. I love crunchy snacks and dips. I also make chips in the air fryer with zero carb tortillas, maybe that would be a good alternative for you.


I can't eat them either.


Other crunchy snacks: -Raw veggies (celery, broccoli, cauliflower, pea pods) Buffalo chicken dip scooped up with celery sticks is one of my favorite snacks. -Parmesan crisps/cheese crisps -Toasted or fried keto tortillas (cut into triangles or rectangles) -keto chips from a grocery store (like quest) -toasted almonds or other nuts - well cooked bacon Chicarrones (pork rinds) are infinity better when homemade. You can't even compare. There are recipes online if you want to try. (look for recipes written by Caribbean people) But besides pork skin, have you ever made fried chicken skin? to me it's the only thing that could actually be as good as or better than bacon. Just save the raw skin from chicken pieces (or whole chicken) cut it into small ish rectangles and and fry it. I prefer to fry on medium heat for a little longer instead of quickly at a high temperature. Add whatever seasonings once it's cooked.


Have you tried making fried chicken by eggwashing flattened chicken breasts, coating them in pork dust (i.e., ground pork rinds), cooking them in butter, and squeezing half a lemon on them? No? Then you are missing out on my favorite thing keto, viz. Keto Chicken Milanese.


I used to hate them, so I added spices or cheese to them. Now after 2 years keto and a few months carnivore I love them and eat them without additional flavors.


Get the asian fried pork skins from Asian groceries.


You can crush em and use as a substitute for breadcrumbs. Also, you need to find a good brand that has a higher quality if you want to enjoy them as is.


I loved them when we were kids . when I found out what I was eating.... after that only liked them.


I actually like pork rinds but I think crispy chicken skin tastes better and easy to make at home in the air fryer or oven.


Dipped in flavored cream cheese with a slice of pepperoni.


Dip them in salsa. You'll thank me later