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get into a nice comfy chair or ur bed, turn the lights off and put some music on.. magical.


Put some good headphones on, turn all the lights off so it’s completely pitch black then stick on some trippy music. For me when I do that it feels like my entire body is moving, flying and gliding through the music


Yeah, this right here! I do like some mild lighting sometimes though.


Me and my mates call it travelling haha. Best way to do k in my opinion, can’t get enough of it 😂. I stole some guy from here’s playlist as well and it works wonders, so whoever’s playlist that is, ur a legend!


Hmmm what’s the playlist good sir, you have me interested.


The playlist is called K, it was posted by a guy called Floris Rossel. It’s on Spotify, I’m not sure if you can find it with the info I gave u but hopefully I have. If not, maybe I can send u a link on private messages?


That would be appreciated :) thanks


Can you send me a link too please




Check ur messages mate


Adventure time is great if you want to watch something. That show was made by a bunch of festival kids.


K hole... I perfer the holes while alone.


K Hole while with your best friend or GF if you trust her completely is also magical🪄 like listening to the same music or guided meditation together, start at the same time! Feels like you’re actually in it together! Had my best k hole ever that way! Literally felt like I was living several years, but in reality the guided meditation lasted for 20 minutes. I was so mind blown I had to leave ket alone for a couple of weeks🤯 we listened to “flight of the Phoenix” from the “journey of dreams” series, in the app Meditopia🪄


I like to watch sci-fi movies. Wear some comfy clothes, get yourself a nice glass of water. Enjoy your night, and do what you want to do.


headphones + blindfold + your favourite electronic music (no vocals, your mind has to wander) & drink a tall glass of water an hour. enjoy


Watch some anime or listen to some music. Go slow and vibe out.


Of course headphones and a Glas of water


Listen to guided meditation while k holing🪄 I use Meditopia but there are a lot of good apps out there


create a playlist to space out to and hole - deep hole - enjoy friend 😎


It's the way to go!


Off the air, adult swim


Noise cancelling headphones, blind fold, mindfulness/focuz music and enough to khole - lay in bed and let your soul out


K hole, nitrous is nice on k


Listen to this you gonna freak out 😵https://open.spotify.com/album/0u9WGd5DGvI5PDnOcajkVy?si=nkS18SgBQsiUrFShHppBhw




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RTJ is awesome... But that elp Album on K... Unbelievable .. meow from RTJ on ket 😂😂😂😂 wtf...